Free Thoughts~on One word...

a call

a simple, how are you and what's up
conversation. I listened, trying to interpret
between the lines. In my life
here - but not. My passion is spurred
blowing my nose, cleansing out
the old, I wait - for that crinkle
in time. A sore spot to dart in and recapture
things unseen, untold. A message
in a bottle, told time and time
to decades past.

A love, never ending
always shown, between digits
between "friends" crazy dreams sprout
a bowing of my head, a nod, a gesture
that believing in us - is not just a distant
memory talking. Words spoken
and companionship coerced, a slow
drive down what used to be. I wish
I wish
wish for dancing in the moonlight
a massage, silver springs and your

touch. A renourishing congical visit to help
hands dance, partners sway
and magic. No more lonely nights without
tucked in, toss and turn
a getting down - scampering of scalding
memories revisiting, for tonight. A man,
beside - to help guide, daily
hourly, moment by moment visit
feeling of togetherness. A feeling that

settles in for the long, cold frosty
night. Sharing, believing
that tonight leads to forever and not
to just another night, on the phone
sharing our day, together but apart ...

brought over from passion thread ....:rose:
cell, neurons

to go

sexy thoughts,

sex, sex

racy, lace

growling meows,

creamy settlement

naughty visions,

alone, bothersome

still, climbing

naughty fairy,
fearsome ~


started as a three word challenge,
ended up - something else ~

a little inspiration. I'm on a Dr. Hook kick ... I honestly can say, I think this is one of the sexiest songs ever ~~~

A Little Bit More

When your body's had enough of me
and I'm laying flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can,
I'm going to love you a little bit more

Come on over here, and lay by my side,
I've got to be touching you,
Let me rub your tired shoulders,
the way I use to do,
Look into my eyes, and give me that smile,
the one that always turns me on,
And let me take your hair down,
cause we're staying up to greet the sun,

And when your body's had enough of me
and I'm layin, flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can,
I'm going to love you a little bit more

Got to say a few things that have been on my mind,
and you know where mind has been,
I guess I've leaned my lessons,
and now is the time to begin
So if your feeling alright, and your ready for me,
I know that I'm ready for you
We better get it on now,
cause we've got a whole life to live thru

And when your body's had enough of me
and I'm layin, flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can,
I'm going to love you a little bit more

~~~ Words & Music by Bobby Gosh
Copyright Bygosh Music Corp 1973

Jus' saying ... g r o w l ~~~~~~

the call speaks to me
of lookie do
and I rub my eyes
watching the sunny
side of of your core

a little inspiration. I'm on a Dr. Hook kick ... I honestly can say, I think this is one of the sexiest songs ever ~~~

A Little Bit More

When your body's had enough of me
and I'm laying flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can,
I'm going to love you a little bit more

Come on over here, and lay by my side,
I've got to be touching you,
Let me rub your tired shoulders,
the way I use to do,
Look into my eyes, and give me that smile,
the one that always turns me on,
And let me take your hair down,
cause we're staying up to greet the sun,

And when your body's had enough of me
and I'm layin, flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can,
I'm going to love you a little bit more

Got to say a few things that have been on my mind,
and you know where mind has been,
I guess I've leaned my lessons,
and now is the time to begin
So if your feeling alright, and your ready for me,
I know that I'm ready for you
We better get it on now,
cause we've got a whole life to live thru

And when your body's had enough of me
and I'm layin, flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can,
I'm going to love you a little bit more

~~~ Words & Music by Bobby Gosh
Copyright Bygosh Music Corp 1973

Jus' saying ... g r o w l ~~~~~~

cell, neurons

to go

sexy thoughts,

sex, sex

racy, lace

growling meows,

creamy settlement

naughty visions,

alone, bothersome

still, climbing

naughty fairy,
fearsome ~


started as a three word challenge,
ended up - something else ~

I pick up on the last line of this poem and it took flight on its own.

Naughty fairy rises

Alone, fully naked

Leaves clothes behind

Naked fairy flying

So all see

Her nether regions

But never noticed

All the males

Following behind her.

I thought I posted this earlier, but I was wrong.
And speaking of sexy songs...

a little inspiration. I'm on a Dr. Hook kick ... I honestly can say, I think this is one of the sexiest songs ever ~~~

A Little Bit More

When your body's had enough of me
and I'm laying flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can,
I'm going to love you a little bit more

Come on over here, and lay by my side,
I've got to be touching you,
Let me rub your tired shoulders,
the way I use to do,
Look into my eyes, and give me that smile,
the one that always turns me on,
And let me take your hair down,
cause we're staying up to greet the sun,

And when your body's had enough of me
and I'm layin, flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can,
I'm going to love you a little bit more

Got to say a few things that have been on my mind,
and you know where mind has been,
I guess I've leaned my lessons,
and now is the time to begin
So if your feeling alright, and your ready for me,
I know that I'm ready for you
We better get it on now,
cause we've got a whole life to live thru

And when your body's had enough of me
and I'm layin, flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can,
I'm going to love you a little bit more

~~~ Words & Music by Bobby Gosh
Copyright Bygosh Music Corp 1973

Jus' saying ... g r o w l ~~~~~~


You're AV is singing to me at the moment too RF
Quted by : bluerains

the call speaks to me
of lookie do
and I rub my eyes
watching the sunny
side of of your core

Blue, I really, really like this !! Very light and even sensual without being up in your face about it. Nice ~~

Quoted by : Sgoodd

I pick up on the last line of this poem and it took flight on its own.

Naughty fairy rises

Alone, fully naked

Leaves clothes behind

Naked fairy flying

So all see

Her nether regions

But never noticed

All the males

Following behind her.

I thought I posted this earlier, but I was wrong.

I haven't seen it posted either. Nice addition and I love that twisty e n d ~;)

MF~ Your AV is a lil hottie too !! I come, visit and see AV's like that and wanna jump spmeone then haul'm off to my lil cave in tha woods *weg* :devil:


MF~ Your AV is a lil hottie too !! I come, visit and see AV's like that and wanna jump spmeone then haul'm off to my lil cave in tha woods *weg* :devil:


Haul away sweetie...I'd love to visit your cave any time. And BTW, I'm looking forward to seeing you actually wearing something like that in your AV sometime here too ya know! *grin*
To me, writing is a lot like a song, in your head that is ...

It's the harmony the sway
get down to the bone, feeling of thoughts
and images that come, like a wave to wash
away - just to bring you back, time after time ....

another Dr. Hook oldie but goodie. ;)

Sharing The Night Together

You're looking kinda lonely girl
would you like someone new to talk to? Oh Yeah . Alright
I'm feeling kinda lonely too
if you don't mind can I sit down here beside you
Oh Yeah . Alright
If I seem to come on too strong
I hope that you will understand
I say these things 'cause I'd like to know
if you're as lonely as I am
and if you mind
Sharing the night together
Sharing the night together
Sharing the night . . .
We could bring in the morning girl
if you want to go that far
and if tomorrow finds us together
right here the way we are
would you mind
Sharing the night together
Sharing the night together
Sharing the night . . .
Would you like to dance with me and hold me
you know I want to be holding you
Oh Yeah . Alright
'Cos I got a feeling like I do
and I see in your eyes that you're liking it
and I'm liking it too
Oh Yeah . Alright
Like to get to know you better -
is there a place where we can go
where we can be alone together
and turn the lights down low
and start sharing the night together
Sharing the night together
Sharing the night together

~~ Words & Music by
Ava Aldridge & Bill Struzic

Come on Get Higher Lyrics

I miss the sound of your voice
I miss the rush of your skin
I miss the still of the silence
As you breathe out and I breathe in

If I could walk on water
If I could tell you what's next
Make you believe
Make you forget

So come on get higher
Loosen my lips
Faith and desire
And the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love


I miss the sound of your voice
The loudest thing in my head
And I ache to remember
All the violent, sweet, perfect words that you said

If I could walk on water
If I could tell you what's next
Make you believe
Make you forget


I miss the sound of your voice
I taste the sparks on your tongue
I see angels and devils and God when you come on
Hold on...

Sing sha la la la
Sing sha la la la


Because everything works love
Because everything works in your arms

[Thanks to Ross Szeliga, Elizabeth Donley for lyrics]

Leaving a pretty song for you this morning RF:kiss:
It's one of Mav's and my favorites...This CD has a permanet home in the CD player in my car
We sing very loudly the line "I see angels and devils and God when you come"..and then we always burst into a fit of laughter:devil: Oh Yeahhhhhhh
Anyone up for a new word of the day????

Bring'm on and if you don't have time, I will be back later this evening. Have a great one my friends ~~

In honor of one of my daughters new "favorite" songs. She being a teenager - has so many a body can hardly keep up but this one .... has a certain "ring" to it, lol.


Syllables: jam

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation jaem

Definition 1. a sweet spread usu. made by cooking crushed fruit and
Synonyms preserves , conserves
Crossref. Syn. preserve
Similar Words spread , marmalade , jelly


Syllables: jam
Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation jaem
Inflected Forms jammed, jamming, jams

Definition 1. to force or pack tightly into a small space.
Example He jammed a peg in the hole ; She jammed the books
in a box.
Synonyms cram , wedge , squeeze , ram

Crossref. Syn. crowd , stuff , pack , impact
Similar Words sandwich , stuff , stick , force

Definition 2. to push or apply forcefully and suddenly.
Example She jammed the accelerator down ; He jammed his
shoulder against the door.
Synonyms thrust , ram , slam

Crossref. Syn. crowd
Similar Words push , press , force

Definition 3. to disable by causing a part to stick, catch, or slip.
Example He jammed the gear shift.
Similar Words disable , break

Definition 4. to fill up or block.
Example Ice jammed the stream.
Synonyms obstruct , block

Crossref. Syn. crowd , foul , throng
Similar Words plug , clog

Definition 5. to interfere with the reception of (radio signals or
the like).
Example They jammed their enemy's broadcast.
Synonyms scramble
Similar Words block , distort

Definition 6. to injure by violent pressure.
Example She jammed her hand in the wringer.
Crossref. Syn. mash
Similar Words sprain , hurt , injure

Related Words wedge , fill , close , thrust , interfere , pack , line

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to malfunction or be blocked.
Example The window jammed shut.
Crossref. Syn. foul , lock
Similar Words stick

Definition 2. to force oneself into a very small or crowded place.
Example They jammed into my car.
Synonyms cram
Crossref. Syn. wedge
Similar Words squeeze , stuff

Definition 3. to participate in an informal and improvisational
session of music playing, esp. of jazz or rock-'n'-roll.
Similar Words play , improvise

Related Words swing , crowd , play it by ear , rock , pack

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. an act or instance of jamming.
Similar Words squeeze , crush , jam session

Definition 2. a large gathering or mass that slows or prevents
Example an ice jam.
Synonyms blockage
Similar Words bottleneck , tie-up , throng , mass , stoppage

Definition 3. (informal) a difficulty or embarrassment not easily
resolved; trouble or predicament.
Example I'm in a jam at work.
Synonyms fix , pickle , spot , predicament
Crossref. Syn. difficulty , tangle , mess , bind
Similar Words plight , dilemma

Related Words trouble , bar , thrust , fix , block

Derived Forms jammer, n.


Happy hunting my friends and most especially,
Happpy Writing ~ ;)

Jelly Jam
Good Grape Jam
Got bread, need Jam
On the bread, spread Jam
Eat the Bread, taste the Jam
Savor the delicate flavor of the Jam
Glass or plastic either way, very good Jam
Squeezed out of the other side, clean up Jam.
Away bread and glass jar until later, no more Jam

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This had nothing to do with JAM. Sorry.
See: Tie Me UP thread
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She jams my thoughts with a smile
To me, she tastes better than the jam at breakfast.
When we make love, I do not need to jam it.
I use long, deep constant strokes, not the short jams.
When I cum, if feels so good like it is jammed,
But reality returns quickly. I find there is not a jam inside
As I slip past the lips that have been jammed open by me.

After a short rest, she is eager for another time be jammed.
To see the lust in her eyes is jamming to my higher functions.
She invites me to jam open the lips again
As I avoid jamming all the way in until
She is ready to be filled with the jam
That she helped bring forth to clear the jam within me.
I rise once more to let her taste the remaining jam.
succulent, sugarcoated
spread. surrounds
sends down
determined intentions.
interplaying, replaying
plastic squeeze, square
bread. brightening brazen
slices, stinging slaps
sparing erratic in-
dentions. re coat, double
dip and go back
for more.

one by one. fingertips
dip - tongue tease
titillating tease
extremities excite
enticing, more
magic, more cheese
and wine. to snuggle in,
tasting heaven ~

one by one. fingertips
dip - tongue tease
titillating tease
extremities excite
enticing, more
magic, more cheese
and wine. to snuggle in,
tasting heaven ~

"Touges taste extremities", one said.
My love are the core bits.

High, low, wet, spread.
Don't stop until it quits.
I've been getting headaches again. Yes, I've checked
my sugar and B/P ... it's not that. Leaves a lil thing called
stress and


Syllables: ten-sion

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation tehn shEn

Definition 1. the act of stretching or state of being stretched; strain.
Synonyms stretching , strain

Similar Words tautness , extension , pull , tightness

Definition 2. physical, mental, or emotional strain.
Synonyms stress , strain, anxiety
Crossref. Syn. stress

Similar Words apprehension , uneasiness , nervousness, worry

Definition 3. the strain created by disharmony in a relationship,
as between people or nations.
Synonyms discord , hostility , conflict

Similar Words disagreement , disharmony

Definition 4. electrical potential.
Example high-tension wires.
Synonyms voltage , potential

Related Words pressure , nerve , fear

Derived Forms tensional, adj. ; tensionless, adj.


Hoping to get a good write outta this one.
Pick a word any word and write it out ~~
Happy happy and all that jazz, lol.;)

I'm on a Kenny Cjesney kick tonight. He's the one I ALWAYS turn to, when I'm struggling with something and I need a "feel good" song. I also did get a chance to talk to a friend and I feel loads and loads better. De-stressing now, while listening to ::::

this one goes out to my "friend" Thank you for listening and helping ....

She Call's Me Baby
Kenny Chesney

She'll call me honey
When she needs a helping hand
She might say darlin'
If she needs someone to understand
She'll call me sugar
If she's feelin' kinda sweet
She'll say that I'm crazy
Over my little jealousies

When she calls me baby
I just reach for the light
I'll hold her like a lady
Thank God she's all mine
With her arms around me
I can leave the world behind
When she calls me baby
I know what's on her mind

When this life has brought
Me to my keees
She's got a way of bringin'
Out the man in me

When she calls me baby
I just reach for the light
I'll hold her like a lady
Thank God she's all mine
With her arms around me
I can leave the world behind
When she calls me baby
I know what's on her mind

Oh, when she calls me baby
I know what's on her mind

i masquerade, parade in oblivion
challenge you to see beneath
this temporary tapestry i present
faded and worn, tired and torn

i have suffered the tread of passers-by
well heeled, hurried and disinterested
to busy to appreciate the texture
the fine weave of hand hewn artistry

still i lay silent, welcome the abuse
i know someday a connoisseur will pass, pause
peruse the perfection, appreciate me
roll me up and take me home
i masquerade, parade in oblivion
challenge you to see beneath
this temporary tapestry i present
faded and worn, tired and torn

i have suffered the tread of passers-by
well heeled, hurried and disinterested
to busy to appreciate the texture
the fine weave of hand hewn artistry

still i lay silent, welcome the abuse
i know someday a connoisseur will pass, pause
peruse the perfection, appreciate me
roll me up and take me home

I spoke
you listened, a shoulder a hand
held out in friendship, tender
as babes breath. intent, intellect
wisdom to live by, always caring
always there, to stand - protect
whispering encouragement
to help me along my way ...

you have my heart my friend ~~ :heart:

Good morning again ... :rose:

I'm on a journey ......

As I sit, listening to a new playlist. Mostly Aaron Tippin this morning. He takes me back to days just - during and after High School.

I've been searching for relaxation, contentment ... a rest from the weary days I've been having lately. It was hot, July I think. I was running around with my boyfriend and my cousin. We would crank up the radio, cruise down the back roads. The thing I remember most was my cousin Jimmy's grin. He had a crooked nose from a jump off of Red Bank. He hit the water - from the biggest jump anyone could imagine, hit a rock and broke - split open his nose. Now it's part of his charisma, his flash -- his flash of grin and all that oozy sexiness the girls fall for. :rolleyes::D

He loved listening to Aaron and singing at the top of his lungs. He was and still is always- fun. I love spending time with he and his family, quiet simply he is my fav. cousin but he has always been like a brother to me ... I haven't seen them in a while but just listening to Aaron always makes me think of fun, happy times and I have to smile.

I wish I could write today ... but I really just am enjoying living in this moment. My coffee has grown cold, almost an empty cup here but I had to share, re-live a memory ....

Now tell me, write me a poem or just whatever you can right now. Tell me, what made you smile, relax and enjoy your morning?

Where did your journey start ????

I wept

I am an American, native born of a Native heritage, one who has served his country, yet did so during a time when doing so wasn't so popular.

And I wept.

I wept for the hope of a new future, being neither white nor black,

yellow or brown.

I wept being an American

Troubled times bring a great Nation together, bias, greed, injustice

have no place in a world when hope is given birth again.

And for this, I wept.

I wept with joy, wishing that those who have endured, struggled and dreamed could have seen what I saw before my own passing.

Many might not yet agree, or find fear in the future.

And for them I weep as well. I weep that hearts might change,

I weep that souls might again unite and cleanse the past together.

I dream of a time where peace and harmony for all people, for all races,
will be nothing more than a distant memory of an ancient time filled with fraught and anxiety.

I dream of a world when we will all consider ourselves "Native Amercians" of a country united, where the only color we see and recognize is the color of hope.

I weep because I believe we finally have the chance to do that.

I weep with the joy of a new beginning, change, and a desire to become something better, something new, something to be proud and grateful for.

I weep because I truly am an American.
Good morning again ... :rose:

Now tell me, write me a poem or just whatever you can right now. Tell me, what made you smile, relax and enjoy your morning?

Where did your journey start ????
This day started with all night of SLEEPING. I slept thru the night. I woke up just as the alarm was ringing its dreaded tune. After one (just one) snooze, I got up to greet the day. I now have a sub (more is always welcome) so I began thinking of her and how I was going to investigate her curiosities without scaring her away from this exploration she wanted.

I enjoyed the quiet house before everyone got up and started to do their own thing.

I was relaxing just to hear the rain light hit the porch as the new day dawned in the East. I headed to work with a spring in my step, for I really love me job which is very relaxing in itself.