
Re: Re: Re: Re: Garderobes

DurtGurl said:
Dear Og,
Would that be before or after Norman conquered the place?

English city dweller still spoke English even when the court spoke French. We are still no good at learning other people's languages.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Garderobes

Originally posted by oggbashan We are still no good at learning other people's languages.

Yeah, especially that Frenchy talk where they expectorate all over the place and sound like they gotta mouthfull of oatmeal. That's porridge, or somesuch, to you, Brit.
DG, Cunning Linguist
polyglot English

Originally posted by oggbashan
We are still no good at learning other people's languages.
Quel rubbish!
Nous sommes quite good at speaking foreign languages; it is just the denizens of the country in question who who do not understand it!

Re: polyglot English

Octavian said:
Originally posted by oggbashan
Quel rubbish!
Nous sommes quite good at speaking foreign languages; it is just the denizens of the country in question who who do not understand it!


Big fella him no savvy toot sweet chop chop.
"There was no toilet paper, just a neat pyramid of round pebbles."


Why didn't the poor, uncivilized heathens use corn cobs like sophisitcated folks did here in the states?

Also, weren't statues of gargoyles sometimes used to bounce the "awful" away from the walls?

And finally, the praises of T Crapper can't be oversung, but how did the French come up with the idea of a bidet?

Yours in curiosity,

Rumple Foreskin
Rumple Foreskin said:
Why didn't the poor, uncivilized heathens use corn cobs like sophisitcated folks did here in the states?

Dear Rumple,
The fact that no corn was grown within a thousand miles may have had something to do with it.
Rumple Foreskin said:
"There was no toilet paper, just a neat pyramid of round pebbles."

Yours in curiosity,

Rumple Foreskin

In certain parts of West Virginia peanut husks are used in lieu of pebbles. The grunts you hear from the garderobe are caused when a sharp edge is employed. Now you know where all the peanut shells left in the stands at a baseball game go..........
Rumple Foreskin said:
"And finally, the praises of T Crapper can't be oversung, but how did the French come up with the idea of a bidet?

Yours in curiosity,

Rumple Foreskin

To wash their socks in, of course. At the time we English thought that socks were a fancy foreign fad like forks for eating with.

eating with socks

Originally posted by oggbashan
At the time we English thought that socks were a fancy foreign fad like forks for eating with.

I must admit I haven't tried eating with a sock. Surely it must get very soggy, especially if you're having soup.

Eating soup with a sock is possibly easier than eating it with a fork. The sock also strains out the lumps of garlic put in by the French.

But we didn't have socks, or forks. Soup was slurped from the edge of the bowl and wiped up with the bread. Did I say "was"? Sorry, I meant to say "is", at least in Chinese restaurants.

oggbashan said:
Soup was slurped from the edge of the bowl and wiped up with the bread.

You mean there's some other way?
Ps. I'm never going to look at a peanut shell in quite the same way again. Eeeewwwwwwww! Owwwwie!
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
Why didn't the poor, uncivilized heathens use corn cobs like sophisitcated folks did here in the states?

Dear Rumple,
The fact that no corn was grown within a thousand miles may have had something to do with it.


But MG, they had corn after 1492. The real reason the Spanish sent that Italian guy sailing west was to discover corn so they'd have nice corn cobs to use at the seat of power, so to speak.
