Free Thoughts~on One word...

Ok I will nibble.

New word

Passion ~

so .. let'me see what ya got ~

Be creative ...

Passion :

Syllables: pas-sion

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation pae shEn
Definition 1. any strong or intense feeling or emotion, esp. love, sexual desire, or hatred.
Synonyms fire (4) , warmth (4) , vehemence {vehement (adj 1)} , ardor , intensity (3) , fervor (1)
Crossref. Syn. heat , flame , romance , rage
Similar Words obsession , lust , heart , feeling , intoxication , emotion , abandon , urge , drive , verve , temper

Definition 2. the object of such feeling.
Crossref. Syn. enthusiasm , love
Similar Words obsession , fancy , desire

Definition 3. strong enthusiasm or fondness for something, or the object of such enthusiasm.
Synonyms hunger (3) , love (3,4) , obsession (1,2) , ardor , fondness (3) , fervor (1) , zeal
Crossref. Syn. mania , lust , flame , hobby , fire
Similar Words lust , yearning , interest , fancy , thirst , desire , concern , infatuation , enthusiasm , craving , longing

Definition 4. an outburst of violent anger or other emotion.
Synonyms storm (3) , outburst
Crossref. Syn. violence , rage
Similar Words paroxysm , frenzy , rage , fit2

Related Words crush , weakness , calling , anger , inclination , adoration , zest , warmth , wish , love , wrath , life

That should give ya something to start with
.. a thought ...
So finish that thought.
Right here.
Right Now ~!!!

RhymeFairy said:
Ok I will nibble.

New word

Passion ~

so .. let'me see what ya got ~

Be creative ...

Passion :

Syllables: pas-sion

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation pae shEn
Definition 1. any strong or intense feeling or emotion, esp. love, sexual desire, or hatred.
Synonyms fire (4) , warmth (4) , vehemence {vehement (adj 1)} , ardor , intensity (3) , fervor (1)
Crossref. Syn. heat , flame , romance , rage
Similar Words obsession , lust , heart , feeling , intoxication , emotion , abandon , urge , drive , verve , temper

Definition 2. the object of such feeling.
Crossref. Syn. enthusiasm , love
Similar Words obsession , fancy , desire

Definition 3. strong enthusiasm or fondness for something, or the object of such enthusiasm.
Synonyms hunger (3) , love (3,4) , obsession (1,2) , ardor , fondness (3) , fervor (1) , zeal
Crossref. Syn. mania , lust , flame , hobby , fire
Similar Words lust , yearning , interest , fancy , thirst , desire , concern , infatuation , enthusiasm , craving , longing

Definition 4. an outburst of violent anger or other emotion.
Synonyms storm (3) , outburst
Crossref. Syn. violence , rage
Similar Words paroxysm , frenzy , rage , fit2

Related Words crush , weakness , calling , anger , inclination , adoration , zest , warmth , wish , love , wrath , life

That should give ya something to start with
.. a thought ...
So finish that thought.
Right here.
Right Now ~!!!


yes ma'am

I feel
emotions stir
from sight
then I must touch

engrossed in it
the mental pull
the magnet to the souls delight
desire fired
moving my mind
in swirls of
I yam a nice passion, sherussly.

You mean "person"?

's whut I said, bubba.

Always this on a Sunday morning
invading the turn of night,
a watlz wrangling stagger
to howl at the moon,
or whatever, nearest streetlight
will do just fine.

I live to the point of nosebleed,
watch me drown tonight,

he said. A grin sprawled
across burning ember

It will shorten the descent, I know,
but also peak closer to the sun.

It's a nice passion,
as far as passions go,
I guess.
Agreeing with Liar is almost always the best course of action. -min

I Agree ~!! ;)

Thanks Liar ... Art ~!!

I am gonna play for a while, but I sooooo enjoy good,
hot passion.


the kind that drips
makes one forget
the moment.
that second,
when it all becomes clear
I want forever.

just wrap those arms around me,
no do not let go, do not
even think. pants slide,
panties, gripped.
move dammit

bodies shaking
breaths, never taken.
just movement, in motion
reaching for ... that

that feeling
total abandonment,
lost in him.
lost in the moment
in passion.

what a way to go ~

finger licking good

speaking of licking <grin>

How many licks does it take,
I will try it's a piece of cake.

One lick, then two I do,
I really like the ones that's blue.

Three licks then even more,
tootsie pops I truely adore.

Tongue across it, now five and six,
giving the tootsie pop, some long licks.

Seven, eight and then nine,
tootsie pops are really fine.

I must be such a sight,
that's usually when I take a bite.
breaks my heart
alone, with
this thought

what if.

what if,
never comes

what if,
I sit here
all night,
nothing ...

can tear us apart,
that is,
we are together.

we can be

is a long time.

time means nothing
to me anymore

is everything

if only

... only

RhymeFairy said:
breaks my heart
alone, with
this thought

what if.

what if,
never comes

what if,
I sit here
all night,
nothing ...

can tear us apart,
that is,
we are together.

we can be

is a long time.

time means nothing
to me anymore

is everything

if only

... only


if tomorrows here
not to see me

the day I never met the dawn

no more tomorrows
no more sorrow
no more breaths to breathe
life into tomorrows

the day after I leave
tomorrows never more
on departure day
My Erotic Tale said:
if tomorrows here
not to see me

the day I never met the dawn

no more tomorrows
no more sorrow
no more breaths to breathe
life into tomorrows

the day after I leave
tomorrows never more
on departure day

from sadness.
rising up,
into the suns'
beauteous rays.

carrying me
from this day ..

Sounds a lil like something I have already written.
... grrrrr ~!!

so I am stuck



Let me see

New word ...

Distance ~

Syllables: dis-tance

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb
Phrases: keep one's distance

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation dI stihns

Definition 1. the measure of separation between things, places, or points in time.
Crossref. Syn. way , remove

Definition 2. an extent of space, as between two objects or places.
Crossref. Syn. length , span , space , interval , separation

Definition 3. remoteness of location.
Example a ship in the distance.

Definition 4. coldness or indifference; aloofness; unfriendliness.
Crossref. Syn. remove

Definition 5. a measure of progress.

Related Words length , lap , carry , haul , background , depth

Part of Speech transitive verb
Inflected Forms distanced, distancing, distances

Definition 1. to place or hold at a distance.
Crossref. Syn. separate

Definition 2. to leave behind at a great distance; outrun; surpass.

Phrase keep one's distance

So whatcha waitin for?


Ok I'll bite ;)

You will never cry another tear
Brighter than the new day.
There is a longing so intangible,
You came to me
and gently we folded together.
Touch me here and give me pleasure
Where thoughts serenely sweet are expressed
A heart whose love is innocent.
A hunger unfed
Your skin the colour of the freshest cream
Your body sways
And the petals open
Sweet scented bouquet.
In stardust you recline
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
caress me tenderly
An endless passion of two souls in love
Wrapping and encasing the core of your heart
Watching each others moments
I cannot turn away
I am fixed on you,
please hurry darling
seing you from a distance
is not seeing you at all.


I've missed this thread

I'm not sure which is worse
Knowing where she is
Touching the map and thinking
My finger tip is a cloud looking
down on her where she is

OR not knowing, and thinking of
The places she might be
The things she might be doing
Wishing I was there too
Just to be with her

Around the block
Across town maybe
Or half way around the world

Wherever she may be
I hold her in my heart
And the distance is bridged
With a single thought
And a smile.
Jennifer C said:
Ok I'll bite ;)

You will never cry another tear
Brighter than the new day.
There is a longing so intangible,
You came to me
and gently we folded together.
Touch me here and give me pleasure
Where thoughts serenely sweet are expressed
A heart whose love is innocent.
A hunger unfed
Your skin the colour of the freshest cream
Your body sways
And the petals open
Sweet scented bouquet.
In stardust you recline
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
caress me tenderly
An endless passion of two souls in love
Wrapping and encasing the core of your heart
Watching each others moments
I cannot turn away
I am fixed on you,
please hurry darling
seing you from a distance
is not seeing you at all.


I've missed this thread

Boy can't I tell it ~!!!

A great pen here Jenn. :rose:
I like the sweet flow almost
innocent quality ... touching piece here.

Again, Welcome Back
... I missed ya My Smutty Nutty Buddy ~!!

:rose: :p :D
Salvor-Hardon said:
I'm not sure which is worse
Knowing where she is
Touching the map and thinking
My finger tip is a cloud looking
down on her where she is

OR not knowing, and thinking of
The places she might be
The things she might be doing
Wishing I was there too
Just to be with her

Around the block
Across town maybe
Or half way around the world

Wherever she may be
I hold her in my heart
And the distance is bridged
With a single thought
And a smile.

Awww ~!! :)

Sweet poem Salvor ~!!
I love the imagery and the cloud line, yummy !!
I can see ya looking over that map wondering.
Here is to hoping you and yours
get some global warming coming your way ~!!

:D :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Awww ~!! :)

Sweet poem Salvor ~!!
I love the imagery and the cloud line, yummy !!
I can see ya looking over that map wondering.
Here is to hoping you and yours
get some global warming coming your way ~!!

:D :rose:

:D :D :D

Thanks RF

Here's hoping.
RhymeFairy said:
Boy can't I tell it ~!!!

A great pen here Jenn. :rose:
I like the sweet flow almost
innocent quality ... touching piece here.

Again, Welcome Back
... I missed ya My Smutty Nutty Buddy ~!!

:rose: :p :D

Missed ya too hun :kiss:

Now where is your 'Distance' poem? huh :D
Distance is perceived by all.
Just as lines of perspective
converge on a single point,
all that happens today
will seem but a speck
the farther time
takes our present from now.
Last edited:

Salvor-Hardon said:
Any one got a word for today? My brain is half fried and I need a outside jolt.

OK Salvor ..

Crossroads ~

crossroads appearing
in times square. where
to go, and how to get

raindrops falling
to the west.
a long journey,
without any rest.

this path shall lead you
to your hearts desire.
to get to its end,
you must travel through
earth, wind and fire.

sunshine smiling
way out east.
lighting the way,
to a never ending

following this trail,
you shall never crave.
but your icy heart
shall forever be
cement paved.

which road to pick
lies in your heart.
know, you must begin
right here, this moment
is your start.


Have no clue where this came from.
Just a bounce I was writing
for the sensual metaphors thread,
it's not so sensual .. * :rolleyes:

So go with it I guess...

Crossroads is the word
.. unless another Jumps out at ya ~

RhymeFairy said:
OK Salvor ..

Crossroads ~

crossroads appearing
in times square. where
to go, and how to get

raindrops falling
to the west.
a long journey,
without any rest.

this path shall lead you
to your hearts desire.
to get to its end,
you must travel through
earth, wind and fire.

sunshine smiling
way out east.
lighting the way,
to a never ending

following this trail,
you shall never crave.
but your icy heart
shall forever be
cement paved.

which road to pick
lies in your heart.
know, you must begin
right here, this moment
is your start.


Have no clue where this came from.
Just a bounce I was writing
for the sensual metaphors thread,
it's not so sensual .. * :rolleyes:

So go with it I guess...

Crossroads is the word
.. unless another Jumps out at ya ~


cross roads?

I saw that bird cross the road
dartin cars that honked their horns
back and forth
across that road
that chicken ran
then back again

Screeching tires
and flapping feathers
single fingers
from the middle of the hand
harsh words yelled
from angry men

two chicken feet
moving faster than the eye
a yard bird trying
to reach the other side

of the ...cross roads <bigrin>
My Erotic Tale said:
cross roads?

I saw that bird cross the road
dartin cars that honked their horns
back and forth
across that road
that chicken ran
then back again

Screeching tires
and flapping feathers
single fingers
from the middle of the hand
harsh words yelled
from angry men

two chicken feet
moving faster than the eye
a yard bird trying
to reach the other side

of the ...cross roads <bigrin>

you my friend ... are a NUT !!!!

<ROFLMAO> Hehehehehe

Love it Art
... only you
... More PLez ~!!

rough rider ~

meet me at the door
strip me bare
... with your teeth.

send toe tingles,
along my spine
with those bites,
to the undercarriage
of my bootie.

stretch my mind
with whispered words
naughty - naughty
words. telling me,
demanding me
to be your slut
your high class call girl
your fantasy fairy
for the night.

pour me a bath, bubbles
reaching atop my tasty tits.
finger fuck me with tub
slides, bubble blows
inside ... out.

tongue tease
my hide n seek clit,
take my perfect pussy
for a rough n hard ride
down the trail
of cowboys dreams.

Last edited:

Can I sink
into your very
be body double
to your body,
only better.

I want to be
i n si d e you,
day and night.
Taste all
that is you.
Absorb every
moment, thought
... feeling
of you.

Submerge myself
d e e p l y , intimately
within succulent
milky skin,
so soft ... sweet.

Feel your blood
as it z i n g s
through your veins,
feeding that body
of needy want,
as it craves
my touch.

Be intoxicated
on your voice
as it murmurs,
along the walls
of my soul.

Go on a pilgrimage
and linger,
like honey stuck
to a spoon,
on your nefariously
cherry lips.

Suckle on every word
that flows from
those same
crescent moons.

Inside, out
I wanna be
in you,
only you.



Mmmmmm ~

Burn ~

burn into me
molten liquidated fire
flaming through
these mortal veins

of pulsating
craving you,
touching you
with shooting embers
of heated ownership.

own this fiery body,
take me
I am yours
to command
titillatingly tempt
with pagan rites
of wizardry wants.

visit this temple
of you
of us ...

Dreaming ~

of strawberries
from puckered,
pouty lips.

cream drizzled
down, trailing
creamy thighs.

awaiting lips
of cherry
nibbling bites,
suckles so
yum ...

RhymeFairy said:

Can I sink
into your very
be body double
to your body,
only better.

I want to be
i n si d e you,
day and night.
Taste all
that is you.
Absorb every
moment, thought
... feeling
of you.

Submerge myself
d e e p l y , intimately
within succulent
milky skin,
so soft ... sweet.

Feel your blood
as it z i n g s
through your veins,
feeding that body
of needy want,
as it craves
my touch.

Be intoxicated
on your voice
as it murmurs,
along the walls
of my soul.

Go on a pilgrimage
and linger,
like honey stuck
to a spoon,
on your nefariously
cherry lips.

Suckle on every word
that flows from
those same
crescent moons.

Inside, out
I wanna be
in you,
only you.



Mmmmmm ~


hehehe, that made me hungry
but not for food <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
hehehe, that made me hungry
but not for food <grin>

Hungy huh ...

Let'me think


new word, Artie Pooh
( heheeh, thinkin ya haveta hate that name, lol )

anywho ...

I wanna see some poetry about


Syllables: hun-gry

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation huhng gri
Inflected Forms hungrier, hungriest
Definition 1. feeling a need or desire for food.

Definition 2. showing or being caused by hunger.
Example a baby's hungry crying.

Definition 3. having a strong desire or craving.
Example hungry for new experiences.
Crossref. Syn. avid , greedy , voracious

Definition 4. having or characterized by a shortage of food.
Example a hungry land.

Definition 5. lacking in nutrients; not fertile; barren.
Example hungry soil.

Related Words needy , ravenous , ambitious

Derived Forms hungrily, adv. ; hungriness, n.

So give it to me ~

WooHoo ~!!
