Free Thoughts~on One word...

I havent recovered from this yet !!

table topped,
your member.
while I ride,
your tongue.

I believe the word I had "bounced" off of ;)
was topped. growl eh ~~

Oh .. there was his name too ... tung ...
Put it together my friend and .... you get a yummy vision ~

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I believe the word I had "bounced" off of ;)
was topped. growl eh ~~

Oh .. there was his name too ... tung ...
Put it together my friend and .... you get a yummy vision ~


I remember...

Tittilating tingles
atop tight taut tits.

Hi RF,,,

Been a rough few days, but a breather for me for a few. :)
Almost (almost) made it through winter...looking forward to spring. Anxious to feel the sun on my face again. A much needed visit to the meadow, a few days there hopefully this time to put things together, some things to rest, and some things in preparation. But I need sun...sun...sun. Winters been a hard one, I need a seasons change emotionally at the moment.
Rehashing ...

I like the sensual images of the dark
world. Give me a whip, some candle
wax, feathers, and flogs.

Start at the bottom, work
your way up. Nice and slow.
Be it massage or small patty
cake spankings I shall puddle
at your feet, begging for more.

Bring on the toys, we shall play
for hours. Taking illicit thoughts
into a whole new dimension ...


I was looking for this poem last week.
I wrote it last year and I love, love, love
the not-so-hidden implications here. ;)

So, I am reposting it to have another read
and possibly inspire a few writes.


Honey dew drops bubbled and dripped
soaking skin, tan limbs and a sultry smile
made - just for you.

I slid down deep into the bubbles
thinking what a pleasure it would be
to see you pop up between my sudsy
thighs, blowing your bubbles the way
you always promised.

Yes, my love I do remember a time
a moment when all was clear and you did
just this. Laughter filled the air and a sudden
hot tension popped up between us.

Your curls stick out most
in my mind. A loving smile appears
and so does a persistent never ending
desire I have and shall always have
for you.

Razor to legs, slide to and fro
sharing the space for a moment in time
with you. Remembering your scandalous
tongue, trailing these same mountains
and hills.

Shaving cream covers
hides your favorite spot
ready for the razors edge, ready
for that silken slide you do so well.

Knowing your likeness for cream
I cover two crescent breast
tweaking nipples, finger slides
nubbing them just right
for the tasting
for the tempting of the man
out of the mountains and onto

the trail of this starving body. The
mapping of this woman who was lost
without a trace. Come show me
the hunger I once knew, grew
between us two ...


When one gets writers block, it's great to start over
and try ... try again. :rolleyes: Have fun my friends
and enjoy the write ~~~


Quoted from 5/2006
RhymeFairy ::

to feel your soft palpable skin
betwixt fingers nimble
and smooth. like a painter
on a great masterpiece. can I sit
dwell on your texture, softly
brush away flakes of freckles
by tongue tasting, lapping
round. orange peeling precision
slices through curls looped-de-looping
end to end. my eyes shall lay
on your bare skin rug of furry chest
nose crinkles as I scoop up
down, just blazing my path of sensual
feel. fire, slow sweet tangy kisses
glittered all over, ribs protruding
needing nips, over and about. some lil suckles
for to taste you is better than any fruit,
cream or tart. my masterpiece, spread
for the taking. taking ones time
to do you right.

edited ... revised ... rewrote :rolleyes:

to feel your soft palpable skin
betwixt fingers, nimble
and smooth. like a painter
on a great masterpiece. can I sit

and dwell on your texture? softly
brush away flakes of freckles
by tasting your orange. peel,
those curls looped-de-looping,

end to end. my eyes shall lay
you bare - of skin. nose crinkling
I scope up - then down, blazing
a path of fire, as tangy tangible

kisses glitter. framing ribs
protruding - needing nips,
over and about adding too
your swirly snippets.

for to view you is better
than any fruit, cream or tart.
my masterpiece, spread. taking
my time to mount you right.

I found a place

deep inside, where your memory
was hushed. I walked on past, glanced back
thought of old times and finally felt
happy. Years we've tried
years we've failed but we kept hoping,
knowing it was worth fighting for. Now
I can lie and sleep, without your scent
to tuck me in. Finally my time has come
to be happy, standing tall - without you
as my crutch on the hardest nights.
I've found peace from heartache, happiness
in the rain and love from within.

thank you .... :rose: for everything .....:heart:
Once again...

I found a place

deep inside, where your memory
was hushed. I walked on past, glanced back
thought of old times and finally felt
happy. Years we've tried
years we've failed but we kept hoping,
knowing it was worth fighting for. Now
I can lie and sleep, without your scent
to tuck me in. Finally my time has come
to be happy, standing tall - without you
as my crutch on the hardest nights.
I've found peace from heartache, happiness
in the rain and love from within.

thank you .... :rose: for everything .....:heart:

Like minds.

Still quite haven't found the peace yet, I may not on my own time. I may only find it when the flowers grow and the meadow blows what remains of me away. Until then...I do what I can.
Like minds.

Still quite haven't found the peace yet, I may not on my own time. I may only find it when the flowers grow and the meadow blows what remains of me away. Until then...I do what I can.

there is peace in the journey, we just need to know how to see it.

The wild beast returns
looking for scraps
Once there, a gone
Once like flowers standing in the wind,
now dried petals blown and scattered
He has no reason to expect,
foolish to expect
yet he can’t help himself
he hopes,
but the beast knows and walks away
a kingdom gained, riches in abundance. coins
made of hope, pave the streets. to walk upon
once, twice, thrice - is a daily ritual we all aspire
to achieve.


just a thought ~~~ good morning. :)
It's been far too long,
since I sipped - passion.
I've popped it's cork
let it breathe, for minutes
on end. Swirled in my glass
to stew - ripe rejuvenating
fruit. Yearning for a taste
test - I stop. Sensibility
tells me, to keep watch,
it shall only get better
with age.

Have a good one my friends ~~~~ :rose:
Perhaps, for some. But this has been a journey I wouldn't wish on anyone my dear friend!

And nice to see you again too! :rose:

sending some prayers your way :kiss: some of these roads sure can be bumpy eh. (bumpy just simply is NOT the right word. it's as if each stone needs to be traversed like the side of a sheer cliff face, as if the precipice is nothing more than the sharp edge of a razor blade, and the trip down the other side a tumble over the side of the Niagara and then there's the landing... nothing like feathers and down, just more sharp-edged boulders.)

okay, i feel better now. how about you? ;)


sending some prayers your way :kiss: some of these roads sure can be bumpy eh. (bumpy just simply is NOT the right word. it's as if each stone needs to be traversed like the side of a sheer cliff face, as if the precipice is nothing more than the sharp edge of a razor blade, and the trip down the other side a tumble over the side of the Niagara and then there's the landing... nothing like feathers and down, just more sharp-edged boulders.)

okay, i feel better now. how about you? ;)


Well, I DID there is that. But even falling over the edge, the hard bumps, crashes against the side of the cliff, then free-falling, where for a moment your thinking maybe you'll survive, then you see another outcroping of stone, and the bottoms still a long...long ways off. Sorta been more like that for me lately.
Well, I DID there is that. But even falling over the edge, the hard bumps, crashes against the side of the cliff, then free-falling, where for a moment your thinking maybe you'll survive, then you see another outcroping of stone, and the bottoms still a long...long ways off. Sorta been more like that for me lately.

there's poetry in that.

please write it.

Gooood Morning ..... :rose::)

New word anyone ???


Syllables: fall
Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb , noun
Phrases: fall back on , fall off , fall under

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation fawl
Inflected Forms fell, fallen, falling, falls
Definition 1. to drop downward or to a lower position; descend.
Example The curtain fell ; He fell from the top of the tree.
Synonyms plunge , drop , descend
Crossref. Syn. cascade , avalanche , pitch , decline
Similar Words tumble , topple , come down {come (vi)}

Definition 2. to lessen; abate.
Example The level of activity fell considerably.
Synonyms ebb , drop, abate , lessen , diminish , decrease
Crossref. Syn. drop off , decline
Similar Words drop off , fade , dip , decline , dwindle

Definition 3. to hang down.
Example His hair fell in curls onto his forehead.
Synonyms hang
Similar Words dangle , drop

Definition 4. to be slain.
Example He fell in battle.
Synonyms perish
Similar Words die , croak

Definition 5. to be defeated or conquered.
Example The fort fell under enemy attack.
Similar Words capitulate , surrender , succumb

Definition 6. to happen; occur.
Example Night fell.
Synonyms occur , happen , take place
Crossref. Syn. come
Similar Words befall , betide , come , come to pass

Definition 7. to become; pass into a particular condition or position.
Example She fell ill. ; Hiking with a group, he fell behind.
Synonyms become
Crossref. Syn. slide
Similar Words drop , lapse , take

Definition 8. to fail to resist temptation.
Synonyms err
Similar Words backslide , stray , transgress , sin

Definition 9. of the sight, to be directed to.
Example Her eyes fell on the lost pearl.
Crossref. Syn. rest

Related Words stumble , stoop , slump , rain , plunge , hail , offend ,
drape , trip , settle , ruin , lower , stream , stall , bag , trespass , slip ,
slide , give way , lose , sink , crash

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cut down (a tree) or bring down (an animal or
person); fell.
Synonyms fell
Similar Words strike down , smite , cut down

Phrase fall under

Phrase fall back on

Phrase fall off

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act or process of falling to a lower place.
Synonyms plunge , descent , tumble , drop
Crossref. Syn. decline
Similar Words stumble , dive , spill

Definition 2. a sudden decline in elevation.
Crossref. Syn. drop
Similar Words lowering , descent , drop , decline

Definition 3. a downward slope.
Synonyms slope , decline
Similar Words slant , downgrade , dip

Definition 4. (usu. pl.) a sudden drop in a river or stream that
causes water to fall; waterfall.
Synonyms waterfall , cascade
Similar Words cataract

Definition 5. autumn.
Synonyms autumn
Similar Words Indian summer

Definition 6. a succumbing to temptation or seduction.
Similar Words original sin , error , trespass , lapse , transgression ,

Definition 7. something that drops down or falls.
Example a fall of hair.
Synonyms cascade
Crossref. Syn. rain

Definition 8. a defeat or capture, as of a military force or a city.
Synonyms defeat , capture
Similar Words sack , surrender , overthrow

Definition 9. in wrestling, the act of pinning an opponent's
shoulders against the mat for a certain brief length of time.
Similar Words pinning {pin (vt)} , hold1

Related Words tumble , bathos , trip , decrease , harvest , collapse ,
down , overturn

Wanted to dedicate this one to MF but it could be taken
so many ways.:eek: I am hoping to inspire not ... drown.
Sending lotza good vibes your way my friend ~:heart:

Happy Writing ...:rose:
her spirit melts wax.
ignoring inspiration
she falls long and hard
into fields of blue. where birds
fly backwards to rewind time
and sink into oblivious obscurity.


a carpet of yellow,
red leaves.
propositioning me
to ponder and prance along.
stopping to feel and just be.
just be in love
with the beauty
before mine eyes.

looked through a few older ones.
Writers block has me fit to be tied :devil:
Hoping ya'll have much better luck ~~

Been bouncing a thought on that (to quote RF), see what I can come up with.

I watched Something To Talk About last week. It's a bit older but I have to say - it's one of my fav.'s. There is a scene in the movie that you brought to mind. In it Julia Roberts is having a conversation with her sister - her sister tells her to slow down and try to digest all the horrible things that has happened in her life the last few days. The line , classic .... Julia says

I have .... , ...., ...., ...... ...., ..... etc ...

going on, Sooo please excuse me for not taking the time to fall apart and have the friggin meltdown I so richly deserve~

I did not quote but I am hoping you get the general gist of it. Put simply, she is too busy and is pushing her problems to the back burner. It's a great movie with a lot of humor and maybe a tear will be shed while watching it ...


I watched Something To Talk About last week. It's a bit older but I have to say - it's one of my fav.'s. There is a scene in the movie that you brought to mind. In it Julia Roberts is having a conversation with her sister - her sister tells her to slow down and try to digest all the horrible things that has happened in her life the last few days. The line , classic .... Julia says

I have .... , ...., ...., ...... ...., ..... etc ...

going on, Sooo please excuse me for not taking the time to fall apart and have the friggin meltdown I so richly deserve~

I did not quote but I am hoping you get the general gist of it. Put simply, she is too busy and is pushing her problems to the back burner. It's a great movie with a lot of humor and maybe a tear will be shed while watching it ...


I did...and I did.


Sweet on the tongue.
Taking a bite
out of the early morning
sun, I gloat. This
is how - breakfast is supposed
to be ...

I remember...

Tittilating tingles
atop tight taut tits.

Hi RF,,,

Been a rough few days, but a breather for me for a few. :)
Almost (almost) made it through winter...looking forward to spring. Anxious to feel the sun on my face again. A much needed visit to the meadow, a few days there hopefully this time to put things together, some things to rest, and some things in preparation. But I need sun...sun...sun. Winters been a hard one, I need a seasons change emotionally at the moment.

Yep, I got the same blues.

Pour another glass of wine
It will not fail before I arrive at river’s bank
I will sate myself with its stupor
Reflecting on such promising possibilities until they are no more
Serenity of sweet sparrows singing
Harbors empty promise
Foretelling only spring and summers fall
Cycles in endless acceptance of enduring mediocrity
There is no passion left save anger and pain
There is no hope left but bitterness.

Laughter echoes silent solemn screams
Basking in the rays of winter

Dancing has become an exercise in escape
Summer but an indulgent drug

I can not look to the good...I have cast it away
The only unique, pure, and eternal grace
Disguised as fetid fruit upon the beach
Lies there with its joys scorned
Its sparkling blue brilliance abandoned

Busyness and sleep are now my only friends
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