Free Thoughts~on One word...

It was just
me and her
the queen of de Nile
the princess
of the Am azon
the bitch
from the Miss's sip

she come to me
like a swirling fog
in the bell tower
we were alone
shed'n our clothes
and willing

I looked down
she was beautiful
nothing on
but a ...


Somebody rang the Bell!
Bounced from passions Thread ~

I had to have this here. I love Annas poem
.. so I bounced it on the passion thread ~

Originally Posted by annaswirls
my heart is not held by a god
or a planmet I do not want to write about the heart
ventricle opened for business
backwater mixes in slushes around
oxygen oxygen give it a spin
suck with straw
feel the warm through gklasses
you dig it baby? dig it?


I can dig it.
Give it a
slow spin swirl.
Catch it,
on the wring
out wash.

Do a close up
of his biceps,
with that burn.


click him on,
watch him go,
hop, spin,
suck it all in.
picture perfect,
as he spins
outta control.

I can dig,
digging him.
all night,
day baby.

that cloths pin,
pinch in that bum.
merciful heavens,
can I have
one of him.
dig it baby
... dig it~

Man in the Moon

Something has peaked my curiosity. I have been doin a bit
of research on man in the moon.

You ask why? Haven't a clue, just because
I wanna know I guess. lol. So if you have any interesting
sights, poems, pics ... whatever ... Share please. :D


Or use it as our word for today, I am sooooo Lovin this. :D
Great poems Salvor and Art.
Thank you both for writing/playing ... with me. ;)

:rose: :rose:
Last edited:
The man in the moon is smiling
Cause he's in love with the
Girl in the world

He loves the way she dances
With him, around the glowing sun
Along the milky way

He swings and spins around her
Just to give her tides a tug
And make them swell

He hides from her now and then
Just to peek out again later
And make her smile

Round and round and round they go
Forever chasing one another
And being chased

And the man in the moon is smiling
Cause he's in love
With the girl in the world
I couldn't begin to point to any better direction than the site you sent me, it was awesome and helpful with me writing the "Return to the Portal to the Vixen Planet"....although...did you see the movie "the Dust Factory" there is a couple usages of the Man in the Moon with drawing and a connection with his grandfathers infactuation with this also <grin> new release...if you haven't seen it, get it and pop corn and curl into it focussed and enjoy <grin>
full moon out this night.
watching as it lasso's
my heart. pulls in tight,
ropes me up. catches me
wiggling. sends me spinning

reflects light that brightens
my soul. wishing for me,
soft bed, wimpled below.

round O that pulls, on my essence
smiling that man, in tha moon.
for he knows ... I'm caught.

wimpled my heart,
on silken moon beams
of that manly man
in tha moon ~


I see the moon, hanging there.
Does it shine, just for me. Taking
deep breaths, spreading dew drops
all over this most humbling Earth,
only to return to that same
shimmering moon.

Taking my breath, as it whispers
wishes into my heart. Helping me
along my journey, into the twinkle,
of a star.

Releasing a let down, as billowing
clouds gather me close, hugging
tight. Feeling love ... so much love,
from my man in tha moon.


Good Morning My Friends. :D
Thanks for your * input * ;)

Mmmm Mornin my Friends :rose:

I have a new word,
for those who wanna write or just
dream ... on it.

Twilight :

Syllables: twi-light

Parts of speech: noun , adjective

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation twai lait
Definition 1. the soft faint illumination of the sky when the sun is below the horizon before sunrise and esp. after sunset.
Similar Words dawn , sunset

Definition 2. the period of time in which the sky is illuminated in this way.
Synonyms gloaming , evenfall , dusk
Similar Words eventide , eve , sunset , sundown , nightfall , evening
Definition 3. a time or condition that marks the end or decline of something.
Example the twilight of a successful career.
Synonyms evening
Similar Words ebb , decline

Definition 4. a soft or dim light.

Related Words dark

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of, relating to, or characteristic of twilight.

Synonyms evening
Similar Words dusky , dim , shadowy , obscure , faint

Definition 2. occurring or appearing during twilight.
Example a twilight baseball game ; twilight birds.
Synonyms evening

Definition 3. near the end of something.
Example the twilight years of her life.
Synonyms fading {fade (vi 3)}
Similar Words last1 , final , declining {decline (vi)} , ebbing {ebb (vi)}

Hoping ya'll have a GREAT GREAT DAY !!!

OH .... Happy Writing ~


the twilight
good nite

things are becoming bright

of colors
and blue

twilight awakens the new

is growing
things bright

nite nite twilight
New word, I just cannot wrap myself around twilight right now.
I will come back and play with it. :rose: ;)

animal magnetism

Function: noun

Date: 1784

1 : a mysterious force claimed by Mesmer to enable him
to hypnotize patients
2 : a magnetic charm or appeal; especially : SEX APPEAL


animal magnetism:

Definitions :
1: magnetic personal charm
Synonyms: beguilement, bewitchery
More general: attractiveness


animal magnetism

an·i·mal mag·net·ism


1: strong attractiveness to others:
2: somebody's strong physical attractiveness ( informal humorous )

Happy Happy Happy .. ( snickels ) writing ~ :nana:

I was running
faster than I had ever ran
"Roaring" and "Growling"
made every one flee

Some wise guy
probably willey coyote
put a lot
of small metal pellets
in the food for animals
at the local zoo

who knew

they were magnets
every animal in the zoo
was sticking to other animals
trying to get unstuck

choas at the zoo
an animal prison
now was filled with
animal magnetism
animals ..

animals mate,
jump bones
tear apart
we combust,
you and I

sparking fireworks
to tha heavenly sky
like animals
on tha prowl
I hunger f
or tha taste
of you.

measuring you up,
feeling that
slowing down,
all around

love shack shimmies
beds we break
ties that bind
we shall not

animals in love
we provocatively pounce.
bones jarred
teeth chipped
magnetism of animals
You ... I.


It's the civilized world...of
"we better not"


"some one might see us"

The bed room shy
love blossoms
in the garden
behind closed doors

until one night
when you release
your inner inhibitions

feeling the need
for firm grasps

in the intoxication
animal magnetism​
* Smiles *

Org Posted By: My Erotic Tale

It's the civilized world...of
"we better not"


"some one might see us" .......... I love both these lines.

The bed room shy
romance.............This is sweet and very endearing.
love blossoms
in the garden
behind closed doors .... I can see this happening, slowly. Nice !!

until one night
when you release
your inner inhibitions ......the build-up, see a bit of teeth here.

feeling the need
for firm grasps

in the intoxication
animal magnetism

Nice one Art.
Slow to build up,
and sweet ...very sexy. I like !!! :D

of tongues
like a spoon in cream

each other
in a bedroom scene

into hugs
fueling their fires

bite-ing licking
moved by desires
GOOOOOOODDDDD MMOORRNNIINNGG Friends, You smutty Nutz !! :catroar:

HI YA !! New word here,
been wanting to " do it " awhile now. * grins*

Flame :

Syllables: flame
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation flem
Definition 1. the ignited gas and vapor that rises from a burning
object and is visible as brightly colored, wavering light.
Crossref. Syn. fire , blaze , light , burning
Similar Words light , fire , flare , spark , gleam ,
blaze , flash

Definition 2. (often pl.) the state of something that is burning.
Example The building is in flames.
Similar Words fire , conflagration

Definition 3. anything that resembles a flame in its shape,
color, brilliance, or the like.
Crossref. Syn. blaze
Similar Words glow , effulgence {effulgent} ,
fire , radiance

Definition 4. any strong or intense feeling; passion.
Example the flame of hatred.
Synonyms passion , ardor , heat , fervor
Similar Words fire , excitement , intensity ,
zeal , warmth

Definition 5. (informal) someone who is or was loved; sweetheart.
Example an old flame.
Synonyms sweetheart , lover
Similar Words boyfriend , inamorata ,
girlfriend , beau

Related Words beloved , love , candle

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms flamed, flaming, flames

Definition 1. to burst into or produce flames; burn.
Synonyms kindle1 , blaze1 , burn
Similar Words light , fire , ignite , flare

Definition 2. to redden or glow.
Example His face flamed with anger.
Synonyms glow , redden
Crossref. Syn. blaze
Similar Words shine , radiate , flush1 , burn ,

Definition 3. to experience any strong emotion.
Example She flamed with resentment.
Synonyms burn
Similar Words seethe , fume , simmer
Related Words glow , catch

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to apply a flame to; set on fire.
Synonyms ignite , burn , kindlel
Crossref. Syn. fire
Similar Words light , fire

Derived Forms flameless, adj. ; flamelike, adj.

Hope tha rest of your weekend is AWESOME !!

Happy Happppy Happy Writing ~

I told Billy
"That flames to high!"

He wouldn't listen
I guess
he likes things really really 'Hot'

That fire
roared up like a Phenox

Fire with a wingspan
that rose up
and caught the leaves on fire

that tree burned up faster than a fire cracker

cathing the next tree
then the next tree
on fire

the woods was a blaze
from Billy's
I bet I can sum it all up in one word....

Moving experience <grinin> juggling socks like a relationship <smile> your nighty went night night <laughing> you wanted to keep the sausage cold <chuckleboned> your temporarily out of service < grin>

okay maybe not...<grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
I bet I can sum it all up in one word....

Moving experience <grinin> juggling socks like a relationship <smile> your nighty went night night <laughing> you wanted to keep the sausage cold <chuckleboned> your temporarily out of service < grin>

okay maybe not...<grin>

YOU are a BAD BAD BAD man !!!
Oh, How I love it !! Silly goose. :rolleyes:
Yes, I was Temporarily outta service,
seems I was not missed though
* Pouts *
Well there was you ... and an odd email or two, glad you liked the av's I sent ya before I went AWOL. hehehehe. :devil: Hoped they helped with your nymph series. I am soooo glad to be back. :nana:
Now setteled in and ALL is well, WooHoo !!!


sasuage ... Where do I find one'ah those? * WEG *
We can ALL dream, eh ~ ;)

Happy writing my friend ~

Some one has made off with my muse!

That or someone switched my coffee for decaf and must therefore be shot.
Salvor-Hardon said:
Some one has made off with my muse!

That or someone switched my coffee for decaf and must therefore be shot.


Whenever my muse goes missing I have to give Art a body pat. He collects'm like chocolate candy. Better hid-n-wait and see if he lets her go soon.
If not, * Hands you a jello shooter * Blast away my friend !!

Hmm now, there is a thought.
Ever hear that song Jimmy Buffet sings,
* Put tha lime in tha coconut *
its a hoot.

Here are the lyrics by Harry Nilsson, but I soooo
love Jimmy Buffets version.

Artist: Harry Nilsson
Song: Put The Lime In The Coconut

Brother bought a coconut
He bought it for a dime.
His sister had another
She paid it for the lime.

She put the lime in the coconut
she drank them both up.

she put the lime in the coconut
she called the doctor, woke him up, and said
"Doctor, ain't there nothing I can take"
I said, "Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"
I said, "Doctor ain't there nothing I can take"
I said, "Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"

Now let me get this straight;
You put the lime in the coconut
You drank them both up
You put the lime in the coconut,
You drank them both up
put the lime in the coconut,
you drank them both up
put the lime in the coconut,
called your doctor, woke him up, and said,

"Doctor, ain't there nothing I can take"
I said, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"
I said, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take"
I said, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"

You put the lime in the coconut, you drink them both together,
put the lime in the cocount, then you'll feel better.
Put the lime in the coconut, and drink them both up,
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning."

Brother bought a coconut
He bought it for a dime.
His sister had another
She paid it for the lime.

She put the lime in the coconut
she drank them both up.
she put the lime in the coconut
Called the doctor, woke him up, and said
"Doctor, ain't there nothing I can take"
I said, "Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"
I said, "Doctor ain't there nothing I can take"
I said, "Doctor"

Now let me get this straight;
You put the lime in the coconut
You drank them both up
put the lime in the coconut,
You drink them both up
the lime in the coconut,
you drink them both up
you put the lime in the coconut,
you're such a silly woman,
put a lime in the coconut,
and drink them both together,
put the lime in the coconut,
then you'll feel better.
put the lime in the coconut,
drink them both down,
put the lime in the coconut,
and call me in the morning


words ... uggggg ~


my words
are never enough
I know words, thoughts
feelings too. words, they escape me
only to tease n taunt
with their laughing tongue sticking out
egging me on
to say what I want

but words
they tie me up
binding my feelings and chasing
away my

locking away
windows shut
bars down
no words come
only not
to use the words
in my heart
sit in wait
awaiting that time
when my mouth
catches up with my

letting go
to be free
of witless words
that jester to me
with mimicking
manical puppeteer strings.

na new
na new
na ...

RhymeFairy said:

Whenever my muse goes missing I have to give Art a body pat. He collects'm like chocolate candy. Better hid-n-wait and see if he lets her go soon.
If not, * Hands you a jello shooter * Blast away my friend !!

Hmm now, there is a thought.
Ever hear that song Jimmy Buffet sings,
* Put tha lime in tha coconut *
its a hoot.

Here are the lyrics by Harry Nilsson, but I soooo
love Jimmy Buffets version.

WEll I hope he lets her go cause I am not patting him down. I'll suffer for my poetry but only so far. ;)

Jello shots, hmmm or maybe body shots? RF, how do you like whisky in yor navel? :devil:

And I love Jimmy Buffet songs. I have a mix tape for my home sick days and half of it is his "songs you should know by heart" album.

"Changes in attitude, Changes in lattitude
Nothing remains quite the same
For all of my running and all of my cunning
If I couldn't laugh
I just would go insane."
I have your muse in my bed
she is bound and tied
tickled with feathers
and slapped with leather
across her derrière

for every "WORD"
that she gives me
I 'hit' her
with the feather brushing
in sensual places

she sings a song
long enough
to call a
tale <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
I have your muse in my bed
she is bound and tied
tickled with feathers
and slapped with leather
across her derrière

for every "WORD"
that she gives me
I 'hit' her
with the feather brushing
in sensual places

she sings a song
long enough
to call a
tale <grin>

Oh My ... :devil:
Where do I sign up for
.... THAT?
WooHoo !!!!


I love it Art.
You are a sneaky lil bugga ya know.
* Grins n giggles *

sneaky <grin>

With feet that step without sound
tip toeing towards being nosey
finger leans against the wall
holding the breath afraid to let the sound of wind pass

there they are in their way
slipping past undetected with stealth
crouched and scooped and melting into the suroundings
slithering like a snake across the floor

"Arthur Lee, what are you doing?"
Aunt Mickey said while stepping over me.
"What are you up to boy? Being so 'Sneaky'."

"I wasn't being sneaky Aunt Mickey,
I was looking for RF's muse." <grin>