"Fetish Wear"

Sounds like you had a blast... I wish that either D and I could get our schedules together to go to stuff like that that, or that we stuff like that locally so that we could go to stuff like that..
D's mariposa said:
Sounds like you had a blast... I wish that either D and I could get our schedules together to go to stuff like that that, or that we stuff like that locally so that we could go to stuff like that..

I did. It's definately worth it if you can manage it.
i'm so glad that you had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing your experience and to the others for the wonderful links.
So pleased you had such a great night S&D. Sounds like it was a blast and may help you decide where your future choices lie? Is always great to be able to see the reality you have been hearing about and have some responsible people to talk to about your observations. Hope you continue to enjoy and have fun.:D


I'm going to be attending a "BDSM on a Budget" workshop on Friday....there will be another play party afterwards. :D