Fluff: When is it excessive?

Freya2 said:
PBW - have I told you lately that I want you. ;)

Oh you naughty vixen, don't you start on me... lol... or I might be force to... well dammit... to just "fluff the living shit" outta ya.

PBW "Yes, fluff is code for something else <winks>"
You two please, carry on. Flirting beats the shit out of debating the validity of a fluff thread.

Personally, I find that debate to be rather needless and tedious. And flirting does make one or two feel good.

Have fun!
I was really hoping to flirt with ADR, but I guess it's you instead PBW. ;)
You know, it is hard to debate someone who does not understand my posts. I will not waste time explaining myself. It becomes tedious, all by itself. But this entire thread topic is really foundationless, anyway.

I say, HIJACK!!!! flirt your silly little asses off!!!! You are both too adorable!
Excessiveness is in the eye of the beholder.

I personally have posted numerous threads of substance that have (and still are) read and appreciated.

I also, believe that laughter is an essential element or anytype of relationship, and D/s is no exception.

I do not mind the fluff, but I do mind, large scale off-topic disruption of a good thread just to get attention, or show how much "I love my master!!:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:"

I am sure we remember those good old days, don't we?

I have hijacked a few threads and have had mine hijacked in return.

For the most part, it was a pleasant diversion and the thread went back on track before things got out of hand.

It all evens out in the wash.

Freya2 said:
I was really hoping to flirt with ADR, but I guess it's you instead PBW. ;)

I was kind of hoping someone would just take over this fluff commentary with flirting... it's funny, cute and even sexy. It's also easily bypassed and ignored if someone is not in the mood for it at the moment. Fluff and silliness can be fun - OO should know, as I think the commentary and position s/he takes is often, and obviously, patently ridiculous.
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A Desert Rose said:
Golly PB, you are just adorable.... that smile and all. :kiss:

Isn't he? Such a sweet face, with such a horrid perv lurking underneath. :)
Fluff begets more fluff

Well at least there was some discussion. This was a difficult topic since everyone has their own ideas and tolerances. I was pleased to see some stay on topic. Disappointed others had to stray into insults. I expect it from some however, so it was not a surprise. I think this topic has been chatted up enough. I will be moving on to the next topic after I address a few people.

Originially posted by Lancecastor
I take the view that a negative attitude drives people away a lot faster than fluffy flirtations do, COh/OO.

But in the spirit of debate....Please provide proof that fluff drives people away.

I don't think anyone has data supporting either position, so it's a no win discussion, I think.

That's why I pointed out all the ways You can avoid fluff....if you want to.

Will you only participate if there is a Zero Fluff Policy?

Must we all bend to your will? :)

You have a right to your view. Since no actual hard numbers exist, it may be a matter of half a dozen one way, six the other. Either way, people leave. But maybe you are not concerned about that. My impression of you is that you are not so much concerned with that, as following your own agenda.

Of course, I neither mention, nor advocate a Zero Fluff Policy, nor do I expect anyone or anything to bend to anyone's will... unless you submit to it of course.

And on the topic of you calling me CarolineOh. You are following the footsteps of cymbidia. I am not her. Thankfully, you pulling this bit of information out of thin air is not going to ruin her reputation or feelings like it did Pure.

Originially posted by Freya2
So I repeat, your claims were unsubstantiated and unverified.

Oh please. Your actions were clearly fluff. It was excessive and disrespectful.

Originially posted by Pure
Isn't it a rule or norm of polite conversation that one party does not always insist on setting the topic? Just curious about your views....

It is a personal commentary. I can not direct the discussion? If this were a dinner party I would agree with you Pure.

Before I go, I would like to welcome back some of the popular posters of the past. I, for one, am happy to see you all return. So here's the list: A Desert Rose, Lancecastor, tassie, zipman7, dixicritter, and artful. Probably not a complete list, but close.

Are you taking credit for the "return" of those posters?

They have all been posting off and on for months.

As for me, I am done posting to your commentaries. After complaining that there was no discussion, some of us entered a discussion and were ignored for those who were subtley attacking or not so subtley attacking your claims.

So, fi you want discussion, discuss.

If you want drama and flames, continue doing what you are doing.

In any event, it will be a long time or a good BDSM topic before I respond to another one of your threads.


You can guide your discussions, but not direct them until you have an ability to block users and posts from threads. The beauty of an open ended thread, as all are, is watching it take on a life of it's own. Sometimes, it goes to fluff, sometimes, the topic meanders into an altogether new zone of serious discussion.

A thread starter does not own or direct a thread. They can attempt to keep it focussed, but are not likely to be successful unless they can keep the topic interesting.
MissTaken said:
Are you taking credit for the "return" of those posters?

They have all been posting off and on for months.

You are a mind reader MissT. I was thinking the same thing.

I have my reasons for my sporadic postings in here and they have nothing to do with the lack of good threads.

And like you, I will be much more selective in which ones I do post to.
Re: Fluff begets more fluff

OutsideObserver said:

Oh please. Your actions were clearly fluff. It was excessive and disrespectful.

Absolutely it was fluff. We flirted and bantered for quite some time. Was it excessive? I haven't heard one person besides yourself who seems to think so. Was it disrespectful? Again, only you seem to think so. Who did we disrespect? PBW's wife? He doesn't have one as far as I know. His g/f? Same thing. So who did we disrespect?

You seem to think you are the only one with the knowledge around here, and if anyone states anything contradicting what you imply or accuse, they are bound for an insult by you. My statements about your claims being unsubstantiated were based on your implications that "everyone" was rolling their eyes and were tired of it - yet not one person here has agreed with you. So I'll state it yet again. Get some facts before making statements on behalf of everyone else.

So far, you've shown one basic pattern. You made comments and criticisms on this board and its inhabitants, and yet have not done one thing yourself to clear up any of these problems you claim are here. I didn't hear you saying anything in objection the other night - so if it was so offensive and disrespectful, why didn't you speak up? You make claims that the board has gone downhill, yet you create an environment of distrust and insults. Do you think new people that show up are going to want to stick around on the chance that they might be your next target? You make claims that Lance drove people away from here, and has left this board to die out after he did so, yet again you've been proven wrong.

Frankly I think people around here need to have fluff, if only to clear their minds out from the shit you seem to enjoy spewing.
Your contributions are noted.

Originially posted by MissTaken
Are you taking credit for the "return" of those posters?

They have all been posting off and on for months.

Of course not, MissTaken. Do you see me taking credit? I welcomed them back, that is all. I am sorry you felt the need to read something else into that.

Originially posted by MissTaken
As for me, I am done posting to your commentaries. After complaining that there was no discussion, some of us entered a discussion and were ignored for those who were subtley attacking or not so subtley attacking your claims.

So, fi you want discussion, discuss.

If you want drama and flames, continue doing what you are doing.

In any event, it will be a long time or a good BDSM topic before I respond to another one of your threads.

I am sorry to lose your input. Be well. Some discussions are better left to others.

Re: Re: Fluff begets more fluff

Freya2 said:
Who did we disrespect? PBW's wife? He doesn't have one as far as I know. His g/f? Same thing. So who did we disrespect?

Yeah, OO. I'm all single and alone. And now, thanks to you, FLIRTLESS! bastard.

PBW "Time to pout and go watch Everybody Loves Raymond"
This Thread kiss Fluffy A$$

I'm laughin cause this thread has produced a great deal of fluff. Flirt on my friends.

Who the heck are you really Outside?

:p To the Canadian Freya