Free Thoughts~on One word...

RhymeFairy said:
Hungy huh ...

Let'me think


new word, Artie Pooh
( heheeh, thinkin ya haveta hate that name, lol )

anywho ...

I wanna see some poetry about


Syllables: hun-gry

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation huhng gri
Inflected Forms hungrier, hungriest
Definition 1. feeling a need or desire for food.

Definition 2. showing or being caused by hunger.
Example a baby's hungry crying.

Definition 3. having a strong desire or craving.
Example hungry for new experiences.
Crossref. Syn. avid , greedy , voracious

Definition 4. having or characterized by a shortage of food.
Example a hungry land.

Definition 5. lacking in nutrients; not fertile; barren.
Example hungry soil.

Related Words needy , ravenous , ambitious

Derived Forms hungrily, adv. ; hungriness, n.

So give it to me ~

WooHoo ~!!


hungry tongue lapping flesh
stomach growls for lust
eyes fixed like a wolf in prowel
pawing, grasping, gripping, pulling, pressing
to eat passion in morsels of fluids
quenching lips and muscled toned
seeps the sauce
tasting desire in spoonfulls
stabing meat slapps meat
basting savory heated holds
into love and eat its sexual flavor

no food can satisfy
this hunger,
no amount of water
can quench
this thirst,
sexual starvation
is what this is
i'm hungry baby
hungry for you.
No one else
does what you do
can make me cum
in floods like you.
you make me shiver
with just one touch
tingle all over with
just one look.
I'm addicted baby
I need my fix,
I need your body
pressed into mine
need to feel you
inside me,
making me shake
scream out your
finger nails
piecing hot
naked skin
feeling you
sliping deeper
fuck me baby
I need your
let me feast
on you.
please baby
don't deny
me this
i'm so hungry
so hungry
for you.

Whoah sorry folks that just kinda erupted out of me ~ :devil:

Good word hun I had lotsa ahem.. fun writing that ;)
Nails ... Thanks Jenn, was in ur poem ;o)~~

passion pink nails pick pluck
at his heart strings. all day he
dreams wishful wants, of her.
digging desires up,
from memories past.

pure purple glossy lips, lingering
on his mind, pressed to his,
mirroring his thoughts.

as time moves on, still he dreams
of those lips wrapped around
his erect member, demanding
compensation from him,
to pleasure her too.

coaxing, minxy smile enraptures
his heart. stroking that burning
sensation, to an all consuming
need, for that smile, directed
at him.

in shadows of boudoir dreams.
as illusion turns to reality,
of that same satisfied smile.

hour glass body, with enough grit
to encourage gluttonous sins, over
and over again.

she is pure poetry in motion,
colossal waves washing ashore,
as she dawdles n dips into him.
netting his heart, his mind.
dreaming, his day dreams.

Tempt n Tease ~

Words tempt n tease me
yet, I know it's a ruse.
To catch this fairy
cage me,
in the reflections
of mirrors pinned, to walls
of poetry. Ricocheting
witty words, as you
shadow dancing around this
playground of poetic prose.
Tempt me not
forgo it all
take me,
for I am already
by you,
this place
that breaks
me down, only
to rebuild me into
Rebuild me


Burn 2

that disease
making it all ok.
burning, still yet
for him.
watching, wishing
for his touch. that
burn inside me.
deeper, in me.
the shadows away.
taking me,
to the brink.
breakfast on me,
dine on erotica delights.
take tha heat baby.
make me burn.
for you, for us
burn baby
dine on this
feast on
me ...


I just realized I had not had a free thought on one word...wordup...NEMESIS

regrets jinx today
limping along
I look upon tomorrow’s
bluerains said:
I just realized I had not had a free thought on one word...wordup...NEMESIS

regrets jinx today
limping along
I look upon tomorrow’s

Hmmm Nemesis, great word.....

From Hell's heart I stab at thee!
Like Ahab, I scream at the air
And shake my fists above me
Sceam and pull at my hair

Curses hurled with vilest venom
As malice boils my heart
Cruelest dreams wreak within them
The vegence to tear them apart.

Plagued and burdened may he be
May Hades claim his soul
Let torment rule with infamy
And let no mourning bell toll

For I despise his wretched breath
Ronald McDonald I wish thee death!

bluerains said:
I just realized I had not had a free thought on one word...wordup...NEMESIS

regrets jinx today
limping along
I look upon tomorrow’s

what does it mean <grin> RF usually posts a dictionary term so I ...ooops <grin> We know what it means...<grin> I'll wing it...

Now "Nem" was on the street corner
swinging one red leg
leaning on a pole
that illuminated
highlighting her platinum hair

A man, tall dark and
not so handsome
walked up to her

"How much?" he asked
She looked at him
long and hard
then pointed across the street

there stood a man
'Nem' said...
"Nem is his".....<grin>
Art ..
you are so full of pooh ~!! lol :rolleyes:

Just for you :::::


Syllables: nem-e-sis

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation neh mE sihs
Inflected Forms nemeses

Definition 1. that which one cannot beat, conquer, or succeed at; cause or agent of one's often repeated downfall.
Synonyms downfall (2) , ruin (4) , destruction (3) , undoing (3) , ruination (2)
Crossref. Syn. undoing
Similar Words enemy , bane , adversary , scourge , Achilles heel

Definition 2. retribution or punishment, or its source or agent.
Synonyms requital {requite (2)} , punishment (1) , revenge (2) , vengeance (1) , retribution
Similar Words desert[3] , comeuppance , retaliation {retaliate} , reprisal , wage

Definition 3. (cap.) in Greek mythology, the goddess of divine retribution or vengeance.

Related Words archenemy , destruction , enemy , despair , demon

Thank you Blue,
for the inspiration. :rose:
I will be back when I have a few
to bounce it all over this thread ... * WEG * Grrrrr ;)

RhymeFairy said:
Art ..
you are so full of pooh ~!! lol :rolleyes:

Just for you :::::


Syllables: nem-e-sis

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation neh mE sihs
Inflected Forms nemeses

Definition 1. that which one cannot beat, conquer, or succeed at; cause or agent of one's often repeated downfall.
Synonyms downfall (2) , ruin (4) , destruction (3) , undoing (3) , ruination (2)
Crossref. Syn. undoing
Similar Words enemy , bane , adversary , scourge , Achilles heel

Definition 2. retribution or punishment, or its source or agent.
Synonyms requital {requite (2)} , punishment (1) , revenge (2) , vengeance (1) , retribution
Similar Words desert[3] , comeuppance , retaliation {retaliate} , reprisal , wage

Definition 3. (cap.) in Greek mythology, the goddess of divine retribution or vengeance.

Related Words archenemy , destruction , enemy , despair , demon

Thank you Blue,
for the inspiration. :rose:
I will be back when I have a few
to bounce it all over this thread ... * WEG * Grrrrr ;)

:rose: pooh pooh was a nemisis ? <grin>
Salvor-Hardon said:
Hmmm Nemesis, great word.....

From Hell's heart I stab at thee!
Like Ahab, I scream at the air
And shake my fists above me
Sceam and pull at my hair

Curses hurled with vilest venom
As malice boils my heart
Cruelest dreams wreak within them
The vegence to tear them apart.

Plagued and burdened may he be
May Hades claim his soul
Let torment rule with infamy
And let no mourning bell toll

For I despise his wretched breath
Ronald McDonald I wish thee death!


Wow, such venom.
You had me wondering.
Then that poor lil ClownBoy popped his face up. *Grins
Cute and soo right. I cannot pass that place without kiddie poohs ~

I wanna go McDonalllss

Throwin ya tha rope,
gettin tha pick-up~

Thinkin we should show him a mud bath down at tha lake,
first hand ... Always wondered who was under that make-up~

* :devil:


Oh wait a min. I have been told ... their Apple Pies, are awesome,
Soooo, maybe just a mud pie thrown in his face ... hehehehe

RhymeFairy said:
Wow, such venom.
You had me wondering.
Then that poor lil ClownBoy popped his face up. *Grins
Cute and soo right. I cannot pass that place without kiddie poohs ~

I wanna go McDonalllss

Throwin ya tha rope,
gettin tha pick-up~

Thinkin we should show him a mud bath down at tha lake,
first hand ... Always wondered who was under that make-up~

* :devil:


Oh wait a min. I have been told ... their Apple Pies, are awesome,
Soooo, maybe just a mud pie thrown in his face ... hehehehe


In one word?

food-fight <grin>
New Word ~

Release ~

Syllables: re-lease
Parts of speech: transitive verb , noun

Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation rih lis
Inflected Forms released, releasing, releases

Definition 1. to liberate from constraint, such as obligation or pain.
Synonyms liberate (1) , free (3) , unshackle , emancipate (1) , loose (1)
Crossref. Syn. deliver , absolve , discharge , extricate , acquit , amnesty , dismiss , excuse , exonerate
Similar Words rescue , pardon , untie , let off {let (PHR)} , deliver , excuse , discharge

Definition 2. to unfasten or let go of.
Example He released the handle.
Synonyms loosen (1) , undo (1) , loose (2) , unfasten , unbind (1)
Crossref. Syn. spring , extricate
Similar Words disentangle , untie , drop , detach , disengage , unhook , extricate

Definition 3. to allow the publication, circulation, or sale of.
Example The publishers released a new cookbook.
Similar Words publish , circulate , distribute

Definition 4. in law, to surrender or give up (a right or claim).
Synonyms renounce (1) , disclaim (3) , waive (1)
Similar Words relinquish , forgo , surrender

Related Words terminate , sack , absolve , yield , vent , emit , save , respite , spring , relax , forfeit , pour , trip , alleviate , burst , expel , exhaust , exempt , leak , exhale , heave , transmit , spare

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act or process of liberating from constraint.
Synonyms freeing {free (vt 1)} , emancipation (1) , liberation {liberate (1)}
Crossref. Syn. relief , undoing , relaxation

Definition 2. an authorization to publish or circulate information.

Definition 3. a news story or other piece prepared for publication in a newspaper or announcement on radio or television; press release.
Synonyms press release , news release

Definition 4. a device that allows a machine to start or stop.

Definition 5. a document that surrenders a right or claim.
Synonyms waiver (2) , disclaimer (2)

Related Words pardon , catharsis , discharge , freedom , expulsion , outlet , excuse , news , escape

See whatcha can do ...


Go ahead,
give it a try.
I know
ya got it in ya.

Let it out.
feel passion
surging through.
Taking over.

Give in and
let it go.
Be spontaneous.
Be hot
wet, silky sin
as you burn,
that burn.

Take a bite.
what it does
to that wicked,
wicked tongue.
Dip into musky

Give in.
Go for it.
Just let it all
hang out,
as you take
Bringing sweet
heated release
to a hammering
release ...

:kiss: :p

Release obsession
from this curtain
of taboo
rustling in somnolence
of blackened
mirrors reflecting
isolated intrusion
from the beguiling

Dreamland demands
carte blanche
to sanctify
the outlander
into her vestibule,
their mirage
in rainbows
of the dark.
Last edited:
Body Bag ~

Body bag tha man.
Dig your hole, ghastly deep.
Make sure he is covered good.
Plant cement, over the grave.

Might wanna post a watchman.
He has been known, to be slippery.
Leave it to him, to come back.
Screwing up, the whole plan.

RhymeFairy said:

Body bag tha man.
Dig your hole, ghastly deep.
Make sure he is covered good.
Plant cement, over the grave.

Might wanna post a watchman.
He has been known, to be slippery.
Leave it to him, to come back.
Screwing up, the whole plan.


whay's the word?


the zoo

Snickers in nickers
and chuckles and grins
pop corn and sweet water carmel
calls from the cages of wild animals

Birds in flight
of cages so long
children that didn't know
that to release them
was wrong!
Lost ~

Good Morning Friends ~

Ready for a new word?
Thinking this is gonna be a GREAT day ~!!

Lost ~

Syllables: lost

Parts of speech: adjective , verb

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation lawst

Definition 1. no longer possessed; not able to be found.
Synonyms missing (2) , mislaid {mislay} , misplaced {misplace (1)}
Similar Words gone , irretrievable , irreclaimable , stray , irrecoverable , forfeited {forfeit (vt)} , absent

Definition 2. not won.
Similar Words irredeemable , failed {fail (vi)} , forfeited {forfeit (vt)} , hopeless , futile

Definition 3. not maintained or kept.
Synonyms forgotten {forget (vt 1)}
Similar Words irretrievable , irrecoverable

Definition 4. not aware of where one is.
Example lost in the woods.
Synonyms astray (1)
Similar Words adrift , at sea {sea (PHR)} , off the track {track (PHR)} , disoriented {disorient} , stray , confused {confuse} , bewildered {bewilder} , perplexed , confounded

Definition 5. ruined or destroyed.
Synonyms ruined {ruin (vt 1,2)} , destroyed {destroy (vt 1,3,4)}
Crossref. Syn. done for
Similar Words undone2 , unsalvageable {salvage (vt)} , wrecked {wreck (vt)} , unsalvable {salvable} , perished {perish} , obliterated {obliterate} , finished

Definition 6. not used; wasted.
Example a lost opportunity.
Synonyms misspent {misspend} , wasted {waste (vt 1)} , squandered {squander} , missed {miss1 (vt 4)}
Similar Words misused {misuse (vt)} , irretrievable , down the drain {drain (PHR)}

Related Words forlorn

Part of Speech verb

Definition 1. past tense and past participle of lose.

So many thoughts ...
So lil time eh ~


Have fun ....
Happy Writing ~

Last edited:
From a challenge I got on Wednesday


She had stayed in all day, waiting for me
To come in from the world and its distractions
This the quiet refuge of her taking me in
And giving herself to me so profoundly

The soft pale blue robe wrapped around her
While my work clothes still hung on me
Til she opened the silk and let it fall
And wearing nothing but a smile, she kissed me

I took her hand and led her to the room
Where she had already lit so many candles
But the dark corners held such mysteries
Like the discoveries we had found so often before

I took the bottle of oils, lavendar and rose
And looked at her again as she waited still
So small, delicate perhaps though so wild
A rose bud nestled on top of a stem of steel

My rough rugged hands soothed the oils about
Her already satin like skin from head to toe
Silent as I caressed her twice completely
Moaning as I touched the wonderous zones

Then to the chains I took her, hands and feet
spread wide and held up by the links
Steel and leather, flexible and rigid
More suited to a beast instead of this dove

Then I began taking what pleasure I craved
No thought at all to what she might desire
Though still I wanted to hear her cry
From pleasure and from torment that she loves

Time and time again I brought her to edge
Then backed away as my own climax slowly built
Til at last I let cum and cum and cum some more
Before I felt the release from my own want

Then to the bed I carried her, petite and lithe
Curled up softly and securely in my arms
And as the night sank further into darkness
We slept entwined in each other and candle light

She LOST her virginity the night I LOST my keys,

LOOSING the light of the sun and LOST in the Moon's glow.

I LOST track of time looking for those LOST keys.

She was a LOST cause , yelling, "I have to get home now,"

Well I LOST it, totally. I just couldn't find those LOST keys.

She was yelling at me, "LOSER!"

I can only assume that was because of the LOST keys.

Well I replied, "Get LOST!"

and she did.
RhymeFairy said:
Yes, My friend
... You have most certainly done that ~!!!


hheheheheeheh, cute and silly Art ~


Curves endless pulling
sight sound and feel
in a turmoiled spin
backwards falling upward
to nothing other than solid

gripped from within
I spin to everthing rushing
in stillness
hearts beats in drums
of wonder of the unknown
before me forever
I find that thread of hope
in knowing that it is only
I'm lost
Lost ~

My Erotic Tale said:
Curves endless pulling
sight sound and feel
in a turmoiled spin
backwards falling upward
to nothing other than solid

gripped from within
I spin to everthing rushing
in stillness
hearts beats in drums
of wonder of the unknown
before me forever
I find that thread of hope
in knowing that it is only
I'm lost

lost in time,
lost in space.
lost together,
in this strange place.

no one coming,
others have gone.
we stand together,
steady n strong.

RhymeFairy said:
lost in time,
lost in space.
lost together,
in this strange place.

no one coming,
others have gone.
we stand together,
steady n strong.


She was broke, so I patted her
on the shoulder she sat
she sputtered something
then gave out

she was retired on rubbers
and her 'make over' obvious
but still I loved her

opened the door for her
stepped out and looked both ways
that was when I realized
not only did the car give out
but I was lost.
ok mr man .. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

My Erotic Tale said:
She was broke, so I patted her
on the shoulder she sat
she sputtered something
then gave out

she was retired on rubbers
and her 'make over' obvious
but still I loved her

opened the door for her
stepped out and looked both ways
that was when I realized
not only did the car give out
but I was lost.

his touch melted
this poor gurls soul.
one look form him,
n she was lost.

lost in thought,
lost in time
lost to him
for all time.

wicked he was.
for he talked so naughty.
telling her things,
cause he thought
she was haughty.

he would dare her to be,
whatever he could.
turning his pecker,
from soft to wood.

lil miss innocent,
or so he thought.
for now he knows,
for 'tis him she taught.

mr slick willy,
turned to mr
... yes 'mam.
now all he knows,
is to be her ram.

stick it to her good,
wherever she may please.
cause now that bad boy,
is her lil tease.

lost, is this manly man.
lost, in her eyes of green.
not a pretty sight I must say,
it's tha damndest sight
ya ever seen~
