For God's Sake - Another Bomb?!

KillerMuffin said:
Anyway, this is all moot. I don't intend to alter myself to fit the advice.
Somehow, KM, I didn't think you would. Do you know anything about how rust acts on metal?
wildsweetone said:
your feeling of being attacked came from yourself KM. i didn't outrightly nor specifically accuse you of anything.

if i had a problem with you, i would have pmed you personally - i think you know that.

if you feel uncomfortable, and you don't intend to alter yourself then i don't think your going to be feeling too much better about things in the long run... but then i'm no psychologist, that's just my feelings.

See, this is the problem. You didn't outright do anything. You insinuated. Intentionally or not. This thread was not created in a vacuum. Someone had to be behaving like an ass for you to create it. You don't want to mention who those someone or someones are, that's fine. That doesn't change the fact that you think someone in this forum is an ass.

I appreciate honesty and the further this goes the less and less honest this thread feels. If pretty much anyone else here had started this thread I wouldn't have thought a thing about it. But they didn't; you did. I could give a good gawd damn about what a lot of people think. You, though, I thought you were on the way to becoming a friend. I'm not so sure anymore.

I used to think you'd take it to PM, but frankly, once you posted this thread that went out the window because you obviously don't feel the need to take it to PM.

And you're right, you're no psychologist. I don't feel badly about myself or my behavior at all. If I did, I'd be apologizing. I'm not stupid either. I'm fully aware of how other people view me. A lot of people don't like it.
And they call ME arrogant, I at least wait for someone to insult me specifically directly and by name... before getting pissed off.

Arrogant is assuming one is so damned bloody important the world revolves around them to the exclusion of all else.

That iunendo is always directed at them, that imaginary slights are hidden between the lines of everything that is said, even when the comment was meant for another person entirely.
Where an open comment to a group is a thinly veiled personal attack.

KM you are one paranoid ego.

I am also unsure if your friendship holds up under fire well.
KillerMuffin said:
See, this is the problem. You didn't outright do anything. You insinuated. Intentionally or not. This thread was not created in a vacuum. Someone had to be behaving like an ass for you to create it. You don't want to mention who those someone or someones are, that's fine. That doesn't change the fact that you think someone in this forum is an ass.
OK, this is what I don't understand. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I do think most of us have a life outside of this place. And, things still happen in these outside worlds that might trigger us to want to talk about it in this forum.

I have looked over this whole thread, and more than one have asked what this thread is all about. Most everyone has seen it as unusual, but still are asking what it is all about.

Only you, KM, seem to know it is directed at you. I see that as a bit strange. Don't you?
to killer muffin

i didn't think anyone was acting like an 'ass'. i said that there hasn't been much respect given. and looking at the way this thread is turning out, there are beginning to be plenty of examples to make my point even more clear.

i am simply what you see. i aren't trying to be anyone's friend in particular. i am just merely being a friend by caring enough to comment on problems that have happened.

i cannot see how you can think anything less of me, i still have not accused you in particular of anything at all... and i have to say that i feel really upset that you'd not count me as a friend because of what's happening and what i'm trying to do here. i hadn't realised we were close enough to be friends (i guess my definition of friendship is different to yours)... more that we were acquaintances, here to have experiences, to help others and to help ourselves...

the reason i posted this thread... which everyone seems to mainly have guessed, is that what i have seen happen in specific cases close to me recently, has also happened elsewhere on the boards.

because the misunderstandings occurred in several places i thought it was a good idea to make a common thread and deal with it as best i could in my usual inept way.

i am sorry if you think i'm being dishonest. at this point i'd say 'trust me, i'm as honest as you're likely to ever see anyone'. but somehow i don't think trust is here.
No, I'm sorry, KM isn't the only one who thought it was directed at her.

I'm sure everyone who has read this thread has hypothesized about who wso was "suggesting" had been callous and unfeeling. Here's what I thought:

--maybe it's me. I have been a little belligerent to NaughtyMike lately.
--maybe it's KM, because of the same thread. (Surely I wasn't the only one who thought this. Come on.)
--maybe it's It's Leslie and the chick he was fighting with. That little tiff got nasty.

But wso won't name names, so we're all left wondering. The shit is still stirred up, though, regardless.

KM doesn't think the world revolves around her. She, in fact, is a person who gives a lot to this forum in the form of feedback, advice, instruction, and encouragement. If she thought the world revolved around her she would have been far more dictatorial in the thread about non-authorial topics. If KM was a person with an inflated ego, she would prance all over this forum announcing her stories with great flourish (bumping the threads when they get to the bottom of the page), mention them in every thread whenever possible, push them in the story discussion circle and the feedback forum, etc. She doesn't do that.

Now, I'm not saying she's not arrogant. She is. That's not a secret. We all know that, and so does she. I accept that about her. We all have our faults. (Mine is assuming I'm superior to absolutely everyone else, whether I am or not.) But, to me, her arrogance is well-balanced by her other nobler qualities.
I think it's funy so many have fretted over who WSO has been writing over.

Then again, some of us are in the loop, some of us ARE the loop, and some of us well some are more like an pile of spagetti.
its Leslie said:
Then again, some of us are in the loop, some of us ARE the loop, and some of us well some are more like an pile of spagetti.
I wanna be a meatball. Can I be a meatball? I love spagetti and meatballs, but spagetti by itself is lacking.
Whispersecret said:
I'm sure everyone who has read this thread has hypothesized about who wso was "suggesting" had been callous and unfeeling. Here's what I thought:

--maybe it's me. I have been a little belligerent to NaughtyMike lately.
I did see that thread, and I don't think you said anything out of line. But, I do think this NaughtyMike was feeding off of everything you said. To really get back at someone like that is to ignore them. Of course, that is only my opinion. And, I didn't see anything KM said to him that was out of line, either.
Whispersecret said:
--maybe it's It's Leslie and the chick he was fighting with. That little tiff got nasty.
I can't comment on this, because I haven't seen the thread.
Whispersecret said:
But wso won't name names, so we're all left wondering. The shit is still stirred up, though, regardless.
She can't name names because it wasn't about any one person.

Whispersecret said:
KM doesn't think the world revolves around her.
Are you sure about that?
Whispersecret said:
She, in fact, is a person who gives a lot to this forum in the form of feedback, advice, instruction, and encouragement.
I don't know much about this, either way. I am sure she probably does give alot of good. But, she also gives her share of other things, too. I won't expand on this. We all know what I mean.
Whispersecret said:
If she thought the world revolved around her she would have been far more dictatorial in the thread about non-authorial topics. If KM was a person with an inflated ego, she would prance all over this forum announcing her stories with great flourish (bumping the threads when they get to the bottom of the page), mention them in every thread whenever possible, push them in the story discussion circle and the feedback forum, etc. She doesn't do that.
Do you want to read the above part, again? I am assuming this is an over enflated example of an over enflated ego. I don't think anyone who did that would be seen as an intellitent individual, and get any respect, or should expect any.
Whispersecret said:
Now, I'm not saying she's not arrogant. She is. That's not a secret. We all know that, and so does she. I accept that about her. We all have our faults.
Arrogance is a nasty personality trait that easily rubs people the wrong way. It can greatly overshadow any of her nobler qualities. I think she would be a much nicer person, if she could seem to come across as less arrogant. Of course, that is only my opinion. All of this is only my opinion. I don't mean to offend, simply giving my opinon.
Considering its WSO we are talking about here too of course.

I mean I would name names, I think plenty of us would name names, as plenty of us don't give a flying fuck about some matters as much as she does.

And that is it eh, WSO DOES give a damn (hmmm that was the point of the thread after all).

So waiting for WSO to point a finger at ANY of us is likely to get a person quite bored.

Which is precisely why I could care less myself personally if she ever does.

I like her as the polite nice lass she is.

We have plenty enough jerks like me.
I did see that thread, and I don't think you said anything out of line. But, I do think this NaughtyMike was feeding off of everything you said. To really get back at someone like that is to ignore them. Of course, that is only my opinion. And, I didn't see anything KM said to him that was out of line, either.

Oh, absolutely, he was feeding. It became very obvious that he purposely stirs up controversy so he can feed on the frenzy. When I realized I was giving him exactly what he wanted, I quit "playing."

Yes, I'm quite sure KM doesn't think the world revolves around her any more than any of the rest of us.

I don't know much about this, either way. I am sure she probably does give alot of good. But, she also gives her share of other things, too. I won't expand on this. We all know what I mean.

Well, I only see what she does here on this forum. I don't go to the General Board, which I see as the the online interactive equivalent of The National Enquirer. So, from what I see here, she's helpful most of the time, with only an occasional decline into righteous anger. ;) (I mean that with affection, KM.)

Do you want to read the above part, again? I am assuming this is an over enflated example of an over enflated ego. I don't think anyone who did that would be seen as an intellitent individual, and get any respect, or should expect any.

Yeah, it was exaggerated, of course. BUT, I have SEEN people do some of these things. I suppose that it's difficult to see if those people are still respected. In this type of arena, just who is respected and who isn't is difficult to determine. Sometimes someone will tell me they respect me as a "mentor" of sorts, which always bowls me over, because usually I will have had NO IDEA that this person even knew who I was.

Disrespect here will most likely take on the aspect of ignoring, I suppose.

Arrogance is a nasty personality trait that easily rubs people the wrong way. It can greatly overshadow any of her nobler qualities. I think she would be a much nicer person, if she could seem to come across as less arrogant. Of course, that is only my opinion. All of this is only my opinion. I don't mean to offend, simply giving my opinon.

Like beauty, arrogance is in the eye of the beholder. The degree of KM's arrogance doesn't bug me. Perhaps because I think the two of us are very similar. Perhaps its because we have a friendly relationship in which we edit each other's work. Who knows?

There's really no reason to keep discussing it because she's not going to change. ;)
i think that if anybody actually thought i was referring to them, then perhaps there's a reason for that.

what is there to continue wondering about when some people know they've been less than respectful to others on the threads?

perhaps you could quit trying to sort everybody else out and look at yourselves - you can help better when you start close to home eh.

just for whispersecret and km's information i can name names, but i choose not to because i have a distinct feeling that all the fires of hell will be brought to bear on those concerned and in case anybody misunderstood me earlier, i don't actually like things like that happening.

i do think though, that any more postings would be better off in first person without pointing fingers at others.
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Like a helium filled ballon this thread has floated on curious wafts of brezzy updrafts which seem to come out of no direction to lift it back into play again.

I too have difficulty coming out and making a simple statement every now and then. If that statement is not understood, I find myself falling back on a natural tendency to go on the defensive as if attacked. And when I think I'm attacked I show my claws and strike.

Of course that doesn't clear the air. But it does allow me to add one more post to my total.

I think the above statement is both as clear and as Earth shattering as anything stated in this thread so far.
Whispersecret said:
There's really no reason to keep discussing it because she's not going to change. ;)

LOL, I agree with that. I guess we are all the way we are for a reason. :D