Fallacies and pre concieved notions....

MissTaken said:

Fallacy #4:

Dominants are always right.

(We just let them think so! )

:D If the mood strikes!

I AM always right! And I have the certification papers to prove it! So there!
Re: Re: Re: Fallacies and pre concieved notions....

apet4you said:
Been reading eb (and the rest) but i have a question: If you would happen to mess up your manicure...would you be even meaner than usual? Would that set you into Queen Bitch mode???:confused: Just thought I would ask!!!

Well that would never happen, not unless my subby missed up, lol

hence there would be punishment to dish out! Done is a supremely bitchy way!
Johnny Mayberry said:
No one in BDSM has a sense of humor...oh, wait, that one may be pretty accurate.

*backs away slowly before he gets caned*

Speak for yourself.

I am a comedy legend in My own mind!
Domination is a convenient and cute way to get sex and housecleaning, neato.

Switches don't count and never do "real" D/s.

Dominant women are frigid.

Submissive women are nymphos.
Originally posted by Netzach Submissive women are nymphos.
I am not exactly sure why you don't think this is an accurate statement. It seems pretty tru to me!
BlondGirl said:
I am not exactly sure why you don't think this is an accurate statement. It seems pretty tru to me!

LOL! Sometimes I think so too :)

Two fallacies that come to mind:

That sub women have no self esteem

That sub women can't be feminists
If a man lies about about his size, does that make it a phalus-sy?

Sorry, bad pun.. Don't tell D, okay? (He hates puns.)

Submissive women are all frustrated June Cleavers, looking for a 50's lifestyle 50 years too late. (Hmmm, I've never worn heels and pearls and a twinset to vacuum, like ol' Junie did, but then again, I've never seen her do it nekkid!)

ALL women are really submissive and real men are NEVER submissive.

Any kind of pain will do.

This last one is my personal pet peeve.. Submissives are submissive to everyone. SO not!!!!
That only dominant persons always own their own toys.

That the only GOOD toys are purchased. And purchased for moderate amounts of money.

That all subs, male or female, need humiliation.

That dominant persons are super perceptive, by birth no less.
That there is only "one true way of practicing BDSM" and you aren't doing it right.

