Fucking Machines - have you ever experienced one

I have never tried one, or really thought about it but, damn! I really want to now! They look amazing.
I have a few pictures of fucking machines in my collection. They look like a lot of fun. The idea of having a submissive being fucked silly by a machine that doesn't stop... appeals, greatly!

Perhaps I may do more than just admire the pictures some time in the future, but not being the handy type, I would have to buy a machine. So... perhaps not.
Originally posted by jon.hayworth
I will remember that - if ever I become a rich and famous author who can afford to pay a researcher I know who to ask
You bet! Works for me. Though actually, I will also do research as personal favors. :eek: ;)
Originally posted by openthighs_sarah
If they make one that can suck my toes, massage my clit, tongue my ass and tell me "God, you're so fucking beautiful" every thirty to forty seconds, I'll give it a shot.

Originally posted by wildsweetone
Damnit... i thought you were talking about computers!

That's okay...I thought it was about researchers! woo :rolleyes:

haven't had so much fun for a long time.

yesterday, i clicked on jon's link and whammo there she was! laying right across my desktop! there i was completely smothered in a whole range of pictures showing a woman with her feet stuck in wood and a machine fucking her silly. my house was full of kids at the time. man, did i get a fright. i was clicking madly all over the place trying to hide the window. *wiping brow now in memory!*

i find the idea of a machine intriguing. odd how it is different to the thought of a vibrator. a MACHINE just has the imagination thinking 'big and fast and unstoppable'.

yes jon, i am awaiting Lucy's next adventures dear. get writing! this is your editor speaking ;)
Hey FungiUg - nice to see a fellow kiwi around.

whereabouts in Auckland are you?
wildsweetone said:
Hey FungiUg - nice to see a fellow kiwi around.

whereabouts in Auckland are you?

Right now? In my bedroom. :D

You must be the third kiwi I have heard from on Lit now. So there are a few of us small, brown, flightless birds out there.
Etoile said:
Only three?! There must be more.

Well, four including myself. But I don't generally talk to myself on Lit. ;)

Those are just the few I have heard from. I'm sure there are others out there.
FungiUg, it is a good thing that you are not one of these handy types who says things like "Gee I've got this old washing machine motor and a couple of bits of angle and I am nipping down to my fully equipped workshop." Because if you had been one of that type I reckon WSO would have been round tearing the door off its hinges.

;) ;) To my editor - I will be working all day tomorrow - I promise!

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
jon.hayworth said:
FungiUg, it is a good thing that you are not one of these handy types who says things like "Gee I've got this old washing machine motor and a couple of bits of angle and I am nipping down to my fully equipped workshop." Because if you had been one of that type I reckon WSO would have been round tearing the door off its hinges.

;) ;) To my editor - I will be working all day tomorrow - I promise!

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:

to my author - i can hardly wait to get your next lot of writing.

jon.hayworth said:
FungiUg, it is a good thing that you are not one of these handy types who says things like "Gee I've got this old washing machine motor and a couple of bits of angle and I am nipping down to my fully equipped workshop." Because if you had been one of that type I reckon WSO would have been round tearing the door off its hinges.

Weeeeell, thankfully she doesn't know where I live (precisely), and I haven't told her that my flatmate (who is kinky in other directions) is one of those handy-dandy type people...
Originally posted by FungiUg
Well, four including myself. But I don't generally talk to myself on Lit. ;)

Oh, but you do other places? :D
Etoile said:
Oh, but you do other places? :D

No, I never talk to myself.

(Yes you do.)

No. I don't.

(You do!)

I don't! Never!


Never never!

... *sigh* Sometimes I hate being a gemini.
wildsweetone said:

So I should talk nicely to my flatmate about building a fucking machine?

Oh, has anyone here tried remote controller vibrators? How about a harness with two dildoes, worn under clothing?
wildsweetone said:
Now that is something I never considered - oral sex with a Fucking Machine!:D

Be careful or your dental bills will bankrupt you!!!

Still oral sex with a Fucking Machine - the imagination is moving into BoggleDom drive

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:

By the way check out the "DEATH FOR ADULTERY" thread it is now on the General Board - your chance to help save someone's life.
Originally posted by FungiUg
How about a harness with two dildoes, worn under clothing?

Okay, I have to admit it...I don't understand. What would the goal/point of this be? :confused:
Etoile said:
Okay, I have to admit it...I don't understand. What would the goal/point of this be? :confused:

Hey Etoile, i don't think it matters WHAT the points would be, but WHERE... ;)

btw, i love your humour :D

Originally posted by FungiUg
So I should talk nicely to my flatmate about building a fucking machine?

...just so long as you don't use any number 8 wire.

jon when you do the three devil mask thing, you really scare me!

Etoile said:
Okay, I have to admit it...I don't understand. What would the goal/point of this be? :confused:

I'm picturing the two dildos inserted inside the person wearing the harness under their clothes - inverted and very pointy indeed!

Yes, well spotted, Lark. 10 points to Griffendoor.

The point is to have a submissive squirming in sexual desperation, and me knowing it, and her constantly feeling fucked with every movement, and constantly desperate to cum, but because she's in public, she can't ask or demand, and giving me pleading looks, and me ignoring them, and...

Okay, okay, I'm sure you get the idea. I'm evil, yep, that's it!
I can guess where Etoile was going with this image as well. If Your Domme or Daddy has a double dildo strapped on for use (on someone else) but keeps their clothing on... another form of torture, but a bit "pointless". ;)

**lol sorry... was just a funny picture in my head in reverse and couldn't resist.
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No, it didn't have anything to do with pointy bits. I just meant I didn't understand the object of the exercise! I hadn't been going anywhere with it. I get it now, though.