Free Thoughts~on One word...

er...sorry... it was written in a rather dark moment.:eek:

I really liked this one and there is no need to be sorry. We all have our dark times and for some that's the best writes we ever have. ( add my name to that list, lol )

I started this thread for encouragement and inspiration. So, if something here touches something in you and helps you to write ... I'm happy. :D:kiss:

Thank you for sharing and by all means, write it out my friend. Sometimes that's the only way to the other side ~~

I think the last word was "fall"

Silent sentinel, so gray and sombre
you sit perched, face searching
you gaze out from your mountaintop
study the horizon, always on the lookout
for inclement weather, inevitable

for years you have kept post
stalwart and stoic, nothing deters you
you weather the seasons, as they have you
worn lines into your furrowed brow
washed away your underpinnings

acid rains, savage storms, the onslaught
of drought and icy immersion take a toll
your grip is less tenacious, more precarious
the balance harder to maintain,
a nudge is all that's needed

to precipitate a fall, send you crashing
into the valley below, one more piece
of rubble, indistinquishable from the next
where you lie and await burial, the peace
of a final resting place
Not my place

but might I suggest a new word...

source /sɔrs, soʊrs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sawrs, sohrs] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, sourced, sourcing.
1. any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained; origin: Which foods are sources of calcium?
2. the beginning or place of origin of a stream or river.
3. a book, statement, person, etc., supplying information.
4. the person or business making interest or dividend payments.
5. a manufacturer or supplier.
6. Archaic. a natural spring or fountain.
–verb (used with object)
7. to give or trace the source for: The research paper was not accurately sourced. The statement was sourced to the Secretary of State.
8. to find or acquire a source, esp. a supplier, for: Some of the components are now sourced in Hong Kong.
–verb (used without object)
9. to contract a manufacturer or supplier: Many large companies are now sourcing overseas.
10. to seek information about or consider possible options, available personnel, or the like: a job recruiter who was merely sourcing.
[Origin: 1300–50; ME sours (n.) < OF sors (masc.), sourse, source (fem.), n. use of ptp. of sourdre < L surgere to spring up or forth]
Electricity flashing dancing
from the nearness of you
a thrilling molten core,
such danger
melt down,
I have no resistance
till I am grounded in you.
before your eyes, your smile
the sun in the morning
the spring breeze, your words
awakened me, their scent
sweet honeysuckle on a warm
mountain morning

upstream you swam, from ocean
to source, instinct driving
intent on finding the fountain
of fulfillment, a current of memory
almost stilled, shimmer stifled
unstirred and silent

in the pool I awaited
your arrival preceded by eddies
of excitement, scintillating swirls
spelled out like cream in coffee
dawn promises blended in lines
of prose and poetry and pursed lips

two fish from different ponds
we swam until we found a pattern
exchanging breath, exploring
each other as if entering a grotto
familiar to us both,
but long ago abandoned

how we fit, as if we had been torn
from the same fabric, frayed end
entwining with its beginning
pieces made whole, we became
recognizable to each other
and ourselves, found our purpose
Hey RF!!!!!!!!!

Am missing you horribly!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought I'd mention it, have one of several new stories pending that has finally posted. The first one is one entitled "Decadent"...and yes, it is folks so beware! :devil:

But have posted a link to it in my sigy hope you'll enjoy it.

And as always, appreciate the votes/comments/feedback on them.

a word...and a poem

the word.....
suf·fer Audio Help /ˈsʌfər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[suhf-er] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used without object)
1. to undergo or feel pain or distress: The patient is still suffering.
2. to sustain injury, disadvantage, or loss: One's health suffers from overwork. The business suffers from lack of capital.
3. to undergo a penalty, as of death: The traitor was made to suffer on the gallows.
4. to endure pain, disability, death, etc., patiently or willingly.
–verb (used with object)
5. to undergo, be subjected to, or endure (pain, distress, injury, loss, or anything unpleasant): to suffer the pangs of conscience.
6. to undergo or experience (any action, process, or condition): to suffer change.
7. to tolerate or allow: I do not suffer fools gladly.

the poem


Am I alone
or is my heart
the heart of a thousand

is this a single tear
shed for those without
what I have so much of

or is it a gathering pool
of those like minded
weeping as the seconds sweep

now is the time to shed
the weight of overindulgence
share the bounty of your harvest
I really liked this one and there is no need to be sorry. We all have our dark times and for some that's the best writes we ever have. ( add my name to that list, lol )

I started this thread for encouragement and inspiration. So, if something here touches something in you and helps you to write ... I'm happy. :D:kiss:

Thank you for sharing and by all means, write it out my friend. Sometimes that's the only way to the other side ~~


where oh where can RF be????? (~_~)
new word kismet: fate; destiny.

And so it is met
sometimes with joy
ofttimes with regret

would that knowledge was like breathing
obvious, instinctual
then the days that did await us
might be less regrettable

she has faded to a future
where I seem to have no part,
but my heart she carries with her

my heart
my heart
is happier with her
oh if I could join it
find moments of silly smiles
sultry swoons
beneath white sheets and full moons

what I was to loose in advance
might have made a difference
and yet

kismet loomed
larger than that full moon
eclipsed our future
now I sit in the dark

the rabbit pulled from the hat
in this tale of "he and she"
is the wonder of a closed heart
unfolding like the first bloom of spring
'tis kismet that these ventricles flush
love, need and want through canals
once closed and left for dead
a gasp, a sigh...take a toke
once again, you're alive
circulation restored to limp limbs
the rush of fate to be met
courses through thick veins, brings heat
to the surface of pallid skin and transfers
to a lonely heart afraid to feel and be felt
and now they are healed
Last edited:
The Book of Love

Peter Gabriel

The book of love is long and boring
No one can lift the damn thing
It's full of charts and facts and figures and instructions for dancing
But I
I love it when you read to me
And you
You can read me anything
The book of love has music in it
In fact that's where music comes from
Some of it is just transcendental
Some of it is just really dumb
But I
I love it when you sing to me
And you
You can sing me anything
The book of love is long and boring
And written very long ago
It's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes
And things we're all too young to know
But I
I love it when you give me things
And you
You ought to give me wedding rings
And I
I love it when you give me things
And you
You ought to give me wedding rings
And I
I love it when you give me things
And you
You ought to give me wedding rings
You ought to give me wedding rings

I found this word and tried to digest me its meaning was...
a self absorbed control freak over analizing with their head up their a** thus anal...
This term goes back to Freud's psychosexual stages - the anal stage of psychosexual development, where a child is learning to control his or her environment/body. According to Freud, a child who does not successfully pass through this stage of control becomes anal retentive, which in today's society is used as a term for one who is a rigid control freak.

stage me
my learning
contain me
as I may be a risk
or be at risk to
control terms

think I got this one down....:D
So would it be a fair assessment that analysis, however necessary, is steeped in a need for control? The process which allows us to evaluate a situation, turn it inside out and stretch it until it no longer holds a disernible form. It certainly has it's place. It can also hinder progress. Where is the line drawn between analytical and anal retentive?

Just a thought. Your poem shook a few bats loose in the belfry, and got me thinking. Now they're flapping around and making an awful racket. :cattail:
So would it be a fair assessment that analysis, however necessary, is steeped in a need for control? The process which allows us to evaluate a situation, turn it inside out and stretch it until it no longer holds a disernible form. It certainly has it's place. It can also hinder progress. Where is the line drawn between analytical and anal retentive?

Just a thought. Your poem shook a few bats loose in the belfry, and got me thinking. Now they're flapping around and making an awful racket. :cattail:

I saw the word analistic and at first I did not equate it with analysis..I tried finding
the meaning because I was thinking it was anal listic ...see..:eek:
While it was raining,

she rears her head in..
leaves a word,
and vanishes
like the wind
that sweeps her away.

Been missing ya'll...
before your eyes, your smile
the sun in the morning
the spring breeze, your words
awakened me, their scent
sweet honeysuckle on a warm
mountain morning

upstream you swam, from ocean
to source, instinct driving
intent on finding the fountain
of fulfillment, a current of memory
almost stilled, shimmer stifled
unstirred and silent

in the pool I awaited
your arrival preceded by eddies
of excitement, scintillating swirls
spelled out like cream in coffee
dawn promises blended in lines
of prose and poetry and pursed lips

two fish from different ponds
we swam until we found a pattern
exchanging breath, exploring
each other as if entering a grotto
familiar to us both,
but long ago abandoned

how we fit, as if we had been torn
from the same fabric, frayed end
entwining with its beginning
pieces made whole, we became
recognizable to each other
and ourselves, found our purpose

this poem -- just beautiful !!!

Thank You TT2U for trying to keep my thread alive and well while I was off moving and working. I also have so many other things to Thank you for but that's another time and place ...*grins* See now I have'm all wondering " what tha he-- " * sneaky eh ~

Really just wanted to say I am back, plan on hanging around for a long while this time and yes, I am happy. A lotta changes were in the air and I have so much to tell but first ... I gotta lube up this keyboard, I was gone so long it got all rusty-like~

Sooo, anyone have a word? A new poem they wrote that I missed? Come on ... let's have it

*miissssssseedddd this place like crazy ~~~*

*rose ... seems like my lil avatars are not willing to work this evening, grrr ~~
It's been a while. Feels like I am again, starting all over again. It has to be said, I am one to write what I fee, imagine and dream ... Pick a bushel or so and one gets more than a mouthful ....

leaving, loving
parts of life that come and haunt. sit
spell out his name over
and over. moving
from one piece of dirt to another
loneliness sets in. no words
no movement, nothingness settles
taking short walks down cold arteries
anticipating, nada
but more cold showers
and lonely pillows - never
chasing away the emptiness
that visit on a nightly basis.


knowing two halves made a whole
exceptions to those rules
were as follows: love will last
time moves on and two added to two more
were a division of rings and swirls like a tub
overflowing, buckets in hand
bubbles slipping
mouths gaping, gathering momentum
making a single unit of two and two
as one watches in terror, originality
went single again.



whispered words, rushing
fingers. rising temperature
temptation beckons. he walks, prowls
then sits in silence
while night things are discussed
and devised - making finger motions
rising stakes, erupting egos
walking the line
to wail out, her name ...


like I said it's been a while, so have fun with it ~~~

"Happy Writing" my friends ~~~

It's been a while. Feels like I am again, starting all over again. It has to be said, I am one to write what I fee, imagine and dream ... Pick a bushel or so and one gets more than a mouthful ....

leaving, loving
parts of life that come and haunt. sit
spell out his name over
and over. moving
from one piece of dirt to another
loneliness sets in. no words
no movement, nothingness settles
taking short walks down cold arteries
anticipating, nada
but more cold showers
and lonely pillows - never
chasing away the emptiness
that visit on a nightly basis.


knowing two halves made a whole
exceptions to those rules
were as follows: love will last
time moves on and two added to two more
were a division of rings and swirls like a tub
overflowing, buckets in hand
bubbles slipping
mouths gaping, gathering momentum
making a single unit of two and two
as one watches in terror, originality
went single again.



whispered words, rushing
fingers. rising temperature
temptation beckons. he walks, prowls
then sits in silence
while night things are discussed
and devised - making finger motions
rising stakes, erupting egos
walking the line
to wail out, her name ...


like I said it's been a while, so have fun with it ~~~

"Happy Writing" my friends ~~~
Good Morning Lit .... and friends. My first baby steps out and I did a double damnable ... sorry about the repetition, was a mood I went with and I get a "damn" for it, well back to the drawing board. I will make you want --

w a n t to write.


stimulate :

Syllables: stim-u-late
Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation stIm yE let
Inflected Forms stimulated, stimulating, stimulates

Definition 1. to incite or rouse to activity, action, or increased
action; animate.
Synonyms arouse , excite , incite
Crossref. Syn. provoke , actuate , excite , brace , activate , thrill ,
wake , challenge , animate , rouse , encourage , induce , quicken

Similar Words instigate , pique , egg , spark , activate , foment ,
goad , animate , kindle , spur , stir , actuate , work , prod , prompt ,
initiate , rouse , inspire

Related Words irritate , fan , tickle , move , warm , exhilarate ,
evoke , arouse , fire , get , cause , encourage , intensify , abet ,
allure , jog , raise , interest , wind up , heat , motivate , electrify ,

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to act as a stimulant or stimulus.
Similar Words arouse , spur

Related Words irritate

Derived Forms stimulatingly, adv. ; stimulation, n. ; stimulative, n. ;
stimulator (stimulater), n. ; stimulatory, adj.


Come out'n play, let's see whatch'a got ... Happppy Writing my friends ~~


It's been a while. Feels like I am again, starting all over again. It has to be said, I am one to write what I fee, imagine and dream ... Pick a bushel or so and one gets more than a mouthful ....

leaving, loving
parts of life that come and haunt. sit
spell out his name over
and over. moving
from one piece of dirt to another
loneliness sets in. no words
no movement, nothingness settles
taking short walks down cold arteries
anticipating, nada
but more cold showers
and lonely pillows - never
chasing away the emptiness
that visit on a nightly basis.


knowing two halves made a whole
exceptions to those rules
were as follows: love will last
time moves on and two added to two more
were a division of rings and swirls like a tub
overflowing, buckets in hand
bubbles slipping
mouths gaping, gathering momentum
making a single unit of two and two
as one watches in terror, originality
went single again.



whispered words, rushing
fingers. rising temperature
temptation beckons. he walks, prowls
then sits in silence
while night things are discussed
and devised - making finger motions
rising stakes, erupting egos
walking the line
to wail out, her name ...


like I said it's been a while, so have fun with it ~~~

"Happy Writing" my friends ~~~

As they say: " got some splaining to do!