Five things...

"My child isn't slow! He's minimally exceptional!"

"So what if she's 17 and I still give her gold stars?"

"I don't know...World of Warcraft sounds a little rough..."

"How can you learn fiscal responsibility if you buy chewing gum on a total whim!?"

"You know, at some point you have to stop swaddling him right?"

I'll have to remember that line for next time someone says shit.
"My child isn't slow! He's minimally exceptional!"

"So what if she's 17 and I still give her gold stars?"

"I don't know...World of Warcraft sounds a little rough..."

"How can you learn fiscal responsibility if you buy chewing gum on a total whim!?"

"You know, at some point you have to stop swaddling him right?"

political correctness
unnecessary movie sequels

name 5 of your favorite middle school jams! (aka old school hits)

S'matter with Uggs??? Hmmm???

We got the Beat
Another Brick in The Wall
Brass In Pockets
Sugar Hill Gang

I bolded Middle School cause it was way different for me than High School Jams.
Ok, bump!

5 modern things you wish didn't exist?

Cling wrap. I hate that shit, it freaking sticks to everything you don't want it to :rolleyes:
Business email. Ugh! Personal ones, fine :D
Drug wars /gangs. Because scary.
AIDS, flesh eating bacteria, etc.
I can't think of another at the moment.

I reserve the right to come back and edit :)

Political correctness.
This election....either main party candidate will be awful for the country. We need a third candidate to win.
Helicopter parents....your cxhild can be a pain and doesn't need the newest phobe awhile in elementary school. For emergency purposes sure, I get that.
Bystander camera operator...everyone wants to be the one to post the next viral video that they ant take the time to help their fellow individual in need:
Anti-vaccination believers.....polio didn't just up and go away (for the most part) because it was wished away.

Name five reasons you like bdsm

Not sure if I can come up with five, but I'll try
It's anothwr way for me to express passion with a SO
It lets me explore and express my own passion
It also lets me find out more about her passions as well
In a pervert and love getting kinky ;)

political correctness
unnecessary movie sequels

name 5 of your favorite middle school jams! (aka old school hits)

(I cheated and did high school since I couldn't remember any specific songs from middle school. Shit'll probably wake me up in the middle of the

Dave Matthews Band....any song, though in high school a fav was Crash into Me
A Perfect Circle - Passive
Bloodhound Gang - Bad Touch
Can't think of any more specific songs, so pretty much any classic rock songs....Beatles, Bowie, Stones....yadda yadda

Passing it on
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MIDDLE school?

WTF. I need google.

In my day, it was junior high, not middle school. 7 - 9th grade.

Ballroom Blitz
At Seventeen - Janis Ian - omg I wanted to be 17 so bad!
Midnight at the Oasis
Bennie and the Jets

pass it
There was a lot of Boyz II Men and Mariah Carey

The Macarena came out when I was 12. I remember dancing to it at my sleepover.
My dad wrote "happy twoteenth" on my cake.
There was a lot of Boyz II Men and Mariah Carey

The Macarena came out when I was 12. I remember dancing to it at my sleepover.
My dad wrote "happy twoteenth" on my cake.

We all need to have a sleepover and play middle school songs and do the macarena.
We all need to have a sleepover and play middle school songs and do the macarena.

With cake?
Do boys get to come?
I was allowed to have boys but they couldn't STAY.

God it's not like I was going to be a whore at 12.
That didn't start for 4 more years :rolleyes:
With cake?
Do boys get to come?
I was allowed to have boys but they couldn't STAY.

God it's not like I was going to be a whore at 12.
That didn't start for 4 more years :rolleyes:

Any boys that come could just say they identify as a girl for the day.

Someone make sure to sneak in some booze or raid No's folks' liquor cabinet.
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I'll buy my own booze. My father only drinks beer and Black Velvet *shivers*
Any boys that come could just say they identify as a girl for the day.

Someone make sure to sneak in some booze or raid No's folks' liquor cabinet.

name 5 of your favorite middle school jams! (aka old school hits)

This would have been from Sep 85-June 88.....hmmmm

Kyrie-Mr Mister 1986
Invisible Touch-Genesis 1986
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now-Starship 1987
Never Gonna Give You Up-Rick Astley 1988
Make It Real -The Jets 1988

pass it on.
This would have been from Sep 85-June 88.....hmmmm

Kyrie-Mr Mister 1986
Invisible Touch-Genesis 1986
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now-Starship 1987
Never Gonna Give You Up-Rick Astley 1988
Make It Real -The Jets 1988

pass it on.
Opp -naughty by nature
Tootsie roll-69 boyz
Jump -Kris Kross
Whomp there it is-tag team
I'd do amything- meatloaf
