Free Thoughts~on One word...

Selfish , nah. We all know what we like and what we are comfy with. That's tha spice in life eh ~~;)
Thank you. I'm glad that is the spice of life and not pepper. It makes me sneeze.
Is lust a spice? I like and feel comfy with lust.
Then, I was thinking 'Shelfish' and then I thought of 'diving' for that spice.

rain fell as the mountains took on
an outer space ambiance. smoke
surfaced, creating rings. circles
that rippled and fell down to the earth.
refreshed green grass drank every ounce
down to the very last rain drop
burped and smiled, as if to say
thank you my friend ... now I lie upon
this soft carpet and am lulled to sleep
while watching the winking moon rise,
counting ring by ring till slumber
settles in and shining eyes drift off
to dreamland ...

Thank you. I'm glad that is the spice of life and not pepper. It makes me sneeze.
Is lust a spice? I like and feel comfy with lust.
Then, I was thinking 'Shelfish' and then I thought of 'diving' for that spice.

Lol. I thought you had gone for the evening. We posted at the same time. :D ... I like lust, fever, pitch, roll, relish and spice

makes for a good poem too. Oh, ummmmm diving is good too !!! *weg*

Just a thought or two about spice ....

Lay him out. A slow
dream. Simmered
and sautéed
with a rich 'n creamy
of spice - naughty
and nice. Lap up
his steamy
stew with forked
tongue, spooning in
suckling out. Teasing
a taste, pleasing
a millisecond pace.
slow 'n easy surveying,
my masterpiece. Now,
on to dessert ...

Better than counting sheep
We all need to get a better night's sleep
Since they're all gone, where is Bo Beep?
I wish I could capture those clouds to keep
under my pillow and sink deep
into them each night and morning fold out the the heap.
Lol. I thought you had gone for the evening. We posted at the same time. :D ... I like lust, fever, pitch, roll, relish and spice

makes for a good poem too. Oh, ummmmm diving is good too !!! *weg*

I do miss it. The lust in her eyes, the fever of the :cattail:, the pitch of the bed, the rolling of her eyes, and the spice at the end.
Stimulate, this wild

cock berry blossom
to penetrate, take
purge and emerge
from the other side.
Incite, contrite nerves,
to settle down
from these wild imaginings,
that provoke and prompt
this bedevilmented lust, of life
inside me.


Off to bed. Another night of tossing and turning ahead me thinks, lol. Thank you Sgggoooooodddd for chatting and writing. I liked the lil peep poem, yumm !!;) Keep'm coming ~~

Nighty night ~~

Just a thought or two about spice ....

Lay him out. A slow
dream. Simmered
and sautéed
with a rich 'n creamy
of spice - naughty
and nice. Lap up
his steamy
stew with forked
tongue, spooning in
suckling out. Teasing
a taste, pleasing
a millisecond pace.
slow 'n easy surveying,
my masterpiece. Now,
on to dessert ...

Would dessert come from below?
Would it taste better empty and low?
I might empty again if done right
and all through the night.
Good afternoon my friends. :D:kiss: I'm on the look-out
for a new word so watch out, it's coming up ~~

I await the new word with "anticipation". [Thank you, Tim Curry]
How about fright? Tis the season ya know...;)

Fright it is ... Thanks MF ~~ :kiss:

Fright :

Syllables: fright

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation frait

Definition 1. sudden or intense fear caused by immediate or
unexpected danger.

Synonyms funk , fear , scare, terror
Crossref. Syn. dread , fear
Similar Words jitters , dread , willies , horror , alarm , shock ,

Definition 2. something or someone that causes such fear.

Synonyms fear , bogeyman , bugbear , terror, hobgoblin , horror
Crossref. Syn. dread
Similar Words dread , bogy , bê,te noire , bugaboo

Related Words abomination

Happy Writing ~~ :rose:

For a little inspiration on fright, I dug up two older writes of my own ... :rose:


13th Hour
by RhymeFairy©

Midnight falls,
dark eeriness surrounds.
Standing upon
the moons shadow.
Creatures of the night
come out to play.

Blood thirsty vamps
snicker and snarl,
their want.
Coming to feast,
on the carcasses,
of the lonely and sad.

Suckling all their life's blood.
Sharp fangs dip
again an again...
Smuggling their booty
back to the caves,
of eternal damnation.

Soulless demons
flying high.
is their lovers delight...

Seeking all
who dare to venture out,
past the thirteenth hour.

Capturing them
with a sharpened blade.
Wrapping tight
their bounteous prey.
Carrying away
to the hidden caves.



Body parts fly.
Trying to get
to the brains inside.
Blood runs over
the caves darkened floors.

Pouring out

Dripping through the grooves,
of the moons rocky surface.
So look long and hard,
my friend.
Outside your window
the moon shines bright.
Is it red


The Man In The Well
by LilDarlin©

One dark and scary, eerie night.
A man came, he was such a sight.
He scared me down the hill below,
and this is what I have come to know.

He is the man in the well.
Where he is from I cannot tell.
Dark and scary, haunting down there,
All I could do was stare.

He caught me once, this I must tell.
He tried to take me down to his hell.
I felt the pull of his crazed eyes.
My heart jumped, my soul just dies.

He had me all to his own.
I knew my soul was gone.
Down the deep, dark hole we fell.
Moaning, I knew he was taking me to hell.

Cuffs, chains, whips, and rope.
I was left with no hope.
Kicking, screaming, begging, pleading.
All that did was tell him he was succeeding.
So I ran away, and ran away fast.
Now I am here telling you my past.

So listen to me, and heed my warning.
Or tis you who will not last till morning.
"Run, Run, yes Run I say!"
Or you will not last till the end of this day.

Race down the hill, and stop for nothing.
For tis you he is now hunting.
If he takes you down the hole.
You will be loosing your immortal soul.
I stay here and guard the well.
So he can take no more to his hell.~~


Happy horror writing ~~ :eek:


Fright it is ... Thanks MF ~~ :kiss:

Fright :

Syllables: fright

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation frait

Definition 1. sudden or intense fear caused by immediate or
unexpected danger.

Synonyms funk , fear , scare, terror
Crossref. Syn. dread , fear
Similar Words jitters , dread , willies , horror , alarm , shock ,

Definition 2. something or someone that causes such fear.

Synonyms fear , bogeyman , bugbear , terror, hobgoblin , horror
Crossref. Syn. dread
Similar Words dread , bogy , bê,te noire , bugaboo

Related Words abomination

Happy Writing ~~ :rose:


You're ah.....wel.....cum RF. (Nice AV)

Oh...and my new CONTEST story for Halloween is up to. See "The Old Mill Ghost" in my sigy line. :)
lol ... good morning Boys ~~:kiss::rose:

I like both your avatars too. ;)

What ??? I miss an evening and ya'll thing you can just lollie-gag around?? No poems for me??? Thinking that gets both of ya'll a nice firm spanking !! lol .. Two doms and me,spanking them !!! lmao growl ;)~~

Ya'll better watch out. I have today off. A little running to do in town and of course a house to clean but I will be returning and I am in one heck of a mood to write !!!:nana:

I will be checking out both your new additions plus your new thread MF ... my, my what a busy boy. No time to chat with me but you're sure making a splash in that jahhh-huzzziii !!!

Hey RF! Chat with you later in week, if you are willing.

Things that Cause a fright in me

Pore Pussy
Desperate Dick

Finding out the person chatting with you said she was a female
But after research learning she is a, instead, a male

Disagreeing on a board
Making calls at work because you’re bored

Your least favorite team winning the championship
Learning your favorite player has something on his shoulder, a chip

Sleep wanted, but never comes
Sex needed, but never cums.

My fright was the night that I slept all alone
not even a sheet for my cover.

Too afraid it would raise (not the sheet but me)
and thus all alone and no lover.

But as I lay and I shivered (not from fear as you'll see)
but from desire as I lay there with dread.

I saw through my window the most marvelous sight
a woman on horseback no head.

Now some say at night she rides bareback you see
which means naked if you didn't know.

Though she rides thus searching for the head she has lost,
and not knowing where then she's to go.

So there I am laying, with a risen tall staff
which I now offer for her to ride,

So she climbs from her horse and through the window she comes
and soon slips me deeply inside.

Now its fair I should say as we rode on that night,
as we tore the night up in bed.

I did miss the small fact, without lips or a smile,
(not to mention not giving me head)

That too soon the morning did the sun filter in,
and her Ghostly sweet form disappear.

And the trunk in my closet, safe securely is closed
will be here again till next year.

Yes it's what's inside that I keep safe and secure
which she seeks each year on this night.

And maybe it's wrong that I've kept it so long,
and its not a really pretty sight.

But she fucks like the wind, with a wail and a howl
like no other that I've never known

So my fright is the night that she never return
and some other's head she has sown.
Last edited:
My fright was the night that I slept all alone
not even a sheet for my cover.

Too afraid it would raise (not the sheet but me)
and thus all alone and no lover.

But as I lay and I shivered (not from fear as you'll see)
but from desire as I lay there with dread.

I saw through my window the most marvelous sight
a woman on horseback no head.

Now some say at night she rides bareback you see
which means naked if you didn't know.

Though she rides thus searching for the head she has lost,
and not knowing where then she's to go.

So there I am laying, with a risen tall staff
which I now offer for her to ride,

So she climbs from her horse and through the window she comes
and soon slips me deeply inside.

Now its fair I should say as we rode on that night,
as we tore the night up in bed.

I did miss the small fact, without lips or a smile,
(not to mention not giving me head)

That too soon the morning did the sun filter in,
and her Ghostly sweet form disappear.

And the trunk in my closet, safe securely is closed
will be here again till next year.

Yes it's what's inside that I keep safe and secure
which she seeks each year on this night.

And maybe it's wrong that I've kept it so long,
and its not a really pretty sight.

But she fucks like the wind, with a wail and a howl
like no other that I've never known

So my fright is the night that she never return
and some other's head she has sown.

Flippin' freaky MF ... You kept me going and when you brought out the trunk, I didn't see that coming !!! I liked this poem, very informative and thoughtful. A bit sexy and a bit freaky, NICE !! :D Ummm, I just don't know so much about having sex with someone and them not have a head, just me, lol ~ You sure know how to bring things "out" in a person ~ ;)

I also understand about the not sleeping with covers thing, except my problem is, I get balled up in them and feel all closed in, I just can't take that in the middle of sleeping, lol.

Keep'm coming my friend ~~ :kiss:
I have a new poem out !!! :nana:

I normally don't get all giddy over these things but

it's been way to long and I had to celebrate ~~:D

Good morning ... Pops in, all jittery from a coffee overload, lol ~ ;)

In keeping with the season, our new word :::


Syllables: scare-crow

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation sker kro

Definition 1. a large figure of a human being, usu. made from
stuffed clothes and set up in a crop field to scare birds away.

Definition 2. a very thin or raggedly dressed person.


Happy Writing my friends .... :rose:
having fun with scarecrow thoughts ~

this time of year, scarecrows
line the walks. taunting little
pumpkins to run, catch up
more candy, more delights
more, more more
to be had - tonight ...


scarecrow scrapes my eyes
my moon may burn his straw form
but, his night frosts me
scarecrow scrapes my eyes
my moon may burn his straw form
but, his night frosts me

night frost burns
vision, weightless
as scarecrow binges, bang on down
to the edge of grit and grain


just palying along. have no idea,
just playing with the feeling and words ~~ :rose:

distant memories
distant shores
always trailing back to -
you. A memory of wheat and straw
that blew away, like fire to straw
a packing of memories, buried. Towns-
people stop - stare
a forty cent call, a forty minute memory
of castles falling, moats drawing - a catching

of breath
stop, here. The password prohibits
operators interruption
a decline in moments shared, a scalded cat runs
a creepy crow flies, away - scared
of pregnant memories, bursting to take the finish
line - to dance alone
go alone and stop here. Stare
at that ole lonesome scarecrow, who never
did anything but butcher every thought
of re-entering the field to start a new
beginning ...


New stuff, catch it while it's HOT off the press, lol ~~
