Free Thoughts~on One word...

RhymeFairy said:
his touch melted
this poor gurls soul.
one look form him,
n she was lost.

lost in thought,
lost in time
lost to him
for all time.

wicked he was.
for he talked so naughty.
telling her things,
cause he thought
she was haughty.

he would dare her to be,
whatever he could.
turning his pecker,
from soft to wood.

lil miss innocent,
or so he thought.
for now he knows,
for 'tis him she taught.

mr slick willy,
turned to mr
... yes 'mam.
now all he knows,
is to be her ram.

stick it to her good,
wherever she may please.
cause now that bad boy,
is her lil tease.

lost, is this manly man.
lost, in her eyes of green.
not a pretty sight I must say,
it's tha damndest sight
ya ever seen~


:D I'm lost for words...

I'll find one...



I was lost in space
yesterdays tomorrow
thoughts were borrowed
no time to think
to damn many
mental pot holes
while running flat
footed as a crow
over an open man hole
I don't know
I'm lost
My Erotic Tale said:
:D I'm lost for words...

I'll find one...



I was lost in space
yesterdays tomorrow
thoughts were borrowed
no time to think
to damn many
mental pot holes
while running flat
footed as a crow
over an open man hole
I don't know
I'm lost

she had him by the balls
you see. knowing another
could never please thee.

spanks to his bum,
for she knew the score
this pussy boy,
was gonna be
her new pet,
only she,
would he adore.

dive into her
as she milks him
watch as he does
but scream,

he wiggles
as he goes,
up the walls.
she loves to
him sink n fall.

bitten by teeth,
so pearly white.
scratch marks of red,
as if in a fight.

she has him now,
have no doubt.
listening to him
as he doth sputter
n spout.

words of worship
promises of love
how he is lost
without her love ...

:catroar: :p
I was lost in space
yesterdays tomorrow
thoughts were
brutally borrowed
there was no time to think
tornado words with out a warning
silently calling
to 'damn' many mental pot holes
on a gray matter interstate
while running flat footed as a crow
over an open man hole
but I saw the light
of darkness
in a sign

there it wasn't
flying like a sitting rock
yelling nothing at all
like a black and white souls worth
as if it were an edition
the futures news paper
reading me

well just ask me!
I know,
I don't know
with all that I know
that I know
'wanker-doodle nothing
about what I don't know
other than
what I really know
which is what you want to know
is there anything worth
knowing to know
or am I

you know what I mean?
My Erotic Tale said:
I was lost in space
yesterdays tomorrow
thoughts were
brutally borrowed
there was no time to think
tornado words with out a warning
silently calling
to 'damn' many mental pot holes
on a gray matter interstate
while running flat footed as a crow
over an open man hole
but I saw the light
of darkness
in a sign

there it wasn't
flying like a sitting rock
yelling nothing at all
like a black and white souls worth
as if it were an edition
the futures news paper
reading me

well just ask me!
I know,
I don't know
with all that I know
that I know
'wanker-doodle nothing
about what I don't know
other than
what I really know
which is what you want to know
is there anything worth
knowing to know
or am I

you know what I mean?

I know what you mean,
about being lost. Not knowing
yet knowing ... you should know,
what others know, ya know.

so go ask a friend I say
If they know what your trying to say,
ya know. About knowing nothing,
or knowing something. Ya know,
it is something, to know nothing.
Of this I am sure, ya know.

Hmm, maybe I do not know,
about knowing something.
Or something I know
may not be so, ya know.

so this is what I know.
I know nothing about nothing.
Yet, something about nothing, but
something of nothing I do not know
ya know ... or are ya still

;) :rose: :p
RhymeFairy said:
I know what you mean,
about being lost. Not knowing
yet knowing ... you should know,
what others know, ya know.

so go ask a friend I say
If they know what your trying to say,
ya know. About knowing nothing,
or knowing something. Ya know,
it is something, to know nothing.
Of this I am sure, ya know.

Hmm, maybe I do not know,
about knowing something.
Or something I know
may not be so, ya know.

so this is what I know.
I know nothing about nothing.
Yet, something about nothing, but
something of nothing I do not know
ya know ... or are ya still

;) :rose: :p

I know just what you mean
you know?

Wanton wanderer
snuffed candle smoke spirals
Shake it
Rivulets rain
To the doors of fact.
shyness driven by insecurity
Soft as cotton, tossed
Life is feeling
It’s an Internet meltdown
through galaxies spiraling stars
Reflecting tender fears
In a single bed.
confusing thoughts in a confusing life
But the mind is blind to all
Lost within itself
until long after dark
Jennifer C said:
Wanton wanderer
snuffed candle smoke spirals
Shake it
Rivulets rain
To the doors of fact.
shyness driven by insecurity
Soft as cotton, tossed
Life is feeling
It’s an Internet meltdown
through galaxies spiraling stars
Reflecting tender fears
In a single bed.
confusing thoughts in a confusing life
But the mind is blind to all
Lost within itself
until long after dark

As darkness falls
the hearts secrets,
come out.

Formulating feverish
demons, of what if
what for.

tell me a secret,
share this tail,
of what if
with me.

Walk down
summerset lane,
hand in hand,
as healing hearts
beat, with each
whispered breathe.


very touching poem Jenn ~!!

:rose: :rose:
OK, so Art and I had a throw down last night,
with the word

What a hoot ~!!! :nana:
Thanks Art for ALLLL tha fun,
and Jenn for playing with us too.
We had a lotta good words thrown around here eh~

:rose: :rose: ;)

Ok, now on with tha new.
The word for today ...

Consume :

Syllables: con-sume

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation kEn sum
Inflected Forms consumed, consuming, consumes

Definition 1. to eat; devour.
Example He consumed his meal.
Synonyms swallow1 (1) , devour (1) , eat (1)
Crossref. Syn. devour , touch
Similar Words polish off {polish (PHR)} , gulp , gobble1 , absorb , wolf , drink , guzzle , bolt1

Definition 2. to destroy.
Example a house consumed by fire.
Synonyms eat (3) , destroy (1) , devastate (1) , annihilate (1) , devour (2) , ravage
Crossref. Syn. take
Similar Words obliterate , play havoc with {havoc (PHR)} , envelop , demolish , eradicate , swallow1 , waste , level , ruin , wipe out {wipe (PHR)} , overcome , engulf , gut

Definition 3. to use up.
Example An engine consumes fuel.
Synonyms finish (2) , expend (1) , exhaust (1) , eat up {eat (PHR 1)} , use up {use (PHR)}
Crossref. Syn. eat , deplete , burn , use , spend , run out of
Similar Words waste , deplete , dispose of {dispose} , kill , guzzle , drain

Definition 4. to use wastefully; squander.
Example Idle chatter consumes much of his time.
Synonyms use (2) , squander , waste (1)
Crossref. Syn. eat , blow
Similar Words fritter away {fritter1} , blow2 , dissipate , misspend , kill , guzzle

Definition 5. to engross.
Example His job consumes his full attention.
Synonyms engage (3) , engross , occupy (2)
Crossref. Syn. possess , immerse , devour
Similar Words eat , enthrall , preoccupy , absorb , take , involve , swallow1 , grip , devour , captivate

Related Words bestow , wash , burn , corrode , finish , exhaust , spend , lose , bite , assimilate

Derived Forms consumable, adj.

Mmmm, Now THIS should be fun.
Don't ya think?


So let'me have it. Give me those

Free Thoughts On One Word ~~ Consume

;) :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
OK, so Art and I had a throw down last night,
with the word

What a hoot ~!!! :nana:
Thanks Art for ALLLL tha fun,
and Jenn for playing with us too.
We had a lotta good words thrown around here eh~

:rose: :rose: ;)

Ok, now on with tha new.
The word for today ...

Consume :

Syllables: con-sume

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation kEn sum
Inflected Forms consumed, consuming, consumes

Definition 1. to eat; devour.
Example He consumed his meal.
Synonyms swallow1 (1) , devour (1) , eat (1)
Crossref. Syn. devour , touch
Similar Words polish off {polish (PHR)} , gulp , gobble1 , absorb , wolf , drink , guzzle , bolt1

Definition 2. to destroy.
Example a house consumed by fire.
Synonyms eat (3) , destroy (1) , devastate (1) , annihilate (1) , devour (2) , ravage
Crossref. Syn. take
Similar Words obliterate , play havoc with {havoc (PHR)} , envelop , demolish , eradicate , swallow1 , waste , level , ruin , wipe out {wipe (PHR)} , overcome , engulf , gut

Definition 3. to use up.
Example An engine consumes fuel.
Synonyms finish (2) , expend (1) , exhaust (1) , eat up {eat (PHR 1)} , use up {use (PHR)}
Crossref. Syn. eat , deplete , burn , use , spend , run out of
Similar Words waste , deplete , dispose of {dispose} , kill , guzzle , drain

Definition 4. to use wastefully; squander.
Example Idle chatter consumes much of his time.
Synonyms use (2) , squander , waste (1)
Crossref. Syn. eat , blow
Similar Words fritter away {fritter1} , blow2 , dissipate , misspend , kill , guzzle

Definition 5. to engross.
Example His job consumes his full attention.
Synonyms engage (3) , engross , occupy (2)
Crossref. Syn. possess , immerse , devour
Similar Words eat , enthrall , preoccupy , absorb , take , involve , swallow1 , grip , devour , captivate

Related Words bestow , wash , burn , corrode , finish , exhaust , spend , lose , bite , assimilate

Derived Forms consumable, adj.

Mmmm, Now THIS should be fun.
Don't ya think?


So let'me have it. Give me those

Free Thoughts On One Word ~~ Consume

;) :rose:

1995 was a good year for pie.
the county fair was hoppin' and coming alive
Big bubba entered the pie eating contest
and consumed every pie they had, then he rest

not only did he win the contest
he fell in love with missy maples breasts
that girl had milk ooozing out in volume
and that too big bubba consumed
Last edited:
My Erotic Tale said:
1995 was a good year for pie.
the county fair was hoppin' and coming alive
Big bubba entered the pie eating contest
and consumed every pie they had, then he rest

not only did he win the contest
he fell in love with missy maples breasts
that girl had milk ooozing out in volume
and that too big bubba consumed


I am sooooo impressed. lmao.
You are a silly bird. So this YOUR idea of a date,
sounds like they had a lotta fun.
Kudo's to you Art ~!!! :D

I shall bounce in a few, let'me check things out ....


I bet he choked on that last pie, poor lil fella.

There is no space
to turn
or move
even my breath
is consumed

There is a place
I go
to think
what my life
has consumed

There is a sound
blaring out
till my body
is consumed

There is a time
when my
soul soars
on a sexual flight
I'm consumed

Forever with me
Silent space is a lonely place
Swirls drip down
Tip it back, tip the velvet
Your opinions expressed
Relaxed within razors.
Infrequent upsurge of glamorous spell
The music abuses my senses
among great white columns
life takes a stroll
Night sleeps
touch me
consume me
set me free...

Think I'm going through a 'my poetry doesn't make sense' phase lol ~ :D

either that or I'm just going crazy ;)
I have a secret from the wild blue
I let it a fire and now

it is...consumed <grin>

what's the secret blue???????????

hey JC...Rf (~_~)
I Will Crawl To You ~

I would crawl to you, if you but ask.
Over haggard hills, through misty mountains.
Yes, even across depleted desert floors.

On my hands and knees. With grasping fingers,
dried and chapped. Worshipping you all the way.
I tried to keep them supple, and soft for you,
but sand, and grit, had their own destructive path.

If I could see you, you would see, the sea of torment,
total devastation in thine eyes, of misery and pain.
Yes, I tried to hide that too, but you know and feel me,
as I do you.

Food is not the nourishment, this body needs.
'Tis you my love, only you I need. To feast
upon, your loving eyes. Taste the desire,
of those devilish lips. Drink the sin out,
of that sinfilled riddled body, you so heinously
hide from me.

Can we share a bath, for two? Little bubbles,
I shall blow for you. The kind that sink, slow n deep,
across your bounteous bends and pricks blowing,
as I show you, a lil trick.

My love for you, was never in doubt. Yours for me,
shall never run out. So, to crawl to you is what I will do,
if only to show how much I still need you.


I keep going back to this poem. I had some help on editing, and yet ...
It is me, all me. I love it and just * FEEEELLL * this poem.

Last edited:
RhymeFairy said:

I would crawl to you, if you but ask.
Over haggard hills, through misty mountains.
Yes, even across depleted desert floors.

On my hands and knees. With grasping fingers,
dried and chapped. Worshipping you all the way.
I tried to keep them supple, and soft for you,
but sand, and grit, had their own destructive path.

If I could see you, you would see, the sea of torment,
total devastation in thine eyes, of misery and pain.
Yes, I tried to hide that too, but you know and feel me,
as I do you.

Food is not the nourishment, this body needs.
'Tis you my love, only you I need. To feast
upon, your loving eyes. Taste the desire,
of those devilish lips. Drink the sin out,
of that sinfilled riddled body, you so heinously
hide from me.

Can we share a bath, for two? Little bubbles,
I shall blow for you. The kind that sink, slow n deep,
across your bounteous bends and pricks blowing,
as I show you, a lil trick.

My love for you, was never in doubt. Yours for me,
shall never run out. So, to crawl to you is what I will do,
if only to show how much I still need you.


I keep going back to this poem. I had some help on editing, and yet ...
It is me, all me. I love it and just * FEEEELLL * this poem.


nice AV <grin>

sorry that your lost poem had a long string of pooo words hun
I can only suggest you delete them <as I did>

so what is the new word? cralw?

I seen him crawl into that poem
slither around and shed his hateful way
leaving discard as he crawled out <grin>
there are only two things that crawl that low
and there I won't go <grin>


your AV is inspiring the "How to Hunt a Nympho"
I have seen the pics of nymphs and they don't have wings
but I some how place them with fairies <grin>

My silence revolves
around each wave,
Soulful nights
just me
In the swollen fire.
He’s it.
Lightning strikes lonely hearts
for a moment
Rage is life.
Just here
your lips
Night mouth mumbling incoherently
This is reality...
Cruel laughter drips
chimes ring
The moon desires the sea
The past is just the past
I have flown
I have crawled,
Life spins fast
Warm streams of delight
Through storms of life
I crawl back to you...

Jennifer C said:
My silence revolves
around each wave,
Soulful nights
just me
In the swollen fire.
He’s it.
Lightning strikes lonely hearts
for a moment
Rage is life.
Just here
your lips
Night mouth mumbling incoherently
This is reality...
Cruel laughter drips
chimes ring
The moon desires the sea
The past is just the past
I have flown
I have crawled,
Life spins fast
Warm streams of delight
Through storms of life
I crawl back to you...


I watched it move
I was uncertain that it moved
then it moved again
watching with a keen eye
this thing that come alive
across the floor
I become attracted to it's flight
even though it was slow
watching it move
a shadow across the floor
Slap Happy ~

Originally Posted by saldne

Every man I've dated
was told to jump up and down

I should've filmed it.
I like to hear the slapping
of a cock
against their lower belly.

It makes me giggle.


Makes you giggle
make me Hot,
for a ride
a slide ...
Get right down
n dirty baby.
Slide that cock, right here
slapping, clapping.
Hands on
guiding you down
the road
to deliverance.

Deliver it to me
Standing, lying
against the wall,
on the table,
tied to the chair,
I don't care.

give it to me!
Slap me happy
all night long baby,

:devil: :p ;)
Oh ... You want a word huh ... lol.

Huggs to you Art ... LeBroz too.
Thank You both for your friendship and encouragement.
Jenn ... You soooo ROCK ~!!


Now, the new word.
Hmmmm ...

Burn ~

Syllables: burn

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb , noun
Phrases: burn down , burn out

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Pronunciation buhrn
Inflected Forms burned [or] burnt, burning, burns

Definition 1. to be in flames; be on fire.
Synonyms blaze1 (1) , flame (1)
Similar Words ignite , kindle1 , flare , smolder , catch fire {fire (PHR)}

Definition 2. to be very hot.
Similar Words swelter

Definition 3. to sting or hurt sharply.
Synonyms smart (1) , sting (2)
Similar Words irritate , tingle , hurt
Definition 4. of food, to become overcooked or charred.
Similar Words scorch , char1 , brown (vt, vi)

Definition 5. of a person, to be overexposed to the sun.
Synonyms sunburn (vt, vi)
Similar Words tan , brown (vt, vi)

Definition 6. to experience strong emotion, such as anger or desire.
Crossref. Syn. flame , broil
Similar Words flame , hunger , fume , yearn , long2 , throb ,
thirst , crave , thrill , boil1 , glow , seethe , ache

Definition 7. to emit bright light.
Example Are the front lights burning?
Similar Words dazzle , shine , glow , incandesce , blaze1

Related Words pant , yen , wish , anger , catch

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause (something) to be set on fire.
Synonyms inflame (3) , flame , fire (2) , enkindle (1) ,
set fire to {fire (PHR)} , ignite (1) , kindle1 (2)
Crossref. Syn. light
Similar Words cremate , incinerate

Definition 2. to injure or damage by excessive exposure to heat,
as from flame or sunlight.
Crossref. Syn. broil , char
Similar Words sunburn (vt, vi) , singe , sear1 , parch , overdo , char1 , broil1 , injure , scorch , scar , blacken , blister , incinerate , consume

Definition 3. to use as a source of energy.
Example Our furnace burns oil.
Synonyms use (2) , run on {run (vi 5)} , consume (3)
Similar Words expend , require , need , take

Definition 4. to cause to lose money through trickery; swindle.
Synonyms cheat (1) , fleece (2) , defraud , swindle (1)
Crossref. Syn. skin , bilk
Similar Words gyp , flimflam , bamboozle , rook1 , soak ,
gull2 , exploit2 , overcharge

Definition 5. to cause to be humiliated.
Synonyms humiliate , embarrass (1)
Similar Words shame , put to shame {shame (PHR)} , mortify ,
humble , disgrace

Related Words inflame , clip , fire , shock , grill , kindle

Phrase burn down

Phrase burn out

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. an injury caused by heat.
Crossref. Syn. singe
Similar Words sunburn , singe , brand , blister , scare , wound1 , sore

Definition 2. an instance of burning.
Synonyms fire (1,2,3) , burning
Crossref. Syn. singe

Similar Words combustion , wildfire , incineration {incinerate} ,
holocaust , conflagration , blaze1

Related Words chafe

I borrowed this one from the Passion threads.
Its a juicy, hot lil word, don't ya think?

Happy Writing~

:devil: :p :kiss: :catroar:
when something
consumes your soul
like the hundreds of miles
that annually in the golden
California hills,

Like that of a witches
hunted with torches
lighting the pile of wood
at the tied feet
of the misunderstood

when the will to write
churns inside
like a dying need
to a literay release
in the mind it

I'm in... :)

I have never felt
a need so strong
as the need I feel
for you.
To have you inside me
is to truly feel alive,
carpet burns on my back
crimson aches
of our lust.
Your salty flavour
on my tongue,
my taste buds
sweetest treat.
Wet lips on feverish flesh
the most delicious feast
and I am so hungry.
You will never leave me
I am scared by you,
your loved burned
into my heart...



Thanks for the email hun... :rose:
I'm doing ok... :)

The match is struck, and the flame springs to
Flickering, dancing, wobbling light
And as the touch to wick is made
the fire passes from one to another

And she burns

Brilliant mind and sparkling soul
Fuel for thoughts of blazing heat
And comforting warmth
Or incindiary passionate flames

And she burns and burns

Tapers, votives, candleabras
Each one touched by a the flame
Til she is bathed in candle light
and that is all she needs

And she burns

Her voice crackles with the heat
Her plans for us tonight
Even as she describes them to me
I can hear her getting hotter

And she burns and burns

We rub together, fast and rough
Like two sticks in the wild
Spark after spark erupts
And the pyre is lit again

While she burns

Smoldering embers in oranges and reds
Peering out from the black and white ashes
She puts her lips together and blows
To fan the flames one more time

And I burn and burn and burn.