eXOTICA- a salon

champagne1982 said:
Let's nail 'er down even harder then.

exotica as a form would be well served by using at least three of the following ideas or guidelines to shape the form:
  • include a word or a phrase in a different language than the one the poem is written in
  • use colloquialisms common to the geographic location the poem is set in
  • make the poet uncomfortable, be it through rhythm variance, thematic difficulties or emotional proximity
  • define the sensual or erotic
  • explore a time, place or object the poet finds unusual
  • possibly be illustrated with the above-mentioned item
If anyone else has anything (besides my avatar ;) ) to include then add them on and let's discuss what we all would like to see.


I had no idea you were so easy! Is that why I love you so much??? :heart:
BooMerengue said:

I had no idea you were so easy! Is that why I love you so much??? :heart:
Easy is as easy does? :catgrin: I take it these thoughts meet closer with your approval?

Does anyone have a feeling about LENGTH :devil: (Personally, the longer the better. Oh <blushhhhh> we're still talking poem.) or verse structure? C'mon, poeticians! I'm just running with a couple of ideas and by no means do I want to define exotica all by myself! :catroar:
flyguy69 said:
I think exotica ought to:
  • wrap over a man's bent back
  • rest its hand on a man's ass
  • wear no clothing
Oh, and whisper things like "my name's xxxotica" in his ear.
champagne1982 said:
If anyone else has anything (besides my avatar ;) ) to include then add them on and let's discuss what we all would like to see.
A quavering note
trembles in her throat,
the string strung taut
on a bowed back, caught
with her hand on his ass
and her clothes thrown, alas,
to the floor in the storm
of this exotica form.

And you thought I was kidding! :D
champagne1982 said:
Easy is as easy does? :catgrin: I take it these thoughts meet closer with your approval?

Does anyone have a feeling about LENGTH :devil: (Personally, the longer the better. Oh <blushhhhh> we're still talking poem.) or verse structure? C'mon, poeticians! I'm just running with a couple of ideas and by no means do I want to define exotica all by myself! :catroar:

Is this a fisting question? :D Or are you discussing my dildo? :D Either way. You would not like to be apart of a revision? Part of those same poets great - who moved us all? You do not want to have a part of you LIVE as poets once did, and can?

Is a poet anything? (just a question :) post not directed at you) If a poet is not heard?
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flyguy69 said:
A quavering note
trembles in her throat,
the string strung taut
on a bowed back, caught
with her hand on his ass
and her clothes thrown, alas,
to the floor in the storm
of this exotica form.

And you thought I was kidding! :D

You need to get tough now! ;) Lay down the form :D Or I will ;)
Well, I guess this thread just laid down and died, huh?

Too much sex.

I knew it.
champagne1982 said:
Easy is as easy does? :catgrin: I take it these thoughts meet closer with your approval?

Does anyone have a feeling about LENGTH :devil: (Personally, the longer the better. Oh <blushhhhh> we're still talking poem.) or verse structure? C'mon, poeticians! I'm just running with a couple of ideas and by no means do I want to define exotica all by myself! :catroar:

If exotic has a personal meaning to each poet, then how can a form or structure be set in concrete?

I would say that exotic can be any form, and any length. Some haiku I've read could be considered exotic, I bet a single couplet (there is such a thing, right?) could also be considered exotic.

Originally Posted by champagne1982
Let's nail 'er down even harder then.

exotica as a form would be well served by using at least three of the following ideas or guidelines to shape the form:

* include a word or a phrase in a different language than the one the poem is written in
* use colloquialisms common to the geographic location the poem is set in
* make the poet uncomfortable, be it through rhythm variance, thematic difficulties or emotional proximity
* define the sensual or erotic
* explore a time, place or object the poet finds unusual
* possibly be illustrated with the above-mentioned item

If anyone else has anything (besides my avatar ) to include then add them on and let's discuss what we all would like to see.

I'm also going to quibble about the words 'at least three'. A poet could use only one of those guidelines and come up with an exotic poem.
