Free Thoughts~on One word...

My Erotic Tale said:
sneaky <grin>

With feet that step without sound
tip toeing towards being nosey
finger leans against the wall
holding the breath afraid to let the sound of wind pass

there they are in their way
slipping past undetected with stealth
crouched and scooped and melting into the suroundings
slithering like a snake across the floor

"Arthur Lee, what are you doing?"
Aunt Mickey said while stepping over me.
"What are you up to boy? Being so 'Sneaky'."

"I wasn't being sneaky Aunt Mickey,
I was looking for RF's muse." <grin>

Swats to your Bootie Boy !!
Bad Bad Bad !!


Oh, I love it !!
You my friend are TOOO much. Thank you for helping and ya better watch out. I have found him, chastised him very properly and he promises to do my bidding now ... So let tha games begin !!

* WEG*

a fairy is nothing more than a worm with wings
and santa is an alcoholic that lives in the back streets till christmas
the tooth fairy works for a false teeth maker
and the easter bunny is really a hare

Leprichauns are midgets in green suits
and gobblins ate all the cobbler
Dracula was a lover of hickys
and ghosts are nothing more than wind blown sheets

lockness monster is a big catfish
and the aliens work at the circus
and birthdays are slaps in the face that remind you you're getting closer
but now muses <grin> are everywhere...hehehe

thanks you muse (~_*)
You ask for it ~ * winks *

My Erotic Tale said:
a fairy is nothing more than a worm with wings
and santa is an alcoholic that lives in the back streets till christmas
the tooth fairy works for a false teeth maker
and the easter bunny is really a hare

Leprichauns are midgets in green suits
and gobblins ate all the cobbler
Dracula was a lover of hickys
and ghosts are nothing more than wind blown sheets

lockness monster is a big catfish
and the aliens work at the circus
and birthdays are slaps in the face that remind you you're getting closer
but now muses <grin> are everywhere...hehehe

thanks you muse (~_*)

Muse :

Syllables: Muse

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation myuz

Definition 1. in Greek mythology, any of the nine goddesses who preside over the arts and sciences.

Similar Words goddess

Definition 2. (l.c.) the source of creative inspiration, esp. for a poet.

Similar Words epiphany , inspiration , stimulus , genius , afflatus

Another Def ~~~


A gap or hole in a hedge, hence, wall, or the like, through which a wild animal is accustomed to pass; a muset.

One of the nine goddesses who presided over song and the different kinds of poetry, and also the arts and sciences; -- often used in the plural.

A particular power and practice of poetry.

A poet; a bard.

To think closely; to study in silence; to meditate.

To be absent in mind; to be so occupied in study or contemplation as not to observe passing scenes or things present; to be in a brown study.

To wonder.

To think on; to meditate on.

To wonder at.

Contemplation which abstracts the mind from passing scenes; absorbing thought; hence, absence of mind; a brown study.

Wonder, or admiration.

Related Word Definitions:
Absence, Absent, Absorbing, Accustomed, Admiration, Also, And, Animal, As, At, Bard, Be, Brown, Closely, Contemplation, Different, From, Gap, Hedge, Hence, Hole, In, Is, Like, Meditate, Mind, Muset, Nine, Not, Observe, Occupied, Of, Often, On, One, Or, Over, Particular, Pass, Passing, Plural, Poet, Poetry, Power, Practice, Present, Presided, Silence, So, Song, Study, The, Think, Thought, Through, To, Used, Wall, Which, Who, Wild, Wonder

Also ...

There are the 9 Greek Muses :

The nine muses in Greek mythology were goddesses of the arts and sciences, and were daughters of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory.
Thalia - Muse of comedy and idyllic poetry. She is usually shown holding a comic mask, a shepherd's crook, and a wreath of ivy.
Melpomene [mel-po-men-ee] - Muse of tragedy. She is usually shown holding a tragic mask, the club of Hercules, and a wreath or vine leaves.
Cleo - Muse of history.
Euterpe - Muse of lyric poetry.
Terpsichore - Muse of music and dancing.
Erato - Muse of erotic poetry.
Calliope - Muse of epic poetry and rhetoric.
Urania - Muse of astronomy.
Polyhymnia or Polymnia - Muse of sacred hymns and harmony.

Last but not least,
I have a sight on history and research that might inspire
or maybe bring a spark to those rust hinged brain cells. :eek:

The Muse

Well Art ya did ask for it ... right. :p

she was cool as a cucumber
while acting like a professional
madder than a wet hen
to hot to be an ice cube

but her eyes were like fire
and fluttered like a butterfly
with a smile like a clown on a circus balloon
with hair as straight as a ruler

she was as bent as the hind leg of a dog
making like a squirrel in sonic chatter
explaining to me why her car was into mine
like two shopping carts that had met head on

"I was talking to my muse," she said
and the next thing She knew we crashed"
I wasn't amused like a cop to a 'pig' rally
but I did get her 'muse's' phone number
Last edited:
cold n wet,
windy air howls.
showers coming
bringing breath
of fresh air.
swishing back
blowing hard
lapping round
rain ...


pina coladas pimped
juiced fruit
spasmodically squirts
shoots down
passions pathway
to homemade huts.
thatched roof
escapes powerhouse
pillowing, of the pounding
slams into the crevices
of cupids home ...


his eyes alight
with mischievous
chuckles. plans play out
in his mind
only to be carried out
in her, deep
in her.


an affair that loves
the loving
shapes their destinies
with the long nights
of tender thoughts, hot
kisses, sweet
slow ... sharing.

two minds combined
into one.
the foretelling
of this duo's future.

love birds of peace
flying high
scouring the heavenly
soft skies
with two hearts
one mind
one soul


OK, so I decided to try and write, ended up
playing with my words a bit. It just is a no go.
So I will bid ya'll nighty night and go in search
of my mind ... probably in tha bed, where I ought to be, lol ~

Nighty night all ~

how ya feeling RF~

I guess you see they took my old fart test off the threads yet they can have a BLOW JOB thread and a Hate tthread but we can't have a come play with me thread or a humor thread like old fart, maybe if I had a girls name like Pat~ or a thread wanting to be a mean critic and hate then they would allow that. Any way I'm making my rounds and will come back and post a poem on your one word for the day <grin>
Fantasy :

Entry Word: fantasy
Function: noun
Text: also phantasy

1 a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality <a constant daydreamer who started to believe his own fantasies>

Synonyms chimera, conceit, daydream, delusion, dream, fancy, figment, hallucination, illusion, phantasm, pipe dream, unreality, vision

Related Words mirage; brainchild, idea; concoction, fabrication, fiction, invention; envisaging, imaging, visualization

Near Antonyms actuality, fact, reality

2 the ability to form mental images of things that either are not physically present or have never been conceived or created by others <the painter gave free rein to his fantasy to create pictures that capture the kind of reality we experience only in our dreams> -- see IMAGINATION

3 something that is the product of the imagination <we were coming to the conclusion that the person Karen "saw" in the woods was another one of her fantasies> -- see FICTION

Rhyming Words ~

One- and two-syllable End Rhymes of fantasy:

abbey, ably, achy, acme, acne, aerie, agree, airy, algae, alley, amply, amy, andy, angry, ante, anti, antsy, any, aptly, army, arty, ashy, aurae, aussie, awfully, baby, badly, baggy, bailee, bailey, bailie, baldly, bali, balky, balmy, bandy, banshee, banti, barely, barky, barley, batty, bawdry, bawdy, be, beachy, beady, beanie, beastly, beauty, bee, beefy, beery, belfry, belly, benny, berkeley, berry, betty, bevy, biddy, biggie, billy, birdie, bitchy, bitsy, bitty, blackly, blandly, blankly, blarney, bleakly, bleary, blindly, blistery, blithely, blocky, bloody, bloomy, blotchy, blowsy, blowy, blowzy, bluey, bluntly, blurry, blustery, bobby, body, bogey, boggy, bogy, boise, boldly, bonnie, bonny, bony, booby, boogie, bookie, bootee, booty, boozy, bosky, bossy, botany, botchy, bougie, bouncy, boundary, bounty, bowery, bowie, brainy, brambly, brandy, brashly, brassie, brassy, bratty, bravely, brawly, brawny, breathy, breezy, bribee, briefly, briery, brightly, briny, briskly, bristly, broadly, bronzy, broody, broomy, brothy, brownie, bruskly, brusquely, bubbly, buddy, buffy, buggy, bulgy, bulky, bully, bumpy, bunchy, bunny, buoy, burley, burly, burry, bury, busby, bushy, busty, busy, cabby, caddie, caddy, cadre, cagey, calmly, campi, campy, candy, canny, carefree, carny, carrie, carry, catchy, catty, cb, cc, cd, chalky, chamois, chancy, chargee, charley, charlie, chassis, chastely, chatty, cheaply, cheeky, cheery, cheesy, cherry, chesty, chewy, chichi, chickpea, chiefly, chile, chili, chilly, chimney, chintzy, chippy, chloe, choicely, choky, choosey, choosy, choppy, christie, christly, chubby, chuffy, chummy, chunky, chutney, city, clammy, classy, clayey, cleanly, clearly, clergy, clerkly, clingy, cliquey, cloddy, cloggy, closely, clotty, cloudy, clumpy, clumsy, clunky, coarsely, cockney, cocky, coffee, coldly, collie, comely, comfy, commie, coney, connie, cony, cookie, cooley, coolie, coolly, cootie, copy, corky, corny, corrie, costly, coulee, country, county, courtly, covey, cowrie, cowry, coyly, cozy, crabby, crackly, crafty, craggy, cranky, cranny, crappie, crappy, crassly, crawly, crazy, creaky, creamy, cree, creepy, crinkly, crisply, crispy, croaky, crony, crosby, crossly, croupy, cruddy, crudely, cruelly, crumbly, crumby, crummy, crunchy, crusty, cubby, cuddly, cuddy, curie, curly, curry, curtly, curtsey, curtsy, curvy, cushy, cutely, cutesy, cutey, cutie, daddy, daffy, daftly, daily, dainty, dairy, daisy, dally, damply, dandy, dankly, darkly, deadly, deafly, dearie, dearly, deathly, debbie, debris, debtee, decree, deeply, deftly, degree, delhi, deli, dempsey, densely, derby, dewy, dickey, dilly, dimly, dimply, dinghy, dingy, dinkey, dinky, dippy, direly, dirty, disney, ditty, divvy, dixie, dizzy, dodgy, doggie, doggy, dogie, doily, dolby, dolly, donkey, dopey, dotty, doubly, doughy, dourly, dowdy, downy, dowry, doxy, dozy, drably, draftee, drafty, draggy, draughty, drawee, dreamy, dreary, dressy, drifty, drily, drippy, drizzly, droopy, dropsy, drossy, drowsy, druggie, druggy, dryly, duchy, ducky, duddie, duddy, duffy, dully, duly, dumbly, dummy, dumpy, dusky, dusty, duty, early, earthly, earthy, easy, eddy, edgy, eely, eerie, eery, eighty, emcee, emmy, empty, ennui, entry, envy, erie, esprit, every, faintly, fairly, fairy, falsely, falsie, fancy, fanny, farcy, fatly, fatty, faulty, fee, feebly, feisty, ferny, ferry, fiercely, fiery, fifty, fiji, filly, filmy, filthy, finely, finny, firmly, firstly, fishy, fitly, fizzy, flabby, flaky, flappy, flashy, flatly, flaunty, flaxy, flea, flecky, flee, fleecy, fleetly, fleshly, fleshy, flighty, flimsy, flinty, flirty, floaty, flooey, floosie, floozie, floozy, floppy, flossy, flouncy, flowery, fluffy, fluky, flunkey, flunky, flurry, fluty, foamy, foggy, fogy, folksy, folly, fondly, foresee, forky, forty, foully, foundry, fourthly, foxy, frankly, freaky, freckly, free, freebie, freely, frenzy, freshly, friday, friendly, frilly, frisbee, frisky, frizzly, frizzy, frosty, frothy, frowsy, frowzy, fruity, frumpy, fuddy, fully, fumy, fundy, funky, funny, furry, fury, fusee, fussy, fusty, fuzzy, gabby, gaily, galley, gamely, gamey, gamy, gandhi, gangly, gantry, gassy, gatsby, gaudy, gauntly, gauzy, gawky, gee, genie, gently, gentry, germfree, germy, ghastly, ghostly, ghosty, giddy, giggly, gimpy, gipsy, gladly, glairy, glary, glassy, gleamy, glee, gleety, glibly, glitzy, gloomy, glory, glossy, gluey, glumly, gnarly, goalie, goatee, gobi, goby, godly, golly, goodie, goodly, goody, gooey, goofy, goosey, goosy, gorki, gory, gouty, grabby, grainy, grammy, grandee, grandly, grannie, granny, grantee, grapey, grassy, gravely, gravy, grayly, greasy, greatly, greedy, greenly, greyly, grimly, grimy, grippy, gripy, grisly, gritty, grizzly, grocery, groggy, groovy, grossly, grouchy, groupie, grubby, gruffly, grumbly, grumpy, grundy, grungy, guernsey, guildry, guilty, guinea, gully, gummy, gunky, gunny, guppy, gurney, gushy, gussie, gussy, gusty, gutsy, gutty, gypsy, hackie, hackly, hackney, hairy, haiti, hammy, handy, hankie, hanky, haply, happy, hardly, hardy, harpy, harry, harshly, hasty, haughty, hazy, he, heady, healthy, hearty, heathy, heavy, hefty, henry, herby, hershey, hickey, highly, hilly, hindi, hippie, history, hitchy, hoagie, hoagy, hoarsely, hoary, hobby, hockey, hokey, holey, holly, holy, homely, homey, honey, honkey, honkie, honky, hooey, hookey, hooky, hopi, horny, horsey, horsy, hosiery, hotly, hourly, howdy, hubby, huffy, hugely, hulky, humbly, hungry, hunky, huntley, hurry, husky, hussy, icky, icy, idly, iffy, inky, itchy, ivy, jackie, jaggy, jangly, jaunty, jaycee, jayvee, jazzy, jelly, jenny, jerky, jerry, jersey, jesse, jetty, jewelry, jewry, jiffy, jiggly, jimmy, jingly, jinni, jitney, jockey, joey, johnny, jointly, jolly, jolty, jouncy, journey, jowly, judy, juicy, jumpy, junkie, junky, jury, justly, keenly, kelly, kewpie, key, khaki, kicky, kiddy, kidney, kimchee, kindly, kingly, kinky, kitschy, kitty, kiwi, klutzy, knee, knightly, knobby, knock-knee, knotty, kookie, kooky, lackey, lacy, laddie, lady, lamely, lanky, larceny, lardy, largely, larvae, lassie, lastly, latchkey, lately, laundry, lawny, laxly, lazy, leafy, leaky, leanly, lee, leery, lefty, leggy, lengthy, lessee, levee, levi, levy, lewdly, lightly, likely, lily, limply, limy, lindy, linty, lippy, lithely, lively, loamy, lobby, lofty, logy, lonely, loony, loopy, loosely, lordly, lorry, lottie, loudly, lousy, lovely, lowly, lp, lucky, lucy, lumpy, luny, lusty, macy, madly, maggie, mainly, malty, mammae, mangy, manly, many, maori, mardi, marquee, marquis, marry, marshy, matey, maxi, maybe, mazy, mc, md, me, mealie, mealy, meanly, meany, measly, meaty, medley, meekly, meetly, mercy, merely, merry, meshy, messy, mickey, middy, mighty, mildly, milky, mini, minnie, minty, misery, misty, moistly, moldy, molly, mommy, monday, money, monkey, monte, monthly, moody, moonie, moony, mopey, morae, mosey, mossy, mostly, motley, mouldy, mountie, mounty, mousey, mousy, mouthy, movie, moxie, mp, mucky, muddy, muggy, multi, mummy, munchy, murky, mushy, musky, mussy, musty, mutely, mutiny, mystery, nakedly, namely, nancy, nannie, nanny, nappy, nary, nasty, natty, naughty, navy, nazi, nearly, neatly, needy, nervy, newly, newsy, nextly, nicely, nietzsche, nifty, nightie, nightly, nighty, nimbi, nimbly, ninety, ninny, nippy, nitty, nixie, nixy, nobly, noddy, noisy, nosey, nosy, notchy, nubby, nudely, numbly, nutty, od, oddly, off-key, oily, okey, okie, oldie, only, oozy, orgy, ornery, oui, ouija, paddy, padre, paisley, palfrey, palmy, palsy, paltry, pansy, pantie, pantry, panty, pappy, parlay, parley, parry, parsley, partly, party, passkey, pastry, pasty, patchy, patsy, patty, paultry, paunchy, pawnee, payee, pc, pea, peachy, pearly, peaty, peavey, pebbly, pee, peewee, penney, penny, peppy, pepsi, perky, pertly, pesky, petri, petty, phoebe, phoney, phony, phooey, picky, piggy, pimply, pinkie, pinky, pitchy, pithy, pity, pixie, pixy, plainly, plea, pledgee, plenty, ploidy, plucky, plumply, plumy, plushly, plushy, podgy, pointy, pokey, poky, poly, pongee, pony, poorly, poppy, porgy, porky, portly, poshly, posse, posy, potty, poultry, prairie, preachy, precis, preemie, preppie, preppy, presley, pretty, prexy, prickly, priestly, primly, princely, prissy, prithee, privy, prix, promptly, pronely, prosy, proudly, proxy, psyche, puddly, pudgy, puffy, puggy, puisne, pulley, pulpy, punchy, puny, puppy, puree, purely, pushy, pussy, puttee, putty, pygmy, pyxie, quacky, quaintly, quaky, quarry, queasy, queazy, queenly, queerly, query, quickie, quickly, quinsy, quirky, racy, rainey, rainy, rally, ramie, randy, rangy, rankly, raptly, rarely, rashly, raspy, rattly, ratty, raunchy, rawly, ready, really, redly, reedy, reefy, reeky, rete, richly, ridgy, rightly, ripely, ripply, risky, ritzy, roadie, robby, rocky, roily, rooftree, rookie, roomy, rooty, rosie, rosy, roughly, roundly, rowdy, rubbly, ruby, ruddy, rudely, ruffly, rugby, rumbly, rummy, rumply, runny, runty, rupee, rushy, rusty, rutty, rv, sadly, safely, safety, sagely, saggy, saintly, saki, sally, salty, sandy, sanely, sappy, saree, sari, sassy, saucy, savvy, sayee, scabby, scaly, scampi, scantly, scanty, scarcely, scary, scenery, schmaltzy, scot-free, scraggly, scraggy, scrappy, scratchy, scrawly, scrawny, screaky, screechy, screwy, scrimpy, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurry, scurvy, sea, seamy, sedgy, see, seedy, seemly, sendee, sentry, settee, sexy, shabby, shady, shaggy, shaky, shanty, shapely, sharpey, sharpie, sharply, shawnee, she, sheeny, sheerly, shelley, shelly, sherry, shifty, shimmy, shinney, shinny, shiny, shoaly, shoddy, shoetree, shootee, shortly, shorty, showy, shrewdly, shrilly, shrubby, shyly, sickly, sidney, sightly, sightsee, signee, silky, silly, silty, simply, singly, sippy, sissy, sixty, sketchy, ski, skiddy, skimpy, skinny, skivvy, slackly, slangy, slaty, sleazy, sleekly, sleepy, sleety, slickly, slightly, slimly, slimsy, slimy, slinky, slippery, sloppy, sloshy, slouchy, sloughy, slowly, sludgy, sluggy, slummy, slurry, slushy, slyly, smartie, smartly, smarty, smeary, smelly, smithy, smoggy, smokey, smoky, smoochy, smoothly, smudgy, smugly, smutchy, smutty, snaggy, snaky, snappy, snarly, snazzy, sneaky, sneezy, sniffy, snippy, snobby, snoopy, snooty, snoozy, snorty, snotty, snowy, snubby, snuffly, snuffy, snugly, soaky, soapy, softie, softly, softy, soggy, solely, sonny, sooty, soppy, sorely, sorry, sortie, soundly, soupy, sourly, spangly, sparely, sparsely, specie, speedy, spicy, spiffy, spiky, spindly, spiny, spiry, splashy, splotchy, spondee, spongy, spooky, spoony, sporty, spotty, spree, sprightly, springy, spryly, spunky, squabby, squally, squarely, squashy, squatty, squeaky, squeegee, squiggly, squinty, squirmy, squishy, stably, stagy, staidly, standee, stanley, starchy, starkly, starry, stately, staunchly, steady, stealthy, steamy, steely, steeply, sternly, sticky, stiffly, stilly, stingy, stinky, stocky, stodgy, stogie, stony, stormy, story, stoutly, straggly, straightly, straitly, strangely, strawy, streaky, streamy, stretchy, striae, strictly, stringy, strongly, strophe, strumae, stubbly, stubby, study, stuffy, stumpy, sturdy, stymie, suavely, subtly, sudsy, suey, sui, sulky, sully, sultry, sunday, sundry, sunny, surely, surly, surrey, suttee, swami, swampy, swanky, swarthy, swashy, swazi, sweaty, sweeney, sweeny, sweepy, sweetie, sweetly, swiftly, swingy, swirly, swishy, sydney, tabby, tacky, taffy, talkie, talky, tally, tamely, tangy, tansy, tardy, tarry, tartly, tasty, tautly, tawdry, tawny, taxi, tea, teary, teddy, tee, teeny, tensely, tepee, terry, tersely, teste, testee, testy, tetchy, thee, theory, thickly, thinly, thirdly, thirsty, thirty, thistly, thorny, thready, three, thrifty, throaty, thuggee, tidy, tightly, timely, tingly, tinny, tiny, tippee, tipsy, tiredly, tizzy, toady, toby, toddy, toffee, tony, toothy, topsy, tori, tory, touchy, toughie, toughly, tourney, towhee, townie, towny, tracy, trainee, trashy, treacly, treaty, tree, trembly, trendy, tricksy, tricky, trimly, triply, tritely, troche, trochee, trolley, trophy, truly, trustee, trusty, tsetse, tubby, tuesday, tummy, tunney, tunny, turfy, turkey, turnkey, turvy, tutti, tv, twangy, tweedy, twenty, twiggy, twitchy, ugly, unfree, usee, vaguely, vainly, valley, vary, vastly, vaulty, veery, veiny, vendee, verdi, very, vestee, vestry, volley, vouchee, wacky, waggly, walkie, wanly, warmly, warty, wary, washy, wavy, waxy, we, weakly, wealthy, weary, webby, wednesday, wee, weedy, weekly, weeny, weepy, weighty, weirdly, wetly, whammy, wheelie, wheezy, wherry, whimsy, whinny, whirry, whiskey, whisky, whitey, wholely, wholly, whoopee, widely, wiener, wienie, wifely, wiggly, wildly, wily, windy, wintery, wintry, winy, wiry, wisely, wishy, wispy, witchy, witty, wobbly, wonky, woodsy, woody, woolly, wooly, woozy, wordy, worldly, wormy, worry, worthy, wreathy, wriggly, wrigley, wrinkly, wrongly, wryly, yangtze, yankee, yanqui, yarely, ye, yearly, yeasty, yeti, yippee, yippie, yogi, yolky, yucky, yummy, zany, zesty, zingy, zippy, zloty, zombie, zuni

Is that not cool? I found a new rhyming sight and it is da bomb ... had to show off ya know, lol. So give me someting my friends
... give me Fantasy ~

More ~

more you say.
shall I show you how
to be
to get

petals unfold
your surprise slides.
yes, in the daylight
here, now.

called in sick
important opportunities
to be missed.
candles lit
rain falling
spreading you out,
like a blanket,
for tha snuggling.

talking, not needed.
gag in place.
for I want you
to feel,
baby, black as sin
covering your beautiful

tickles like feathers
long sensual trails,
tongue lapping
like laps in a pool,
fishy flicks
sucked in breaths
hold it baby,
right there.

face freckled
with kisses
so light.
lacy webbed silk
slides down,
holds you bound
tiger tight.

performing maintenance
check, massages baby,
massage all
of you.
magical fingers
frolic n finger
in n out baby,

knees bent
body bucking,
stroking your shaft,
as I dive into your fiery
pit. velvety moistness
intoxicates you
with drunken
sinfilled lips,
slips in,

slamming softly
so soft,
onto your osseous shaft.
meeting again, over
n over maniacal
mahemic piston driven

filling you,
filling me
with circling dives,
as we spastically climb.
shared screams
bouncing off the walls
like boomerang
in hand.

coming again
always back,
sphering back
for more.
for more ...

her fantasy was me tied up
and a strap-on in her hand

no body expected it to turn out
pickles, ice cream and bows

9 months later
came the result of a ...

fantasy <grin>

sucking on my needs
while on her knees
perhaps even
two or three

four or five
to keep it alive
bend them over
in a long line

six or seven
to take me to heaven
rotating around
taking turns going down

eight or nine
would be fine
slapping ass
with a whips lash

I'd wear ten
like a tuxedo grin
eating every dish
all the way to the finish

that's what I want to be
in my fantasy​
made up of me
pure poetry in mind
emotion motioning
beckonning and
reckoning a
wrecking ball full tilt
sucked by gravity, smashing
into my fantasy
and breaking it to bits
a hit to my heart
as i draw deep on your
priority mail scent
its all i can get
On the Moon ....

I look out into the grand of the Universe,
I see the stars above, the moon..
and they can't escape my view ,
for they always shine..
but there is always that one star..
the one that flickers, trying so hard to shine
sometimes to hard...
I have to wonder, if that star burnt out
to a midst of nothing in the sky,..

Would the moon cry ?

And on earth , would it rain..
iridescent starlites of pain
would the ones below
would they know..
Would that moon see then
where that star had been..
that it wasn't like the others
glowing always so bright
to only escape with the dawn of first light
that it had always remained,
that flicker ... just dim..

Would the moon cry then ?

Would it wrap it's glow
around that star
that barely flickers from afar..
merely wanting to hold space
in that one great sky
wishing only to shine flickers of hope
into the moons eye

Would the moon see ?

that star will never be
the Blue Super Giants
or the Miras for view..
But it's light will always shine
from it's very
unto that


I wrote this a long time ago RF,
your moon reminded me..

thought I would share with you.
there is more, but I will save that for
some other time..

have a good week gf !

Last edited:

I've always believed in magic.
That there were fairies and elves
Dragons and Unicorns,
Mages and Spells

And as I grew I kept that faith
That magic was real somehow
There was more than what we see
More than just here and now

I loved the magician's assistant
Beautiful woman in sequins
That distracted me from illusions
And off to where magic begins

When she was hand cuffed in the box
Or when he would saw her in two
When she disapperaed completely
Ah the things that she could do.

I imagined her as my assistant
Making her magic only for me
In a thin and flowing see thru gown
That didn't quite reach her knee

And I'd hand cuff her, or bind her up
In my castle so very far away
Where we could do our magic
A thousand times a day

I long once more for magic
The beliefs I held as a kid
And I ache to see the magic things
I would pretend I did.

the swirling mind's
thoughts of dreams
that which will never be

casting time into a well
lured by thoughts
growing world of never will be
delighted by the thought
of a fantasy
friends-with-benefits wonder,
are you the one?
no, it's just a fantasy.
they enjoy each other's company
and are not ready to commit.
someday one may say it aloud...
yes, i do love you.
ty RF..for stopping by blue's metaphor thread.. this...

magic maneuvers
what isn’t into being
charming creation :D
Wowza ... :eek:

All those poems from one lil word.
Contagious eh ~ ;)

I found a thread ...

Check this out, ya might ... or not ;)
learn soemting .... :D

Female Fantasies

Ok, will be back in a bit ... with your new word.

:rose: :heart:
Striptease :

Syllables: strip-tease
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation strIp tiz
Definition 1. a form of entertainment in which a performer disrobes
to the accompaniment of music.

Related Words burlesque

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Inflected Forms stripteased, stripteasing, stripteases

Definition 1. to perform a striptease.

Related Words strip


I know, a lil out there, but what tha hay.
I haveta go nighty night, but I shall return and play
with this new word tomorrow. I read too much online tonight
and my bed is calling .. hear that ringing? Heheheheh *

Shameless plug ;)
~~~> Be on tha look out. I have a couple poems submitted,
and would love to get some critique on them. Honest, plez ~ :)


Oh ... Sweets ..

You can post anytime on anyword. There is no getting it wrong, or screwing up tha thread. Just write like you do on Blues' thread, we bounce here off everything really. One does NOT have to use my word, or even one of the words that are related. Just bouince n have fun. Someone will pick it up, or post a new word. No worries my friend. Just bounce n write ... :cathappy:

ALso while I am at it ... Welcome 4 Degrees and I loved it !!! I wanted to bounce it, but my muse ... got tha keys to tha cuffs n made off with tha warm chocolate ... :devil:

Salvor, Art QP ... Soooo loving this eh ~ *winks

she moved
side to side
in a sensual sway
dancing to the music
of the radio waves
pulls of her hair
that wildly flair
bareing a shoulder
pulling her blouse down
spinning to the music
dropping her top
squeezing her breasts
and bra
raising a leg high
bending over
and her skirt rised
white panty suprise
she pulled
her skirt down
and they fell to the floor
running a hand
between her legs
up her tummy
across her breasts
the music stopped
and so did she
nothing more
than a

You never really saw her behind her bubble
Or her large exaggearted fans
More tease than strip these artisans
Gypsy Rose and Sally Rand

They knew it wasn't what you saw
But what you thought you saw instead
That the sexiest part of a body
Was the part inside your head.

They moved with grace and dignity
To the music from the band
And when their moments over
The audience gave them a hand.

Now I enjoy a good strip club
And the girls on the pole are fine
But I miss the days of the burlesque
Where they danced inside my mind.
DID not know...

it was your birthday RF !!

Happy Birthday Sweeeetness !
Hope your day is/was wonderful.

*now pass the turkey please.LOL. :nana:

love to tha birthday gurl ! :p

I am still a bit speecless.
I just cannot believe ya'll.
Thank you, so very much.

:rose: :heart: :rose: :heart:
Ya'll UP for a new word? In honor of Thanksgivng ..

Thanksgiving :

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day, national holiday in the United States commemorating the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony in 1621, after a winter of great starvation and privation. In that year Gov. William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving, and the feast was shared by all the colonists and the neighboring Native Americans. Although similar observances were held locally, they were sporadic and at no set time. After the American Revolution the first national Thanksgiving Day, proclaimed by George Washington, was Nov. 26, 1789. Abraham Lincoln, urged by Sarah J. Hale, revived the custom in 1863, appointing as the date the last Thursday of November. In 1939, 1940, and 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November. When a contradiction arose between Roosevelt's proclamation and some of those of state governors, Congress passed a joint resolution in 1941 decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November. The day is observed by church services and family reunions; the customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the four wild turkeys served at the Pilgrims' first thanksgiving feast.

Translation of thanksgiving

thanksgiving in German is Danksagung, Danksagung, Dankfest
thanksgiving in Hungarian is hálaadás
thanksgiving in Swedish is tacksägelse

annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year.

The American holiday is rich in legend and symbolism. Americans generally believe that their Thanksgiving is modeled on a 1621 harvest feast shared by the English colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag Indians.

Thanksgiving Day


noun: fourth Thursday in November in the United States; second Monday in October in Canada; commemorates a feast held in 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag

noun: a short prayer of thanks before a meal

blessing, grace, thanksgiving day

Part of:
november, nov

More general:
communion, legal holiday, national holiday, orison, petition, prayer

Often used in the same context (NEW!):
turkey, thanks, rhymes, thanksgivings, corn, comprehension, duck, stuffing, halloween, sim, thankful, pie, football, holidays, pilgrim, plymouth rock, pumpkin, quotes, syllable, t, th, thank, thank you, yankees

Appears in the definition of (NEW!):

I know some repeative, but newsy eh ~ ;)

OK, gotta go to work ... again *Sighs*

Here is to hoping ya'll have a Great Thanksgiving
, and give me some poetry ...
or just tell me how your day went.
Huggles n Snuggles. :D

Happy Thanksgiving ~!!!

:rose: :rose:
thanks giving

she fell to her knees
eager to please
wrestling with my belt buckle
and un-zipping my zipper
unfolding the love muscle
from its nest

she began to devour me
like a thanksgiving meal
as if she hadn't ate in awhile
sucking my cock
as if it were a sausage

licking its sides
as if gravy was dripping
from it's thick shaft

sucking it into her mouth fully
and pulling backward
as if sucking the meat
off of a turkey leg

I had to sample her breasts
while she ran a hand
along her thighs
that she opened as a wish bone

I made a wish
before tasting her dish
lapping at her
like juices running from a peach

sticking my fingers in her
was like a finger in pumkin pie
my cock was as swollen as corn on the cob
dripping with butter

I stuffed her like dressing in a bird
packing it in
till I felt the giblet gravy flow
I grabbed her head
like a pornacopia

I fed it to her mouth
as I was giving my thanks
on thanks giving