Feedback Circle Redux


Hey Ray!
We weren't trying to point any fingers....we just want to get involved and make sure that everyone else knows we want to take part also.

Bob & Reb

PS: We enjoyed your response! :)
Bob & Reb,

Not a problem, just didn't want you to think you were being singled out and forgotten.

If this circle goes like the old one, there will be some that don't send any feedback at all, but most will send at least some feedback and that's cool.

The more feedback I get as a writer the easier it is for me to improve my writing and that is what I'm after. I know that sometimes it's frustrating, when you send out lots of feedback and still your inbox is empty, but just relax and be patient and there's a good chance that you'll get more feedback soon.

Power to the Oompah-Loompahs!!

We'll keep looking; we've already gotten some feedback today and as you stated, that's the best way to get better!

Bob & Reb

PS: Reb thinks that Willie Wonka was the stupidest movie ever made but I just thought I'd mention that since WW was, in my humble opinion, one of the GREATEST movies ever, an overlooked and underrated classic even, I LOVE your avatar!!!!

OUCH!!!! MAKE HER STOP HITTING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I don't write unless I have to, but I enjoy reading quite a bit. Would you guys mind too terribly much if I got in this circle thing as a reader only? I'm guessing not, but just in case...
I've been a little lax in my replies, both due to the holidays and me falling down my steps and doing a serious number on my backside. But I'll be sending more stuff out in the next day or so. Maybe even tonight...

One thing I will say, I'm going to flat-out steal some of the plots I've been reading. Imitation, they say, is the sincerest form of flattery, but I've always believed that stealing is. Some brilliant author once said that a writer must be a liar and a thief. I'm going to do some thieving. I still haven't gotten the lying part down just yet.

Hey, I'm sure you've all heard about my 12-inch penis, right? Let me tell you all about it...
Re: Power to the Oompah-Loompahs!!

LustyLovers said:
I LOVE your avatar!!!!


There is actually a very funny story behind my avatar. Back when I was avatarless a wonderful friend of mine on the boards once told me to get one. I told her that I only wanted one that fit my personality and so she sent me a link to that pic.

I think it was a personal comment, Hmmm.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't so very funny, but I laughed. And I used the pic.


Love ya cym, wherever you have gone!

wondering how the hell I'm supposed to send you my critique of your work if you don't have a damn e-mail.

I wrote it all out..and then......damnit it wouldn't send<sigh>....please let me know what I should do.....


I'm getting the same thing sending to you. I think it must be a problem with Literotica mail or something.

I have received two feedbacks, and have sent two feedbacks. One of those feedbacks was from and due to illness have not yet felt well enough to send them anything. Sorry. I will get cracking on it as soon as I am better.


The Story Teller
I should have previewed this first. Oh well! The other feedback was from LustyLovers and was much appreciated.


The Story Teller

I have my members page set up to send me feedback. I'm not exactly sure why yours would not go through. I'll go in and check to make sure it's still set up that way.

Thanks for trying,

The Story Teller
Hi all, This sounds good.

This sounds good. I would like more feedback on my work and love reading the work of others.

I've have two stories posted and am now adding new chapters to each. Any feedback on what I have already put on paper and/or on how you would like to see the stories and characters progressing would be welcomed.

I especially want to write for the female readers, so thier feedback on how kinky the characters may get is very much appreciated.

My Wife's Fantasy Lover

Discovering My Nasty Wife

I look forward to hearing from you. You may email me at:

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Hey, Tony, glad you could join us!

We're all authors here. Male and female and we're not much for differentiating. I'm not sure what kind of feedback you're looking for, but we're not here to describe our personal kinks. We're just giving good, honest feedback regarding the writing and the story. The kind of thing that we've always seem to be craving in these parts. I'll go ahead an add you to the list, just remember that you have to participate as well! You have to give feedback to everyone else. We give as well as receive on this thread.

If you want to get started, you'll find it on my second post to this thread!


Just wanted to give this thread a little bump and to also give everyone an update. I've got to three of you and now with the addition of Tony8888, I've got four of you to go. I apologize for being slow. I am trying to get to all of you as quickly as possible. Just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about it. :)

Also, I noticed some of you have quite a few stories. If there are any stories in particular you would like reviewed, please post the titles of those stories in this thread. I would love to review every story, but that just wouldn't be possible for me. At most I will review three stories from everyone. And then after I finish everyone, I'll try to go back and review the stories I missed.

Reading on,

Hello everyone,
I have been away from home during the holidays and when I came back I was very excited to see your circle in action!
I am a bit new, but (I'm afraid I was never a scout) guides honour I will reply to everyone.
Am I too late to join the party?
I hope not, anyway here is my thingy -
As soon as you let me know if I'm in or out I'll start typing.
Lollipops, Dopey
Thanks Christo


Thanks for the feedback! Your comments were excellent! That is what this is all about!

Thanks again

PB Walker,

Thank you very much for the feedback! Your comments were excellent and made me feel very good. Your suggestions were supurb!

I'll use your feedback and, hopefully, be able to make my next story even better!

Thanks again.

Ray Dario

hey all.. just wanted to give this thread a little bump and also to check with christo. Just wanted to make sure you got my feedback. I had a little problem sending you email so I wanted to be sure you finally got it.


Yup, got your mail, finally. I use Excite e-mail and since they went belly-up with the collapse of AtHome I couldn't send or receive mail for about a week. But they're back up and running, and I absolutely PROMISE that I'll send more feedback this week.

I also posted two long stories this week, if anyone is looking for anything to read. Doing lots of writing lately, must be the cold weather, too cold to go out and do anything...

Hey christo, I got your feedback. Thank you. Your not the only one that didn't like the ending on that story. That seems to be the main complaint from most readers about that story. :) The only excuse I can give is that I wrote that when I didn't know better. I personally didn't think it was that bad, at least he got to climax before the end ... heh heh. Yes I know, typical man.

Anyhoo... thanks again.

To everyone else.. I have given feedback to five people, and I have three more to go... uhh... actually make that four people with the addition of guilty_pleasure.

I will keep at it... hope you hear from me soon if you haven't yet.

The Story Teller

Hiya The Story Teller

Just wanted to let you know I sent you feedback via the anonymous feedback option on Literotica... I noticed sometimes that doesn't always work, so just wanted to make sure you got it.

Also wanted to give the thread a "bump"
