Free Thoughts~on One word...

*Grins *

Boo !!!

Oh it's Christmas not Halloween .... lol :eek:

New word my friends?

titillate :

Syllables: tit-il-late

Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation tI tih let
Inflected Forms titillated, titillating, titillates

Definition 1. to stimulate or excite pleasantly.
Example Our curiosity was titillated by the article.
Crossref. Syn. tickle , tantalize

Definition 2. to excite or produce a pleasurable feeling in,
usu. by tickling or stroking lightly.
Crossref. Syn. tickle

Related Words thrill , tease , delight , allure , ravish , tempt , intrigue , excite

Derived Forms titillatingly, adv. ; titillation, n. ; titillative, adj.

I have not flown tha coop, just having a break ... ;)
Hoping ya'll have been so naughty
... nice is ok, but naughty ... Yum !!! :catroar:

Happy Writing ~

titilate :D

I snuck up behind her, sliding my hands around her waist
Kissing her neck and nipping lightly on her earlobes
"Don't move" I whispered and she nodded

I eased the shirt up just a bit, pulling it free from her jeans
Continuing to caress the skin of her tummy and hips
"Don't move" I reminded as she squirmed

I unbuttoned the shirt from the bottom up, slowly so slowly
Teasing her with being exposed and touched just so
"Don't move" The shirt just hung over her

I slid my hands inside, massaging, groping teasing her breasts
Making her moan and whimper and struggle to obey
"Don't move" As the camera snapped away

I showed her the picture later, with her nipples so very erect
Teasing her with how beautiful she can be like that
"Don't move" As I held her close, and sigh
Salvor-Hardon said:
I snuck up behind her, sliding my hands around her waist
Kissing her neck and nipping lightly on her earlobes
"Don't move" I whispered and she nodded

I eased the shirt up just a bit, pulling it free from her jeans
Continuing to caress the skin of her tummy and hips
"Don't move" I reminded as she squirmed

I unbuttoned the shirt from the bottom up, slowly so slowly
Teasing her with being exposed and touched just so
"Don't move" The shirt just hung over her

I slid my hands inside, massaging, groping teasing her breasts
Making her moan and whimper and struggle to obey
"Don't move" As the camera snapped away

I showed her the picture later, with her nipples so very erect
Teasing her with how beautiful she can be like that
"Don't move" As I held her close, and sigh

Mmmm ... sneaky, sexy n VERY seductive. I love it Salvor !!

deep asleeep
in the wheel of time
whirling in chaos
to a different beat
of the drummers wand.
love me,
love me not
ghostly images
whispering to


a shaodow that beckons
then pulls the rug
out from under my feet.
asleep ... no
dreaming dreams
of a life that could have been.
taken away
snapped into
when the drummer began
anew ....
Merry Christams Ya'll !!!! ;)

:kiss: :catroar: :heart:
Holiday Greetings
to you ... 'n Yours ~ :rose:
Hoping everyone
has a very safe and Merry Christmas.​

:rose: :D :cathappy:

RhymeFairy said:
Merry Christams Ya'll !!!! ;)

:kiss: :catroar: :heart:
Holiday Greetings
to you ... 'n Yours ~ :rose:
Hoping everyone
has a very safe and Merry Christmas.​

:rose: :D :cathappy:


back at ya...

I bet those angels of yours are flying on cloud nine today <grin

have a very special christmas RF...

dancing a striptease
petals unfold
slinking back through
please ... don't scold.

this fairy missed her playmates,
working was no fun.
children running amuck
wanting nothing but the sun
light glittering upon my wings.
kisses so sweet as heavenly
showers of love surround me.

Yes, I am back
looking forward to writing
and such
now come visit me
and please ... don't fuss.


Hey you !!
I can see how missed I was.
Where is tha love I ask?????????

Good Morning my Friends ....

I missed ya'll dreadfully and am so Happy to be back. Things are pretty much the same. I just needed a lil break. Was hoping to improve ... eh, maybe that didn't work. We shall see Hmmm ~ :)

So ya want a new word? Shall I?

Seems the word dainty is a'swirl in my head
... no it's not my brain size, just a silly word that wants to be repetitive,
so let's give it an exorcism ...

Dainty :

Syllables: dain-ty
Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation den ti
Inflected Forms dantier, daintiest
Definition 1. small and delicately pretty.
Example a dainty blossom.
Synonyms delicate
Similar Words pretty , exquisite , beautiful , lovely

Definition 2. having delicate and refined taste, esp. about
cleanliness or food.
Example She is always dainty about her appearance.
Synonyms refined , fastidious
Similar Words discriminating

Definition 3. excessively fussy or fastidious.
Synonyms particular , fussy , persnickety , fastidious
Crossref. Syn. squeamish , precious , fastidious

Similar Words painstaking , exacting , squeamish , selective ,
finical , finicky , fuddy-duddy , scrupulous , choosy , meticulous

Related Words delicate , fine , elegant , tender , fragile

Part of Speech noun
Inflected Forms dainties

Definition 1. a delicious bit of food; delicacy.
Synonyms tidbit , delicacy
Similar Words treat , morsel , appetizer , hors d'oeuvre

Derived Forms daintily, adv. ; daintiness, n.

as before you can use this word, or bounce with a word that you like,
or need to to give a workout yourself ... :rose:

Happy Writing, and have a Great One ~

RhymeFairy said:
dancing a striptease
petals unfold
slinking back through
please ... don't scold.

this fairy missed her playmates,
working was no fun.
children running amuck
wanting nothing but the sun
light glittering upon my wings.
kisses so sweet as heavenly
showers of love surround me.

Yes, I am back
looking forward to writing
and such
now come visit me
and please ... don't fuss.


Hey you !!
I can see how missed I was.
Where is tha love I ask?????????


Of course we missed and loved you....... The place just isn't the same with out you, specifically.


NO head for poetry at the moment but I'll try the next couple of words maybe.
RhymeFairy said:
Good Morning my Friends ....

I missed ya'll dreadfully and am so Happy to be back. Things are pretty much the same. I just needed a lil break. Was hoping to improve ... eh, maybe that didn't work. We shall see Hmmm ~ :)

So ya want a new word? Shall I?

Seems the word dainty is a'swirl in my head
... no it's not my brain size, just a silly word that wants to be repetitive,
so let's give it an exorcism ...
Nice to see you back and offering this challenge. Have you been writing while away?
Hope so. :)

welcome back Rhyme Fairy, i hope you enjoyed your break. :)



hipshoot- dainty

dainty toes
cool mountain pool
shimmering rainbow
from a waterfall
RhymeFairy said:
Good Morning my Friends ....

I missed ya'll dreadfully and am so Happy to be back. Things are pretty much the same. I just needed a lil break. Was hoping to improve ... eh, maybe that didn't work. We shall see Hmmm ~ :)

So ya want a new word? Shall I?

Seems the word dainty is a'swirl in my head
... no it's not my brain size, just a silly word that wants to be repetitive,
so let's give it an exorcism ...

Dainty :

Syllables: dain-ty
Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation den ti
Inflected Forms dantier, daintiest
Definition 1. small and delicately pretty.
Example a dainty blossom.
Synonyms delicate
Similar Words pretty , exquisite , beautiful , lovely

Definition 2. having delicate and refined taste, esp. about
cleanliness or food.
Example She is always dainty about her appearance.
Synonyms refined , fastidious
Similar Words discriminating

Definition 3. excessively fussy or fastidious.
Synonyms particular , fussy , persnickety , fastidious
Crossref. Syn. squeamish , precious , fastidious

Similar Words painstaking , exacting , squeamish , selective ,
finical , finicky , fuddy-duddy , scrupulous , choosy , meticulous

Related Words delicate , fine , elegant , tender , fragile

Part of Speech noun
Inflected Forms dainties

Definition 1. a delicious bit of food; delicacy.
Synonyms tidbit , delicacy
Similar Words treat , morsel , appetizer , hors d'oeuvre

Derived Forms daintily, adv. ; daintiness, n.

as before you can use this word, or bounce with a word that you like,
or need to to give a workout yourself ... :rose:

Happy Writing, and have a Great One ~


good to see ya (0_0)

she come back
wearing dainty lingerie
with a dainty smile
with dainty words
that a mused me <grin
Frolic ~

dainty toes dip
tip and curtsey into the deep
silver spring. ripples
of pleasure ride upon
raspberry kissed cheeks
as goosebumps of excitement
gallop through an ageless time,
for this lil fairy of the night.
lithe limbs flex, flowering ... no,
budding into a beauteous morphemic
morning. she tiptoed through
spring fresh water, reenergizing
spirits of forgotten memories.
humming as she dances. the picture
of innocent beauty ... breathless with
anticipation for her next discovery.
picking wildflowers, spreading petals
upon the wind. wings of gold 'abuzz with
lil hiccuping waves of silver light bursting
forth. everything touched is reborn, refreshed
from it's slumbering sleep from a time
without the touch ... of fairy love.

had posted this on sensual meta. this am. soooo ~
had to borrow it for my word ~ dainty ~

new word ~~Hmm a song first? lol

Artist: Bonnie Tyler
Album: It's A Heartache
Title: It's A Heartache

(ronnie scott/ steve wolfe)
Producers for bonnie: david mackay, ronnie scott, steve wolfe

It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache
Hits you when it's too late, hits you when you're down
It's a fools' game, nothing but a fool's game
Standing in the cold rain, feeling like a clown

It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache
Love him 'till your arms break, then he'll let you down
It ain't right with love to share
When you find he doesn't care for you
It ain't wise to need someone as much as i depended on you

Oh, it's heartache, nothing but a heartache

Hits you when it's too late, hits you when you're down
It's a fool's game, nothing but a fool's game
Standing in the cold rain, feeling like a clown

It ain't right with love to share
When you find he doesn't care for you
It ain't wise to need someone as much as i depended on you
Oh, it's a heartache, nothing but a heartache
You love him 'till your arms break, then he'll let you down
It's a fool's game, nothing but a fool's game
Standing in the cold rain, feeling like a clown

~~ the word heartache ... am gonna play with this word a bit.
I rembered this song, found it on my puter, and whamo, here it is.
Good word.

Heartache ~

Syllables: heart-ache

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation hart ek
Definition 1. feelings of intense pain or grief; anguish.

Crossref. Syn. mourning , grief , anguish

Related Words ache , misery , distress , wrench

or :

emotional pain: a powerful feeling of sorrow, anguish, or regret

Hmmm ... dreary eh ~ let'me think on this one, might have to change
this word. Need a happy word ... right. Might be too soon after
Valentines Day for this one. Anyone wanna jump in, feel free ~

heartache - hipshoot (which i shouldn't do today, but what the heck...)

When you give your whole self
when you love and care
and devote your entire self
to another
and the sunshine reigns
and every living being lives
just for your benefit
and the stars shine
only for you,
then you love as deep
as you ever will.
When you give your whole self
and they give only a little,
parting with half-starved lies
and saturated dreams,
half-truths that you ignore,
then you fall hard
and the heart-ache kills
the capability to give
love unconditionally again.
But somewhere, after
it's all finished, somewhere
inside, you find you are able
to love again and you do so
knowing that you have had the best,
the very best and that you'll
probably never experience
the same in the future... only then
can you love
Last edited:
wildsweetone said:
heartache - hipshoot (which i shouldn't do today, but what the heck...)

When you give your whole self
when you love and care
and devote your entire self
to another
and the sunshine reigns
and every living being lives
just for your benefit
and the stars shine
only for you,
then you love as deep
as you ever will.
When you give your whole self
and they give only a little,
parting with half-starved lies
and saturated dreams,
half-truths that you ignore,
then you fall hard
and the heart-ache kills
the capability to give
love unconditionally again.
But somewhere, after
it's all finished, somewhere
inside, you find you are able
to love again and you do so
knowing that you have had the best,
the very best and that you'll
probably never experience
the same in the future... only then
can you love

Now I KNOW I love this gurl !!!
I love it Sweet.
I could not have said it better myself. I was a bit afraid to even try this one with Val. Day and all. Just kept swimming swimming in my head. Thank you !!!
Perfect is what it is. I was thinking along the same lines when I shot back over to see who had nibbled on my thread, lol.
Again, Thank you for the inspiration and beautiful sentiments ~

new word ... and a short ... poem ~ *winks

submission :

Syllables: sub-mis-sion

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation sEb mI shEn
Definition 1. the act or an instance of submitting.
Synonyms acquiescence {acquiesce} , capitulation ,
Crossref. Syn. offer , surrender , tender

Similar Words tender , compliance , deference , obedience

Definition 2. the quality or condition of being submissive;
unresisting or humbly obedient behavior; meekness.
Synonyms subservience {subservient } , meekness {meek}

Similar Words conformability {conformable} , complaisance ,
tractability {tractable} , homage , obedience , docility {docile} ,

Definition 3. something that is submitted for consideration
or decision, such as an article for publication.
Crossref. Syn. offer

Similar Words tender bid , proposal , offer , offering ,
motion , manuscript

Definition 4. a legal agreement in which parties to a dispute
agree to abide by the decision of an arbitrator.

Related Words compliance , bid , manuscript , obedience ,
compromise , deference , homage , motion , appeasement
Submit ~

I have a tender
spot. touch, melt,
slide down
my slopes
with hot oils,
warm honey
and you.

pay homage
to these valleys
of soft supple skin
with that heated
of passion.
submit to me
show me
your dreams
make me,
believe you ...

My submission is up
for interpretation by others
Does the comma indicate a pause,
or possibly indecision

Words run one upon the other
sometimes like a rushing river,
rapid and in turmoil, tumbling
over themselves headlong
over falls and into back wash

caught in tidal pools,
slowly swirl in circles,
until an errant current
catches them,pulls them
on their way

whatever the path,
the endpoint is unknown
I only hope
to survive the journey
RhymeFairy said:
submission :

Syllables: sub-mis-sion

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation sEb mI shEn
Definition 1. the act or an instance of submitting.
Synonyms acquiescence {acquiesce} , capitulation ,
Crossref. Syn. offer , surrender , tender

Similar Words tender , compliance , deference , obedience

Definition 2. the quality or condition of being submissive;
unresisting or humbly obedient behavior; meekness.
Synonyms subservience {subservient } , meekness {meek}

Similar Words conformability {conformable} , complaisance ,
tractability {tractable} , homage , obedience , docility {docile} ,

Definition 3. something that is submitted for consideration
or decision, such as an article for publication.
Crossref. Syn. offer

Similar Words tender bid , proposal , offer , offering ,
motion , manuscript

Definition 4. a legal agreement in which parties to a dispute
agree to abide by the decision of an arbitrator.

Related Words compliance , bid , manuscript , obedience ,
compromise , deference , homage , motion , appeasement

I took a dive
into the water
I like getting all wet

my long hard shaft
pressed through
the current of lust
the seas of hope
and the ocean of love

following orders
I was on a Sub Mission

(glad to see this challenge relived <grin