
Re: Re: Unconditionally

A Desert Rose said:


Good for you Ebony and lucky for Lance. It's nice to see kind words posted here. Lance certainly is able to provide a topic for thought provoking discourse. :heart:

He's a tartar! But what the hell!


Oh, solving these little puzzles is always most rewarding for me!

Thanks for noticing, PB and Ebony. :heart:
The salmon was lovely...

...and the chocolate pate with berries was divine.

I just got in and read your posts...interesting stuff!

Thanks for all your input;

Re: The salmon was lovely...

Lancecastor said:
...and the chocolate pate with berries was divine.

I just got in and read your posts...interesting stuff!

Thanks for all your input;


~~~~~~~~~ Sheeesh! what a fucking tease! No details? lol Which of us won the bet? :heart:
The salmon was lovely...and her

A Desert Rose said:

~~~~~~~~~ Sheeesh! what a fucking tease! No details? lol Which of us won the bet? :heart:

...dress was nearly the same shade as its' moist pink meat, he found himself thinking as they slowdanced in the crowd of strangers.

The hall was a wall of windows overlooking the oily waters deep, and lights from ships slowly cleaving the wet enroute to finger piers bathed them in a dimly lit public privacy that urged his cock onward. He saw her sweaty, bound, bent, and begging for release in the hours that were to follow

She noticed, of course, and moved almost imperceptably closer in reply, setting up a secret dirty back-beat, swaying her pink fabric encased pussy across it.

Both wet. Both guilty. Both willing.


The situation presented to me by way of a favour to him struck me as too fucked-up to not share with you, so I did, as a discussion starter.

I'd be more likely to sprout big black wings and soar to the Moon for tea and cookies than mess with my best friend's estranged spouse, no matter how hot she might be on paper.

Personally, I was hoping she wasn't so screwed up over her personal circumstances that she'd try to make a move on me out of her dispair.

And she didn't, though she did cry a lot after we left and was looking for "comfort" in the car when I drove her home and did ask me in for coffee.

I had other things to do, which included meeting a (single)bridesmaid in her salmon satin dress at a dark sleazy waterfront bar to hear a couple of local hardcore bands.:devil:

I hope this provides sufficient detail to settle your bets.

I note very few of you said what you'd do or have done in similar circumstances......

Curiously Yours;
Lance "I love weddings" Castor
Sounds great, Lance!

A bridesmaid in Satin listening to Hardware bands could be a rather entertaining evening. :)

Me? I wouldn't have gone.

I would have begged off.

Why is he responsible for her having a date?

I, personally, go to a wedding alone as opposed to having a date as a seat warmer.

Well, in truth, two weddings this summer. I dressed to the nines and looked ready to kill.

My dates love me unconditionally and didn't care what I looked like as long as they had a good time.

Yes, Miss T jr. and her brother were awesome fun at the weddings and quite a hit with the photographers. I have beautiful children ;)

Miss *Proud Momma * Taken
Re: The salmon was lovely...and her

Lancecastor said:

.....I note very few of you said what you'd do or have done in similar circumstances......

Curiously Yours;
Lance "I love weddings" Castor

~~~~~~~~~~Yes, it is curious that most of us spent our time imagining what you would do and not wondering how we would handle the same situation ourselves. And what does that say to you?
Personally, I would have done what you did. I would not have denied my friend the favor. :heart:

MissTaken said:

Why is he responsible for her having a date?

...and precisely why I was concerned in the first place, MissTaken.

Fucked-up situ, yes?

Re: The salmon was lovely...and her

Lancecastor said:

...dress was nearly the same shade as its' moist pink meat, he found himself thinking as they slowdanced in the crowd of strangers.

The hall was a wall of windows overlooking the oily waters deep, and lights from ships slowly cleaving the wet enroute to finger piers bathed them in a dimly lit public privacy that urged his cock onward. He saw her sweaty, bound, bent, and begging for release in the hours that were to follow

She noticed, of course, and moved almost imperceptably closer in reply, setting up a secret dirty back-beat, swaying her pink fabric encased pussy across it.

Both wet. Both guilty. Both willing.


The situation presented to me by way of a favour to him struck me as too fucked-up to not share with you, so I did, as a discussion starter.

I'd be more likely to sprout big black wings and soar to the Moon for tea and cookies than mess with my best friend's estranged spouse, no matter how hot she might be on paper.

Personally, I was hoping she wasn't so screwed up over her personal circumstances that she'd try to make a move on me out of her dispair.

And she didn't, though she did cry a lot after we left and was looking for "comfort" in the car when I drove her home and did ask me in for coffee.

I had other things to do, which included meeting a (single)bridesmaid in her salmon satin dress at a dark sleazy waterfront bar to hear a couple of local hardcore bands.:devil:

I hope this provides sufficient detail to settle your bets.

I note very few of you said what you'd do or have done in similar circumstances......

Curiously Yours;
Lance "I love weddings" Castor

Believe it or not, Lance, I cannot relate. It is not the kind of thing that would ever happen to me, so I did not have an answer.

Re: The salmon was lovely...and her

Lancecastor said:

I'd be more likely to sprout big black wings and soar to the Moon for tea and cookies than mess with my best friend's estranged spouse, no matter how hot she might be on paper.

Personally, I was hoping she wasn't so screwed up over her personal circumstances that she'd try to make a move on me out of her dispair.

And she didn't, though she did cry a lot after we left and was looking for "comfort" in the car when I drove her home and did ask me in for coffee.

I hope this provides sufficient detail to settle your bets.

I note very few of you said what you'd do or have done in similar circumstances......

Biased though I may be,...I think I won the "Daily
Double", and possibly the *Exacta*. (only time will tell)

The script I offered, was not only what you did,...but also what I would have done, but I will leave it to you Lance, as to declaring me a *winner* or not.

art-*On The Money*-ful :cool:
Re: Eggxactly...

Lancecastor said:

...and precisely why I was concerned in the first place, MissTaken.

Fucked-up situ, yes?


Do I get the prize behind door #1?

Yes, definitely messed up and l ike I said,

I would have begged off.

You might be a good friend and tell him to "Get a grip."


MissTaken said:
Do I get the prize behind door #1?

Yes, definitely messed up and like I said,

I would have begged off.

You might be a good friend and tell him to "Get a grip.":)

Yeah,...but then THAT wouldn't have followed my script,...and I surely would have lost my 2 cents.

(LMAO) Yanno I love ya. Here's your prize->:rose:
Re: Just for the record.......

A Desert Rose said:
MissT and Art: If you really want to know, I won. :heart:

I think all three of you are winners.

Reading the fine print


I am sure you, more than anyone, are fully aware that most people do not read the fine print. I am notorious for not doing so. However, I do read yours, just so I don't miss one more humorous jab.

Alright, if we are all three winners, then dinner's on you.:)

Rose :heart:
Re: Reading the fine print

A Desert Rose said:

I am sure you, more than anyone, are fully aware that most people do not read the fine print. I am notorious for not doing so. However, I do read yours, just so I don't miss one more humorous jab.

Alright, if we are all three winners, then dinner's on you.:)

Rose :heart:

Might I suggest that you think of my fine print as less of a jab and more of a poke?

Yes, of course! Dinner for 4 at the Temple of Castor! Lobsters! Oysters! Mead! Merriment!

Damn, I go out of town and miss betting on something interesting. Lance, I'm not at all surprised that you resisted offering "comfort" to this particular woman.

Oh well. Yes, I have friends that I would do anything for. There are only 2 of them, but I love them dearly.
Comfort & Joy

Desdemona said:
Damn, I go out of town and miss betting on something interesting. Lance, I'm not at all surprised that you resisted offering "comfort" to this particular woman.

Oh well. Yes, I have friends that I would do anything for. There are only 2 of them, but I love them dearly.

Yes, I passed on the "Comfort" section of the program....but I did get to meet Joy, a very nice bridesmaid, so the evening was not for nought, but for a bit of naughty, after all.

Bridesmaids are fun, if for no other reason than they're usually looking for any excuse to get out of their dress.

Lance "Excusez-Moi!" Castor

Friendships are so precious. i have a number of people i would do anything in the world for were it in my power, but maybe only one or two that would do the same for me. i look around this forum and all these boards and see these friendships among people and i envy them...such openness, and willingness...i have waited all my life for friendships such as the ones i have seen here...a give and take...sharing tears and laughter...sharing the secrets you'd never dare share with another...i think some people take their friendships for granted...i think that when someone says 'we'll remain friends' that that's not always true for one or both is simply forgotten...we can learn a lot from others if we let them in and all around can be blessed when friendship comes to pass...

Thank you for allowing me to express my thoughts...~smile~

spankableBelle said:
Friendships are so precious. i have a number of people i would do anything in the world for were it in my power, but maybe only one or two that would do the same for me. i look around this forum and all these boards and see these friendships among people and i envy them...such openness, and willingness...i have waited all my life for friendships such as the ones i have seen here...a give and take...sharing tears and laughter...sharing the secrets you'd never dare share with another...i think some people take their friendships for granted...i think that when someone says 'we'll remain friends' that that's not always true for one or both is simply forgotten...we can learn a lot from others if we let them in and all around can be blessed when friendship comes to pass...

Thank you for allowing me to express my thoughts...~smile~


No need to thank anyone. You have just as much right to express your thoughts here as anyone else does. In fact, I would love to hear more from you in the future.

Ebony <smiling>
Ebonyfire said:

No need to thank anyone. You have just as much right to express your thoughts here as anyone else does. In fact, I would love to hear more from you in the future.

Ebony <smiling>

That is very kind of you to say. If there were more that i felt i could contribute to by speaking up, or felt more comfortable with speaking up about, i would...and i'm learning quite alot by observation on the Board...there are and have been lately that i've wanted to speak up about, but i've not had the words and that's hard for me to say because i always have words and thoughts and opinions...but your sentiment touches me deeply, something i've never heard, thank you, Ebony, truly, thank you.

belle ~smile~
spankableBelle said:

That is very kind of you to say. If there were more that i felt i could contribute to by speaking up, or felt more comfortable with speaking up about, i would...and i'm learning quite alot by observation on the Board...there are and have been lately that i've wanted to speak up about, but i've not had the words and that's hard for me to say because i always have words and thoughts and opinions...but your sentiment touches me deeply, something i've never heard, thank you, Ebony, truly, thank you.

belle ~smile~

Welcome, I love to encourage new victims, uh eh I mean new subbies.
