Exclusive: The story you haven’t yet heard about Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion

George Zimmerman called...

...he said you bozos and your innocent until proven guilty crap are crackin' him the fvck up.

So are you saying assuming Zimmerman's guilt was a-ok?
I'll tell you how simplistic I am. When my son graduated from high school he was being heavily recruited, and was on the verge of joining the USMC. I talked him out of it. I don't want him risking his life for this country. It's not worth it, and I'm sad that I now feel that way.

How is someone "heavily recruited" by the military? When my son graduated from high school, he had colleges try to have him attend their schools, his grades were that good.
So are you saying assuming Zimmerman's guilt was a-ok?

Whether it "was a-ok" is irrelevant, squirrel...

...the fact that is was prevalent, especially among so many hypocritical posters in this thread now pontificating the opposite, is the point.

Even more telling is the fact that after Zimmerman was proven not guilty in a court of law, those same wannabes still rule him guilty...

...thus proving this "court of public opinion" and "innocent until proven guilty" crap from their fingertips is completely void of the objectivity each counts on to be practically relevant.
The court of public opinion may have to do, as I don't trust the military to do what is right in the matter. And I trust Obama even less. And again, I'm sad I feel this way.

Well, then, so long as you're the arbiter of justice, I'm sure no one will have a problem with that.
George Zimmerman called...

...he said you bozos and your innocent until proven guilty crap are crackin' him the fvck up.

Bozos in question:

So you'd rather court of public opinion to determine whether your son remained in captivity, tortured and possibly executed? Would seeing his head sawn off in a video make you feel like proper justice was served?

I talked my son out of joining the military, so I'm not likely to face that situation. My daughter was never inclined to join, I'm glad to say.

If I had a son or daughter who joined the military and did what Bergdahl did, I would be extremely embarrassed.
How is someone "heavily recruited" by the military? When my son graduated from high school, he had colleges try to have him attend their schools, his grades were that good.

Military recruiters called the house asking for my son almost daily. I doubt it was that unusual.
I talked my son out of joining the military, so I'm not likely to face that situation. My daughter was never inclined to join, I'm glad to say.

If I had a son or daughter who joined the military and did what Bergdahl did, I would be extremely embarrassed.

and you avoided answering my question. If you're gonna say you did, don't bother.
I would want my son back, even if he were a deserter, I'm sure. Who wouldn't?

So you wouldn't want the court of public opinion to condemn your son. But its ok for this serviceman.

There's the problem.
Military recruiters called the house asking for my son almost daily. I doubt it was that unusual.

I think so. He must have signed some information card when they came to his school, unless the school gave the military information, which I would be MORE fearful and angry with. The school didn't think he was good enough for college.
So you wouldn't want the court of public opinion to condemn your son. But its ok for this serviceman.

There's the problem.

I would expect the court of public opinion to condemn my son if he were a deserter. It would be justifiable. Desertion is a serious matter. Very serious. And before you say Bergdahl is not a proven deserter, at least not in a military court, I'm aware of that. The problem is I'm not certain the Army will do its duty to see that he is legally proven a deserter, as it most certainly seems he should be, and then punish him accordingly, if convicted.
Military recruiters called the house asking for my son almost daily. I doubt it was that unusual.

There's not a thing you can ever post that can affect Uncle Doublehead's thinking that there's no way in h3ll your son was recruited by the military as heavily as his son was recruited by the best colleges in the land. That, after all, was his precise point of posting that irrelevant piece of fluff.
I think so. He must have signed some information card when they came to his school, unless the school gave the military information, which I would be MORE fearful and angry with. The school didn't think he was good enough for college.

The recruiters came to his school, and he showed interest, which led to all the calls, etc.
Any one got a link to one of the more populated Treyvon Martin/George Zimmerman threads?
The recruiters came to his school, and he showed interest, which led to all the calls, etc.

Explains it. When I showed interest after leaving college, they called me, well, all but the Marines. When I failed the physical due to eye issues, the Air Force and Navy recruiters called and thanked me for at least showing interest.
There's not a thing you can ever post that can affect Uncle Doublehead's thinking that there's no way in h3ll your son was recruited by the military as heavily as his son was recruited by the best colleges in the land. That, after all, was his precise point of posting that irrelevant piece of fluff.

I would expect the court of public opinion to condemn my son if he were a deserter. It would be justifiable. Desertion is a serious matter. Very serious. And before you say Bergdahl is not a proven deserter, at least not in a military court, I'm aware of that. The problem is I'm not certain the Army will do its duty to see that he is legally proven a deserter, as it most certainly seems he should be, and then punish him accordingly, if convicted.
Yeah, the army hasn't executed anyone for desertion since Eddie Slovak. It's about time they put a different head on that pike.
Agreed, de Wannabe...

You don't recognize them?

Yet you pine and pine away for a country that reflects their values.

From under your rock you've slithered to.

The rest of us will do what we can. You just sit back and bitch.
Yeah, the army hasn't executed anyone for desertion since Eddie Slovak. It's about time they put a different head on that pike.

If there is anything I'm absolutely certain of, it's that Bergdahl will not face execution. That would make Obama look like the fool of all fools.
If there is anything I'm absolutely certain of, it's that Bergdahl will not face execution. That would make Obama look like the fool of all fools.

And you don't remember all those republican legislators calling for his release? Would they, too, be fools, or did their flip flopping save them face? :rolleyes: