Friends of Artful

A great loss

Art befriended me on the Midwest thread when I first came to Lit in July. And, although there were times when we strongly disagreed on some subjects we always kept our respect for each other and our friendship in tact.
My fondest memory of Art is one in which he came to me for advise, even though he hardly knew me. That started our 'real' friendship and although we didn't talk as much after that I still counted him among my friends.

So long, my friend. You will be missed.

I took Art to my backgammon site. We played some fun games and although I am a master player, he would beat me 9 times out of 10 it seemed. He had a great mind for strategic play.

I miss him, too.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I'm astonished at the genuine outpouring of affection and fondness for someone I encountered only once, on a desperately silly thread he started wherein he demanded that people reply exactly as he dictated, and I proceeded to shove him in a locker for three or four pages. If he truly was a nice guy, I'm sorry for your loss, everyone.

And forgive me (PLEASE) if 10% of me thinks he isn't dead. The nature of the net. At any rate, that doesn't matter half so much as your true expressions of affection and sadness, which warrant respect.

Normally I would be just as skeptical as you are, but Angel would not lie about this. I am considering the source, so I know it is true. And besides, many of us knew he was sick.

Angelofsex said:
This is his home.......I wish to share this with you then I will take my leave for awhile....the pain is to strong here in my heart right now.......I am leaving this for art in a place he loved to come to....and be with his friends.


Artful, I miss you my dear friend.

No more hurt, no more pain.

The Lord needed a Angel of your Kindness,

Love, Honest and Trust.

So he took the hurt and the pain, and gave you the wings

Told you, you show so much down on earth,

That now you shall show it in my world.

I know you will do a great job as ever,

Someday you might be my Angel to meet me.

So show them what we already know,

The Kindness in your smile

The Love in your heart

The Honest in your eyes

And the trust in your soul.

I love you my dearest friend,

In my heart you shall stay.

From your Angel.


Thanks, Angel.

I, too, want to come her to express my sadness and echo "gone but not forgotten".

On Artful..

It is always sad to hear of the passing of someone who you've had words with, kind or otherwise. Unfortunately, Artful and I had both kinds. In the end, I think we understood each other a little better and developed mutual respect in no small part because he was the type of man to look at things said in the spirit they were intended and get beyond the words themselves. We can all learn from such a good example.

Rest in peace, Artful.

And to the rest of my friends here, I hope you are all well.
Thank you, Monster.

It is good to see your post here. I do believe you touched on something very special about artful, in that he could move forward and respect different points of views.

I hope all is well with you and truly smiled when I saw your name here.

Angelofsex said:
Seeing his friends here has put a smile on my face.

Keep ~~smiling~~ Angel..I am one of His friends who adores you for the way you have presented your emotions with class and empathy. Art would be very proud of you and I have no doubt he is ~~smiling~~ as He reads the words of His friends and those whos paths He only touched in passing.
Heartfelt thoughts and prayers go to Artful's family and friends...

He is in a better place with no more pain or suffering...

Rest peacefully, Artful!

Shared some thoughts with Artful in a few threads. LIked his style. Had that inner knowledge that impressed me. I will miss him also.
This was rather shocking news. my condolences to Art's good friends here. The loss of his distinctive voice and style is felt by many.
Prayers and thought of Atrful

only knew of Artfull for alittle while but what I did know of him he was a kind man with a big heart and willing to help almost anyone
His presence here will be greatly Missed
love and light to his family in realtime and online be well Artfull God needed you more :heart: :kiss: :rose:
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H was a good man, a person of great kindness and near-infinite patience, and the world is a colder and more hostile place for the loss of him.

Rest in peace, Artful. :rose:
Angelofsex said:
I was starting to get worry about him, so I called. Art passed away last Wednesday. Just wanted to let you know. This is not a story either, I loved him. He was a very good friend of mine.

I just found this thread.
I am so sorry to read this.

With my own health issues it reminds me how tenouis all our lives are .... he was lucky to have you ... and we are lucky for that also ..... or we would think he had just disappeared into cyber space