Free Thoughts~on One word...

New word anyone? *grins

Fever ~

Syllables: fe-ver

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation fi vEr

Definition 1. an above-normal body temperature, usu.
caused by illness.

Definition 2. any of several diseases characterized by
such a condition.
Example scarlet fever.

Definition 3. a state of intense excitement or activity.
Example in a fever of curiosity.

Related Words heat , furor , zeal

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms fevered, fevering, fevers

Definition 1. to cause or seem to cause a fever in.
Example It is love that fevers his brow.

Related Words heat , inflame

Example: This song ~~~~Sexxy song eh ~

Artist: Peggy Lee
Title: Fever

Never know how much I love you.
Never know how much I care.
When you put your arms around me,
I get a fever that's so hard to bear.

You give me fever when you kiss me.
Fever when you hold me tight.
Fever in the morning.
Fever all through the night.

Sun lights up the daytime,
And moon lights up the night.
I light up when you call my name,
And you know I'm gonna treat you right.

You give me fever when you kiss me.
Fever when you hold me tight.
Fever in the morning,
And fever all through the night.

Everybody's got the fever.
That is something you all know.
Fever isn't such a new thing.
Fever started long ago.

Romeo loved Juliet.
Juliet, she felt the same.
When he put his arms around her,
He said, "Julie, baby, you're my flame.

Thou giveth fever when we kisseth.
Fever with thy flaming youth.
Fever, I'm afire.
Fever, yeah, I burn, forsooth."

Cap'n Smith and Pocahontas
Had a very mad affair.
When her daddy tried to kill him,
She said, "Daddy, oh, don't you dare.

He gives me fever with his kisses.
Fever when he holds me tight.
Fever, I'm his missus,
So Daddy, won't you treat him right."

Now you've listened to my story,
Here's the point that I have made:
Chicks were born to give you fever,
Be it Fahrenheit or Centigrade.

They give you fever when you kiss them.
Fever if you live and learn.
Fever 'til you sizzle.
What a lovely way to burn.
What a lovely way to burn.
What a lovely way to burn.
What a lovely way to burn.

Happy writing My Friends ~

RhymeFairy said:
Fever ~

Syllables: fe-ver

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation fi vEr

Definition 1. an above-normal body temperature, usu.
caused by illness.

Definition 2. any of several diseases characterized by
such a condition.
Example scarlet fever.

Definition 3. a state of intense excitement or activity.
Example in a fever of curiosity.

Related Words heat , furor , zeal

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms fevered, fevering, fevers

Definition 1. to cause or seem to cause a fever in.
Example It is love that fevers his brow.

Related Words heat , inflame

Example: This song ~~~~Sexxy song eh ~

Artist: Peggy Lee
Title: Fever

Never know how much I love you.
Never know how much I care.
When you put your arms around me,
I get a fever that's so hard to bear.

You give me fever when you kiss me.
Fever when you hold me tight.
Fever in the morning.
Fever all through the night.

Sun lights up the daytime,
And moon lights up the night.
I light up when you call my name,
And you know I'm gonna treat you right.

You give me fever when you kiss me.
Fever when you hold me tight.
Fever in the morning,
And fever all through the night.

Everybody's got the fever.
That is something you all know.
Fever isn't such a new thing.
Fever started long ago.

Romeo loved Juliet.
Juliet, she felt the same.
When he put his arms around her,
He said, "Julie, baby, you're my flame.

Thou giveth fever when we kisseth.
Fever with thy flaming youth.
Fever, I'm afire.
Fever, yeah, I burn, forsooth."

Cap'n Smith and Pocahontas
Had a very mad affair.
When her daddy tried to kill him,
She said, "Daddy, oh, don't you dare.

He gives me fever with his kisses.
Fever when he holds me tight.
Fever, I'm his missus,
So Daddy, won't you treat him right."

Now you've listened to my story,
Here's the point that I have made:
Chicks were born to give you fever,
Be it Fahrenheit or Centigrade.

They give you fever when you kiss them.
Fever if you live and learn.
Fever 'til you sizzle.
What a lovely way to burn.
What a lovely way to burn.
What a lovely way to burn.
What a lovely way to burn.

Happy writing My Friends ~


cool beans.. nice write RF

I'll have to think on this one <grin
I have a fever and should go lay down <laughing>
New Word ~

Mornin Peeps ~

New word for the day.
This one ya can take any where. Lotza ways to use this one.
So take it n run ~ Also you can bounce off any of the other
similiar words ... lotta goodies here me thinks ~

Have fun and ... Happy Writing ~


Syllables: loose

Parts of speech: adjective , adverb , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation lus
Inflected Forms looser, loosest

Definition 1. not restrained or confined; free.

Synonyms free , unshackled {unshackle} , unbound {unbind} ,
unrestrained , unfettered {unfetter }
Crossref. Syn. wanton , lax
Similar Words unleashed {unleash} , unlatched {unlatch (vt)} ,
unlocked {unlock (vt)} , uninhibited , untied {untie (vt)} , wild ,
unbounded , at liberty {liberty (PHR)}

Definition 2. not joined together; unbound; unfastened.

Synonyms unfastened {unfasten (vt)} , free , unattached ,
unbound {unbind }
Similar Words unsteady , detached , unshackled {unshackle} ,
unhooked {unhook (vt)} , floating , unfettered {unfetter} ,
rickety , unclasped {unclasp (vt)} , disconnected , insecure ,
untied {untie (vt)}

Definition 3. not restraining or confining.

Example loose clothes.
Synonyms unrestrictive {restrictive }
Similar Words slack , sagging {sag (vi)} , floppy , droopy ,
baggy , limp

Definition 4. without discipline or care, esp. in regard to speech
or behavior.

Synonyms lax
Crossref. Syn. free , wanton
Similar Words general , slipshod , gross , sloppy , offhand ,
vague , lenient , unexacting {exacting} , imprecise , slack ,
careless , flabby , casual , remiss , inaccurate , negligent ,
easy , broad , inexact

Definition 5. ethically or morally careless.

Synonyms unprincipled , lax )
Crossref. Syn. fast
Similar Words libertine , unbridled , immoral , corrupt ,
unscrupulous , licentious , free , abandoned , indecent ,
degenerate , dissipated , wanton , dissolute , wild , peccant ,
impure , sinful , unchaste , unregenerate

Definition 6. not dense in construction, as a piece of cloth.

Example a loose weave.
Similar Words open , relaxed {relax (vt)} , permeable

Definition 7. sexually promiscuous, esp. used of women.

Synonyms promiscuous
Crossref. Syn. wanton
Similar Words libertine , libidinous , rakish , licentious ,
lubricious , fast , rakehell , indecent , prurient , wanton , dissolute ,
whorish , lascivious , impure , profligate , unchaste , lecherous ,
debauched {debauch (vt)}

Related Words low-key , permissive , fugitive , soft ,
vagabond , commodious , runaway

Part of Speech adverb

Inflected Forms looser, loosest

Definition 1. in a loose manner (often used in combination).

Example loose-fitting clothes.
Similar Words free , roughly {rough (adj)}

Definition 2. to a condition of freedom from constraint.
Example Turn the dogs loose.
Similar Words free

Related Words slack

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms loosed, loosing, looses

Definition 1. to release from constraint or obligation; let loose.

Synonyms unfetter , release , unloose , unbind , free

Crossref. Syn. extricate
Similar Words unshackle , untie , liberate , disengage , manumit ,

extricate , emancipate

Definition 2. to unfasten.
Synonyms untie , unloose , loosen , undo , unfasten ,
release , free

Similar Words untether {tether} , unlace , unbuckle , unsnap ,
unstick , unclasp , unshackle , unfix , unstrap , unpin , unscrew ,
unbutton , unfetter , unhook

Definition 3. to make less formal or strict.

Synonyms loosen , ease , relax
Similar Words tone down {tone (PHR)} , soften

Definition 4. to ease, slacken, or relax.

Synonyms ease , slacken , relax , loosen
Similar Words unloose , free

Related Words rescue , turn , absolve

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to shoot or let loose a missile, arrow, rock, or the like.

Synonyms discharge , shoot , fire
Similar Words throw , hurl

Derived Forms loosely, adv. ; looseness, n.

:rose: :rose:

You can stick your head
in a noose
or you can 'squawk'
like a goose

people will say
'you have a screw loose'
New word, if ya wanna try ~

Hi ya. Been reading a bit'a poetry this pm, and I opened a book,
closed my eyes ... pointed. Here is the word for today ( this pm,
sorry I am a lil late, lol )

lulled ~

Syllables: lull
Parts of speech: intransitive verb , noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Definition 1. to become quiet or calm, as wind or a storm at sea.

Synonyms calm down {calm} , abate , quiet down {quiet} ,
let up {let (PHR)}
Crossref. Syn. calm
Similar Words subside , hush , intermit , die down {die}

Related Words quiet , still

Part of Speech noun
Definition 1. a period of comparative quietness or calm.

Example a lull in the fighting.
Synonyms respite , letup
Crossref. Syn. slack

Similar Words quiet , abeyance , calm , intermission ,
hush , cessation , stillness , break

Related Words pause , layoff , interval

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation luhl
Inflected Forms lulled, lulling, lulls

Definition 1. to calm, soothe, or cause to sleep, as by sounds,
movements, or the like.

Synonyms calm
Crossref. Syn. gentle , allay
Similar Words soothe , tranquilize , rock , relax , cradle , pacify ,
Definition 2. to cause (someone) to relax his or her ordinary
alertness, so as to make vulnerable to deception.

Synonyms beguile
Crossref. Syn. allay

Similar Words delude , tranquilize , propitiate , placate ,
pacify , mollify , mislead

Related Words silence , rest , calm , settle , hum , appease

Derived Forms lullingly, adv.

Happy Writing ~

the evening
the evening
when life is lulled

when pounding hearts
thumb quietly
in dreams
of yesterday's tomorrows

for everything
that ever moved
upon this earth
their motivation
becomes lulled

or to a dead stop
Hmmm ~

lavender lotion rubbed, daisy
flowers strew about. pillowing
covers rumpled. peanut butter
spread making a soft ... slow

teasing tingles, sneak attack
on ... under, back arched
like a cat stretching, heels
out as tempting toes flex,
raising the bar,for the next

purrs brushing tonsils.
briefly with long swallowing
breathes contributing to
the comforting touch
of skinburn. lulled hypnotically
into hallucinations of him.

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Sinnnk your teeth into .. this ~

Thinking, my words have been a bit prissy
(think I am in a BIGGG slump, so forgive .. k. :D )
... in saying that, try this new word ~


Syllables: mys-ter-y

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation mI stE ri

Inflected Forms mysteries

Definition 1. an unknown, unexplainable, or secret matter.

Synonyms secret , enigma , puzzle
Crossref. Syn. question , riddle

Similar Words question , problem , unknown , riddle ,
arcanum , knot , obscurity , conundrum

Definition 2. an obscure matter that arouses curiosity and eludes
understanding, often a religious or spiritual truth.

Crossref. Syn. enigma
Similar Words miracle , epiphany , arcanum , secret

Definition 3. the quality or atmosphere of being unexplainable
or elusive.
Example He has an air of mystery.
Synonyms inscrutability {inscrutable}

Similar Words secrecy , mystification {mystify} ,
ineffability {ineffable} , ambiguity

Definition 4. a piece of fiction involving complex plots
and puzzling crimes.
Similar Words whodunit

Related Words fiction


Happy Writing ~
RhymeFairy said:
Thinking, my words have been a bit prissy
(think I am in a BIGGG slump, so forgive .. k. :D )
... in saying that, try this new word ~


Syllables: mys-ter-y

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation mI stE ri

Inflected Forms mysteries

Definition 1. an unknown, unexplainable, or secret matter.

Synonyms secret , enigma , puzzle
Crossref. Syn. question , riddle

Similar Words question , problem , unknown , riddle ,
arcanum , knot , obscurity , conundrum

Definition 2. an obscure matter that arouses curiosity and eludes
understanding, often a religious or spiritual truth.

Crossref. Syn. enigma
Similar Words miracle , epiphany , arcanum , secret

Definition 3. the quality or atmosphere of being unexplainable
or elusive.
Example He has an air of mystery.
Synonyms inscrutability {inscrutable}

Similar Words secrecy , mystification {mystify} ,
ineffability {ineffable} , ambiguity

Definition 4. a piece of fiction involving complex plots
and puzzling crimes.
Similar Words whodunit

Related Words fiction


Happy Writing ~

how you do it is a mystery to me <grin
I have to go to town and I'll be back in a bit and I will think of something better <grin
I am just a ...

Student ~

Syllables: stu-dent

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation stu dEnt

Definition 1. a person enrolled in an educational institution.

Crossref. Syn. pupil , scholar

Definition 2. a person who studies or observes something carefully or in depth.
Crossref. Syn. pupil , scholar

Related Words alumnus , adherent , follower , apprentice , disciple

to these
that fill my mind
overflow my cup,
catch me when least
expected. whisper it upon
the wind. shine that neon light,
for my eyes cannot see.
I only have ears
that hear, and mind
that thirst
for more
... words
always more ~

Have a great day peeps.

Happy Writing ~

RhymeFairy said:
Student ~

Syllables: stu-dent

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation stu dEnt

Definition 1. a person enrolled in an educational institution.

Crossref. Syn. pupil , scholar

Definition 2. a person who studies or observes something carefully or in depth.
Crossref. Syn. pupil , scholar

Related Words alumnus , adherent , follower , apprentice , disciple

to these
that fill my mind
overflow my cup,
catch me when least
expected. whisper it upon
the wind. shine that neon light,
for my eyes cannot see.
I only have ears
that hear, and mind
that thirst
for more
... words
always more ~

Have a great day peeps.

Happy Writing ~


My first thought was that this is going to be hard
but I might have something to play with <grin
I am do you select a word?
I am sure some words are found, saved and used but other than that do you open a dictionary and point a finger? <grin

okay, student? hummmmmmmmm.......

She stepped up close
before me
then leaned in
to fill the space
and kiss my lips

She took a hand
and run it slowly
down my chest
and then wrestled
with my pants

She removed my clothes
one by one
till I stood
buck naked

she said, "Lay down."
so I did
and she shed her toga
or sheet
or cloth that wrapped
around her body

she lay next to me
with her fingers
she twirled my nipples
and massaged
my muscles
and gave me another kiss

"This isn't wood shop...
is it?" I asked.

"No. In this
Karma sutra 101."

I saw my counselor
the very next day
I changed my schedule
I would rather
have one hard as wood
than to hammer
hard wood.

I am now a student
of Karma sutra <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
My first thought was that this is going to be hard
but I might have something to play with <grin
I am do you select a word?
I am sure some words are found, saved and used but other than that do you open a dictionary and point a finger? <grin

Almost got it, lol. When I am reading poetry I sometimes see a word that just jumps out at me. Then I wanna write about it. Something fills my mind and I run with it. BUTTTTT as of late, your explanation is closer to accurate. I do and have closed my eyes and pointed. Also, I look at other threads abd see what the topic is about and BOUNCE from there.

I love it when others ** see ** that word too. So feel free and jump in at anytime with your own word. I started this thread for all to come and BOUNCE off any words or thoughts ~


okay, student? hummmmmmmmm.......

She stepped up close
before me
then leaned in
to fill the space
and kiss my lips

She took a hand
and run it slowly
down my chest
and then wrestled
with my pants

She removed my clothes
one by one
till I stood
buck naked

she said, "Lay down."
so I did
and she shed her toga
or sheet
or cloth that wrapped
around her body

she lay next to me
with her fingers
she twirled my nipples
and massaged
my muscles
and gave me another kiss

"This isn't wood shop...
is it?" I asked.

"No. In this
Karma sutra 101."

I saw my counselor
the very next day
I changed my schedule
I would rather
have one hard as wood
than to hammer
hard wood.

I am now a student
of Karma sutra <grin

I like this one Art. It does seem a bit stoic to me.
Almost as if you are a bystander and are havin a hard time
telling it, or that you are not ** into it **
... Great thought pattern, and imagery.
Hott lil scene, lol.


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New word, a bit different again, lol

Stoic ~

Syllables: sto-ic
Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation sto ihk

Definition 1. showing little or no reaction to painful or pleasant
experiences; unmoved; impassive.

Definition 2. (cap.) of or pertaining to the philosophy
of the Stoics.

Related Words phlegmatic , patient , calm , stolid , passive

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. one who shows little or no reaction to painful
or pleasant experiences.

Definition 2. (cap.) an adherent of an ancient Greek school
of philosophy that advocated not being overly moved by
the inevitable fortunes and misfortunes of life.

Trying to keep everyone on their toes,
and mixing the bag of words a lil ~

Happy Writing ~

:rose: :nana:
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Staying Tuned


Slender is this cloak
of reality,
hanging loose in linear time slots.
Its threads of salvation
in culture shock
of cloned consumers
and categories of commercial drama
wanting to believe
there is poetic license after
their cable is cancelled.
Warm thoughts and snuggles ~

Good Morn my Friends.
Long week already, but I am having a few thoughts
on snuggles n covers. :devil:
Soooo, I had to play with this new word of mine.
I saw it on another thread ... and it fits perfect
here among us free spirits ~ ;)

Embraceable ~

Syllables: em-brace

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to join in an embrace; hug.
Synonyms hug
Crossref. Syn. clinch
Similar Words cuddle

Related Words cling , nestle

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. an act or instance of clasping or holding someone
in one's arms; hug.
Synonyms squeeze , hug , enfoldment {enfold }
Crossref. Syn. caress , clinch
Similar Words cuddle , caress , clasp

Definition 2. an act or instance of surrounding or enclosing.
Synonyms encirclement {encircle} , encompassment {encompass }
Similar Words surrounding

Definition 3. willing acceptance or adoption.
Synonyms welcome
Similar Words acceptance , espousal , adoption

Related Words grip

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation ihm bres

Inflected Forms embraced, embracing, embraces

Definition 1. to clasp in one's arms; hug.
Synonyms enfold , squeeze , hug
Crossref. Syn. fold , caress , wrap , press
Similar Words cuddle , caress , clasp

Definition 2. to take up or accept readily.
Example I cannot embrace that theory ; She has abandoned
her former religion and embraced a new one.
Synonyms espouse , welcome
Similar Words receive , accept , adopt

Definition 3. to take advantage of.
Example He was quick to embrace his good fortune.
Synonyms seize (3) , take advantage of {advantage (PHR 2)}
Similar Words make use of {use (PHR)} , utilize , grasp ,
take , grab

Definition 4. to include or encompass.
Example This design embraces a variety of styles ;
The mountains embrace the bay.
Synonyms comprehend , include , contain , encompass
Crossref. Syn. caress
Similar Words gird , encircle , envelop , comprise , surround ,

Related Words profess , exhaust , seize , contain , choose ,
grip , cover , hug , admit , hold , embody

Derived Forms embraceable, adj. ; embracer, n.

Happy writing, have FUN with this one ~ ;)

:nana: :catroar: :p :rose: :devil:
eagerly embracing thoughts of love
tangle and plaster this heart
with the wicked wine
of poisonous belittling
blood. reaching, trying undeniably
unobtainable. fast spreading
lesions have created caters
pillowing potholes, bigger
bigger. be-gone I ask, cease
and desist. no ears to hear
for they are shrouded
in cotton from long ago, when joy
was actually happiness. now doom
doom. don't ask ... don't tell
once spoken, retractable reasoning kicks
in. turning the wheels of how to hide
how to run, never again. yet the harm
has been done. now all that's left
... unembraceable me ~

RhymeFairy said:
Good Morn my Friends.
Long week already, but I am having a few thoughts
on snuggles n covers. :devil:
Soooo, I had to play with this new word of mine.
I saw it on another thread ... and it fits perfect
here among us free spirits ~ ;)

Embraceable ~

Syllables: em-brace

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to join in an embrace; hug.
Synonyms hug
Crossref. Syn. clinch
Similar Words cuddle

Related Words cling , nestle

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. an act or instance of clasping or holding someone
in one's arms; hug.
Synonyms squeeze , hug , enfoldment {enfold }
Crossref. Syn. caress , clinch
Similar Words cuddle , caress , clasp

Definition 2. an act or instance of surrounding or enclosing.
Synonyms encirclement {encircle} , encompassment {encompass }
Similar Words surrounding

Definition 3. willing acceptance or adoption.
Synonyms welcome
Similar Words acceptance , espousal , adoption

Related Words grip

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation ihm bres

Inflected Forms embraced, embracing, embraces

Definition 1. to clasp in one's arms; hug.
Synonyms enfold , squeeze , hug
Crossref. Syn. fold , caress , wrap , press
Similar Words cuddle , caress , clasp

Definition 2. to take up or accept readily.
Example I cannot embrace that theory ; She has abandoned
her former religion and embraced a new one.
Synonyms espouse , welcome
Similar Words receive , accept , adopt

Definition 3. to take advantage of.
Example He was quick to embrace his good fortune.
Synonyms seize (3) , take advantage of {advantage (PHR 2)}
Similar Words make use of {use (PHR)} , utilize , grasp ,
take , grab

Definition 4. to include or encompass.
Example This design embraces a variety of styles ;
The mountains embrace the bay.
Synonyms comprehend , include , contain , encompass
Crossref. Syn. caress
Similar Words gird , encircle , envelop , comprise , surround ,

Related Words profess , exhaust , seize , contain , choose ,
grip , cover , hug , admit , hold , embody

Derived Forms embraceable, adj. ; embracer, n.

Happy writing, have FUN with this one ~ ;)

:nana: :catroar: :p :rose: :devil:

I saw it
but I didn't believe it
he drank 24 beers
in one hour
it is a good thing
that the comode
was embraceable <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
I saw it
but I didn't believe it
he drank 24 beers
in one hour
it is a good thing
that the comode
was embraceable <grin

Tooo funny my friend !! Crazy, your imagery there is
irreplaceable .... Embraceable, not !! Lmao. Poor man,
think he will learn from his experience? Learn to put a warmer
on the floorboards.

RhymeFairy said:
Tooo funny my friend !! Crazy, your imagery there is
irreplaceable .... Embraceable, not !! Lmao. Poor man,
think he will learn from his experience? Learn to put a warmer
on the floorboards.

a warmer on the floor boards <grin
I don't drink but I have seen many take this approach to becoming a tad tipsy <grin
I also use a heating blanket in winter
wrapped around me and when I want to go to another room, I unplug it and go <grin, I have heat I just do this till the house warms up <grin

okay embraceable

its only a word
the power it holds
the force it radiates
and passion it posses
is embraceable

I wanna ...

Syllables: touch

Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation tuhch
Inflected Forms touched, touching, touches
Definition 1. to bring one's hand or fingers in contact with
(something) in order to feel it.
Example She touched the cat's soft fur.
Crossref. Syn. feel
Similar Words finger , pet1 , stroke , pat , tap , caress ,
paw , handle , feel , fondle , hold

Definition 2. to make contact with.
Example Don't let the paper touch the fire.
Crossref. Syn. reach , feel , contact
Similar Words reach , graze2 , contract , strike , meet ,
brush , hit , bump

Definition 3. to be next to.
Example Their yard touches ours.
Synonyms adjoin , abut
Similar Words neighbor , meet , border

Definition 4. to consume; taste.
Example She never touches meat.
Synonyms taste, consume , eat
Similar Words ingest , resort to {resort } , avail oneself
of {avail (PHR)}

Definition 5. to emulate; equal.
Example He can't touch his parent's achievements.
Synonyms rival , equal , match, emulate
Similar Words compare with {compare (vi)}

Definition 6. to allude to, as in a speech or writing.
Example He touched several themes during his lecture.
Synonyms allude to {allude} , mention , refer to {refer (vi 1)}
Crossref. Syn. allude
Similar Words discuss , cover , broach , remark on
{remark (vi)} , comment on {comment (vi)} , trot out {trot (PHR)}

Definition 7. to have an impact on.
Example This problem touches the lives of many people.
Synonyms impinge on {impinge } , affect, influence
Crossref. Syn. impress , concern
Similar Words pertain to {pertain} , relate
to {relate (vi)} , sway

Definition 8. to make alterations or improvements on
(usu. fol. by up).
Example The artist wants to touch up the painting.
Similar Words repair1 , perfect , improve , fix , enhance ,
spruce up {spruce2 (vt, vi)} , alter , modify

Definition 9. to have an emotional effect on.
Example The documentary on the effects of nuclear war
touched him deeply.
Synonyms move , affect
Crossref. Syn. get , swell
Similar Words melt , impress1 , sadden , rouse , inspire ,
excite , stir

Definition 10. (slang) to get, or seek to get, a loan from.
Example He touched me for five dollars.
Similar Words solicit , beg , ask

Related Words lick , tinge , tickle , treat , rival , mention ,
graze , grope , borrow , kiss , overcome

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to bring one's hand or fingers in contact with
something or someone.
Crossref. Syn. feel
Similar Words finger , feel , fondle

Definition 2. to be in contact with something.
Synonyms adjoin , abut
Crossref. Syn. feel , contact
Similar Words meet1 , converge , join

Related Words bound , kiss

Part of Speech noun
Definition 1. the act or an instance of touching.
Crossref. Syn. caress , feel
Similar Words graze2 , caress , stroke , brush , swipe ,
feel , contact , bump
Definition 2. the sense by which objects or stimuli are perceived
through physical contact.
Similar Words tactility {tactile} , sensation , feeling

Definition 3. the quality or characteristic of something that
is perceived through this sense.
Synonyms feel
Similar Words texture

Definition 4. contact.
Example Please keep in touch with the office through
the week.
Synonyms contact
Crossref. Syn. contact
Similar Words communication

Definition 5. a mild case.
Example a touch of bronchitis.
Similar Words trace , bit
Definition 6. a small amount; trace.
Example a touch of garlic ; a touch of guilt.
Synonyms smidgen , trace , dash, dab , bit
Crossref. Syn. lick , grain , tinge , jot , shade , note ,
crumb , kiss , little , hint , catch
Similar Words smack , pinch , tinge , soupç,on , hint ,
smattering , suggestion , shade , whisper , glimmer

Definition 7. a natural ability; knack.
Example When it comes to cooking, she has the touch.
Synonyms flair , knack
Crossref. Syn. feel
Similar Words aptitude , skill , gift , finesse , facility

Definition 8. an enhancing detail or addition.
Example Adding cognac to the mousse provides a nice touch.
Synonyms complement , finish
Similar Words detail , accessory , enhancement {enhance} ,
addition , garnish

Definition 9. (slang) the act or an instance of getting or
trying to get a loan from someone.
Similar Words scrounging {scrounge (vi)} , sponging
{sponge (vi)} , cadging {cadge (vi)}

Definition 10. (slang) a person, with regard to how easily
he or she will lend money.
Similar Words gull , mark

Related Words tickle , crumb , tint , dash , dab

Derived Forms touchable, adj. ; toucher, n.

you, with my
words, thoughts
dreams. scamper across
your body. whispering my
needs into every
valley. veg down deep into
your subconscious
cleanse the damage
of long ago memories.
sprinkle you softly with
feather like touches of elating
emotion. energy of legions, marching
in a row as lumberjacking lighthouse rays
reminisce. touch you. feel you. taste
you, as I dip deliberately deep
ditch wenching row after row
planting my mark
on you. touch ... I wanna,
touch you.

RhymeFairy said:
Syllables: touch

Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation tuhch
Inflected Forms touched, touching, touches
Definition 1. to bring one's hand or fingers in contact with
(something) in order to feel it.
Example She touched the cat's soft fur.
Crossref. Syn. feel
Similar Words finger , pet1 , stroke , pat , tap , caress ,
paw , handle , feel , fondle , hold

Definition 2. to make contact with.
Example Don't let the paper touch the fire.
Crossref. Syn. reach , feel , contact
Similar Words reach , graze2 , contract , strike , meet ,
brush , hit , bump

Definition 3. to be next to.
Example Their yard touches ours.
Synonyms adjoin , abut
Similar Words neighbor , meet , border

Definition 4. to consume; taste.
Example She never touches meat.
Synonyms taste, consume , eat
Similar Words ingest , resort to {resort } , avail oneself
of {avail (PHR)}

Definition 5. to emulate; equal.
Example He can't touch his parent's achievements.
Synonyms rival , equal , match, emulate
Similar Words compare with {compare (vi)}

Definition 6. to allude to, as in a speech or writing.
Example He touched several themes during his lecture.
Synonyms allude to {allude} , mention , refer to {refer (vi 1)}
Crossref. Syn. allude
Similar Words discuss , cover , broach , remark on
{remark (vi)} , comment on {comment (vi)} , trot out {trot (PHR)}

Definition 7. to have an impact on.
Example This problem touches the lives of many people.
Synonyms impinge on {impinge } , affect, influence
Crossref. Syn. impress , concern
Similar Words pertain to {pertain} , relate
to {relate (vi)} , sway

Definition 8. to make alterations or improvements on
(usu. fol. by up).
Example The artist wants to touch up the painting.
Similar Words repair1 , perfect , improve , fix , enhance ,
spruce up {spruce2 (vt, vi)} , alter , modify

Definition 9. to have an emotional effect on.
Example The documentary on the effects of nuclear war
touched him deeply.
Synonyms move , affect
Crossref. Syn. get , swell
Similar Words melt , impress1 , sadden , rouse , inspire ,
excite , stir

Definition 10. (slang) to get, or seek to get, a loan from.
Example He touched me for five dollars.
Similar Words solicit , beg , ask

Related Words lick , tinge , tickle , treat , rival , mention ,
graze , grope , borrow , kiss , overcome

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to bring one's hand or fingers in contact with
something or someone.
Crossref. Syn. feel
Similar Words finger , feel , fondle

Definition 2. to be in contact with something.
Synonyms adjoin , abut
Crossref. Syn. feel , contact
Similar Words meet1 , converge , join

Related Words bound , kiss

Part of Speech noun
Definition 1. the act or an instance of touching.
Crossref. Syn. caress , feel
Similar Words graze2 , caress , stroke , brush , swipe ,
feel , contact , bump
Definition 2. the sense by which objects or stimuli are perceived
through physical contact.
Similar Words tactility {tactile} , sensation , feeling

Definition 3. the quality or characteristic of something that
is perceived through this sense.
Synonyms feel
Similar Words texture

Definition 4. contact.
Example Please keep in touch with the office through
the week.
Synonyms contact
Crossref. Syn. contact
Similar Words communication

Definition 5. a mild case.
Example a touch of bronchitis.
Similar Words trace , bit
Definition 6. a small amount; trace.
Example a touch of garlic ; a touch of guilt.
Synonyms smidgen , trace , dash, dab , bit
Crossref. Syn. lick , grain , tinge , jot , shade , note ,
crumb , kiss , little , hint , catch
Similar Words smack , pinch , tinge , soupç,on , hint ,
smattering , suggestion , shade , whisper , glimmer

Definition 7. a natural ability; knack.
Example When it comes to cooking, she has the touch.
Synonyms flair , knack
Crossref. Syn. feel
Similar Words aptitude , skill , gift , finesse , facility

Definition 8. an enhancing detail or addition.
Example Adding cognac to the mousse provides a nice touch.
Synonyms complement , finish
Similar Words detail , accessory , enhancement {enhance} ,
addition , garnish

Definition 9. (slang) the act or an instance of getting or
trying to get a loan from someone.
Similar Words scrounging {scrounge (vi)} , sponging
{sponge (vi)} , cadging {cadge (vi)}

Definition 10. (slang) a person, with regard to how easily
he or she will lend money.
Similar Words gull , mark

Related Words tickle , crumb , tint , dash , dab

Derived Forms touchable, adj. ; toucher, n.

you, with my
words, thoughts
dreams. scamper across
your body. whispering my
needs into every
valley. veg down deep into
your subconscious
cleanse the damage
of long ago memories.
sprinkle you softly with
feather like touches of elating
emotion. energy of legions, marching
in a row as lumberjacking lighthouse rays
reminisce. touch you. feel you. taste
you, as I dip deliberately deep
ditch wenching row after row
planting my mark
on you. touch ... I wanna,
touch you.


Not with a finger
that trails over flesh

and not with a hand
that holds tenderly

not with a hug
when warmness shares

you touched me
with words to my ear
My Erotic Trail said:
Not with a finger
that trails over flesh

and not with a hand
that holds tenderly

not with a hug
when warmness shares

you touched me
with words to my ear

words spoken in hushed
voices carrying compassion to
comfort hearts as heated flesh
pimple in passions embrace by afterglow
inner-glow hearts, minds body n souls ~
RhymeFairy said:
words spoken in hushed
voices carrying compassion to
comfort hearts as heated flesh
pimple in passions embrace by afterglow
inner-glow hearts, minds body n souls ~

souls glow
within the darjness
of a mind
illuminated by
the touch
of another
My Erotic Trail said:
souls glow
within the darjness
of a mind
illuminated by
the touch
of another

two planes touching
planting springs new
harvest. healthy particles,
pinch n sniff. scratch
a bit deeper
New word ~

Love potion :

Syllables: love potion

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation luhv po shEn
Definition 1. a drink believed to arouse love or desire, usu.
for a specific person; philter; aphrodisiac.

Related Words aphrodisiac

ok, I know not much
of a defination, but I do have this ....

Title: Love Potion #9/spooky

love potion #9/spooky

I took my troubles down to madame ruth
You know that gypsy with the gold-capped tooth
She's got a shop down on 34th and vine
Sellin' little bottles of love potion #9

I took my troubles down to madame ruth
You know that gypsy with the gold-capped tooth
She's got a shop down on 34th and vine
Sellin' little bottles of love potion #9

I told her that i was a flop with chicks
I'd been this way since 1956
She stretched out her palm and she made a magic sign
She said 'what you need boy is love potion #9'

She bent down, she turned around she gave me a wink
She said 'i'm gonna mix it up right here in the sink'
It smelled like turpentine and looked like indian ink
I held my nose, i closed my eyes, i took a drink

I didn't know if it was day or night
I started kissin' everything in sight
But when i kissed a cop down on 34th and vine
He broke my little bottle of love potion #9

Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you
Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you

She bent down, she turned around, she gave me a wink
She said 'i'm gonna mix it up right here in the sink'
It smelled like turpentine and looked like india ink
I held my nose, i closed my eyes, i took a drink

I didn't know if it was day or night
I started kissin' everything in sight
But when i kissed a cop down on 34th and vine
He broke my little bottle of love potion #9

Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you

so give me a poem my friends ...
bounce, jam, toast whatever it takes, let's have it ~~

Happy Writing ~
