Free Thoughts~on One word...

New word my friends????

As the Fall season settles upon us,
I find myself "feeling" that seasonal pull of

Lonely :

Syllables: lone-ly

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation lon li
Inflected Forms lonelier, loneliest
Definition 1. without companionship; solitary.
Synonyms lone , alone , unaccompanied, solitary

Similar Words isolated , solitudinous , secluded , estranged,
hermitic , reclusive

Definition 2. empty of human presence; unfrequented; desolate.
Example a lonely hilltop.
Synonyms desolate, uninhabited , lonesome

Similar Words isolated , deserted , solitudinous , forsaken ,

Definition 3. unhappy because alone; lonesome.
Synonyms lonesome
Crossref. Syn. desolate
Similar Words forlorn , forsaken , friendless , desolate , unfriended

Related Words solitary , remote

Derived Forms loneliness, n.

jus' saying. Being single, sometimes -
isn't all it's cracked up to be ~ :eek:;)

Happy Writing my friends ~~:rose:
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

~~ William Wordsworth (1804)



I know some lonely houses off the road
A robber 'd like the look of, --
Wooden barred,
And windows hanging low,
Inviting to
A portico,
Where two could creep:
One hand the tools,
The other peep
To make sure all's asleep.
Old-fashioned eyes,
Not easy to surprise!

How orderly the kitchen 'd look by night,
With just a clock, --
But they could gag the tick,
And mice won't bark;
And so the walls don't tell,
None will.

A pair of spectacles ajar just stir --
An almanac's aware.
Was it the mat winked,
Or a nervous star?
The moon slides down the stair
To see who's there.

There's plunder, -- where?
Tankard, or spoon,
Earring, or stone,
A watch, some ancient brooch
To match the grandmamma,
Staid sleeping there.

Day rattles, too,
Stealth's slow;
The sun has got as far
As the third sycamore.
Screams chanticleer,
"Who's there?"
And echoes, trains away,
Sneer -- "Where?"
While the old couple, just astir,
Fancy the sunrise left the door ajar!

~~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

RF, I love Emily Dickinson and this poem.

Here is my contribution for the word lonely.

Owner Of A Lonely Heart Lyrics

Move yourself
You always live your life
Never thinking of the future
Prove yourself
You are the move you make
Take your chances win or loser

See yourself
You are the steps you take
You and you - and thats the only way

Shake - shake yourself
Youre every move you make
So the story goes

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart

Say - you dont want to chance it
Youve been hurt so before

Watch it now
The eagle in the sky
How he dancin one and only
You - lose yourself
No not for pitys sake
Theres no real reason to be lonely
Be yourself
Give your free will a chance
Youve got to want to succeed

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart

Owner of a lonely heart

After my own decision
They confused me so - owner of a lonely heart
My love said never question your will at all
In the end youve got to go
Look before you leap - owner of a lonely heart
And dont you hesitate at all - no no

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart

Owner of a lonely heart

Sooner or later each conclusion
Will decide the lonely heart - owner of a lonely heart
It will excite it will delight
It will give a better start - owner of a lonely heart

Dont deceive your free will at all
Dont deceive your free will at all - owner of a lonely heart
Dont deceive your free will at all
Just receive it
RF, I love Emily Dickinson and this poem.

Here is my contribution for the word lonely.

Owner Of A Lonely Heart Lyrics

Move yourself
You always live your life
Never thinking of the future
Prove yourself
You are the move you make
Take your chances win or loser

See yourself
You are the steps you take
You and you - and thats the only way

Shake - shake yourself
Youre every move you make
So the story goes

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart

Say - you dont want to chance it
Youve been hurt so before

Watch it now
The eagle in the sky
How he dancin one and only
You - lose yourself
No not for pitys sake
Theres no real reason to be lonely
Be yourself
Give your free will a chance
Youve got to want to succeed

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart

Owner of a lonely heart

After my own decision
They confused me so - owner of a lonely heart
My love said never question your will at all
In the end youve got to go
Look before you leap - owner of a lonely heart
And dont you hesitate at all - no no

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart

Owner of a lonely heart

Sooner or later each conclusion
Will decide the lonely heart - owner of a lonely heart
It will excite it will delight
It will give a better start - owner of a lonely heart

Dont deceive your free will at all
Dont deceive your free will at all - owner of a lonely heart
Dont deceive your free will at all
Just receive it

Thanks Sgoood
Love this song .... :rose:

I've been in a slump like no other. Have no clue why, just know it's really dragging me down. I feel the need to write but my mind is ablog with so much, so fast and I just cannot concentrate long enough to write anything worthwhile. :(

My apologies my friends, it's been a long dry spell and just getting longer ...

Paper and pen, come in handy at times.
One must remember, what they want outta life.
Brush away cake crumbs, in your writers den.
Take pen in hand, tell me what is important.

Being alone, is good for the hungry soul.
Telling what this tribulation, has meant to you.
Words come forth, whispering wants of need.
Appearing out of the air, your dream of a future.

Heart cries an echoing beat, of lost love.
Murmurings, of what could have been.
Caressing kiss of good-bye, on a lovers cheek.
Long lingering looks wayfaring back, from memory lane.

Despair not my friend, of the darkened night.
Here is the land, of many a dream come true.
Wish it, on your keyboard fairy tonight.
On the morrow, will all seem but a distant thought.

Cares, worries are all the bothersome same.
Trouble in the night, we can but kiss away.
Penning doubts, fearsome fears out to dry.
Cry no more, your dream fairy is here...


Wrote this one back in 2005. I can see how much my writing has changed but still, the emotion is the same ~~

Sometimes I see you, on the edge
of reality. Standing tall with a winsome
smile. Such a warm feeling of love,
steals through me. Taking my breath.
Whispering life through this body again.

Reaching out your hand, knowingly.
Warm understanding, radiating
throughout you. Fingertips beckon
for a return to heaven. Asking
that life long question, "Will you
take the chance?"

Clever eyes devour me, showing
no mercy. Already you are so sure
of our union. Your stance upon
the clouds, floating away with
the wind.

I see your retreating form, shoulders
shrugging. As if again you knew.
Star dust shimmering as if to say,
"Till we meet again, my phantom
love. Until we meet again."


Another oldie ... page 7 ...

say nothing
listen to what I ask,
tell of our love ... us.

show me love, hold my hand
wipe these scalding tears,
from my eyes. Never
let go ... of us.

do I ask too much?
never show ... enough?
tell you what I want,
no I do not ... No,
not enough.

I never say, how it feels
to see your smile, feel
your gaze on a warm
sunny morn. to bring
you coffee, for the rest
of our days Yes, that's
what I want.

slow kisses, snuggled
deep in bed warm sensual
slides, legs ... thighs
giggles of laughter, hot
passionate love ... Blazing.
heart to heart. eyes locking,
bodies ... one.

every breath, is for you.
my soul, lonesome, withering
in anguish for what could
should have been.

step back in time. revisit
our courtship. slowly walk
to the end of that
"what we once had" road.

we are not over. Never
will that day come. I will not
allow you, to give up, on Us.
it is what
you truly want.


another, page 8

Sometimes in life,
we try to hang on - try
to understand- get a grip
on things that seem to slowly
slide out of our fingers
watch as it falls, cracking
to the ground. Only to wish
pick up, glue, reshape and get on
with life ....

An oldie too,
but I love this .....

the ride

it was always on a full stomach that we left the Butterwecks
birthdays, thanksgiving
Dad never slowed down for the moguls
all the way down Gerryville Pike. Eyes closed, partly to stop the nausea from presenting itself
partly because the humm of the motor
backseat sleepy silent
and my parents
with their muted after party analysis
what did she mean by that
no, he doesn;t look healthy
are they coming down this year
to do taxes

Jennifer needs braces.

four times a year, that ride
maybe five
close my eyes
I am there
Still BLASTING from the past - here we took the word petals and I took it a lil further ... went with the letter p and kinda got lost .... just trying to inspire here ... have fun ~~

pleasures petals,
partially parting.
inviting, a peak
if thou will.

pulsating prison,
milks your package.
partaking partisan,
to your persistent
pernicious prick.

petals permeating
puddles. yet,
preserving pursuit
of your pretty pole. ~

I remember writing, posting and then submitting this one. I still stands the test of time ( to me ) an yes, is still, close to my heart ~~~

I would crawl to you,
if you, but ask. Over haggard
hills, through misty mountains.
Yes, even across depleted
dessert floors.

On my hands and knees.
With grasping fingers, dried
and chapped. Worshipping you
all the way. I tried to keep
them supple, and soft for you,
but sand, and grit, had
their own destructive path.

If I could see you, you would see,
the sea of torment, total devastation
in the eyes, of misery and pain. Yes,
I tried to hide that too, but you know
and feel me, as I do you.

Food is not the nourishment,
this body needs. 'Tis you, my love
only you, I need. To feast upon,
your loving eyes. Taste the desire,
of those devilish lips. Drink the
sin out, of that sinfilled riddled
body, you so heinously hide
from me.

Can we share a bath, for two?
Little bubbles, I shall blow, for you.
The kind that sink, slow n deep,
across your bounteous bends and
pricks, blowing as I show you, a lil

My love for you, was never in doubt.
Yours for me, shall never run out.
So, to crawl to you is what I will do,
if only to show
how much I still need you.

4u :heart: :kiss:

No more dumpster diving :::::

Free thought .....

On the edge

I came here, this place. A time in
space, where memories are caught.
Distraught fragments - foreplay
to say: a dream weaver

spider webs placed, spiraling
sporadic, spastic
churning memories, hiccup-throw up
thatch and hatch. Wide awake
dreaming - of lost moments, in time
simple tides, waves
sweetly surrounding an undertow.
Lost breath of longing, time escapes
serenading back to lyrics

a time capsule, hot tub, green- tree's
ah' forest, of naked nymphs, cascading, dancing
left roadside, bald tire spinning, radio blasting
speakers broadcasting a whipping. Bodies
colliding, conspiring. Worshipping
singing in tune. Bubbles exploding
gingerbread goading. Run, run
fast as you can - I caught, dove
sun dried and tasted
those memories and knew
loving. Moonrise dreams
played out, took a part, took
a part
of me, when he stood tall. Music
swayed, called out
I answered and he
happened by.


Wraps, around
wrist, soft skin
folds. Forging a strap
to keep you, in bed
where memories are born
dreams are made
and the heart leads, lending love away
from hardship. To forsake - make
and bend, a place
soft and sensual
a time, where the heart keeps
tick-tock time

love, laugh, forget now
partake and feed
on what time, offers. A bed
of marriage, marked with forever
a cover of laughter
a pillow of now, to take
and mend. Forget everything and drift
to forever. A remembrance of bad times
turned good - healed,
and mended, made anew. Love
my friends, love enough
for us all ....

dediacted to Beam and Mav ... I truly hope
you're feeling sooooo much better and dream
my friends, dream a dream
for us all ~~~~~~

They come so fast and are soooo good, I have a hard time digesting these delectable poems.
Keep it up. Thank you.
They come so fast and are soooo good, I have a hard time digesting these delectable poems.
Keep it up. Thank you.

'tis I who should Thank you .... :rose:

Anyone up for a new word ????????

Bring it on :cool: or

I'll swing back this way in a bit with one ~~ ;):rose:


I see no hits, no ideas ??????????????

no inner peace of what I've
felt before. I take
a hit, a shot
of inspiration, knowing it doesn't mix
with being preggo but
I need

I need
I need a soft, resting place an inner circle
of friendship that wraps, folds
this island - girl
with seaweed scallions
crackling waves and free style dancing
lasting the whole
night through .....

I search, for peace
a peace of mind, loving arms wrapped
whipping memories pass by
showing me visions of day dreams
dreading - waking up, for that brings
a cold lonely existence with but
the kids, I love'm but
I need

need, two arms, a shoulder, his presence
protecting and snuggling, showering
me in a sensual bubble of
what never really
was ....


sorry my friends, I'm just realizing, how depressing
life really is .................. :rolleyes:


a cold wind blows today,
shivering from inner demons, shrug
shoulders down, head buried
in flip top jacket, lined
in lingering memories of what
I've left behind.

abuse, neglect. absent
thoughts carry, conspiring
with yesteryear, to pull me
into a back alley where loneliness
has always dwelt far too long.

north carlonia, mountains- cliffs
so many places to step,
prance and dance ... bubbles blinging
bodies binging
heads bowed, to honor
our resting place from troubles and hardships
the days bring. bodies climbing, trees

tasting. limbs, lounging, taking a break
bringing baby back - to life, each for
the other. always one
that's what we shared, a common destiny
a bond that never would be broken. Now,
stillness surrounds, no words, no

encouragement but for
the moments where
it's really needed. Friends
it seems, is where we've landed. Friends
for life, friends who
to be, lovers - bound in a marriage
of hearts desires, demanding
retribution for that one
silly thing, we used to call
love .....


wrote today, brought over from 2 differ threads, amazing how they intertwine and add to tha mix, as one ~~~

I found a place

deep inside, where your memory
was hushed. I walked on past, glanced back
thought of old times and finally felt
happy. Years we've tried
years we've failed but we kept hoping,
knowing it was worth fighting for. Now
I can lie and sleep, without your scent
to tuck me in. Finally my time has come
to be happy, standing tall - without you
as my crutch on the hardest nights.
I've found peace from heartache, happiness
in the rain and love from within.

another repost .... I've looked for this poem in my files for a while now. Finally found it and I'm saving it everywhere, lol. Just a realllly good memory ~~

Crimson chair draped
with my love. Indulgence
comes to mind. Shaking
ripples infiltrate my body.
Quivering with wanton delight.

Lush hot mouths meeting.
Eagerness unleashed.
Tongues dancing with
seductive anticipation.

Kissing long
intimate enchantment.
Purring mouths flowing
savoring abandonment.

Sinking upon my loves
waiting lap. Alluring sweet
shivers racing through.
Pail nails trailing down
to explore heaven.
Soft pants encounter
arousing desire.

Pink nipples begging
to be kissed.
Fingers dancing
tantalizing adornment.
Squirming hot honey
grinding. Against hard
heated flesh.~


Bounce, play and have fun my friends ~
Have a super great one ~~~:rose:

when I stumble in the dark, palms out
fingertips edge, cracked walls, weathered
from memories, sharing pictures from past

brick by brick, a barricade of fog, fermenting
fumigating feelings, hot flashes on nerve
ends, tingling. no release from mistakes
made. a pressure wash blast of regret
for roads

not taken, leaving me dumbfound
trying to decide which step, leads
in the right direction. knowing
- now, is the time, to walk
into the light. a new day,
a new road, a new - me ...

posted on 100 words this evening, new poem-free thought ~

I normally run a hundred miles away, from any kind of HIS- ownership
That being said :::


I saw it, an image.

His hand softly cupped
shoulder to arm. Guiding her, whispering
delicate whatnot's, not - to be forgotten.

He led, with fingertips, frolicking, her
hair gently lifted - by a soft, rose
breeze. She smiled
a slow, kind - turn of inviting lips
lingering for a moment, in his eyes
green as the moss, found in
the forest, by a warm
stream, where lovers cautiously
meet, for

a moment away, a casual glance
of forbidden get-away's. He leaned in,
moist lips trusting, testing the current.
Cautiously perfecting that point
of contact. Honoring, every word

she delicately delivered. Lost in casual
conversation - not knowing
a witness was left, behind. I see them
kind, caring - loving, every word- spoken.

I carry them now, in my minds-eye
seeking - that moment - to play
over, to recapture their sweet
caring - love, everywhere - I go ....


off da hipster as Sweets would say ~~~ Jus' sayin' ~~
bounced from anothers 'thoughts" on anothers thread ... :eek:


Some say, death
brings life. Fast forward
into eternity. Mortality
goes on, hearts
mend, people reach
out. Some sit glued, stuck
in a moment. We view
rose colored tombstones. Deep
breaths, stomach churns, hearts
break. No - do not breathe, don't
move. Pause time, bring back
what I once - had ...


kinda like the one above this one, better. Jus' me ~~

Have a great one ~~:)

nice hips RF ;)
hope you don't mind me bouncing a little from the hip too...

running from HIS ownership...

that fight or flight feeling,
you know it, the one
that urges you to do something,
anything, without being specific, like
the limbo we find ourselves sinking in
when we just know there's a surprise
going to spurt forth from pen,
or penis, quivering with passion
painting paper or skin with desire,
with dreams, with unforgotten

mmm... this train bears a lot more thought. ;)


Inflected Form(s):fan·ta·sized; fan·ta·siz·ing
intransitive verb
: to indulge in reverie : create or develop imaginative and often fantastic views or ideas <doing things I'd fantasized about in my sheltered childhood — Diane Arbus>
transitive verb
: to portray in the mind : fancy <likes to fantasize herself as very wealthy>
In that world of wonder
and nearing to the shore
my mind reaches out
in fantasy
and it's you
that brings me home.
What ... you trying to pry me outta hiding ?? lol ... :eek:
Thank you for the new word Sgood ... here goes ~~ :rose:


in general I see life, standing in line
watching as pressies prance by, each
to the other - one to be
given to another.


Sly glances, of gnarled
knuckles, slip in
weathered and old, before
his time. smiles to everyone
a heart of gold, he was pure
as driven snow. a man above
others who only fantasized
of when the next
family gathering would be.


a new beginning,

mute mouth
puckered, pouty lips
realizing a richness from
the heart, is all one
could ask for ...


seee, I got nothing for ya ... :eek:

Just rambling and riding
this current of time ~~:rose:
