Full Moon Challenge

doormouse said:
Just to get technical, sorry...

These moons were named by American Indians. My moon is the wolf moon, which no matter what site I try to research on why it is called that, refers to the colds of Winter.

I'm in Australia, and January is our hottest month.

None of the descriptions describe me at all.

Seeing as some of them refer to the moon as 'blue' can I use that one instead? (my fave song from American Werewolf In London).

this is a multi-cultural multi-longitudinal challenge.

Please, by all means, use the moon name you use in the great down under, out in the outback, throw a moon on the barby or whatever other americanized australian bits you can think of. Hell, make it up, I am not going to check your references

(cant wait to read wallaby moon lol)

Belegon said:
Alaskan Night

The lack of you beside me
Is as crisp and chill
As the cold moon’s light
Glancing off the everlasting snows
In the land of my birth

I know that dawn will come
To melt this icy heart
But until your promised return
I find it most appropriate
To be under the long nights moon.

It feels so good to be surrounded by such talent. Like a big poetric hug. I needed that!

Love your ties back to your birth and your present situation..

You people make me sick.

My crap I struggle to make look that pathetic.

You guys bash at the keys... grrrr

Damn you all!!!!!!!!

Now help me



Mine sucks. I give up.
Randi Grail said:
Ok, here is mine. Please let me know if I misread some of the instructions.

stumble preceeds fall

creatures of shaded shelter
hid behind the veils of closed lids
feeding, sucking the meat off each other's bones
under a red moon behind black blue clouds
wearing their vampire blood thin

they waited, stalked her careless saunter
down alluring paths of decoy glitter
where she gawked, eyes wondrous wide
so delicious to their frenzied appetite
they waited, still, for a little while

DAMN! damn.

I mean, um Wow.
Look at that title. And then then the poem! eh hem.

This is some great poetry you have here, I wish I would have posted one right away, I have too many exxxcellent predessors, I will beat myself up trying to submit something acceptable!

I love this:"feeding, sucking the meat off each other's bones
under a red moon "
annaswirls said:
this is a multi-cultural multi-longitudinal challenge.

Please, by all means, use the moon name you use in the great down under, out in the outback, throw a moon on the barby or whatever other americanized australian bits you can think of. Hell, make it up, I am not going to check your references

(cant wait to read wallaby moon lol)



After seeing this and 'dingo moon' from that bratty Mutt character... I'll stun you all LOL

Here comes an Aussie poem :p
doormouse said:
You people make me sick.

My crap I struggle to make look that pathetic.

You guys bash at the keys... grrrr

Damn you all!!!!!!!!

Now help me



Mine sucks. I give up.

quit wimpering, you can bash out the keys with the best of them

now go write
chop chop!

I did not comment on your first one as I believe you are going in a different direction? Let me know, and I can give you help on that one-- no wonder it was difficult, it did not match your time zone or climate

now hop to it like a kangaroo
or a kangaroo mouse, my favorite rodent


Re: I'm in too.

Remec said:
Inner Me

Soft and quiet,
that's what they think.
And they're not far off the mark.
I listen.
I brood.
I seethe like an unwatched pot.
But, eventually,
like the storms of my birth,
borne by the thunder moon,
I roar.

Love it!

Ace! The dingo moon shines so bright tonight!
amber fluid aplenty, no end in sight
she'll be apples, I can handle my grog
fair dinkum, with a hand I slog

"Damn flies!!"

Some show pony, he stole my heart
In his wake, I cringe, I fart
Strewth, I fell for such absolute crap
He set me up, dingo's jaws go 'snap'

"Damn liars!!"
The dunny door it hangs aksew
Endlessly reminds of you
You make me sick you worthless prick
Guys like you, they make me sick

Dingo moon it howls so right
reminding me, of tonight

Go fuck yourself you lame ass cock
I found your bulge, your stuffed in sock
As if that would ignite my fire
your time is up, time to expire.


Oh, I'm loving these LOL


Edited.... yep I can't spell LOL
Last edited:
Re: Eve's Moon

annaswirls said:
Yes, you are being difficult, you have earned that right.

And no, please don't take my Hunger Moon-- I earned that right, being born in February, birthday party after birthday party snowed out! Damn, was almost born in a car stuck in a snow drift so the legend goes....

and come on Eve, I am guessing you could write something about stamina or the like--Long Nights Moon? At least you didn't get the Beaver!
Now, I could work with a beaver moon. lol
Re: Minor thread-jacking

Remec said:
Oh, and aren't you obligated by being named Eve to be, at least a little, difficult? <wink><smile>
That explains why I have a bitch of a time with temptation.
Travel Moon

Thursday’s child, so far to go
So little time
Life measured by another’s uncaring clock
What company to have along the way
Friend, soulmate, wife
We’ll travel far
Loved, led, lit, by our travel moon

I'm very much a novice at poetry, coming to it late in life, but I thought I'd have a go. Free verse is something I still haven't really got a handle on, so any references would be welcomed.

Old wolf moon

Old moon, cold moon

pock marked, barren

moving in and out of shadows

avoiding days light

Once a wolf moon

on the prowl,

proud and strong

time takes its toll

eclipses youth

leaves you howling
A Taurus sun and a Capricorn moon, sensuality mixed with wisdom. Such things I could write, though most would be lies. Alas, the first challenge I accept is of my May birth moon, which just happened to be over this milltown stolen from the Abenaki for "The King's Pines".

Moon Scars at Saccarappa Falls

Factories mock in sin the path where
the brave chased salmon upstream,

fish climbing rock falls where
brick now crumbles under once
flowered spring and milked moon.

The corn planting stalks soon cut
for great armies that walked the seas,

fires burning their huts into stone.
Blood legends still dance in the flames,
for the smoke to scar thier moon.
Planter's Moon

Planter's moon sweeps across the land
Brushing away winter's harsh glaze
Shaking off the frigid blankets of chill and ice

Awake! Slumber time is over!

Gentle light heralds the rebirth of life
Tender buds sprout and blossom
Stark black and white replaced by myriad colors

Spring! Rebirth! Renewal! Joy!
Crow Moon

I was very surprised to learn the march moon was a crow moon. Crows have followed me all through my life, I even have a celtic raven tattooed on my arm...all this now makes sense to me

Brother crow left me feathers
In childhood forests
And perched high above in bare November trees
Told me of old things, in his chant hoarsened voice
Bringer of wisdom, bringer of death
Divine messenger, cosmic trickster
He put me on the path, lit by the March moon
My eyes see it twist and turn
But in reality it is..
Straight as the crow flies
Dad gum it. I'm gonna post this sucker here. I tried to post my inhumanity poem Sunday and it hasn't shown up yet. By the way... I'm just starting to write things that don't come to me out of the blue so be kind when you rip my poems up! Or should I say rip my poems up then be kind to me!

Dad gum it. :(

My January Man

Fallen back on the snow on my birthday, I look into the sky
Catching the man on the moon smiling at me
A constant wink for billions, but I claim it momentarily.
As I make my waves in the frosty bed, I listen.
Hearing him say with a jovial empathy
“New year, my dear, so never fear, because I am always here!”
My icy angel made complete, cold outside and warm inside,
I gaze around January environment and think
Even when I’m cool, I’m beautiful.
I wink back, joyously smiling at my January man on the moon.

This is a great idea anna.

Frost Moon

Icy fingers have drawn
a circle round the moon
among the brittle stars.
the ground is rutted hard
glittering with cold.
and the world holds its breath.
no exhaled clouds shroud
the beauty of cold Luna.
crisp shadows dance behind us
as we walk in the blue light.
Flower Moon


Born in early hours when
flower moon faded behind the
curtain of rays dropped by the dawn
slipping unseen offstage,
enveloped by the darkness of the wings,
content to avoid the glare and wait,
for our moment,
not to shine,
but to reflect on the
blossoms of the night.
Reading those previous poems, I am starting to have some strange thoughts about the Corn Moon.

doormouse said:
The dunny door it hangs aksew
Endlessly reminds of you
You make me sick you worthless prick
Guys like you, they make me sick

Dingo moon it howls so right
reminding me, of tonight

Go fuck yourself you lame ass cock
I found your bulge, your stuffed in sock
As if that would ignite my fire
your time is up, time to expire.


Oh, I'm loving these LOL


Edited.... yep I can't spell LOL

omg you are a sick little mousie!
Re: Travel Moon

Thanks for playing, Alex!

I really liked the sentiment of this poem. I felt it.

Can I critique this? You said as much, let me give it a go, okay? Remember I have kind of an unconventional taste in poetry, so take this at your will and whim.

I think your free verse is very nice. Don't be afraid of your freedom, just do what sounds right and watch Eve. She knows what she is doing.

Alex De Kok said:

Thursday’s child,
there is far to go

In time marked by the clock
that never invited discussion.

Friend, soulmate, wife
we’ll travel far together
as company along the way, loved,
led, lit by our travel moon

Alex De Kok said:
Thursday’s child, so far to go *use "so" sparingly*

So little time *cliche*
Life measured by another’s uncaring clock *cool though awkward phrasing*
What company to have along the way
Friend, soulmate, wife
We’ll travel far
Loved, led, lit, by our travel moon

I'm very much a novice at poetry, coming to it late in life, but I thought I'd have a go. Free verse is something I still haven't really got a handle on, so any references would be welcomed.

Re: Old wolf moon

tungtied2u said:
Old moon, cold moon

pock marked, barren

moving in and out of shadows

avoiding days light

Once a wolf moon

on the prowl,

proud and strong

time takes its toll

eclipses youth

leaves you howling

wow I love this feel of this one!
Did you read it out loud? There are a few places I think you could work with. I can't believe you c ombined two moons! Are you looking for extra credit?
jd4george said:

Moon Scars at Saccarappa Falls

Factories mock in sin the path where
the brave chased salmon upstream,

fish climbing rock falls where
brick now crumbles under once
flowered spring and milked moon.

The corn planting stalks soon cut
for great armies that walked the seas,

fires burning their huts into stone.
Blood legends still dance in the flames,
for the smoke to scar thier moon.

I love the primitive feel of this-- you really packed a lot of history in 10 lines! The second stanza, I think, tries to do too much, feels like it trips over itself a little bit.

Last two lines are classic (fix spelling of "their")

Re: Re: Old wolf moon

annaswirls said:
wow I love this feel of this one!
Did you read it out loud? There are a few places I think you could work with. I can't believe you c ombined two moons! Are you looking for extra credit?

thanks anna- glad you liked. not looking for extra credit, just a hug.:rose: