eXOTICA- a salon

flyguy69 said:
CharleyH proposes a new form: exotica. :cool:

"Exotic" will mean different things to different people, but it certainly means going somewhere unfamiliar. Here is my attempt to at a poem that I would not ordinarily write, but tries to capture an exotic vision.

Well, I thought since this was a sex site, then the erotic would always have a place. 'Exotica' could be the form of it, the unfamiliar, unexplored terrains of sexuality, of the sexual mind, and as I think and my own mind twirls ... every movement from the surrealists (before and after) always had certain similar features. In which case, shouldn't we come up with an 'Exotica Manifesto'? Since I cannot think of a better group of erotic poets than on Lit ... Why shouldn't it be us? :D

Why let it be others?
Boston Combat Zone

Could of been seventy maybe sixty-nine

the old Boston combat zone feeling fine

rolled into a bar, me and my shipmate

couldn't fine a chick, did a double take

it was a gay bar, things got caothic

maybe exotic but no way erotic

Never confuse the two. You'll have to take shots or worst. :confused:
sandspike said:
Could of been seventy maybe sixty-nine

the old Boston combat zone feeling fine

rolled into a bar, me and my shipmate

couldn't fine a chick, did a double take

it was a gay bar, things got caothic

maybe exotic but no way erotic

Never confuse the two. You'll have to take shots or worst. :confused:

You forgot the 'a' ;)
Jimmy Corn was henpecked
on the old crow's roost.
We sat back and giggled
as the feather's flew.
(once he was bald)​
we stopped laughing
and gave the poor fool​
a bandaid​
and a beer​
A lot can be fixed
with smiles and a beer.
The old crow roosted
and Jimmy Corn?
off he flew​

I don't know if it's different. I found it fun to do though.
champagne1982 said:
I don't know if it's different. I found it fun to do though.

oh girl very different for you...

I had fun reading it as well!

I still am not sure how to different-i-fy my poetry.
PatCarrington said:
i think anywhere that is very different from one's own norm would qualify.

i remember just ripping this out with no thought about structure, or at least as much "non-thought" as i could muster...


I remember that poem when it first appeared. Very erotic. Exotic?

I guess it's a bit like those speed drawing classes at Art College. Some of the results were - um - unexpected. :D Thanks for the pointers. Pat.

flyguy69 said:
You do have a style, Ms. Tesse, though it is often hardest to see our own.

What are the elements of style? Word choice. Enjambment. Grammar. Allegory, etc. If you look at your poetry you will find thematic consistencies that define your style. For instance, your word choices are always in the dictionary. Some poets make up words that phonetically fit the flow or meaning of the poem. If you were to use made-up words, you would be stepping onto foreign ground.

Just an example.

Thank you too, fly.

I'm madly trying to make up words now. :cool: I think I'll be as surprised as anyone in the end.
I see poems - but where are the ideas? :D

A french Salon was once a brothel, and hence came fairy tales. :) We have been stagnating in the post-modern for more years than I care to think. Can't we build on the past - something new? A movement, not necessarily a form. Is not - as we all sit here and write it - erotic, a good idea ... in this current cultural milieu?
Tathagata said:
i ask
what she's wearing
that smells like a temple
like an offering
with her leg bent and
nylon thigh
in my head
she reclines unaware that she has
a miasma of incense
that awakens
the snake
at the base of my spine and i feel
his tongue
i wonder

tath I like this kundalini reference and the lesson it holds in the message...cool poem
CharleyH said:
I see poems - but where are the ideas? :D

A french Salon was once a brothel, and hence came fairy tales. :) We have been stagnating in the post-modern for more years than I care to think. Can't we build on the past - something new? A movement, not necessarily a form. Is not - as we all sit here and write it - erotic, a good idea ... in this current cultural milieu?

Does Exotica have to be Erotica? Exotica makes me hot- erotica leaves me cold.

*stands up and rips open my shirt...

OK!! Throw your damned tomatoes!!! I can handle the truth!!
BooMerengue said:
Does Exotica have to be Erotica? Exotica makes me hot- erotica leaves me cold.

*stands up and rips open my shirt...

OK!! Throw your damned tomatoes!!! I can handle the truth!!

Define the difference. This is a good idea on this thread. How so? Form, words? How do you distinguish as a poet and/or a reader?

(I am taking notes :) lol - well overall, not just on you! )
CharleyH said:
Define the difference. This is a good idea on this thread. How so? Form, words? How do you distinguish as a poet and/or a reader?

(I am taking notes :) lol - well overall, not just on you! )

I thought we were creating the definition here. Does it automatically have to include erotica? I have a poem in progress comparing a caravan to an 'Arab Everywoman". I think it will end up exotic, but erotic? I hope not...
BooMerengue said:
I thought we were creating the definition here. Does it automatically have to include erotica? I have a poem in progress comparing a caravan to an 'Arab Everywoman". I think it will end up exotic, but erotic? I hope not...

Well, a manifesto must include more than a series of poems, no? For one thing.

You articulated exotica and erotica. Not me. I am just asking what you 'feel' is the difference. There is no right or wrong answer - it is unique to all of us :) - but I know there are similarities in there somewhere. :heart: Why do you have an aversion to erotic? Why an affinity with exotic? What is the difference ... to you?

Exoitica is a departure from the norm. This is it for me.

Add vice 2 ape oat.

Axe ends of tin Canada lotto ape ohm
A lit a ration two
Butter abet tour-way eye be leave
Is to give your point of view

S’peek yacht Ruth’s, lettuce sea Ure whey
Right frill Ian dewards el floe
mewses Camino lotto eggs N trick for mats
You’ll find a way, I know.​

:eek: Sorry about that - I got another one in the works to take the taste away. G'night all. :kiss:

(Translation as requested -

An accent can add a lot to a poem
Alliteration too
But a better way I believe
Is to give your point of view

Speak your truth, lat us see your way
Write freely and the words'll flow
Muses come in a lot of eccentric formats
You'll find your way, I know.
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Tristesse said:
Exoitica is a departure from the norm. This is it for me.

Add vice @ ape oat.

Axe ends of tin Canada lotto ape ohm
A lit a ration two
Butter abet tour-way eye be leave
Is to give your point of view

S’peek yacht Ruth’s, lettuce sea Ure whey
Right frill Ian dewards el floe
mewses Camino lotto eggs N trick for mats
You’ll find a way, I know.​

:eek: Sorry about that - I got another one in the works to take the taste away. G'night all. :kiss:

LOL - You are always beautiful! Night Triss.
CharleyH said:
Well, a manifesto must include more than a series of poems, no? For one thing.

You articulated exotica and erotica. Not me. I am just asking what you 'feel' is the difference. There is no right or wrong answer - it is unique to all of us :) - but I know there are similarities in there somewhere. :heart: Why do you have an aversion to erotic? Why an affinity with exotic? What is the difference ... to you?

I don't have an aversion to erotic. Matter of fact I just read MischievousGrins 'Orgasm' that Reltne mentioned in tonights reviews. It's awesome! I have an aversion to a lot of what is called erotic here, but is really just trash. And I wouldn't say I have an affinity with the exotic (most of my stuff is just plain ol southern tobacco barns, mountain porches etc.) Nothing exotic there.

I'm just wondering why, if you are considering a new form to give birth to here, does it have to include erotic? Couldn't the definition just say that Exotica is sometimes erotic, but not always?
CharleyH said:
Well, I thought since this was a sex site, then the erotic would always have a place. 'Exotica' could be the form of it, the unfamiliar, unexplored terrains of sexuality, of the sexual mind, and as I think and my own mind twirls ... every movement from the surrealists (before and after) always had certain similar features. In which case, shouldn't we come up with an 'Exotica Manifesto'? Since I cannot think of a better group of erotic poets than on Lit ... Why shouldn't it be us? :D

Why let it be others?

This is why I thought you wanted Exotica to be erotic.
OK. Charley wants to know the difference between erotic and exotic. To me. I got these definitions at RhymeZone- they're a bit simplistic, but they'll work.

Definitions of exotic:
adjective: strikingly strange or unusual
adjective: being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world

Definitions of erotic:
adjective:** giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing

I said simplistic because something erotic could be exotic and vice versa. Which is fine.

My question was "As you or all of us gather up a consensus to create a new form of poetry called Exotica, do we make erotica a part of the criteria?"

I would dearly love, before I die, to travel in the steps of Farley Mowat, or Jane Goodall, or any one of the Leakeys. I might write about that. If I did I might consider it Exotica, though in my weird little mind wending my way down deep into the Great Rift Valley could be very sensual. But not sexual.

Does that help, or are the waters muddier now? :confused:
BooMerengue said:
OK. Charley wants to know the difference between erotic and exotic. To me. I got these definitions at RhymeZone- they're a bit simplistic, but they'll work.

Definitions of exotic:
adjective: strikingly strange or unusual
adjective: being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world

Definitions of erotic:
adjective:** giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing

I said simplistic because something erotic could be exotic and vice versa. Which is fine.

My question was "As you or all of us gather up a consensus to create a new form of poetry called Exotica, do we make erotica a part of the criteria?"

I would dearly love, before I die, to travel in the steps of Farley Mowat, or Jane Goodall, or any one of the Leakeys. I might write about that. If I did I might consider it Exotica, though in my weird little mind wending my way down deep into the Great Rift Valley could be very sensual. But not sexual.

Does that help, or are the waters muddier now? :confused:

I think you forgot the 'a' too ;) exoticA + eroticA? but thank you nonetheless. :kiss:

PS if you are delving into a rift valley? very porn :D
CharleyH said:
I think you forgot the 'a' too ;) exoticA + eroticA? but thank you nonetheless. :kiss:

PS if you are delving into a rift valley? very porn :D

Goodgrief! Alls the A does is change it to a noun! Are you gonna quibble w/ me at this hour?

You would think porn at the mention of the Rift Valley.

That would make a very cool theme for a poem for a very clever person!!!
CharleyH said:
I see poems - but where are the ideas? :D

A french Salon was once a brothel, and hence came fairy tales. :) We have been stagnating in the post-modern for more years than I care to think. Can't we build on the past - something new? A movement, not necessarily a form. Is not - as we all sit here and write it - erotic, a good idea ... in this current cultural milieu?

" I refuse to belong to any movement that would have me as a member"
Lennon Marx
Du Lac said:
tath I like this kundalini reference and the lesson it holds in the message...cool poem

Thanks Du
Like finding a prize in a cracker jack box sometimes isn't it?

If it's erotic you know the other person. If it's exotic, you banged or were
banged by a stranger. I would think the location.... a new location but
with the same person maybe a form of exoticA...maybe. Screwing a
stranger in your house....that would be exotic for the stranger, but maybe
just erotic for you. It can be a tough call. Sort of like dirty vs nasty.....
the point is pointless. :devil: