Five things...

I forgot about jacks! Used to play all the time.

1. White Christmas - my husband took me to the movie on our first date
2. Silent Night
3. All I want for Christmas is you
4. River - Sarah McLachlan
5. Blue Christmas

If I was considering hiring you, tell me five reasons why I should!

1. Diligent
2. Attention to detail
3. Punctual
4. Reliable
5. People skills

5 things you've heard your kids(or just someone's kids) say that were hilarious.
If I was considering hiring you, tell me five reasons why I should!

1) I'm a boring person, so if you have any mundane and repetitive tasks I can effectively do those.
2) I have no social life so I'll never be hungover and I can work any hours.
3) I could never hate my boss as much as I hate myself.
4) I'm sort of well presented even though I've got no fashion sense.
5) I'm quite good with Microsoft Excel.

What unthinkable 5 things would you do in exchange for a practically limitless supply of money?
1. Diligent
2. Attention to detail
3. Punctual
4. Reliable
5. People skills

5 things you've heard your kids(or just someone's kids) say that were hilarious.

1) I'm a boring person, so if you have any mundane and repetitive tasks I can effectively do those.
2) I have no social life so I'll never be hungover and I can work any hours.
3) I could never hate my boss as much as I hate myself.
4) I'm sort of well presented even though I've got no fashion sense.
5) I'm quite good with Microsoft Excel.

What unthinkable 5 things would you do in exchange for a practically limitless supply of money?

You're both hired but for totally different reasons. :)

5 things you've heard your kids(or just someone's kids) say that were hilarious.

1. Auntie cookie, you have a big butt :)
2. My nephew and I took drove up to parent's cabin 3 hours away. He had to pee and I knew there wasn't much around but a casino, so we stopped there. When we got to the cabin, he told his mom I took him gambling. He was about six at the time.
3. Same nephew, about the same age, didn't like the guy I was dating. I was going to babysit and the date came with. Nephew answered the door holding a white paperplate glued to a popsicle stick with an angry face drawn in marker on it. :(
4. My niece - now 21 - blurted out when she was 10 - that her mommy was always stressed and really needed her wine to relax.
5. Another niece showed us how much she liked Tickle Me Elmo by pressing it up to her private parts, turning it on and laughing every time Elmo giggled.

What unthinkable 5 things would you do in exchange for a practically limitless supply of money?

I honestly don't know. I was going to be flip and say vote for Trump but I'm not sure I could even do that.

I have to think more about this...

What five things would you take to a deserted island?
Can I cheat and say

1 a library? :D

2 strong twine. It would make building shelter easier and quicker than having to make something too fasten things

3. Good quality bedding....I can withstand most things then:)

4. Machete. For everything. :D

5. I suppose I should say some sort of flare or something, but I think, with the library.....I'm probably quite happy there.

Question, I always for get the question....

Five, five,

Five people you miss.

My grandmother

My neighbor wise.

My friend A who moved to the other coast, though I get to read her writings most every week. A brilliant, thoughtful writer

My friend N...who I was blessed to spend a weekend with recently, but it was still not enough.

My brother...i just wish I saw him more.

Five books you would read again.
My grandmother

My neighbor wise.

My friend A who moved to the other coast, though I get to read her writings most every week. A brilliant, thoughtful writer

My friend N...who I was blessed to spend a weekend with recently, but it was still not enough.

My brother...i just wish I saw him more.

Five books you would read again.

Girl with a pearl earring
Where the red ferns grow
A midsummers night dream
Alice in wonderland
Of mice and men

5 people you would kill if you could get away with it.
Girl with a pearl earring
Where the red ferns grow
A midsummers night dream
Alice in wonderland
Of mice and men

5 people you would kill if you could get away with it.

Can I laminate the list when I'm done?
5 people you would kill if you could get away with it.

Oh my word the list is so much longer than 5.

1) Benjamin Netanyahu. PM of Israel. War criminal, guilty of indiscriminate wholesale slaughter of civilians in Palestine, supposedly pro-LGBT rights and democracy as he continues to deny fundamental human rights to Palestinians and militarily occupy their land, all funded and protected by the USA, UK, France and a few other nations.

2) King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia for sooooo many reasons ranging from declaring liberal interpretations of Islam illegal, beheading women for 'witchcraft', funding literally every single major terrorist group in the Middle East, financing the building of Wahhabi Islam (SUPER far right wing, extremist, wholly fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran) mosques in Europe, etc etc etc.

3) The military aristocracy of North Korea for putting their military propaganda and personal reputations above the basic human needs (Food, water, housing) of their 21 million citizens. Preferring to smuggle weapons designs through China than import modern farming equipment and technologies to their country.

4) Erdogan, President of Turkey. For more obvious reasons than the previous 3.

5) The human race.

Inverse question: If the human race were to be wiped out, which 5 people would you choose to survive and restart humanity (Genders irrelevant, they have cloning tech or something.)
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Inverse question: If the human race were to be wiped out, which 5 people would you choose to survive and restart humanity (Genders irrelevant, they have cloning tech or something.)

I'd choose five people with good genes, who weren't batshit crazy and knew how to survive, as in how to hunt, farm etc. I assume if there was time to single out five people to be saved, there would be enough time to bring down nuclear plants and so on as well, so they wouldn't have to worry about things like that.

Five foods you eat all the time.
Edit: Sorry!

Bucket list

a) drive across the USA
b) swim with dolphins
c) walk the Pennine Way
d) go on a balloon ride, anywhere
e) crowdsurf at a gig

Again - five favourite films
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A) Granary bread
B) Strawberry yogurt
C) Salad
D) Pineapple
E) Tuna

Five favourite films

Oh! You eat far better than I!!

1. Room with a View
2. White Christmas
3. The Departed
4. Princess Bride
5. Toy Story

Five things on your bucket list?
Sorry, Cookie - would you like to suggest another question? :D
A) Granary bread
B) Strawberry yogurt
C) Salad
D) Pineapple
E) Tuna

Five favourite films

Star Wars
Gone With The Wind

5 famous people you would trade lives with

We are getting all tangled up.

I would love to do Bucket List, I'll leave off the question.

Go to Iceland
Do a Deadliest Catch boat 1 week
Meet my close internet friends
Get a pony
Spend a year hiking
Star Wars
Gone With The Wind

5 famous people you would trade lives with

Just for a day or two? I wouldn't want to be famous, so I wouldn't trade lives for good with anybody famous.

1. Heston Blumenthal. I'd love to be as creative a cook as he is, even for a day.
2. David Attenborough. I figure if I tranded lives with him, I'd also get his memories and past experiences? He's seen so many different animals, it'd be cool.
3. Vladimir Putin. I'd love to find out WTH is going on inside that head of his.
4. Margaret Atwood. I'd love to have a sneak-peak into what the next book's gonna be like.
5. Peter Higgs. I'd love to be able to understand all those bosons, leptons and quarks better.

Five places you'd like to visit.
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This was easier than five most interesting places been, which I still mull over and cannot conclude.

But I surprised myself with my choices, and I might choose differently in a few hours time:eek:

1. Esfahan and yadz ( one trip?:) )
2. Cascadia bound's part of the world
3. Port Merian ....but maybe when I'm older
4 the dead cities in Syria.
5 the red fort. I think it's more beautiful than its pale more celebrated sister palace.

Five things that made you smile in the last week. :)

I'd love to visit Esfahan and Yazd, too. And Shiraz. :)

Things that made me smile in the last week:

1. going to a wedding - I didn't wanna go, but loved being there
2. petting and eating sheep
3. the rhododendron park
4. Tallinn
5. a post card

Five things you'd like to change about yourself
I'd love to visit Esfahan and Yazd, too. And Shiraz. :)

Things that made me smile in the last week:

1. going to a wedding - I didn't wanna go, but loved being there
2. petting and eating sheep
3. the rhododendron park
4. Tallinn
5. a post card

Five things you'd like to change about yourself

1. I'd like to be taller
2. I'd like to have bigger breasts
3. I'd like to be more comfortable around people
4. I'd like to be able to sing well
5. I'd like to stop getting massive allergy attacks when I travel (which I love doing, but have to take bucketfuls of antihistamines :rolleyes:)

Five musicians you admire?
Dean ween
Josh homme
Jon gomm
Claude ( drummer with ween)

NAme five places you like to be licked
1 going out for drinks.
2 bon fire
3 bath
4 read
5 color

Your 5 most precious possessions.