Friends of Artful

I have heard smigents here & there. It got me a wondering, now I know that they where true ...

I did not know Artful very well & have only known him for a short period of time. He will be missed ... I wish I had known sooner.
Art will sorely be missed besides being one of the good ones personally, he also sure knew how to write a story.
i can't express in words how deeply the loss of Art has affected me. i tried to post here last night, but couldn't. i can't and won't say goodbye to him. He will live on in my heart and memories always.

i met him here a month after i started posting, and our conversations quickly went to IM's. i was confused, and he helped me sort my wants and needs out. He was a sort of mentor for me, always there with his opinions and support for anything that i was going through. i tried to help him deal with his problems too, but he wouldn't let me. He always said that he was strong, and would come out in the long run all the better, no matter what life threw his way.

i knew of his illness, and i wanted so much to be there with him, and for him. He told me that he would make it through, because he had such wonderful friends to lean on.

He was a man that demanded respect, and always got it, no matter if you agreed with him or not. He had a special way of seeing people, never uttering a bad word about anyone.

i for one am a much better person for having known Art, and i want to thank him for leaving his stamp on my heart, for if he didn't, i wouldn't be the person i am today.

Thank you my most treasured friend for all you have done for me. i will keep you with me always, and know that i will miss you deeply. i love you :rose:
Sad news indeed

I never chatted to him, but I did hear a lot about him, nice things.

I am most sorry to hear this

I hope he passed peacefully

My regards
I have been worried about him for quite some time. I just can't even come up with the words right now...

my prayers and thoughts go out to all arts friends and family.


you will be missed here by all. rest in peace.
There are never right words

..none to say how sad the news is, none to reflect what a deep gap he has left in the lifes, hearts and souls of his family and friends.

My thoughts go out to him wherever he may be now - may he find light and joy.
My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. He will be missed by all.

Let me echo what everyone has already said............What a shame and he will be missed . I too have spoke with him thru e-mails and pm's.......
On Death

Then Almitra spoke, saying, "We would ask now of Death."

And he said:

You would know the secret of death.

But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?

The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.

If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.

For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.

In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond;

And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring.

Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.

Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd when he stands before the king whose hand is to be laid upon him in honour.

Is the shepherd not joyful beneath his trembling, that he shall wear the mark of the king?

Yet is he not more mindful of his trembling?

For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?

And what is to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?

Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.

And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.

And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.

Kahlil Gibran
my respects to a really good guy.

artful was sexy without even trying hard.

that's rare in a straight man.

hope he's discovered something better.
The news of Artful's passing stunned me, not that I wasn't aware that he faced some challenges medically, but I suppose I thought that he would just see it through and be back to post with us.

Artful is a man that I admired. I will be honest and say that few men on line have earned that from me. Artful would certainly give me a quiet, textual come uppance for that comment, but we didn't always agree on matters and still managed to respect and like one another. That, in and of itself, speaks volumes about the man.

In any event, I miss him terribly and my thoughts and prayers are with him, his family and his loved ones.

I had retired this name quite some time ago, but it feels appropriate to make my final post here. We seperated on good terms and He will always have a place in my heart. I greatly appreciate all He did for me, He helped me grow and learn what was right for me. I am comforted to know He is in a better place and no longer in pain.

I encouraged Him to come to the BDSM forum and I am so glad He listened. He made many friends here and I know He loved and respected most of yall here. Yall meant alot to Him.

:rose: :heart: :rose:
I met Art when he first came online. He jumped into the one and only SRP I ever started. I encouraged him to pop into Rick's on the SRP, and that is how I knew him best. I always only wanted for him the things that would make him happy.

I too am shocked by his passing, and I do miss him, and wish I could have done more for him in the time I knew him.

And I hope like hell he's looking down on us from somewhere laughing and shaking his head at the out pouring of sentiment.

Peace Art.

i didn't exactly know him well...or really much at all...but still i'm sitting here crying...because i'm reading all the posts from people who love him and miss him...and it hurts. I wish i'd known him better...but i'm glad he touched the hearts of many. I know he'll be missed. And i hope everyone takes the time to catch up with someone they love...but haven't talked to in awhile...because you never know when your chance is gone.
This is his home.......I wish to share this with you then I will take my leave for awhile....the pain is to strong here in my heart right now.......I am leaving this for art in a place he loved to come to....and be with his friends.


Artful, I miss you my dear friend.

No more hurt, no more pain.

The Lord needed a Angel of your Kindness,

Love, Honest and Trust.

So he took the hurt and the pain, and gave you the wings

Told you, you show so much down on earth,

That now you shall show it in my world.

I know you will do a great job as ever,

Someday you might be my Angel to meet me.

So show them what we already know,

The Kindness in your smile

The Love in your heart

The Honest in your eyes

And the trust in your soul.

I love you my dearest friend,

In my heart you shall stay.

From your Angel.

~Artful's pet~ said:
I had retired this name quite some time ago, but it feels appropriate to make my final post here. We seperated on good terms and He will always have a place in my heart. I greatly appreciate all He did for me, He helped me grow and learn what was right for me. I am comforted to know He is in a better place and no longer in pain.

I encouraged Him to come to the BDSM forum and I am so glad He listened. He made many friends here and I know He loved and respected most of yall here. Yall meant alot to Him.

:rose: :heart: :rose:

ty so much Pet .. and although I dont feel I earned the right to be called Artful's Dream ,it WAs a name He himself gave to me, I still have my collar , My journal which he kept with HIS words of love in it, about our time together in Arkansas, Noone can take that away from me,it was a s precious as his love was..
Master Artful , may you have and receive all the gifts in heaven
that you deserved to get but perhaps did not here on earth, I am happy to hear from your friends there that you died loving and not hating me,and that I brought your life joy as you did to mine also, May God watch 0ver His special Angel..I know you are watchingover me and out for me sweet <removed> ...:rose: :kiss:
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Although I did not know him well, he always revealed himself as a person of intelligence and a real gentleman who retained a measure of grace in the most trying of circumstances.

I'm astonished at the genuine outpouring of affection and fondness for someone I encountered only once, on a desperately silly thread he started wherein he demanded that people reply exactly as he dictated, and I proceeded to shove him in a locker for three or four pages. If he truly was a nice guy, I'm sorry for your loss, everyone.

And forgive me (PLEASE) if 10% of me thinks he isn't dead. The nature of the net. At any rate, that doesn't matter half so much as your true expressions of affection and sadness, which warrant respect.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I'm astonished at the genuine outpouring of affection and fondness for someone I encountered only once, on a desperately silly thread he started wherein he demanded that people reply exactly as he dictated, and I proceeded to shove him in a locker for three or four pages. If he truly was a nice guy, I'm sorry for your loss, everyone.

And forgive me (PLEASE) if 10% of me thinks he isn't dead. The nature of the net. At any rate, that doesn't matter half so much as your true expressions of affection and sadness, which warrant respect.

There are some people who one could raise an eyebrow about when 'claims' of death are posted.

Art was not one of those people. He was true and true to his word. He is/was a rare find on the internet.

Dixon Carter Lee said:
I'm astonished at the genuine outpouring of affection and fondness for someone I encountered only once, on a desperately silly thread he started wherein he demanded that people reply exactly as he dictated, and I proceeded to shove him in a locker for three or four pages. If he truly was a nice guy, I'm sorry for your loss, everyone.

And forgive me (PLEASE) if 10% of me thinks he isn't dead. The nature of the net. At any rate, that doesn't matter half so much as your true expressions of affection and sadness, which warrant respect.

DCL - truly you are a giant among those here at Lit, and this post only further explains why to those who might not know.

As to whether the death is real, had it been announced by anyone other than Angel, I would have a great deal of skeptism (sp?) myself. But it is simply not part of Angel's makeup to do something like this as a joke.
Yes, well, I maintain that no one knows anyone on line, but, for what it's worth, I believe he's passed on, and, again, sorry for everyone's loss.

(And you're not actually telling people I'm a nice guy, are you? If this ever got over to the General Board..!)
Dixon Carter Lee said:

(And you're not actually telling people I'm a nice guy, are you? If this ever got over to the General Board..!)

Hmmm..nice? Nah, that's my secret - it'll just stay over here on the BDSM board - I promise!
Art ~ You were such a friend. I have had to wait a few days before posting. You had such an impact on us here. Even now you are and will always be with us. :heart: :kiss: :rose:
Thank you SexyChele, you do know me......I will never say a joke this way as some people would have and done it.