Exclusive: The story you haven’t yet heard about Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion

I would expect the court of public opinion to condemn my son if he were a deserter. It would be justifiable. Desertion is a serious matter. Very serious. And before you say Bergdahl is not a proven deserter, at least not in a military court, I'm aware of that. The problem is I'm not certain the Army will do its duty to see that he is legally proven a deserter, as it most certainly seems he should be, and then punish him accordingly, if convicted.

Yes, desertion IS a serious matter. Public opinion should mean dick when it comes to things like this. The stakes are far too high in a matter such as the one this soldier faced. He needed to be rescued...period.

If he's found to be guilty of crimes later on, then so be it. At least the US of A did the right thing by bringing him home.

A lot of people are going to be watching the military and what happens to him, I do believe. Them sweeping it under the rug will be rather difficult, I'd say.

You wouldn't want your son left there to die because a bunch of dumbasses like vette and miles said so....unless you're even dumber than they are.
GOP, "They traded 5 of the worst men in the world for this deserter."

Reality, "They've been in Guantanamo for 12 years. They've done shit!"
The rest of us will do what we can.

"The rest of us"? You're are truly too friggin' funny, de Wannabe...

..."we've all" heard your self-fluff before:

Perhaps you have the luxury of being a dreamer. I'd rather focus my remaining days on the generational problems being faced now by the human race.


Show "us" your time card, de Wannabe!

It amazes me how fast they throw their own under the bus, just for thinking. Then again, that's how it works in the military. Fox sanctioned cable for you!
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Leave him to the Taliban. We no longer have a use for him.
"The rest of us"? You're are truly too friggin' funny, de Wannabe...

..."we've all" heard your self-fluff before:

Show "us" your time card, de Wannabe!


It's laughable to have to justify myself to someone who ran away to live under a rock in "God's Country" when society got too tough for him. You're neither part of the problem nor the solution. You're just a sideline bitch.

BTW, it's not God's country where you live, it's Coward's country. Do the honourable thing and turn in your citizenship, you pretend-patriot. I and the rest of us will muddle along without you.
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"Five years ago, I publicly raised questions about Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion from Blackfoot Company, 1-501 Infantry (Airborne), 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division.

A few weeks after his so-called “capture” in late June 2009, three conflicting accounts had surfaced: U.S. officials told the Associated Press Bergdahl had “walked off” the base with three Afghans; the Taliban claimed on its website that “a drunken American soldier had come out of his garrison” and into their arms; and Bergdahl claimed in his Taliban “hostage video” that he had “lagged behind a patrol” before being captured.

I asked on my blog: Were the AP’s sources mistaken? Or is the disturbing first account the right one? What about the “three Afghans” who Pfc. Bergdahl reportedly “just walked off” with after his shift? Who are they? What’s going on?

Five years ago, one of the brave soldiers who risked his life to search for Bergdahl answered my questions and I published his statement on July 20, 2009:

“I know the story and the accounts that he was drunk or that he was lagging behind on patrol are not true– this soldier planned this move for a long time. He walked off the post with a day’s supply of water and had written down before that he wanted to live in the mountains…he is an embarrassment to everyone who has worn the uniform.”

After news broke this weekend of President Obama’s trade of 5 high-level Taliban commanders at Gitmo for Bergdahl’s “freedom,” I heard from another soldier who served on the search team.

“Many of my brothers died because of PFC Bergdahl’s actions, and this has been a very hard day for all Geronimos,” he told me after documenting his proof of service. Other journalists ignored his attempts to get the truth out.

My source still holds a highly sensitive position, so you won’t see him all over the cable news shows. But he wants all of you to know the hell he and his comrades have been reliving:

“I was assigned to 1st Platoon of Blackfoot Company,” based out of Forward Operating Base (FOB) Salerno in Khost, Afghanistan, he said. “Bowe’s platoon was assigned to conduct security and stability operations out of FOB Sharana and other locations in Paktika. The untold background that led to Bowe’s situation involves an article and pictures published by Guardian reporter Sean Smith.” One of the battalion leaders punished soldiers, including Bergdahl (who had been photographed snoozing in his armored vehicle), with extra guard duty assignments for conducting operations in an unprofessional manner at Outpost MEST (OP MEST).

“PFC Bergdahl was already disenchanted with the war effort,” my source said, “and I think the extra duty was the last straw for him.” On the morning of June 30, 2009, “PFC Bergdahl completed a guard shift, removed his equipment, weapon and sensitive items, and left OP MEST with several Afghan security forces personnel. He took a compass, a couple bottles of water and two knives and his journal. His exact intentions may never be known, but he willingly walked off OP MEST and was secured by enemy forces not long after.”"

Has the ring of truth.

Anyone who wasn't disenchanted with the "war effort" by 2009 is a complete fucking idiot.
Better the possibility than the complete surrender you've elevated to an artform.

It's no surprise a lazy-minded, self-fluffing bozo spews "surrender'...

...when reality knows it as strategically responsible restraint.
It's no surprise a lazy-minded, self-fluffing bozo spews "surrender'...

...when reality knows it as strategically responsible restraint.

That's a pretty way of rationalizing cowardice.

Still, it's in keeping with your hypocritical ways. You just got done calling me a "self-fluffing bozo" and you break out some fluff of your own. You live "off-grid", but have the internet wired into your cowardly center.

What a poseur.
No sh!t, Mr. Obvious....

Au contraire...

...and you still aren't able to loose your lips from it.

It's the that depth of your bullshit is a marvel to behold. I mean, you, a person who offers nothing, no unique insight, no alternative to thought or process, you came up with the ego-salving idea that you've run away because it was "strategic". A veritable legend in your own mind, a wet dream of oneself when you have nothing to hang your hat on.

It's the that depth of your bullshit is a marvel to behold. I mean, you, a person who offers nothing, no unique insight, no alternative to thought or process, you came up with the ego-salving idea that you've run away because it was "strategic". A veritable legend in your own mind, a wet dream of oneself when you have nothing to hang your hat on.


Laurel provides a bozo like you the edit feature for a reason, you know...

...perhaps instead of whining like a little baby about posters you don't like starting threads, you should pay more attention to the nonsensical drivel you actually post.

I mean, in your spare time...

...when you're not focusing your "remaining days on the generational problems being faced now by the human race."

Yes, desertion IS a serious matter. Public opinion should mean dick when it comes to things like this. The stakes are far too high in a matter such as the one this soldier faced. He needed to be rescued...period.

If he's found to be guilty of crimes later on, then so be it. At least the US of A did the right thing by bringing him home.

A lot of people are going to be watching the military and what happens to him, I do believe. Them sweeping it under the rug will be rather difficult, I'd say.

You wouldn't want your son left there to die because a bunch of dumbasses like vette and miles said so....unless you're even dumber than they are.

Bergdahl is not my son, so I would have been fine with letting him stay where he was. He chose the path he took, and he caused good men to die searching for him, from all appearances. And now five terrorists are free to kill again as a result of his actions. He gets zero sympathy from me.
Bergdahl is not my son, so I would have been fine with letting him stay where he was. He chose the path he took, and he caused good men to die searching for him, from all appearances. And now five terrorists are free to kill again as a result of his actions. He gets zero sympathy from me.

So, you support the troops only when they agree with your personal political views.

Good to know that you're a selective patriot.
Bergdahl is not my son, so I would have been fine with letting him stay where he was. He chose the path he took, and he caused good men to die searching for him, from all appearances. And now five terrorists are free to kill again as a result of his actions. He gets zero sympathy from me.
What five terrorists are those?
So, you support the troops only when they agree with your personal political views.

Good to know that you're a selective patriot.

It has nothing to do with politics. And you're damn right I'm a selective patriot.
GOP, "They traded 5 of the worst men in the world for this deserter."

Reality, "They've been in Guantanamo for 12 years. They've done shit!"


Before we hit Afghanistan, they were the ones wiping out entire villages, making sure women were in their place, in the kitchen, in a burka, pregnant and uneducated, outlawing all entertainment, flooding the world with cheap heroine and killing anything they even thought was remotely gay and now that we have announced our bug-out date, which coincides with their bug-out date from Qatar, they can go right back to being happy-go-lucky secular organizers; what the fuck do we care about human rights?

As long as we smugly declare not one single soldier is in harm's way, what do embassy personnel mean in the greater scheme of making sure President Obama's legacy is intact, unvarnished and unquestionably that of the greatest President ever to occupy the Oval Office (including the evil slave-owner George Washington had there been an Oval Office in his day).

;) ;)
GOP, "They traded 5 of the worst men in the world for this deserter."

Reality, "They've been in Guantanamo for 12 years. They've done shit!"

they've done shit cause they been locked up


doesn't negate that....GOP, "They traded 5 of the worst men in the world for this deserter."

does it NIGGER PROOF READER?:rolleyes:
;) ;)

IS a foreign concept to you..

Kate Clark of the Afghanistan Analyst Network spent weeks researching the five men’s biographies in 2013, and came up with a much more nuanced picture.

“It is mystifying to know where the Guantanamo Bay authorities got the idea that Khairkhwa was known, in their words, as a ‘hardliner in terms of Taliban philosophy.’ During the Emirate, he was considered one of the more moderate Taliban in leadership circles,” she writes.

Noori and Fazl had negotiated surrender of Taliban fighters to General Abdul Rashid Dostum in November, 2001, based on what they believed was a promise of safe passage home. Instead, hundreds of Taliban fighters were massacred, and Fazl and Noori were arrested.

Wasiq was taken in a sting operation — according to Clark, he was cooperating with the US at the time and was trying to arrange reintegration with the new government. Instead, he was arrested and sent to Guantanamo.

The Guantanamo Docket, a project of The New York Times based on the WikiLeaks documents, also yields some interesting information.

Omari, for example, was a minor Taliban figure who said he was selling used cars when the war started. He also claimed that he was given $500 and a cell phone by a CIA officer named Mark and told to go find Mullah Omar. When he failed to deliver, he was arrested.

Not a very impressive background for what the media are calling the “worst of the worst.”