Free Thoughts~on One word...

My word for the day : Panties

After reading RF's entry on teh AH thread about her choice of panties for today, I was reminded of a poem I wrote back in college for a girl who helped me with a prank that invloved close to 100 pair of delicates. Among those was one very amazing blue silk with black lace waist band that just caught my attention.

I asked the girl to convey my appreciation to the owner and even wrote a small poem about her even though she was a mystery.

A year later the friend confessed they were hers.

So for Jean wherever she may be, and her unforgettable blue panties

"That special pair"

Beneath the everyday clothes that she wears
A secret that she embraces as she dresses
So soft and sheer about her hips like airs
That gentley on her private skin caresses

A piece of royal silken blue intimacy
With black lace trim diaphonous and fine
Like clouds spun into whispered delicacy
And never once appearing out of line

She slips them on for days when she feeling fae
She wants to have the world fall at her feet
Turning heads as she goes about her day
Smiling that secret smile to those she will meet

Beneath a pair of jeans or finest skirt
This is what she wears to go and flirt.
Panties are for life...

I see panties everyday-
Crossing the street, reading,
Drinking lattes, taking the kids
To school

Some are large, others thin;
Some have prints others just
Plain as ol'jane

Sometimes bad things happen
To panties:

Some get drowned in an ocean
Of red, others get blown away
Some-the unfortunate few- get
Chewed up and left for dead

So whatever you do, look after
Your panties and they'll look after

blue panties
sink panties
edible and cherry flavored

lamp hangers
floor riddled
and bed spread companions
lost till laundry day

suprise panties
usually found by a visiting relative
along with
"What are these" panties
if they have to ask, they are too young to know.
especially how they got there...

soiled and scented
aromatic and stained
and of coures the torn panties

when they say they don't wear panties
I figure because they left there last pair somewhere
most men mark their territory and I think women
mark theirs by leaving clothing
and most of the time
Salvor-Hardon said:
After reading RF's entry on teh AH thread about her choice of panties for today, I was reminded of a poem I wrote back in college for a girl who helped me with a prank that invloved close to 100 pair of delicates. Among those was one very amazing blue silk with black lace waist band that just caught my attention.

I asked the girl to convey my appreciation to the owner and even wrote a small poem about her even though she was a mystery.

A year later the friend confessed they were hers.

So for Jean wherever she may be, and her unforgettable blue panties

"That special pair"

Beneath the everyday clothes that she wears
A secret that she embraces as she dresses
So soft and sheer about her hips like airs
That gentley on her private skin caresses

A piece of royal silken blue intimacy
With black lace trim diaphonous and fine
Like clouds spun into whispered delicacy
And never once appearing out of line

She slips them on for days when she feeling fae
She wants to have the world fall at her feet
Turning heads as she goes about her day
Smiling that secret smile to those she will meet

Beneath a pair of jeans or finest skirt
This is what she wears to go and flirt.

YOU are a naughty boy !!! :D
Lovin' it here !!!


So ya went back and read my postings eh ... *WEG*

Isn't that kinda like ... spying? *Grins *
I am honored my friend. Thank you for caring. :rose:

So our new word for this day ...

Spy / Spying :

Syllables: spy

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation spai
Inflected Forms spies

Definition 1. a person employed by a nation's government
to secretly observe and gather information about another
ation's activities, plans, defenses, and the like.

Definition 2. a person who secretly observes and gathers
information about others, usu. for pay or profit.

Related Words telltale , busybody , agent

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Inflected Forms spied, spying, spies

Definition 1. to observe secretly and carefully, usu. for hostile
reasons (usu. fol. by on or upon).

Definition 2. to be employed and active as a spy.

Definition 3. to look for or investigate something.
Example She spies into nature's secrets.

Related Words butt in , eavesdrop , peep

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to discover or catch sight of; espy.
Example He spied a strange object.

Related Words glimpse , look

Ya'll always catch me unaware. Very surprised was I to see this.
Tickled my funnybone ... and other parts. ;)

Happy Writing ~

:p :devil: :catroar:

Oh ya need some inspiration?
We'll let'me show ya what Salvor was refering to ;

RhymeFairy said:
Wellllll .... I am all natur-ale this am.

But they will be light loverly green.
Very Light ... Mmmm n silky.
I love'm.
Love to feel'm
sliding around
n holding my tush.

Mmm, sighs * Very sexy feelin'
you girls know what I mean right? That pair
that just makes ya feel all sinfull ... naughty.

:kiss: :cathappy:

So now ya REALLY know, lol

Again, have fun with this new word,
go ... be a spy !!!

RhymeFairy said:
YOU are a naughty boy !!! :D
Lovin' it here !!!


So ya went back and read my postings eh ... *WEG*

Isn't that kinda like ... spying? *Grins *
I am honored my friend. Thank you for caring. :rose:

So our new word for this day ...

Spy / Spying :

Syllables: spy

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation spai
Inflected Forms spies

Definition 1. a person employed by a nation's government
to secretly observe and gather information about another
ation's activities, plans, defenses, and the like.

Definition 2. a person who secretly observes and gathers
information about others, usu. for pay or profit.

Related Words telltale , busybody , agent

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Inflected Forms spied, spying, spies

Definition 1. to observe secretly and carefully, usu. for hostile
reasons (usu. fol. by on or upon).

Definition 2. to be employed and active as a spy.

Definition 3. to look for or investigate something.
Example She spies into nature's secrets.

Related Words butt in , eavesdrop , peep

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to discover or catch sight of; espy.
Example He spied a strange object.

Related Words glimpse , look

Ya'll always catch me unaware. Very surprised was I to see this.
Tickled my funnybone ... and other parts. ;)

Happy Writing ~

:p :devil: :catroar:

Oh ya need some inspiration?
We'll let'me show ya what Salvor was refering to ;

So now ya REALLY know, lol

Again, have fun with this new word,
go ... be a spy !!!


the spy who loved me
didn't love me
but wanted information from me
I wanted sex from her
so maybe we both got what we wanted
The Spy

A fox moves
in the shadows,
rummaging through
dustbins for scraps
of undigested gossip
or unbrewed scandal
fading out like twilight
when the sun rises.
hope you all enjoy this!

barkeep spies another
sick pathetic bastard
perched upon his
everlasting tree of
poor me...
barstools always open
filling up teak
with his reruns of flea bitten
tales , as he lingers
pissing poor excuses
of loser
down china bowls
of pigs who won’t
lest he slips his
whore a sparkling swine...

There is no place you can go to hide from the thoughts
that you keep contemplating over and over inside your mind...

There is no place you can venture where your true emotions
will be concealed and the secrets of your heart will not show...

There is no place in this whole wide world you can travel
to where your spirit does not direct or guide you towards your destiny...

Life is the experience of being you;
no one can ever be someone other than who they are...

The beauty found in each and every person is the essence of life...
Simply ... you are who you are and for whatever time you have to be,

You must not try to shadow yourself,
but, rather, express yourself...

I post some of my own peoms on my website below recently! :heart:
okay tt2.....lost?

It was feeling about like
an abandoned pup in the cold rain
as the car drove off that dropped him off
It sat in pelting wettness unable to understand
being left behind
the runt of the litter
dropped off because no body picked him
there is only room for one dog in the house hold
of course the mother has sewn a stitch into
this family's heart
the same ones that just dropped him off
saying, "oh, some one will come along"
It headed for the bar ditch as another car came by
in the down pouring rain
feeling like a wet dog left out in the cold rain

I let him in.
My Erotic Tale said:
is it too cold for fairys?

where o where is the nymph of the river <grin> california? <grin>

Thinkin I have been caught fair n square !!! :D
Nah no Californiey for me. Just here in Tennessee ~


Missin ya'll and sending BUCKETS of HUGGSS !!!

New word?

Love :

Syllables: love
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Phrases: no love lost

Part of Speech : noun

Pronunciation luhv
Definition 1. tender and passionate affection for another person.
Crossref. Syn. adoration
Similar Words : infatuation , crush , affection , passion ,
ardor , adulation {adulate} , puppy love , adoration , devotion

Definition 2. deep and strong affection for a friend or relative.
Synonyms fondness , affection
Crossref. Syn. adoration
Similar Words : friendship , attachment , adulation {adulate} ,
tenderness {tender (adj)} , affinity , adoration , devotion

Definition 3. strong interest or enjoyment, as for an activity.
Example He has a great love for music.
Synonyms devotion , passion , fondness
Crossref. Syn. like , worship , enjoyment
Similar Words : mania , weakness , taste , ardor ,
relish , fervor , penchant , thing , dedication

Definition 4. a person, activity, or object for which one has
intense affection or strong liking.
Example She was his first love ;
Sailing is one of her great loves.

Synonyms passion
Crossref. Syn. enthusiasm , enjoyment
Similar Words : sweetie , flame , honey , inamorata ,
desire , sweet , beloved , dear , like2 , devotion , bean ,
fancy , infatuation , boyfriend , lover , girlfriend , truelove ,
heartthrob , sweetheart

Definition 5. a sacrificial commitment, esp. in religious experience.
Crossref. Syn. charity
Similar Words : charity , adoration , devotion , agape , sacrifice

Related Words : partiality , fondness , worship , lass ,
heart , enjoyment , liking , grace , darling , beau

Phrase no love lost

Part of Speech transitive verb
Inflected Forms loved, loving, loves
Definition 1. to have tender and passionate affection for.
Similar Words : idolize , worship , cherish , dote on {dote},
care for {care (vi)} , adore

Definition 2. to have a strong attachment or attraction to;
like intensely.
Example She loves her friends.
Synonyms adore
Crossref. Syn. like
Similar Words : idolize , worship , adulate , like2 , dote on {dote},
care for {care (vi)}

Definition 3. to enjoy or have a strong interest in.
Example I love fishing and gardening.
Synonyms adore
Crossref. Syn. like , enjoy , relish
Similar Words : eat up {eat (PHR)} , delight in {delight (vi)} ,
enjoy , fancy , like2 , relish

Definition 4. to have sexual intercourse with.
Similar Words cuddle , bed , pet1 , fuck , romance , lay , fondle

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Definition 1. to experience love for someone.
Similar Words : worship

Related Words care

A word I have yet to ask a poem for here before.
Ya know it had to happen ... sometime. ;)

glad to see the MUSE fairy is back <grin>


the cigar box

I keep my love
in a hand crafted 'premium' cigar box
I forget to dust it frequently
but every now and then I come across it
while looking for a check book or a bill
swirls of dust rise like long leafs lit
'Ashton' ambers swirl in my mind
causing a lump in my throat
choking tears

I'll take it down from the top shelf in my life
dust it off and open it, exposing its contents
the memories of the things I have loved
like the smell of a 'White Montecristo'
flowers that bloom for awhile then they are gone
they serve now as crushed out and pressed flowers
in the pages of my life
I keep my love in a hand crafted 'premium' cigar box

Your exhales saved on a tape and faded photos
a ring expressing the cycle of our life
'Medal of Honor', dog tags, ribbons
and an old handkerchief from 'Temple Hall'
a 'Bolivar' sea shell, guillotine and a 'Cuban bullet'
a 'Honduras Rose' wrapped in a 'Macanudo' smile
scented Garter belt wrapped around an old love letter and a poem you wrote to me.

A torch still lights the fires of memory lane
I keep my love on the top shelf of my life
safely tucked away next to 'Nat Sherman'
engulfed in Spanish cedar slivers
'Tubos' so that the Dancing 'Diablos'
do not taint the 'Angels'

Lost in the vortex of a 'Helix'
thinking about 'Romeo and Julieta'
our lives were the same,
igniting our desires with fires

Life has given me a 'Punch' or two
re-memorabilia of when I was 'Champion' once
'Church hill' and 'Rothchild' rings interlocked
"Always smoke naked when in europe"
I was always over 'Bering' in 'Trinidad'
Ah, the memories the box brings
sitting in Autumn thinking about spring

Playing with the marisma memory trails
while flicking the ashes of my life
You wanted a 'Metropolitan' 'Banker' Man
but settled for a 'Back Woods' country boy
I asked if you felt your life was complete
as you closed your eyes forever, you told me
"A Match only burns so long, some of us are the matches that bring candles to life."
I still have the book
only you didn't know it was a bonfire you lit
you're 'White Owl' wisdom still burns

I remember what love is now and again
when I come across the box that holds my love
a hand crafted 'premium' cigar box
on the top shelf in my life
Last edited:
love ...

slowly it breeds
moving with motion
of emotions.
signaling with beaming
bright lights to turn here
up ahead, or go back
some things just seem
not so right. talking of love
is like a sun
with no light
one must touch it
it. have it deep
within deep rooted
to grow. grow
grow ...

love is like warm sunshine upon the skin on a winters day
a cool breeze across a hot neck in the dead of a noon day summer
holding a rose and engulfed in the fragerance
laid across a satin sheet after a hard rough day
dipped in the waters of resurrection with flowers sprinkled
soft tiny puppys on days when you cant buy a friend
the lump in your throat when you the soul that moves you like no other
My Erotic Tale said:
love is like warm sunshine upon the skin on a winters day
a cool breeze across a hot neck in the dead of a noon day summer
holding a rose and engulfed in the fragerance
laid across a satin sheet after a hard rough day
dipped in the waters of resurrection with flowers sprinkled
soft tiny puppys on days when you cant buy a friend
the lump in your throat when you the soul that moves you like no other

omg Art ... THAT is beautiful !!! :eek:

Hallmark or from tha heart.
It touches and sinks
pores opening,
pouring into my soul.
tha love
of a friend,
sprinkled with
happiness that glitters
on dove wings,
sheltering all
from the storm

Love is....

a butterfly
sleeping inside
a shell

open it
and watch it
fly throughout

your world
RhymeFairy said:
omg Art ... THAT is beautiful !!! :eek:

Hallmark or from tha heart.
It touches and sinks
pores opening,
pouring into my soul.
tha love
of a friend,
sprinkled with
happiness that glitters
on dove wings,
sheltering all
from the storm


maybe I should work on it??

where's the muse with the word for the day <grin
where is the muse fairy?

I have an idea I could use expansion is more then one word but perhaps a thought <grin..

"Pouring a glass of Poetry"

Pouring a glass of poetry~

rather you sip poetry
and savor its flavor
or chug it down to quench
a thirst
drinking poetry is like
bringing your taste buds alive
with literary liquid
allowing the aroma to rise
and becoming engulfed
in its bouquet

Be it a Goblet
or the finest crystal
the lips partake
allowing the tongue to taste
letter by letter
the intoxication seeps deep
moving a soul, similar to
pouring a glass of poetry
My Erotic Tale said:
where is the muse fairy?

I have an idea I could use expansion is more then one word but perhaps a thought <grin..

"Pouring a glass of Poetry"

Pouring a glass of poetry~

rather you sip poetry
and savor its flavor
or chug it down to quench
a thirst
drinking poetry is like
bringing your taste buds alive
with literary liquid
allowing the aroma to rise
and becoming engulfed
in its bouquet

Be it a Goblet
or the finest crystal
the lips partake
allowing the tongue to taste
letter by letter
the intoxication seeps deep
moving a soul, similar to
pouring a glass of poetry

Mmmm ...

Pour me a cuppa !!! :D

I like that one too Art. :rose:
You are expanding, growing yet again. I am lovin' it :cathappy:

A word ... Hmmm, let'me think ...

Cream :

Syllables: cream
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb , adjective

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation krim
Definition 1. the part of whole milk that contains butterfat.

Definition 2. an ointment or thick liquid containing medicinal
or cosmetic ingredients for external application.

Example a cleansing cream.
Crossref. Syn. lotion , ointment
Definition 3. a yellowish white color.

Crossref. Syn. neutral
Definition 4. a food containing cream or having a creamy
layer or center.
Example chocolate creams.

Definition 5. the best part.
Example the cream of this year's graduates.
Crossref. Syn. fat , better , elite , best

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Inflected Forms creamed, creaming, creams
Definition 1. to form cream.

Definition 2. to foam.
Crossref. Syn. lather

Part of Speech transitive verb
Definition 1. to skim the cream or best part from.

Definition 2. to beat to the consistency of cream.
Definition 3. to use a cosmetic lotion on.

Definition 4. to use cream in or add cream to, as certain foods.

Definition 5. (slang) to hit very hard.

Definition 6. (slang) to conquer.
Crossref. Syn. smear

Related Words upset , whip , lather , drub , defeat , beat ,
trounce , down

Part of Speech adjective
Definition 1. cream-colored; yellowish white.

Related Words neutral

Yummm !! Hehehehe ...

How's THAT for a new word .. Mmmmmmmmmmm~

My Erotic Tale said:
where is the muse fairy?

I have an idea I could use expansion is more then one word but perhaps a thought <grin..

"Pouring a glass of Poetry"

Pouring a glass of poetry~

rather you sip poetry
and savor its flavor
or chug it down to quench
a thirst
drinking poetry is like
bringing your taste buds alive
with literary liquid
allowing the aroma to rise
and becoming engulfed
in its bouquet

Be it a Goblet
or the finest crystal
the lips partake
allowing the tongue to taste
letter by letter
the intoxication seeps deep
moving a soul, similar to
pouring a glass of poetry

That really is amazing, reminds me of an essay I read long ago on "kything" like the term used by Madelaine L'Engle.

Good on ya MET.
Salvor-Hardon said:
That really is amazing, reminds me of an essay I read long ago on "kything" like the term used by Madelaine L'Engle.

Good on ya MET.


is that a KY jelly thing?