"Fetish Wear"

AngelicAssassin said:
Chuckling ... you and blue ... make it your signature color.
i do love blue, but i also like greens...mostly the dark colours. i'm not really into the 'girly' colours such as pink and pastels. but that's just me.
Mmmmm..now I'm sure no-one could have a problem with that outfit no matter what the colour....works for me :D

catalina_francisco said:
Mmmmm..now I'm sure no-one could have a problem with that outfit no matter what the colour....works for me :D


I wish I could pull that off. Ah well. It will do as my AV for now :)
Lends a whole new meaning to taking a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut?

AngelicAssassin said:
Lends a whole new meaning to taking a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut?


Now THAT looks like fun.

Freaky..the man in that picture really looks like my brother..*shudders* Kinda takes away from the whole idea.
Sex & Diamonds said:
Now THAT looks like fun.

Freaky..the man in that picture really looks like my brother..*shudders* Kinda takes away from the whole idea.
Then take the subjects out of the picture and use your imagination ... chuckle

How many hours until ...?
And because I am a little greedy and have a little thing for shoes... one can never have too many.... I want these as well!

SilkVelvet said:
I have a thing about corsets if I was brave enough to go to a Fetish ball I would just have to pick something from either www.bruteforceleather.com

with some kinky stiletto-heeled boots from


but i still haven't decided which corset will be my first one..just too many gorgeous ones to choose from !

Hope you have a great time btw

Thanks...I'm sure I will.....everyone will hear about it...either way.
Oh great, make me drool all over the desk with the sites and sights...

I wish you a good time S&D :)
The Ball....was fun.

Walking down the stairs to the entrance was so damn nerve wracking. One of the girls that I went with stood behind me so I couldn't run back up the stairs (not that I would have). We gave our tickets and then we had to change into our "Fetish Wear". In a Co-Ed Bathroon nonetheless....well..goodness..thankgoodness for stalls. Is all I have to say. So I managed to get dressed in that small confinded space AND walk out in my little lingerie, fishnet stockings and my hoochie momma shoes. 4.5 inch heels. That was a HUGE feat in itself. OH OH OH !!! I almost forgot. I borrowed cuffs from one of the girls. Ankle and wrist. Wearing those was definately the BEST part of my night. I hated taking them off at the end. I absolutely loved wearing them.

Walking back out into the more public space for the ball, of course I HAD to go see the dungeon.....WOW.....there were not one but TWO cages, a cross, a few spanking benches of different styles and a apparatus for suspension. :D

What amazed me was the diversity of ages of the people there. Old and young alike. The Goth type dressers were mostly younger people in their 20's. I have NEVER seen so much leather and latex AND skin in my life. OMG...the skin....wow. I was just thankful that there were many people there who weren't skinny model types AND there were wearing less then I was.

My biggest fear for the night was falling from my damn shoes. I really need to wear heels more often and practice that walking thing. Hell, I even danced ! The girls that I was with were "ordered" to go dance, so they dragged me along. I didn't want to be rude, *laughing* the music sucked, far too much industrial heavy metal stuff. For most of the songs there were people just walking around in a big circle (both directions) stomping. This to me is NOT dancing, but what the hell do I know?

Back to the dungeon. It was very open, everyone crowed around to watch. This is when I was thankful for the heels. I'm 5'8" without the heels so I could stand pretty much anywhere and still see. Most of what I saw in the dungeon was.....light. I'm not sure what I was expecting. It is in a public setting after all. There was this one couple. A beautiful couple. Classic Dom & sub wear. (she had a model type body). He was in all leather, including a mask. She wore a mini leather skirt and a leather top of sorts (I don't know what it's called) at first, then after he had her on the cross at somepoint she lost the top and was wearing a chain bra. He lead her around on a rather thick chain and her hands were cuffed to a small chain around her waist.

They are just one example. I cannot possibly describe everyone there.

What I did notice was that the majority of people there weren't 'lifestyle'rs' (making up a word there I'm sure). Most of the people were there for fun and games. It certainly wasn't serious. As it's meant to be fun.

Now..the serious...

The 'after the ball play party'

OMG !!!


*deep breath*

It was amazing !! A very private party. I was very honored to have been invited. Two Masters attended along with 5 submissives including myself. We (being the submissives) had pillows to sit on..on the floor....the Master's had their chairs over on the other side of the room. The rooms were all lit by candle light. Chains, cuffs, floggers, paddles and such were aplenty! It was as I had always imagined it should be. After the play and I kept to my word. I only watched, altho' I was asked repeately if I wanted to participate. I told them that I had made a promise not to play only to watch and they all respected that. Now, after the play...we all sat around discussion what happened, what we felt and alot about the lifestyle. Discussiong the lifestyle was definately for my benift as I was the 'newbie'. I think that the one Master was surprised at what I knew and my opinions on things. We agreed on almost everything. It really couldn't have been more perfect.

I didn't get home until 5:30 am. I could have stayed there for hours talking about the lifestyle and such but one of the girls was falling asleep and real life does happen in the morning.

The one Master and his sub are 24/7. Now when I say that about these two I mean they dress no differently to go to something like the ball or to the grocery store. Him and I saw eye to eye on most everything. The other Master is a quieter man and altho he participated in the conversation it was definately dominated (grin) by the other Master.

Ok. I think that's enough typing and babbling. I'm going to GRIN forever.

Sorry for the length, but you asked !!!!
