For God's Sake - Another Bomb?!

Go to for a free spellcheck. Make a link to it, on your browser.

Another cool tool I have seen is the Merriam-Webster Toolbar.

It's only a box w/pull-down menu for Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Word of the Day.

All you do is highlight any word on the page... it can look it up and provide alternatives if you like. It is here.

Now, we can ALL have correct spelling. Sorry, if your version of English isn't offered. I am trying here.
Re: :) thanks for asking BlessedBe

wildsweetone said:
i have RSI (repetitive strain injury aka OOS occupational overuse syndrome) in my right hand
You know, if a man had said this, too much masturbation would have been the first thought that 'came' to mind.

Why don't you think about one of those ergonomically correct keyboards. They have several different ones, and some can be adjusted to suit your desired position...vertical, horizontal, or a little of both, and at nearly any angle.
Okay, I understand it's a general "let's all get along" post. However, it's obvious that something triggered you, WSO. This is something that has been building. I'm a bit frustrated that you won't come right out and say what the deal is.

When I read something like this, I think, "Does she mean me?" Right now, I don't know if you do or not. And I can't adjust my behavior if I don't know if I've been out of line. Neither can anyone else.

And why are so many people hiding out in pms and email? Why not come to the thread and thank her in public? What's the deal with that? If I ran over you like a steamroller, I want to know. I am more than willing to dole out apologies. I want to know if I've hurt anyone.

As for the other side-topic of capitalization and such--I'm going to rant here, so watch out.

I agree with BlessedBe. Sure, I understand what this says: R U hot 4 me? But, come ON. We are WRITERS. We, of all people, should damn well realize that, just because we can understand the intent of what was written, that doesn't mean we should abandon the standards of English! WSO has a good reason for not using the shift key, so she is pardoned. But to defend that type of --yes--laziness on behalf of implied understanding is ridiculous. Plus, it generally just makes one look illiterate. (Again, WSO, this is not directed at you.) Rant over.
there's an odd saying around here...

if the cap doesn't fit, don't bother trying to put it on

whispersecret, i'm not naming names. the point is not to do with who causes the problem of misunderstanding, but rather with the actual misunderstanding itself.

yes it's something that has been building for a long time. i find myself constantly stepping in on threads and reminding as politely as i can all of the same things i've said in this thread. yes i feel it's necessary to remind people that we're all human, and yes i feel it's necessary to see if i can in my own little way help people who are unable to help themselves.

the reason i first began stepping into threads where arguments were about to turn into full blown wars, was because they arguments were happening between my friends. neither knew i was friends with the other, but because i knew and understood each person fairly well, i could see where they were both coming from.

and yes, there has been a particular incident which has brought me to the point of initiating this thread.

i guess i have some kind of insight in that i can see these kinds of simple misunderstanding all over this Forum. i only want to try to do my little bit to help calm the waters, so to speak.

WSO has a good reason for not using the shift key, so she is pardoned. But to defend that type of --yes--laziness on behalf of implied understanding is ridiculous. Plus, it generally just makes one look illiterate. (Again, WSO, this is not directed at you.) Rant over.
see this is what i mean. i understand you're not getting at me at all, i thank you for giving me that much understanding. however, can you not also give the same understanding to others who do the same thing... without having to know the reason behind it?

this lack of capitals thing is a side issue. but it shows a good example of intolerance of others who are different to us.
i make these comments with respect whispersecret, no offense intended.

edited to add:
i see no need for people who have pmed or emailed me to come onto this thread. i respect their privacy.

and as i have indicated, there's no point snowballing misunderstandings further.
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It seems to me that someone has been taking this Literotica thing a little too seriously.

I understand that some people are extremely sensitive and that some particular words and topics seem to trigger their own particular distress. But I'm always willing to accept the "consequences" of my posts. Honestly, even these consequences are relatively trivial to me as a person. Just about the worst that is likely to happen to me as the results of my posts is that I might get banned from Literotica (Oh, the shame--I could never live it down. :rolleyes: )

All anyone really needs to do is use a little common sense and maintain their anonymity and a little emotional distance. If someone's post really bothers you that much and you are constantly being bombarded with PMs, change your username.

If I was so involved in Literotica that an interaction actually upset me, I'd know that it was time to take a break for a couple months. This is just entertainment, after all.
I know you were, in part, referring to me, WSO. I know this because I like to fight and I'm not overly considerate of other people's feelings. So here's your answer: No. I'm not going to put on a civilized veneer. I'm going to be me and that me is blunt, honest, arrogant, and mean. To do anything else would be dishonest and I'd rather stick my foot in my mouth and apologize for it every day than to lack integrity.

The ambiguity comes from the fact that you were referring to someone specific and you refused to clarify that. If you are not willing to start a fight by taking specific people to task, then you shouldn't do it. There is nothing wrong with being general if you have good advice to give that will apply to a specific situation as well.

Tiggs, attacking wso like that is just flat passive-aggressive bullshit. That wasn't about asking an innocent question, that was about humiliating wso and discrediting her authority. If you had an innocent motive, you would have asked it elsewhere, someplace where you wouldn't be discrediting her by proving that she's inaccurate. You didn't mean to be rude, you meant to score points. If you're gonna do it, don't sit there and pretend to be innocent.
KillerMuffin said:
The ambiguity comes from the fact that you were referring to someone specific and you refused to clarify that. If you are not willing to start a fight by taking specific people to task, then you shouldn't do it. There is nothing wrong with being general if you have good advice to give that will apply to a specific situation as well.

i still refuse to be specific because i believe in my heart that it's the attitudes that matter... every single one of us has moments when we disrespect others. some of us know how to apologise and others don't.

i am not a vindictive person. i have had enough bias around me to last me more than this lifetime and i don't need to go looking for more.

i don't start fights KM, i much prefer calming them. not everyone has the urge to lash out eh... i've worked through that phase in my life and do not intend going through it again.

just because one person (or half a dozen) don't think my advice is good, does not mean the whole of the Author's Hangout disagrees with me.

you and i have had a similar discussion about the way i read your comments a long time ago. we managed to discuss both our points of view in a relatively okay way (i think). i understand that you are a direct speaking person. that's okay. you are who you are, just as i am who i am.

there is nothing to be gained by hang, draw, and quartering those who are unable to temper their directness. but there is everything to gain if discussion and understanding are given.

i have a feeling that those people who speak directly all eventually learn to tone their directness to a level the rest of us can deal with more easily. i would think such outright directness leads to that person being very very alone.

i reiterate, i was not starting a fight, nor do i intend to.
KillerMuffin said:

Tiggs, attacking wso like that is just flat passive-aggressive bullshit. That wasn't about asking an innocent question, that was about humiliating wso and discrediting her authority. If you had an innocent motive, you would have asked it elsewhere, someplace where you wouldn't be discrediting her by proving that she's inaccurate. You didn't mean to be rude, you meant to score points. If you're gonna do it, don't sit there and pretend to be innocent.

(a) sorry but, who is Tiggs?

(b) i have NO authority here whatsoever. i just happen to care about how we are treating each other.

(c) i don't feel humiliated.

(d) thanks for sticking up for me though, i appreciate the gift.
wildsweetone said:
i don't start fights KM, i much prefer calming them. not everyone has the urge to lash out eh... i've worked through that phase in my life and do not intend going through it again.

just because one person (or half a dozen) don't think my advice is good, does not mean the whole of the Author's Hangout disagrees with me.
Personally, I believe in diplomacy in all forms of communication. Everyone here has an opinion and they have the right to be heard. Keeping the pithy remarks to yourself and just agreeing to disagree is the intellectual way, if you ask me.

Now, I do agree there are times for pithy remarks, but only after diplomacy has failed. But, jumping to your cause at the peril of the other side is not the way to go. I was brought up to respect others, even when they didn't respect me.

You can't play the heavy and sweep down and pummel the opposition. Well, you can, but I consider it to be the uncaring and uneducated. To use some reeks of white trash tendencies.
KillerMuffin said:

Tiggs, attacking wso like that is just flat passive-aggressive bullshit. That wasn't about asking an innocent question, that was about humiliating wso and discrediting her authority. If you had an innocent motive, you would have asked it elsewhere, someplace where you wouldn't be discrediting her by proving that she's inaccurate. You didn't mean to be rude, you meant to score points. If you're gonna do it, don't sit there and pretend to be innocent.

Whatever then. :rolleyes: I know you'll think what you want so it's pointless to even say anything. ~sigh~
BlessedBe said:
That was me, but I never intended to humiliate you in any way.

taking things at face value is what i have learnt to do when being here. i did not take your comments in the manner km thought you meant them.
I felt pretty attacked by this thread. I'm pretty quick to assume this so-called "guilt" over behaving badly because the things that I do, my bluntness, my honesty, my ego, my disregard for the pretense of civility, all equal bad manners. If "someone" is getting taken to task for bad manners and meanness, it's always me. This isn't the first time you've done it and if we both stick around it probably won't be the last time, either.

Anyway, this is all moot. I don't intend to alter myself to fit the advice.
your feeling of being attacked came from yourself KM. i didn't outrightly nor specifically accuse you of anything.

if i had a problem with you, i would have pmed you personally - i think you know that.

if you feel uncomfortable, and you don't intend to alter yourself then i don't think your going to be feeling too much better about things in the long run... but then i'm no psychologist, that's just my feelings.
Guilt always makes the guilty look guilty.

And people often react defensively when they have something to hide.
Were you the oldest in a set of siblings, KM? Or maybe an only child?
Tests show the oldest of siblings tends to be the one in charge and always has to be right.

Were you the middle child, WSO? The middle child tends to be the diplomatic, negociating one, who always wants everyone to be happy and get along.

Just wondering. Neither of you need feel obligated to answer.
God I DOOOOOO so want to invite some lads over from Art of War, just to show people what hostile actually looks like.

But every time I have visited that forum, it has ruined my shoes.

And the reek.

Not to mention what they would have to say about people's feelings (feelings? what's feelings?).
DVS said:
Were you the oldest in a set of siblings, KM? Or maybe an only child?
Tests show the oldest of siblings tends to be the one in charge and always has to be right.

Were you the middle child, WSO? The middle child tends to be the diplomatic, negociating one, who always wants everyone to be happy and get along.

Just wondering. Neither of you need feel obligated to answer.
Oh, the youngest child in the group? The youngest can do no wrong, in the eyes of the parents.
DVS said:
Were you the middle child, WSO? The middle child tends to be the diplomatic, negociating one, who always wants everyone to be happy and get along

actually i was the oldest child until about a year ago when i discovered i have a half-sis about 19 months older than me. i never did follow the rules eh.

respect is all i ask and i'm not seeing it in many places
its Leslie said:
I'm a middle child, I suppose that ruins that theory.

Ok, so maybe you were too fed up with the attention the first one got and the pampering the last one got. :confused:

This is meant as a joke... REALLY. No offence.

its Leslie said:
I'm a middle child, I suppose that ruins that theory.
LOL, well I didn't say it was an exact science! They just have a tendency to be that way.

I am one of 4, and sort of in the middle and sort of the youngest. I am torn between being the diplomat and with looking smug because I can't do anything wrong!
wildsweetone said:
actually i was the oldest child until about a year ago when i discovered i have a half-sis about 19 months older than me.
Well then, so much for social tendencies in siblings. Maybe we are all just the exceptions? I am sure there is also a marginal percentage of error, as in all social behaviours.

And, we all could be just plain weird, too.
My brother was a super jock at school, girls willingly "shared" him, bloody amazing to see it happen actually.

I never worried about his shadow though.

He is a smart writer too, but he is sport sports and nothing but sports, which is helpful as he is the sports editor of a large newspaper hehe.
But he isn't much outside of sports, I inherited all the trade skills.

My sister, hmmm she went through life looking like me (so everyone always said).

But my sister is so damn awesome looking. Nope glad I am not her. It's hard enough to be bright, but at least I am not a sexy looking blonde as well. If I ever need to sue someone though they can deal with her.

We all have are strengths. Personally I think I am happier than they are.