Free Thoughts~on One word...

into a rhythm

<not coasting>

powerful effort

<not stopped>

revved and...

Want ...

I want you in front of me, opening wide,
thighs quiver in anticipation. Could you please,
enter from there back, nice soft Golden moons
sheltering all we need.

Swiftly stroke front, and back. Bring me
to my knees with want ... of you. Slipping in
soo deep, tightly embracing you from both
entrances baby. Yes, that's just right...

Deep, hard strokes, cock going so long
into the den of fire... Sin. What a glory trip...
Fingers, tongues stroking my booties delight.
Tight fingers gripping, slipping, diving deep,
making my tummy tingle with shivers of euphoria's
embracing glide.

Double entrance, you tease me soo. Want,
is evident in green smokey eyes. The devil
in me gets free to roam. Pinching your nipples,
roving over your golden orbs of your Honeys' delight.

Take your cock, drive it deep. My tight lil ass
beggs you sooo. Long wishful, entrapping strokes
of seedy anticipation. Cover me with your sexy
body. Long muscular arms trapping me.

Roll me over. Give me your all, baby. This night
is gonna be the death of us. Ties, blindfolds,
oils to massage. Let me be the one to discover
your wondrous love.

Tight balls, love to lick, taste them soo. Roll them
in my mouth. Suckle them till you scream... I want
to explore every cell on your hot, sexy body ...
With my tongue. Then my mouth will suckle, kiss,
dive, dip... Oh baby, you are in for a treat with my
hot mouth worshipping you.

Let me worship your body with mine. Kiss all
your crevices of manly adore. Firm, strong muscles
dripping with sweat. Hungry mouth trapping all it wants,
needs. Hair falling, tracing your chest, hips... your sweet
trembling thighs. Just waiting for me, for my tan, sexy body
to shelter, cover, bring it to fruition. I want to give you
all I am... Take all I want ... 'Tis you my love.

I want you ...

:kiss: :heart: :devil:

New thing just for today ...

Bounce this poem.
Then the next poet Bounces one or the other.
Let's play, what'da say?
Oh, AND have a Great Day !!! ;)


:catroar: :rose:

That thing I do not have
But must
The empty space inside
That consumes

That thing I do not have
I need
And it drives me wild
Not having it

That woman I do not have
and love
To hold her so closely
yet she is away

That woman I do not have
but want
To fuck wildly over and over
til we both collapse

That feeling I do not have
and miss
Completed and fulfilled
so far removed of late

That feeling I carry
it is what drives me
and keeps me moving on
want not
be zen
satisfied with what you have

to go through life
without a want

accepting everything
for what it is
and not wanting it

who in the hell am I kidding
that might work
all the way up till
I see a pretty girl <grin

I want
bump that rump
and slap that ass

another word

is what we ask

Sitting on pens
wittling thoughts with needles
stirring the mental couldrin

like a horse
in a ropund corral
looking for a place to leap

in order to run with it....

one 'tantalizing' word
Hi ya peeps ~!!!

Long time no see ... eh? :eek:

Been a long weekend, and I am still worn out. I am sorry I was gone so long. I had a few emails from ya'll a lil worried. I am fine and all is well. Thank you for thinking of me ~!!! :eek:

OK, So I was reading a book on poetry this weekend and ran across this word. Well actually NOT this word, but the thing was, I thought it was ... then when I reread it I noticed my mistake.
Anywho, I think I like this one ...
So give me whatcha got on ...

Ambiance :

Syllables: am-bi-ance (am-bi-ence)

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation aem bi Ens am bi ans

Definition 1. the distinctive character or mood of an environment; atmosphere.

Synonyms mood, color, feel, character, air, atmosphere

Crossref. Syn. tone

Similar Words feeling , cast , tone , spirit , setting , climate , vibrations , temper , flavor

Definition 2. environment; surroundings.

Synonyms milieu , setting , surroundings , environment

Similar Words circumstances , situation , context

Related Words environment , feel

:rose: :rose:

I am WAYYY tired.
I shall be back tomorrow
with my contribution.

:rose: :D
RhymeFairy said:
Hi ya peeps ~!!!

Long time no see ... eh? :eek:

Been a long weekend, and I am still worn out. I am sorry I was gone so long. I had a few emails from ya'll a lil worried. I am fine and all is well. Thank you for thinking of me ~!!! :eek:

OK, So I was reading a book on poetry this weekend and ran across this word. Well actually NOT this word, but the thing was, I thought it was ... then when I reread it I noticed my mistake.
Anywho, I think I like this one ...
So give me whatcha got on ...

Ambiance :

Syllables: am-bi-ance (am-bi-ence)

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation aem bi Ens am bi ans

Definition 1. the distinctive character or mood of an environment; atmosphere.

Synonyms mood, color, feel, character, air, atmosphere

Crossref. Syn. tone

Similar Words feeling , cast , tone , spirit , setting , climate , vibrations , temper , flavor

Definition 2. environment; surroundings.

Synonyms milieu , setting , surroundings , environment

Similar Words circumstances , situation , context

Related Words environment , feel

:rose: :rose:

I am WAYYY tired.
I shall be back tomorrow
with my contribution.

:rose: :D

they wanted a better ambiance
so I called the RFD
they came out
with their new fire truck

and of course
a brand new ambulance
which in advertantly
created a better
ambiance <grin>
ascetic ambience
surrounds him
tempting you
to taste
a small morsel
of his meaty pie.

forking his spoon, taking
a bite, only to be bitten
by a piece of his essence,
the one thing that is him
... only his.

tasting the ambience
of his spirit ... his soul.
he is what I crave, desire
he is my ascetic aphrodisiac.


go figure eh ~

RhymeFairy said:
ascetic ambience
surrounds him
tempting you
to taste
a small morsel
of his meaty pie.

forking his spoon, taking
a bite, only to be bitten
by a piece of his essence,
the one thing that is him
... only his.

tasting the ambience
of his spirit ... his soul.
he is what I crave, desire
he is my ascetic aphrodisiac.


go figure eh ~


go he sick? ascetic aphro...

lightly they play
under shaded
shaken by the wind
tall pine trees

water chatters
from a babbling brook
while bass slap rings a top

crickets chirp
butterflys parade
on a lazy day

but I love the ambieance
My Erotic Tale said:
go he sick? ascetic aphro...

lightly they play
under shaded
shaken by the wind
tall pine trees

water chatters
from a babbling brook
while bass slap rings a top

crickets chirp
butterflys parade
on a lazy day

but I love the ambieance

no u silly man ... ascetic, not aseptic, lmao !!
Oh my, how funny. You did that on purpose ... right.
Thank you for the laugh. Was I being to serious?
Too involved, too academically inclined?

Just in case you were ... serious,
and all for inquiring minds ~


ascetic :

Syllables: as-cet-ic

Parts of speech: noun , adjective

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation E seh tihk

Definition 1. one who practices extreme self-denial,
esp. of material comforts and pleasures, and
esp. for religious reasons.

Similar Words hermit , fakir , fanatic , puritan {Puritan} ,
monk , yogi , eremite , anchorite , nun , celibate ,
stylite , flagellant

Related Words mendicant , monastic

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. rigorously simple and disciplined; austere;
Synonyms self-denying {self-denial} , austere
Crossref. Syn. severe , monastic

Similar Words temperate , puritanical , celibate , abstemious ,
self-disciplined {self-discipline} , abstinent {abstinence} ,

Definition 2. extremely strict in religious observances
involving self-denial and self-mortification.
Crossref. Syn. celibate

Similar Words strict , puritanical , severe ,
self-mortifying {mortify (vt)}

thinkin u of all peeps woulda caught that one
... better brush up Artie Pooh ~ :p



for a better understanding ... my thoughts on this one.
The poem is about how she/I crave one
who is unattainable. So to speak ... because he is ascetic,
my aphrodisiac, is ascetic. A temptation
that cannot be ... *sighs n grins*

Was just a thought. Happy Writing ~ ;)

RhymeFairy said:
no u silly man ... ascetic, not aseptic, lmao !!
Oh my, how funny. You did that on purpose ... right.
Thank you for the laugh. Was I being to serious?
Too involved, too academically inclined?

Just in case you were ... serious,
and all for inquiring minds ~


ascetic :

Syllables: as-cet-ic

Parts of speech: noun , adjective

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation E seh tihk

Definition 1. one who practices extreme self-denial,
esp. of material comforts and pleasures, and
esp. for religious reasons.

Similar Words hermit , fakir , fanatic , puritan {Puritan} ,
monk , yogi , eremite , anchorite , nun , celibate ,
stylite , flagellant

Related Words mendicant , monastic

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. rigorously simple and disciplined; austere;
Synonyms self-denying {self-denial} , austere
Crossref. Syn. severe , monastic

Similar Words temperate , puritanical , celibate , abstemious ,
self-disciplined {self-discipline} , abstinent {abstinence} ,

Definition 2. extremely strict in religious observances
involving self-denial and self-mortification.
Crossref. Syn. celibate

Similar Words strict , puritanical , severe ,
self-mortifying {mortify (vt)}

thinkin u of all peeps woulda caught that one
... better brush up Artie Pooh ~ :p



for a better understanding ... my thoughts on this one.
The poem is about how she/I crave one
who is unattainable. So to speak ... because he is ascetic,
my aphrodisiac, is ascetic. A temptation
that cannot be ... *sighs n grins*

Was just a thought. Happy Writing ~ ;)


a septic <grin>

I knew a hermit
who was a fanatic
whos parents were Puritan
he became a monk
and his name was yogi

he dated a nun
who was celibate ,
some say she was flagellant
but I wonder how they know?

well they dug a hole
and what they made
was home made ...
a septic
New Word .... WanderLust ~

eclipsed and seized
shadows burst
with wanting
this disease that
gnawing and roving
for him.
if forever
will be long enough.
taking me to the edge
burning inside with eons
of neurons
on fire
for him.
darkness transcends
spreading its ugly
inky death.
my eyes close
only to reopen,
seeing him.
you baby,
burning me again.
inside me
grabbing, plunging
rocking through
my disabling disease
of need away,
for now.
only for now.
my eyes will open
to this disease infested
body yet again
again ...


Oh the places I would go, the things that I would.
If only there were space enough and time
And I could spend my time with only you.

We sun ourselves a long a beach in Cannes
Watch the sun sink into darkness
And we compared our tans.

We'd kiss atop a pyramid, amid Egyptian sands.
An ageless embrace of mystic legends
as I hold you rather firmly in my hands

And in the arctic blast of the Siberian cold
We'd keep each other warm inside
Beneath a bear skin, as bare as we are bold.

You'd pour me a cup tea in your kimono
That we picked up outisde of Osaka
My smile telling of the lust that you know

A fetish club in London, or a secret Swiss chalet
We'd explore new places of wanton lust
On our whirl wind get away.
Just like a stray cat
she purrs
waving her tail
to every Tom she see's

gone for days at a time
having a good time
spreading her legs
to whom ever wanted some

back alley Ho'
a beautiful calico
she's so
full of trust
wander lust
Oh what a morning. I awake wanting to write,
and yet AGAIN my muse has left tha building ...

Todays word :


Syllables: charm

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation charm

Definition 1. (sometimes pl.) the capability to allure, delight, and please; attractiveness.
Synonyms magnetism , allure , attractiveness {attractive } , appeal
Crossref. Syn. grace

Similar Words comeliness {comely} , pulchritude , witchery , loveliness {lovely} , seductiveness {seductive} , charisma ,
beauty , grace

Definition 2. any trait, such as manner, beauty, or personality, that gives this capability.
Example the charm of childish innocence.
Synonyms fascination , attraction
Crossref. Syn. grace

Similar Words draw , enticement , allurement {allure}

Definition 3. any small ornament to be worn on a chain; trinket.
Synonyms trinket

Similar Words bauble , bijou , ornament

Definition 4. an object believed to have a magical protective effect or to bring luck; amulet.
Synonyms talisman , amulet , phylactery

Similar Words fetish , mascot , rabbit's foot , scarab

Definition 5. an action or utterance whose performance is believed to have magical effects; spell.
Synonyms incantation , spell
Crossref. Syn. magic

Similar Words magic , sorcery , open sesame , invocation , hex , conjuration , abracadabra

Definition 6. in physics, a property of one type of quark.

Related Words trinket , delight , possession , jinx , glamour , call , witchcraft

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms charmed, charming, charms

Definition 1. to fascinate or delight; enrapture.
Example The baby charms everyone who sees her.
Synonyms fascinate , entrance , delight , enchant , bewitch , allure , beguile , appeal to {appeal }, spellbind , captivate
Crossref. Syn. enthrall , slay , intrigue

Similar Words attract , enthrall , enrapture , mesmerize ,
seduce , please , tempt

Definition 2. to influence by personal attractiveness or
pleasing manners.
Example He charmed his boss into forgetting their quarrel.
Synonyms inveigle , cajole , sweet-talk , beguile

Similar Words entice , flatter1 , soft-soap , seduce , blandish , persuade , induce , influence

Definition 3. to act upon with or as if with magical power; enchant; bewitch.
Example The saint is said to have charmed the snakes
to leave the island.
Synonyms enchant bewitch

Similar Words mesmerize , entrance , witch , hex , spellbind

Related Words amuse , wheedle , transport , allure , take , endear

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to allure or cause delight.
Synonyms please , fascinate , allure , delight
Crossref. Syn. romance

Similar Words attract

Definition 2. to use magic.

Related Words fascinate , appeal

Derived Forms charmer, n.

Just in one'a those moods.
Need a snake charmer to draw him out. ;)

Happy Writing ~


he could charm the birds right
outta tha trees
so I have heard.
to me
on my knees
I shall have to think
of another word.
he has captured me
all right,
had me here all night
doing his bidding,
from dusk
till dawn. now, all I want
his for him to drive home
into me deeply,
slowly and skin
this puss
with eager delight.
show me,
he wants me
wants me.
so far he has a timid
me to do
the most lusty
things, now its his turn
to see what
wild wickedness
brings. charm,
yes he has a lil.
now the charmer
shall be charmed,
by the true charmer
which lies,
my thighs ...


A wink, a sly smile
Touching the back of her hand so softly
Complimenting her smile
While looking deeply into her eyes.

No need to kick the door down
When I can pick her lock
Slowly, teasingly slow
Til she invites me in

"Oh you'll love it" I whisper
When she says that she's never
But I know she wants to
And soon she will

Find her boundary, and slide
Right up to the edge
Let her teeter there a bit
Until she begs me to stop

Again and again we dance
Twirling round and round
Her resistance My insistance
Til she collapses on the bed

I won't call her tomorrow
But she'll get a dozen roses
At work, with a smile on the card
I am an evil prince charming.

cold steel
alluring shine

a tid bit

for things so small
that touch us all

a charm

little slippers
for a princess

or stars and a moon

perhaps a rock
of a unique color
found on a farm

a charm
Salvor-Hardon said:

A wink, a sly smile
Touching the back of her hand so softly
Complimenting her smile
While looking deeply into her eyes.

No need to kick the door down
When I can pick her lock
Slowly, teasingly slow
Til she invites me in

"Oh you'll love it" I whisper
When she says that she's never
But I know she wants to
And soon she will

Find her boundary, and slide
Right up to the edge
Let her teeter there a bit
Until she begs me to stop

Again and again we dance
Twirling round and round
Her resistance My insistance
Til she collapses on the bed

I won't call her tomorrow
But she'll get a dozen roses
At work, with a smile on the card
I am an evil prince charming.


Awww I love this one Salvor !! Very sneaky, thoughtful
and you have quiet a few good phrases here.

Picking her lock ... resistance~insistance
love those two esp.

Keep'm coming my friend
... thinkin your on a roll !!

:rose: :rose:
My Erotic Tale said:
cold steel
alluring shine

a tid bit

for things so small
that touch us all

a charm

little slippers
for a princess

or stars and a moon

perhaps a rock
of a unique color
found on a farm

a charm

a charm
all I have left is this
given to me, from tha
one that I adore.
he is lost to me

days, nights
spent in his arms.
lingering glances,
all spent, gone
with chance.

chance is, maybe
misfortunes mistress
or not ... who
can tell.

for I sit alone
heart pains
through the nights
with his charm
charming ... eh ~

From another thread ... a thought about having sex ~

having sex
.... throwin down
showin your wares
all around town.
tell me the truth
filled with lies
bring out
your ties ...

bind me up
cuff me rough
strap me down
strip off
this offensive

take your time
treat me so
make me want
like no other.
beg you
to stop
no, NO
DO NOT stop.

up on top,
way down
my thighs
baby, I tell ya,
there is no other
natural high.

better than this
licking my split
Hun, now 'tis my turn
to pay in kind.
Take you
... from behind.

yes, I can
wanna try me
this time.
Wait till I show ya,
how I grind.

Ride you rough
cause your so
n tough.
or so you think ...
I will take you
to your

Hold on tight
Cause, I like to bite,
nip your nipples and
smack that booty.
no baby,
'tis not
my duty.

I shall take
and pain
only to show you
no need
to explain ...


sometimes we write and get in a rut.
Using the same words, phrases and such. I have found
... I am in THAT VERY SAME RUT !!

Grrr ~
Thing is I have been reading a lot, so one would think
all of that would wear off and I would retain a lil of that wisdom
... words, but as the case may be, tis not happening ... for me.

* sighs*

RhymeFairy said:
having sex
.... throwin down
showin your wares
all around town.
tell me the truth
filled with lies
bring out
your ties ...

bind me up
cuff me rough
strap me down
strip off
this offensive

take your time
treat me so
make me want
like no other.
beg you
to stop
no, NO
DO NOT stop.

up on top,
way down
my thighs
baby, I tell ya,
there is no other
natural high.

better than this
licking my split
Hun, now 'tis my turn
to pay in kind.
Take you
... from behind.

yes, I can
wanna try me
this time.
Wait till I show ya,
how I grind.

Ride you rough
cause your so
n tough.
or so you think ...
I will take you
to your

Hold on tight
Cause, I like to bite,
nip your nipples and
smack that booty.
no baby,
'tis not
my duty.

I shall take
and pain
only to show you
no need
to explain ...


sometimes we write and get in a rut.
Using the same words, phrases and such. I have found
... I am in THAT VERY SAME RUT !!

Grrr ~
Thing is I have been reading a lot, so one would think
all of that would wear off and I would retain a lil of that wisdom
... words, but as the case may be, tis not happening ... for me.

* sighs*


I think we all understand that rut factor, we seem to write a certain way and sooner or later that certain way seems to be the always <grin> I find reading other poems to help in breacking from the norm, but I have spent days reading poems that just didn't grab me, then I will eventually come across one that kicks the muse in the ass and I write several poems from one inspirational line or even song.

Just the other day I stopped my self because I caught my mind searching so hard for an idea that I was swamped with a lot of little ideas but nothing big popped out. But 'Space Pearl' came as a whim and I still need to play with it but sometimes those small ideas jotted down can grow like a planted seed <similie 'grin>

good luck RF and waiting on the next inspirational word <grin>
Drunk ~

drunk on tha wine
from his lips
sweet nectar
from those fingertips
that taught me pleasure
taught me
no shame
taught me
how to be me

mood of love
sharing in this
sharing the juice
from his fingertips.
fingering this puss
from dusk till
showing me
all in love
is fair,
not wrong.

playing with me,
touches so tender
bites are rough
no, tis not a
on high for,
I am flying high

from fingertips
on love
feelin nothing
but bliss

* passes out ~

*eyebrows arched,
sneakily watchin ya ~

;) :catroar:
by My Erotic Tail ©

Blind fold around your head and eyes.
Run a hand up your outer thighs.
Strips you of all your clothes.
Kiss you on your lil nose.

Lay you back, easy and slow.
Are you ready? Here we go.
Place your hands above your head.
Spreads your legs on the bed.

Starts a finger at your chest.
Trails it down around your breast.
Bumps the nipple as I go.
Twirl it there steady and slow

Walks them down your cute tummy.
Till they get to where its yummy.
Passes it and down your thigh.
I hear you let out a, "sigh."

Back up the leg I pull my finger.
At your bush it toys and lingers.
Twirl it round in pubic hair.
Not yet, were almost there.

Lay my hand on your puss.
I can feel your upward push.
Roll it around your wet clit.
Trace it down along the slit.

In my mouth my finger goes.
Then back to your waiting hole.
Slides it in a little ways.
There I let it sit and stay.

Till I feel you start to squirm.
Then I wiggle it like a worm.
In deeper it slowly goes.
Feel your wettness start to flow.

Then it finds your g-spot.
Feel your getting really hot.
Pull along your inner walls.
Feels just like a rolling ball.

Puts wet fingers in your mouth.
Taste the yummy then back south.
At your breast it squeezes tits.
Finds a nipple and pinches it.

Back I thrust my fingers deep.
Juices start to flow and seep.
In again they will go.
Two fingers now, nice and slow.

Deep again then they expand.
Pull them back out again.
Faster and faster I insert.
Till I feel you thrust and jerk.

Moans and groans and pleasured tones.
Fingers freely start to roam.
Rubs along your pussy lips.
Sensual slides and finger slips.

Sounds of wettness we both hear.
I feel you cumming my littel dear.
Place a finger at your ass.
Soon the cum starts to pass.

Your pussy starts to get real tight.
Closes on my finger wet an ripe.
Your hands pushed mine away.
Thank you for cumming to day.
Passion ~~~ Lost in ... Passion ~

the kind that drips
makes one forget
the moment.
that second,
when it all becomes
I want forever.

just wrap those arms
around me,
no do not let go,
do not
even think. pants slide,
panties, gripped.
move dammit

bodies shaking
never taken.
just movement,
in motion
reaching for
... that

that feeling
total abandonment,
lost in him.
in that moment
in passion.
