Free Thoughts~on One word...

Salvor-Hardon said:
Well Technically it should be ONE word, but since you started the thread I guess you can make exceptions. ;)

Alaways good to listen to a Fairy~ Ya never know what she has in store ... ;)


Be you, but which you should you be?
The hard working employee, nose to the stone
The poet with wistful dreams of long long ago
The charming debonair man about town
That makes women swoon with a smile and a wink?

Be you, but which you should you be?
The husband who wonders about his life
The father who wants so much for his children
The brother and son who never quite fit in
But is loved and dearly loves all the same?

Be you but which you should you be?
The scoundrel and rogue never fully trusted
The adventurer on a daring quest
The swashbuckling pirate that saves the day
Gets the girl and somehow eludes the unjust governor?

Be you, be all of you
Be charming and flirty, hard working and crafty
Be the man you should be, and hope to be
Be the man you dreamed of as a child
But do not be the child any more, Be you.

I think this is loveRRLLLYY~!!!
I can feel the pulling inside of who you want to be,
yet ... maybe not want to be. Good imagery.
Love the indecision's and also the Child inside.

About that ... I personally feel it is great to still be a lil childlike. It lets one appreciate things in life a lil better. Whenever I go to the park with the kids, ya wanna know who is the first to the swings? *heheheheehe* .... Or who is playing ships captain and throwing them kiddy poohs overboard? :eek:

Just thinking ... do not let go of all the lil boy inside,
he is part of you, and sometimes brings out
the best of times to be had ... in life ~

Just a thought ~ ;)

I enjoyed your poem
and Thank You again for playing with me ~ :D

champagne1982 said:

dischordant harmony
exhales through dented
pipes centred in the carousel

childish thrill of dizziness
as the painted ponies
race 'round and round

lights flash and the scent
of memory fills my nose
overpowering reason

the season of carnivals
gone with the vivid nights
of summer breezes and heat

I loveee this Champagne ~!!

I had just recently went to the fair and yes ... this poem is exactly how it felt to be back, but all grown up, lol. Memories and fun. I love your imagery it pulls me in and my breath just stops - in anticipation of what is next ...

Great poem ~!!! Thank You for the Carousel Ride on your painted ponies ~

My Erotic Tale said:
One word

is two


is not enough

I Love You requires two

many thoughts on one word


Do you know, sometimes LOVE goes beyond sex.
( not that it does not involve that too, just MORE ... ;) )

I love you, means more than just one word, one thought or two.
It is the whole being ... perhaps the other half of you, a soul mate ...

new word ...



someone wants to Jump in with another?


Pictures ~

by dawn all will have changed..
merely a thought now I know, fact
tomorrow. sleep will rob us all. time
shall boldly do a balancing act,
of what shall be.

this heart races, pants ... cries.
for the me, deep inside. wanting
to escape these feelings of wasted
wakeful wants.

memories, take me to dreamlands
gate. opens the darkened door,
of what used to be. pictures flying
in the sky, showing paintings brushed
with you and I.

liquid golden frame, surrounds two
people laughing, in a hot steamy tub.
naked skin glistening off the water,
as bubbles crest and wave.

red heart shaped borders snapping
into place, the mating of these
same two, just ... a different place.
presents also in red, upon a bed.
chocolate candies one could almost
taste, along with lingerie of green
racy lace.

the pictures whirl with slow motion,
shown with emotion. snap shots
of every time and place. not one day,
was ever erased.

drifting by now, a picture of you. head
bowed upon my shoulder, it is placed.
we were saying good-bye, in our meeting
place. cops on the standby, chanting
something, only God knows why. teary
eyes we both posses, hands hugging
under shirt. snapped it was, at
that precise moment, when we knew
this meeting, was at its end.

curving around my eyes side view, a
picture in a bluish hue. your shirt I
believe, worn when I last saw you.
scruffy beard, wide smile, just sizzling
through. long kisses as these two never
breath, nothing else, do their minds
conceive. pick up, for that long awaited
day. we had so much to say.

one last picture is suspended in air.
others have all disappeared. this one
is a picture of my soul. I know this,
for it is all but bare. a tiny picture
of hope, as love hides in its shadows,
and you my love ... are still there.

:rose: :kiss: :devil: :heart: :catroar: :D
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RhymeFairy said:

by dawn all will have changed..
merely a thought now I know, fact
tomorrow. sleep will rob us all. time
shall boldly do a balancing act,
of what shall be.

this heart races, pants ... cries.
for the me, deep inside. wanting
to escape these feelings of wasted
wakeful wants.

memories, take me to dreamlands
gate. opens the darkened door,
of what used to be. pictures flying
in the sky, showing paintings brushed
with you and I.

liquid golden frame, surrounds two
people laughing, in a hot steamy tub.
naked skin glistening off the water,
as bubbles crest and wave.

red heart shaped borders snapping
into place, the mating of these
same two, just ... a different place.
presents also in red, upon a bed.
chocolate candies one could almost
taste, along with lingerie of green
racy lace.
the pictures whirl with slow motion,
shown with emotion. snap shots
of every time and place. not one day,
was ever erased.

drifting by now, a picture of you. head
bowed upon my shoulder, it is placed.
we were saying good-bye, in our meeting
place. cops on the standby, chanting
something, only God knows why. teary
eyes we both posses, hands hugging
under shirt. snapped it was, at
that precise moment, when we knew
this meeting, was at its end.

curving around my eyes side view, a
picture in a bluish hue. your shirt I
believe, worn when I last saw you.
scruffy beard, wide smile, just sizzling
through. long kisses as these two never
breath, nothing else, do their minds
conceive. pick up, for that long awaited
day. we had so much to say.

one last picture is suspended in air.
others have all disappeared. this one
is a picture of my soul. I know this,
for it is all but bare. a tiny picture
of hope, as love hides in its shadows,
and you my love ... are still there.

:rose: :kiss: :devil: :heart: :catroar: :D

a gripping and vivid read RF
You put your finger on my heart and touched me with these words,
your hope is warm sunshine.
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My Erotic Tale said:
a gripping and vivid read RF
You put your finger on my heart and touched me with these words,
your hope is warm sunshine.

This poems means a lot to me Art,
so Thank You ~

RhymeFairy said:
This poems means a lot to me Art,
so Thank You ~


I know I will be seeing this poem in the new poem reviews...if you have a poem post...let me know ...I have been using my online time spareingly and havent made it to the new poems page in days <grin> and looks like I could use another hand with the reviews sunday <grin> still with out power in the deep woods of texas
My Erotic Tale said:
I know I will be seeing this poem in the new poem reviews...if you have a poem post...let me know ...I have been using my online time spareingly and havent made it to the new poems page in days <grin> and looks like I could use another hand with the reviews sunday <grin> still with out power in the deep woods of texas

RhymeFairy <~~~~ Sucker :rolleyes:


Let me know my friend ~
No worries ~ ;)

You are gonna owe me soooo Big, :p
did YOU have some 6th sense
about a 60 poem submission LAST Sunday? :devil:


OK, I have had my fun, feelin tha guilt now? * HEhehehe

I will do it, you know I will, errr if that was a hint for me too ... that is?


Your Bud ~

RhymeFairy said:
RhymeFairy <~~~~ Sucker :rolleyes:


Let me know my friend ~
No worries ~ ;)

You are gonna owe me soooo Big, :p
did YOU have some 6th sense
about a 60 poem submission LAST Sunday? :devil:


OK, I have had my fun, feelin tha guilt now? * HEhehehe

I will do it, you know I will, errr if that was a hint for me too ... that is?


Your Bud ~


well I can help...

like when Du did the poems I would split them with her and I took the bottom <grin> and worked my way upward and we meet in the middle grin
Touch ...

sighing, no I was
so wrong.
climatic notes
on high.

orgasmic release
flooding through,
more likely
is she.

I tell you-
toes curled,
head thrown
eyes rolled back

seeing white,
glittering specks
like a rabbit,
all through the air.

as she climbs.
the wall
bass ackwards
to top.

guttural moans
escaping now,
letting loose a
screeching howl.

one touch,
from you.
one touch
you ...


too much?

had to bring here from passion thread.
It has a lil *touch of honesty eh ~


roasted nuts,
with honey.
Salty tongue
Causing lavacious,
into pooling
of pandorahs

Just a thought
I had ... once~

Silken ties ~ Bounced from * on your knees

On your knees,
tunneling in
Wispy covers,
spread about.

Silky sensations,
of lovers glides.
skin to skin
to touch.

Trying to
these damn

Crawling out,
the other side.
as two bodies
still hide.

What to do,
when bodies
are bound.

Silken ties,
in whimsical
and my lovers
not found.


Have I been missed?
I shall remedy that very soon.
I miss ya'll and writing so much.

Been in and out
all around. Wishing
to spend my time
with you.

Miss playing
with words
of wisdom,
love, and you.


new word?

You ~ :D

Think you
can handle it?
Hmmmmm ~ ;)

:p :catroar: :devil:

Happy Writing ~
RhymeFairy said:
Have I been missed?
I shall remedy that very soon.
I miss ya'll and writing so much.

new word?

You ~ :D

Think you
can handle it?
Hmmmmm ~ ;)

:p :catroar: :devil:

Happy Writing ~

Hmmmmm interesting choice of words......

Ok I'm going to have to refill my tea before I try this.

And yes RF, you were missed.

The Mind ~ Painted Pony ~

Taking your time, to tame
the mind. Be gentle, yet firm.
Hold on till the end, for the ride
is worth the fall.

Eternity it seems. Takes
command, of the shadows,
who cross the land. Upon
the Painted pony, he rides.

Showing a life filled,
with dreamless whispers.
Echoing, across the plains
of times embrace.

The mind trips, take a hold
by the mane. Show it who's
boss. Let it lead a lil, it shall
come back. Strong,
and temperate, leading with
tall command.

Mind you lead, with
slow cantering steps.
The journey will be,
never ending.

Upon the painted pony
he rides. Wind flowing,
whimsical, chanting
permeating within.

Follow the beat,
of the hearts tattoo.
The mind is an endless
ride, through the painted
ponies' heart.

Heart of faith...
Heart of trust...
Heart of commanding

He ride's upon
the painted pony,
he rides ~


A bounce from a while back.
I like it, wanna do something with it.
The mind, repeated too much me thinks.
Needs work, I know. But ... I like it,
the feel and the sentiments.
Just me ~

No Fair RF, I still haven't gotten my head properly wrapped around "you" and now you throw out "the mind" too? with a great poem to boot?

May not get a poem out of it but damn its made me think alot.
RhymeFairy said:
Taking your time, to tame
the mind. Be gentle, yet firm.
Hold on till the end, for the ride
is worth the fall.

Eternity it seems. Takes
command, of the shadows,
who cross the land. Upon
the Painted pony, he rides.

Showing a life filled,
with dreamless whispers.
Echoing, across the plains
of times embrace.

The mind trips, take a hold
by the mane. Show it who's
boss. Let it lead a lil, it shall
come back. Strong,
and temperate, leading with
tall command.

Mind you lead, with
slow cantering steps.
The journey will be,
never ending.

Upon the painted pony
he rides. Wind flowing,
whimsical, chanting
permeating within.

Follow the beat,
of the hearts tattoo.
The mind is an endless
ride, through the painted
ponies' heart.

Heart of faith...
Heart of trust...
Heart of commanding

He ride's upon
the painted pony,
he rides ~


A bounce from a while back.
I like it, wanna do something with it.
The mind, repeated too much me thinks.
Needs work, I know. But ... I like it,
the feel and the sentiments.
Just me ~


woohooo sounds like taming the painted mind...
I like this poem RF

I agree it needs a splash of spice or stirred a little more
not quite done yet....cook a tad more <grin...stir it ...hehe
Salvor-Hardon said:
No Fair RF, I still haven't gotten my head properly wrapped around "you" and now you throw out "the mind" too? with a great poem to boot?

May not get a poem out of it but damn its made me think alot.

Salvor ...

Honestly, I have not been writing too much lately.
Just looking through some of my poems
and seeing what can be done ... if anything.


You ~ was a spare of the moment thing,
and I have really not properly addressed it .. as yet. *WEG* ;)

The Painted Pony was a bounce I did on the Chasing Chickens thread,
when Art was going through his Horse err .... thing. LMAO~ ;)

I am posting one here in a few that I did as a live write on the
*Darker Poetry* thread a few days ago ..
Kinda spooky ... :eek:

I have enjoyed your writing and commentary quiet a bit,
so don't give up on me yet, just time ... wish
I had a lotttt more of it. Don't we all eh ~ :D

Have Great one
.. And Thank you again
for playing with me ... Meowwwww~!!! ;)

Happy Writing ~

My Erotic Tale said:
woohooo sounds like taming the painted mind...
I like this poem RF

I agree it needs a splash of spice or stirred a little more
not quite done yet....cook a tad more <grin...stir it ...hehe

I agree ... Grrr.
Don't ya hate it when you write something,
but know it needs a splash of something
to make it just perfect ... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

I will stir it all right. And dippp it ... pluck it,
do all kinds of Baddd Baddd things to it
... to make it goood, Mmmmm **** hehehehe
I am awful I know, but I get such a kick outta it ... ;)

Thanks Art for the encouragement ~ :D

Happy Writing My Friend ~

OK Here is a lil Spook for ya ~~ :D

Halloween IS
right around tha corner ... right?



Clippity Cloppppppp ~

halloween treats
all given out.
dark shadows,
begin to appear.

no one close,
or so ya think.
prattling footsteps,
the walk.

moons glimmer,
showing nothing,
to the naked

shaking shrubbery,
seting sparks
to tingles,
along your spine.
ghostly figures,
from willowy
into thin air.

shaking boots,
carry you forth.
winding pathway


yellow eyes
watching. piercing
you inta place.
by whining screams,
scurrying up,
from behind ...



wormhole sinking

releasing, abated breath.
womb clinging,
clinching tight. into
cosmic clitoric
attitudes, of apposite

assuming the position,
of wormholes sinking.
from the earth.

dewy mounds,
within mounds, of heated
flesh. sinking
into flesh.
into flesh.
feeling the bite,
bite, of flesh.

wormholes sinking,
into flesh ...

from sensual thread .. grrr

RhymeFairy said:
Salvor ...

Honestly, I have not been writing too much lately.
Just looking through some of my poems
and seeing what can be done ... if anything.


You ~ was a spare of the moment thing,
and I have really not properly addressed it .. as yet. *WEG* ;)

The Painted Pony was a bounce I did on the Chasing Chickens thread,
when Art was going through his Horse err .... thing. LMAO~ ;)

I am posting one here in a few that I did as a live write on the
*Darker Poetry* thread a few days ago ..
Kinda spooky ... :eek:

I have enjoyed your writing and commentary quiet a bit,
so don't give up on me yet, just time ... wish
I had a lotttt more of it. Don't we all eh ~ :D

Have Great one
.. And Thank you again
for playing with me ... Meowwwww~!!! ;)

Happy Writing ~


you have flowered in a garden of poetry my friend, and I see your versitility shine with every new original write. I enjoy a ray of sunshine <grin> and I enjoy your poetry, bending over for swats <grin> b-day baby~ mom brought me a radio and a cake <grin>

My Erotic Tale said:
you have flowered in a garden of poetry my friend, and I see your versitility shine with every new original write. I enjoy a ray of sunshine <grin> and I enjoy your poetry, bending over for swats <grin> b-day baby~ mom brought me a radio and a cake <grin>

:rose:'s are meant
to be worshipped
and savored.
through sight

taste upon petals
of passion pursing
leaves of lusty
thoughts, as dew drops
glisten, leaving you
wanting more.

can you taste
the folds
fragility unfolded,
inspiring more

more ...


nope don't have it in me today,
me thinks ... :rolleyes:

will be back a bit later ~

RhymeFairy said:
:rose:'s are meant
to be worshipped
and savored.
through sight

taste upon petals
of passion pursing
leaves of lusty
thoughts, as dew drops
glisten, leaving you
wanting more.

can you taste
the folds
fragility unfolded,
inspiring more

more ...


nope don't have it in me today,
me thinks ... :rolleyes:

will be back a bit later ~


gently admired and absorbed in its beauty