
Shadowsdream said:
~~grin~~ I probably was stressed..it was a long day of shooting and tormenting the slave who was trying to keep up with both the sun and Myself.
My avs are all of Myself..I tend to change them by mood.
I was feeling reflective when this one was chosen.

I don't think you looked stressed, Shadows. It's a very good shot. Elegant confidence pops to mind.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New ideas for reading...

Shadowsdream said:
Very often the uncertainty is magnified when you try to fullfill your fantasy behind your closed door alone. With no positive feedback or guidance the guilt takes on a furtive magnitude and amplifies each emotion in a semi negative way.
This is ONE of the reasons males with the feminization need turn to Dominants. To have the responsibility for their desires taken from them and they become *forced* to conform.

That was helpful, makes a lot of sense. Thanks
Shadowsdream said:
A woman being dressed and behaving as a male (sans mustache) would most likely been seen as cute. The attention garnered would be light hearted as she would be treated for her brave silliness. It is unlikely she would notice the texture of the cloth rubbing her body in any sensuos or binding way.

Yes, the rules for men and women are often very different. Which is how my original wonder came up. About what it means to a man wanting to dress in women's clothing for a time - what is behind it. Why he needs to be or act like a woman and what being a woman means to him.

Crossdressing in a D/s mindset is about the entire package that crosses thin lines back and forth. The underlying basis built upon the knowledge that both parties do have a respect and appreciation for the beauty of the desire and the *role playing* cemented with the forcing and humiliation that must flow easily up and down the edge of the sword.
Crossdressing without the D/s, which is very common as well, is generally done in confidence and has no need or desire to stroke it with humilation or force but to have the beauty confirmed and appreciated publically.

This makes alot more sense to me now. Thank You! If I am reading it correctly there is a desire (for whatever reason - still unclear on that) to dress as a woman, and the "force" and humiliation is simply D/s icing on the cake so to speak. Or perhaps approached from the opposite end, a large interest in D/s with humiliation and what better way as a "manly man" than to play the role of the woman. (However this still makes me wonder what it means to be a woman from the point of view of a man).

Though you mentions the feel of the clothes, which may be more sensual than the majority of men's clothing. So is it that women and their clothing embody sensual beauty, and they wish to experience this themselves through roleplaying being a woman, being soft and sensual, almost pampered?
lark sparrow said:
Woman have become accustomed to the feel of silk and nylon against naked skin. It is almost unnoticeable unless W/we conciously seek out the sensation.
Men in soft panties eroticize the sensation of the fabric stimulating their cocks. The tightness is a secret bondage that is a constant reminder that they could be found out at any moment. The forbidden perversion, heart pounding excitement of exposure.
Nylons caressing the clean shaven legs that are so sensitive. There is a feeling of vulnerability and shyness that comes with the transformation...
a bit of a simplification but a point to build on the conversation.
rosco rathbone said:
One thing I've always fantasized about is the feminization of tomboy females and the tomboyization of femme females. It must have something to do with the act of control rather than the end result.

There is a good edgey story I very much enjoyed in the lesbian S/M book 'Coming to Power' called Passion Play by Martha Alexander.

The Top is an artist and a lesbian. The bottom is involved in lesbian/feminist politics in a position of leadership. She dresses her in all pink, cheap, "slutty" attire from the thrift shop, applying garish makeup, crowning her with a pink dog collar with those faux jewels you see on poodles, with an ID tag stating who she belongs to, and the play goes from "dog show" to rather edgey humiliation concerning exactly what her colleagues would think of her flying across the United States to grovel at her Top's feet.

Very hot, and of course very cathartic. All's well that ends well. ;)
Shadowsdream said:
Woman have become accustomed to the feel of silk and nylon against naked skin. It is almost unnoticeable unless W/we conciously seek out the sensation.
Men in soft panties eroticize the sensation of the fabric stimulating their cocks. The tightness is a secret bondage that is a constant reminder that they could be found out at any moment. The forbidden perversion, heart pounding excitement of exposure.
Nylons caressing the clean shaven legs that are so sensitive. There is a feeling of vulnerability and shyness that comes with the transformation...
a bit of a simplification but a point to build on the conversation.

Yes, I can definitely see an appeal within these words, and appreciate the insight.
Deportation and mannerisms are fundamental elements of feminization. The transformation from masculinity to femininity must be believable to be felt and appreciated. Each step must be graceful and fluid as the floor is covered sedately in a ladylike manner. Each turn should be executed with confidence and patience so as to create the ambiance of the woman in you. Be proud with your head held high even in servitude.

Sitting must be cultivated through the small details required to attain the feminine look and comfort. A slut will sit with her legs apart showing her panties for all to see but a lady will keep her knees together demurely. Crossing the leg over the knee will suggest confidence while crossing one ankle over the other will give the impression of innocent sweetness and purity. The hands clasped calmly in the lap will give the impression of calmness and grace. Folded over the breasts will show the need to hide and hold_back in defiance.

Standing takes on an art form as it draws the eyes to the beauty of the transformed male. Arms that look wooden as they are held rigidly at the sides with legs apart in an unnatural stance will give the appearance of a man in woman's clothing. Not the desired effect one should aspire to. It is important to practice standing softly...knees slightly bent as the arms lay fluidly at the sides. One leg slightly in front of the other will further enhance your feminine side. Hands clasped loosely behind your back will give you the sensation of femininity as well. It is a stance of vulnerability and trust. Be fluid in small movements even while standing. Softly turning in very small motions as you speak. Standing should not be a position that denies movement.
Reclining ... yes even lying upon your bed must be done with grace and sensitivity. The aura of femininity does not end when the lights are turned down or off. This is not the moment to throw yourself down like a clod but to gracefully sit on the edge of the bed and gently roll onto your side in a ladylike manner. Keeping your knees together will maintain your innocence while throwing them apart in wild abandon_will get you treated like the slut that lies within of you.


Walking correctly takes practice and lots of it. Each step should be graceful and easy on the eye.
Taking a man and placing high heels shoes on his feet creates a sensation of pride and stature like almost nothing else can. This step in the feminization process holds a great deal of importance and should be treated so. Many hours of agony will meet this challenge as feet become accustomed to the binding of a new position. Balance becomes an issue as well. One cannot walk with caution if the result is to be feminine and graceful. The arms must swing naturally at your sides...the left arm forward in the motion with the right leg forward..then repeating the process with the right arm forward and left leg forward. The hips should roll softly with each step as the spine remains straight and proud. Holding the shoulders still above the hips will increase the appearance of femininity as the eyes are drawn more to the pelvic area. Hold your head softly not rigid.


Speaking must be modulated as well...the transformation would not even be in the first stage if the masculine speech was not modified to a more sultry and cultivated quality. Dropping the volume to a more submissive quality will draw attention to the sweetness that resides deep within. The tone of the voice should be accepting, not argumentative. Positive and confident without a touch of aggression or the sound of a harpy to ruin the effect so cautiously cultivated. Pride should come through even in shyness.


A few more thoughts for this conversation!
Double penetration with the strap on and the plug or dildo is also a training tool of many Dommes when readying their fem subs for the double penetration of two Dommes or a Domme male partner.
Shadowsdream said:
A few more thoughts for this conversation!

Wow. Wonderful thoughts. Shadows. I never realized all the little nuances to being feminine that men have to learn.
WynEternal said:
Wow. Wonderful thoughts. Shadows. I never realized all the little nuances to being feminine that men have to learn.

If they wish to be believeable..and to believe in themselves..it takes the whole picture..inside and out.