Full Moon Challenge

Re: Planter's Moon

Zanzibar said:
Planter's moon sweeps across the land
Brushing away winter's harsh glaze
Shaking off the frigid blankets of chill and ice

Awake! Slumber time is over!

Gentle light heralds the rebirth of life
Tender buds sprout and blossom
Stark black and white replaced by myriad colors

Spring! Rebirth! Renewal! Joy!

First stanza does a wonderful job of showing, painting us a picture not only clear in its image, but in it's underlying meaning.

I would like a list of the myriad colors, or something to show us them. It is hard for me to just throw together a colorful picture reading black and white text. Maybe describe the colors you see?

I love this overall, it is very vivid and a nice read!
Re: Crow Moon

Tathagata said:

Brother crow left me feathers
In childhood forests
And perched high above in bare November trees
Told me of old things, in his chant hoarsened voice
Bringer of wisdom, bringer of death
Divine messenger, cosmic trickster
He put me on the path, lit by the March moon
My eyes see it twist and turn
But in reality it is..
Straight as the crow flies

this is so cool. I love the cosmic trickster

that could have been your poem

I would take out the comma in line 4 and pull straight from the last line up one line which breaks the common saying apart, making it more surprising.

maybe like this
"but reality is straight
as the crow flies."

But then again, I really do not know anything about poetry :)

love it, it is classically T.
WOW these are some of the best poems I have seen. Challenges always seem to bring out the best in people. Maybe takes us from the patterns we fall into.

I am impressed.

And I am looking up my moon chart. Anyone know off hand

When is the next full moon?

I have to take a break from reading these. I have no idea how I am going to write mine.
annaswirls said:
When is the next full moon?
It's a half moon out side my window.

If you got another half over there, we can make a whole. :)

Here is another Red Moon poem. I feel the last one was a bit depressing.


some dream of helium yellow
on cyan sky canvas
all faded to
cocain white
or lavender saphire

come my love
cast your red moon reflection
on my blue ocean heart
and together in purple
we embrace
Ok so I was born in May

and I'll write a Flower Moon Poem (maybe even a Planting Corn Moon poem but Milk Moon sound like ugh--some nasty candy you get at the Saturday matinee--like a cross between a moon pie and milk duds, when really you wanted popcorn, lol).

Never mind. Long day.

Do you know every other damn poem I write is about the moon? (The odd numbered ones are about jazz).

Exhibit A:

is here.

Exhibit B:

is here

see what I mean?

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Re: Ok so I was born in May

Angeline said:
Do you know every other damn poem I write is about the moon? (The odd numbered ones are about jazz).
Oh, and I coulda sworn that you had written some about both the moon AND jazz. :rolleyes: :kiss:
Re: Re: Ok so I was born in May

Randi Grail said:
Oh, and I coulda sworn that you had written some about both the moon AND jazz. :rolleyes: :kiss:

The man in the moon plays tenor, baby.


Flower Moon

The man in the moon
plays tenor. Light beams.
Cool flowers fall
into ballads.

One gardenia
lands behind a Lady's ear,
tickles rhythm languid,
dragging Stardust
behind the beat, fine

and mellow,
that yellow light,
closed eyes, jazz
blooms at night,

thick and luscious,
lily sulty tones.
The moon escapes
from space, its empty home
through a golden length
of moan.

Wish on its song,
uncurl, spoon
into later bliss.
Kiss the night,
jazz moon,
soft flowered kiss.

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Re: Re: I'm in too.

annaswirls said:
wow, this is lovely. I think this challenge will bring out some excellent poetry--

this is perfect.
move to the front of the class
get your star :)

<dropped eyes, obscured smile>
<softly shaking head and dragging right toe slowly back and forth before me>
Shucks, ain't nuthin'...thanks...

annaswirls said:
this is a multi-cultural multi-longitudinal challenge.

Please, by all means, use the moon name you use in the great down under, out in the outback, throw a moon on the barby or whatever other americanized australian bits you can think of. Hell, make it up, I am not going to check your references

(cant wait to read wallaby moon lol)


Ooooh!! Can't wait to hear digiridoo moon!!

OK- I'm in- for Harvest Moon or Corn Moon

It'll probably be my last for awhile so I'll work real hard!
I think they're getting better... :confused:

Forlorn memories.

Meandering whispers, reminiscent of times ago
threaten to engulf, crush and expel
grasping but a handful of dreams,
the wolf moon howls- illuminating
a path of shimmering gold.

Destiny triumphs - trumpets sound,
opportunity's door stands barred
through wind carried whispers
the siren song invokes sympathy
for devils left behind who hold the key.
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tungtied2u said:
Maybe it's the dark side of the moon! :D

Hey ange!:rose:

Nah. It's only dark in the sense of night, Jazz night.

Hiya sweety!


(Will you want to strangle me if I tell you I just heard another band I bet you'd love?) :D
Angeline said:
Nah. It's only dark in the sense of night, Jazz night.

Hiya sweety!


(Will you want to strangle me if I tell you I just heard another band I bet you'd love?) :D

Do tell by all means!
Just let me get the roll of toilet paper that serves as my list.:D

(I'm referring to length, not use):eek:
tungtied2u said:
Do tell by all means!
Just let me get the roll of toilet paper that serves as my list.:D

(I'm referring to length, not use):eek:

The Haynes Boys. Just listened to em. Good, good, good.

Angeline said:
The Haynes Boys. Just listened to em. Good, good, good.


Just visited their web*****. I'll see if I camn find their disc locally.

Thanks, darlin.:kiss:
tungtied2u said:
Just visited their web*****. I'll see if I camn find their disc locally.

Thanks, darlin.:kiss:

Here's one you might like-

Debbie Davies- a blues guitarist who used to play years back with Albert Collins band. Really hot licks, in the best blues tradition and a voice with a southwest twang.:cool:
Wolf Moon

Meandering whispers, reminiscent of times ago
threaten to engulf, crush and expel
grasping but a handful of dreams,
the wolf moon howls- illuminating
a path of shimmering gold.

Destiny triumphs - trumpets sound,
opportunity's door stands barred
through wind carried whispers
the siren song invokes sympathy
for devils, left behind with the key.

(any suggestions before i submit?)
tungtied2u said:
Here's one you might like-

Debbie Davies- a blues guitarist who used to play years back with Albert Collins band. Really hot licks, in the best blues tradition and a voice with a southwest twang.:cool:

Neither I nor the roomie has heard of her--but sounds like something we'd both like. I'm gonna google her. :)

Re: Re: Re: Old wolf moon

tungtied2u said:
thanks anna- glad you liked. not looking for extra credit, just a hug.:rose:

you will have to stay after class for a hug
I think I have a Harvest Moon poem...

When do we post? Is there a reason you wanted them posted here, or are folks just putting their warmups here? Cux my warmups ...well... you dont wanna know...
If they are like your Imhumanity poem Boo, they will rock our worlds.;)

Is it just me or does the title of this thread make any one else think that Anna wants us all to drop trou?
BooMerengue said:
I think I have a Harvest Moon poem...

When do we post? Is there a reason you wanted them posted here, or are folks just putting their warmups here? Cux my warmups ...well... you dont wanna know...

Hi Boo,
No place of posting was named, but I've seen many posted to this thread.
I think some have been posted to the new poems site as well.

That's what happens when you have a free style challenge.;)

Look forward to reading yours. tt:rose: