Female Butts and Legs for Ladies and Lesbians #LV

Hi ladies,

Understand protecting yourself from guys by lurking.

However with as many threads there are for guys, and so many guys posting, our threads are quickly getting buried. And I'm not going to continue posting as heavily as I have been keeping our threads active.

I'm asking you please participate in our threads either posting photos or if you want to say something. Obviously both within Lit's posting rules, also the the theme and tone of the threads

Please send me a PM is you have a question or problem.

Thank you, appreciate you contributing


It's been a week since making that post, and want to post an update

First though, want to thank the (I'm guessing) many guys that respect our threads.

Approximately half a dozen women have been participating in the threads, and that is great to me, and I thank you. Wish more women do, will have to wait and see.

However, it's the same shit different day with some guys with their sexual posts. Also yet another guy was in process hijacking a thread. Nearly 480 posts, more than 23% of the thread, was removed. Plus last evening my recent troll made his obnoxious presence again known.
