Feedback Circle Redux

This is an interesting proposal. I'm not sure about the promise to read everyone; or perhaps the issue is, over what period of time. I think undertaking perhaps two per week would be the requirement. Somehow keep track so that no one is neglected.

Also, the committment would be clearer and there would be fewer 'hard feelings' if a minimum of feedback were set. I don't wish to spend an hour on someone who writes only a couple sentences. Min suggested. 150 words., about double the words in this message.

Lastly, from a posting above: perhaps the more prolific authors should designate 2-3 of their stories for feedback. Which might entail keeping a central list of stories (for feedback) of each person.

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Hello All,

Just wanted to give the thread a little 'bump'. P.B.Walker seems to be doing all the bumping at the moment!

I also wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten, some of you should have got feedback from me by now and I will get to the rest of you as soon as I can. I am working my way down the list and I hope everyone else is still working within the circle - you haven't all jumped ship and left me alone!

Take care

Whew.. I thought I was alone for a bit there Dopey. Good to know your still in it too. I'm down to you and Tony88888. I still need to get you both feedback. I've just been going down the list from top to bottom. I'm on Tony right now. He's got 2 kinda long stories, so hopefully I will get to you soon.

I also noticed guilty_pleasure wanted to join in, but KM hasn't added her to the list yet. I will get to her after Dopey. Poetry isn't really my thang, but I will surely give it a shot. Since the poetry has split off, she might already have moved over there.... not sure.


Dopey Angel

I got your feedback. Thank you very much. You give very good feedback. Well thought out and meaningful. I know what you mean about the hairpulling thing. It's not something I like to do either. I was actually trying to make the two lovers seem more real by showing the little games couples play when they know each other very well. She was doing the teasing and holding back, kinda forcing him to the point where he would grab her hair like that, when in fact, the hair pulling was something she liked. Not sure I really pulled that off in the story, but it was an attempt :) It was my first story... been refining it for over a year. LOL.

Thanks again,

I'm still chugging away.


I just sent you feedback on one of your stories. Please do not think I was trying to be harsh in my review. I was trying very hard to be as objective as I could and give you truely honest feedback. I think you have talent, but need some serious editoral help with your stories. Both of your stories were very long, so I choose to only review one of them. I will try to review the other one once I finish giving all of the authors in the circle feedback. Speaking of that, I've gotten to 7 of you, and have 2 to go (DopeyAngel and guilty_pleasure). I promise I am doing my best to get to every one of you.

Keep on writing,

Feedback Circle Redux - Still Open?

Hello, all;

I liked the idea of this critiquing circle very much, and am wondering if it is too late to join in. I only have five stories posted to Literotica so far, but they are many more in the works. I find that with all of the reading, sometimes it is difficult to keep up with actually writing! The more you learn, the more you want to learn. But there comes a time when you have to stop studying it, and start doing it! I have about 20 stories on the back burner, all in various states of completeness. Seven of those are done first draft, but are not yet worthy of being posted here. No sense in cluttering the site with stories crammed full of mistakes that I can catch on my own, is there?

I've been writing stories for over 10 years, but am very new to writing erotica. All feedback in that regard will be most appreciated. I also have 10 years of extremely bad writing habits to break myself of, and look forward to any help in that respect, as well. I won't tell you what those bad habits are, as I am sure you will all spot them on your own.

Anyway, please let me know if I can join your group. My URL is listed below.


Hey ya'll...


yes Tatewaki.. the circle is still open.. just slow I think. Or maybe it is dead. I'm know I'm still trying to get thru everyone. I have 2 to go... plus Tatewaki...

What does everyone think? Let it die? Keep it going?

Reply to PB Walker


If that is the case, I will start making my way down the list. Even if the circle is indeed dead, perhaps once someone receives some feedback from me, they will return the favour.

Cheers, mate!

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I hope it's not dead. I've just been brainless. I keep seeing PB's name and not thinking, "Gee, you should really open that up."

So I opened it up and wow, I missed two people. I'm really sorry guys. I won't let that happen again.

Who is getting feedback and who isn't? In a week or so I'll go through and send everyone an email. A little feedback, no where near the indepth critique, but just a little bit and a link back to the thread so those who've forgotten about it can either resign or return to the fold.


sounds good. I'm still need to give feedback to Dopey, Guilty, and Tatewaki...

and I've gotten feedback from everyone except 4 ppl.

I apologize to everyone for not getting thru the list sooner.


I certainly hope that this circle is not going to die just yet! It's such fun and very helpful to all involved.

I apologise if you haven't had feedback from me yet - I am working my way down the list at snail's pace (not only am I lazy, but I've been busy too - lethal combination!).

Thank you Ray for your feedback it was helpful to me and much appreciated. I haven't forgotten to return the favour!

The more the merrier - welcome to all newcomers, don't worry if it takes a while to get some feedback - I also have a feeling that some people are not really participating fully at the moment.

May I suggest that everybody who receives feedback thanks the sender? I have sent feedback to quite a few but only been acknowledged by PB. It's not the thanks I'm after (honest!) more the security of knowing ppl have recieved what I have sent them, and also to know who is still interested otherwise it's a waste of time!

Take care

The Dopey One

I've sent feedback to two Circle members so far. Just a short note to let everyone know that I may be slow at it, but I am doing as I promised.

Sometimes it is so hard to find time to both write your own stuff, and to read a pile of other people's work, wouldn't you folks agree?


Hello again,

I've sent feedback to three more Circle Members today. I promise to get to the rest as soon as I can, but I have a couple of stories to bang out. If you haven't received any feedback from me, please rest assured that it WILL appear, one of these days.

Take care, folks!


I will get your feedback as soon as I can, but man your stories are LONG! It could take some time.

Ray Dario;

Long is how I like 'em!

Take your time. My stories aren't going anywhere. Hell, there might be a few more of them posted by the time you are done.

Hi all,

Thank you Tatewaki and Storyteller for your feedback it was much appreciated and very helpful to me - be sure I will get to you all as soon as I can!

Keep bumping the thread!

I look forward to the long ones from Tatewaki!

Mistress Dopey
Anyone home?

Just shaking the tree, to see who falls out of the branches.

It's been quiet. Too quiet ...
