For the Lady Dommes

Thank you all for your encouragement of one of my favorite real life activities, I could go into why I got into it but i bet I would bore you with its religious and personal significances. Ask if you would like to know and it not bore you.

Onward -

Your feet have now been soaking 20-30 while we have discussed them and I have mixed the plum seed and the aloe. It is time to bring your feet from there restful abode in the water.

I gentle remove the left foot and softly and carefully dry it, semi massaging it through the fluff towel caring for each individual toe, then unto the same with the right foot.

Why care for each toe?

Each toe is a foot into itself, far to often we neglect these very important parts to our feet. Did you know you would have no ballance bare footed if your big toe were to be removed off each foot?

To me each toe is an isle unto itself and deserves such attention and care.

Onward we go -

Once each foot is thoroughly dry I sometimes stretch this process into a tender 5-10 minutes.

Now unto the plum seed aloe mixture that I mised up, I bet you have been wondering what it was for or why I was even making.

As I take a portion and rub it in my hands, warming it though so it is not cold for its aplication, I explain how the ground seed acts as a scouring pad and the aloe, we all know has its healing properties. I explain how together it acts as a gel I can use to gently scrub off this weeks {presumming this to be something I do for you on a weekly basis} build of old worn skin and to begin the removal process of the callouses and hard build up that no self resepcting foot deserves to live with. As I have often said feet are to be lived in, they don't need to look or feel lived in though.

I gently begin to rub the mixture into you foot starting at the heel gently wrping my hands and lotion up to your ankles pulling my hands down over the top of your foot toward your toes intermingling my right hand fingers through your toes then my left hand silding my hand under your toes, rubbing the lotion back toward your hell once ther sliding my hands up your arch finsihing the complete covering of the foot with my lotion.

I gently rest the lotion cover left foot on my nake right thigh and repeat the same process to your right foot resting it upon my left thigh.

Now that both feet are equally covered I repeat the rubbing prosccess a little more firmly using the courseness of the crushed seed to gently crub and scour into the hard flesh of your soles softening and removing the hardening.

Once both feet have been adequately rubbed witht he lotion of seed and aloe, a process which generally takes 15-20 minutes I submerge each foot and wash off the lotion n the water making sure I get in between the toes and rinse awa the seed granules. Once again drying them and resting them upon my thighs.

During the whole process I would be talking to you, getting you to tell me about your day, listening to you understanding your stressful day, comforting you and relaxing you.

To be continued . . .

Again feel free to comment

your meticulous care for detail and devotion to the foot does not stop at the ankle~but apparently covers the emotional relaxation of the Dommes you are serving.

you are a good boy that is earning a great deal of respect not only for the intellect I have always seen but also for your well thought out participations.

I would love to hear how you got interested in foot care eventually Todd.

Shadowsdream said:

your meticulous care for detail and devotion to the foot does not stop at the ankle~but apparently covers the emotional relaxation of the Dommes you are serving.

you are a good boy that is earning a great deal of respect not only for the intellect I have always seen but also for your well thought out participations.

I would love to hear how you got interested in foot care eventually Todd.

Thank you for posting my thoughts so well.:rose:
My apologies for the delay in its continuation.

When we last left the scene of foot care I had given you a foot bath then a getle plumseed aloe scrub. Now we continue onward to foot care bliss.

Step Three:

Now that the priliminary steps have been taken care of we get into a more serious depth to the footcare.

As we shift gears as I finish drying your feet you should notice a more serious tone in my voice and a stiffer expression on my face.

This step begins with something that can be dangerous and make the reciever nervous, a combination that is not a good thing.

This is a time where the trust a sub/be gives to there dom/me when they are blind folded and tied totally at thier hands with no real defense be returned like wise that the Dom/me will trust there sub/be in this step. Trusting that the sub/be will not and does not intend to harm thier dom/me.

With that being explained I bring out the next step a small thin straight razor. I explain this is to remove the hardening on the heel, the pad and the inside and under side of the big toe.

Slowly and tenderly I stroke the left foot and calve to calm your nerves and comfort you as I begin the delicate work of removing the hardning, this takes time and concentration as I do your left foot and the right foot often this takes close to an hour, because your nerves need to be calmed from time to time as I begin a new part or the foot or you see how much old flesh actually comes off as I slice.

Once I am done, I smile at your braveness and trust in me with the razor as I set it down. I comment and resassure you and tell you it is over, your body seems to let out a sign of releif and relaxes, even though you may of felt relaxed your body was still tensed having someone handling a razor upon it.

Next I bring out a set of pumice stones a course, a medium and a fine stone, these I have carved my hand mark into so it fits into my hand for a perfect grip.

These pumice stones are to take off the last part of the hardening and complete smooth the bottoms of your feet, so that if you didn't know what I had already done you would never be able to tell., this generally takes 15 minutes a foot starting from your left foot and finishing on your right foot.

during the pumicing I talk with you and ask for your thoughts on I that I have done, I can look into your eyes and face while I do this because pumicng is an art of touch more than it is by site as the heel, pad, inner toe is reshaped once more.

To be continued . . .

Again fell free to comment.

When you get to this Domme don't even look at the razor could use the finest magnifying glass on the planet and never be able to find a callouse or hard spot on any portion of a toe or heel.

Having constant foot care has been a blessing ~~~smile~~~

continue with the beauty of this ritualistic devotion that you describe so remarkably well.