feedback for these poems

Angeline said:
i meant the poem--not your ideas--and what is your writing composed of, if not your ideas?
good point. I'll grant you that one. :D
Re: Re: From an old Fish Fart

De Sade said:
my best work deals with tributes to those who have inspired me- Poe, Lovecraft and Clive Barker.
I'm so, so sorry to bring this thread back, but I found this and couldn't resist:

The Collected Work of H. P. Lovecraft
Ultra-Condensed by Thomas Deeny

NARRATOR: I will tell you about something horrific I witnessed.

(Narrator discusses MUNDANE experiences which supposedly lead up to something HORRIFIC.)

NARRATOR: We're almost at the horrific bit.

(Narrator talks about more stuff that might be SPOOKY if he'd only GET ON WITH IT.)

NARRATOR: We're very close now.

(Narrator draws it out MORE.)

NARRATOR: This time I swear we're just about at the horrific thing almost.

(Narrator FINALLY gets to the HORRIFIC thing which is HUGE and POWERFUL and EVIL and LAME.)

Re: Oh dear

Angeline said:
My dear de sade,

I wrote my first poems at age 6 (about). I've been writing ever since (30+ years). I have degrees in literature and education. I was an English teacher at both the secondary and postsecondary levels. I've been an editor for years--of articles, books, and even poems. People who've published--and I am talking books that get national distribution, at least--accept my edits. My poems are being published.

why is everyone in this thread throwing out resumes?
I only had time to read the first page and a half of this thread

Did you all sort out which one of you is the big swinging dick of the poety feeback forum?
I'm not sure why this thread reappeared from the ozone, but it's interesting reading. Hilarious and sad at the same time.
Oh, this thread was a hoot! Almost anything started by De Sade/Scott X was.

Now I'm feeling nostalgic. Never underestimate the entertainment value of a complete idiot. :D