Gender and Feedback


I just read Fifty5's post above. Thought I'd see what the "Ignore" button would do. Well, it did it. I now have him on "Ignore," and I can't figure out how to unignore him. How the heck do I do that?
Ps. ^%*&)&(*(*%&$!!
Go to the edit buddies list on your UserCP page.

Edit: Sorry, it's called the Edit Ignore List.

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Geez, MG, you're going to give fifty5 a complex. Why didn't you test your ignore button on someone who was actually being annoying? Really, he's already missing out on the come-on feedback, which I think is a crime—a crime, do you hear me? I find it appalling that the gentlemen—with the exception of Dirt Man—are being so ignored. After all, male rock stars, athletes—even Presidents—have groupies and what about all those screaming girls at boy band concerts?

SexySoBeChick said:
Geez, MG, you're going to give fifty5 a complex.
Umm..... sorry. 55 just happened to me on my screen when I decided to play with the "Ignore" key. Nothing personal. 55 is no longer on my ignore list. Nobody is. Thank you, Perdita.
SexySoBeChick said:
Geez, MG, you're going to give fifty5 a complex. ...

Gee, thanks SSBC for writing that on my behalf, but if MG wants to experiment with me as the significant other in question, that's OK - honest. I mean, I did some maths myself a while ago... <grin>
Wow, another Brit. Welcome, 55; I'm 56 (for another 3 months). You blokes are proliferating, but I'm not complaining. I think most of my fave Lit. men are from your isle. And it's always a relief of sorts to meet another author over 30, haha.

Stick around, we're fun beneath all the carping and clawing. ;)

regards, Perdita*

(*You get a prize if you know from whence my Lit. name came.)

p.s. This often comes up: are you northern or southern U.K.?
fifty5 said:
Gee, thanks SSBC for writing that on my behalf, but if MG wants to experiment with me as the significant other in question, that's OK - honest. I mean, I did some maths myself a while ago... <grin>

Hmmm . . . I find it interesting that a thread about come-ons has just generated one. Ah well, maybe it'll cheer MG up. If today's haiku is anything to go by, she seems to be a bit down.

SexySoBeChick said:
Hmmm . . . I find it interesting that a thread about come-ons has just generated one.
Ha ha! Sexy, this is an erotica site! There are plenty of us who enjoy coming on just for fun (and even get some surprising results ;) ) P.
perdita said:
Ha ha! Sexy, this is an erotica site! There are plenty of us who enjoy coming on just for fun (and even get some surprising results ;) ) P.

Hey, you'll get no argument from me. Just making an observation. And for the record, I do know that people come to Literotica for sex. After all, if they wanted misinformation, they'd go to, wouldn't they?

SSBC :cool:
SexySoBeChick said:

Do you guys just receive impersonal critiques on your writing--or feedback from readers who are looking to get more intimate? Do you just receive slaps on back for writing hot, sexy stories--or propositions?

Or are only the ladies lucky enough to receive come-ons from aroused readers?

The feedback I receive is made up of a strange kind of come-on:

Many people who write to me want to sell me supplements for penis enlargement. Others congratulate me and offer a discount on everything from credit cards to vacuums. It's all very confusing, and I don't know what to make of it.

Frankly, I'd love to have one of these emails even mention the name of one of my stories... I can't imagine what it would be like to have someone offer a suggestion for improvement that didn't involve giving them my credit card number...


Re: Re: Gender and Feedback

Op_Cit said:
Many people who write to me want to sell me supplements for penis enlargement.

Yikes! I haven't had this happen at all, thank goodness. I get enough spam on my other email account. I wonder if Literotica can do anything about people abusing the feedback system in this way. Have you tried reporting the offenders?


OK seriously now SSBC,

Just joking about spam = feedback, no abuse yet through the remailers.

I post under a gender neutral name so as to further hide my identity and not bias the reader in anyway. Though I'm sure there are enough clues in my writing for most women figure out that I'm a guy, I still want to separate the author from the stories.

Only a few times have I gotten feedback from women (or people claiming to be) praising my work. (Out of a total average of maybe 3 emails per story posted.) I've received only one email like yours and that was from a woman (or someone claiming to be), and she described what she wanted to do with me (thinking I was a woman).

It's great to think that my writing from the female perspective was good enough to fool a woman, but I was kinda weirded out by that email and I don't think I responded. (I don't pretend to be a woman, I'm just one of those really straight guys that thinks that FF stories are very erotic.)

(Personally, I'm not sure that any women really visit these sites as I was raised to believe that only sex crazed maniacs visit these sites, and only men can be SCMs :) )

I think that there is a natural difference in the sexes that makes men more outgoing and more often the initiator, and this spills over into the area of feedback. Also women, being on the receiving end of this, are much more reluctant provide the oportunity for the SCM authors to think that they (fem) are at all interested in them.


(I'm not an author, but I've written stories about them.)
Op_Cit said:
I think that there is a natural difference in the sexes that makes men more outgoing and more often the initiator, and this spills over into the area of feedback.
Hi Op Cit (love the name). I can't tell if you're joshing or what. Just want to speak up and say that 9 times out of 10 (won't give final tally) I've been the outgoing/coming on one. I didn't start though until after my second divorce at 36 when I decided I could afford no more b.s. or wasting of time on cultural habits. The only rejections I ever received were from married or otherwise attached men, but even they were at the very least flattered and thanked me for the interest.

Now at mid-age I have a greater sense of time's worth. I often think of Richard II's near last words (from recall), "I wasted time, and now doth time waste me."

timely and recycling Perdita :)
Op_Cit said:
OK seriously now SSBC,

Just joking about spam = feedback, no abuse yet through the remailers.

Ooooooh, you totally got me! It was just so believable that those pesky spammers would infiltrate the feedback system. Perfect con.

Op_Cit said:
(Personally, I'm not sure that any women really visit these sites as I was raised to believe that only sex crazed maniacs visit these sites, and only men can be SCMs )

The fallacy of this theory should be plainly obvious by now. There are plenty of female sex-crazed maniacs running around this very board. I suppose this is your ever-so-subtle way of trying to get us to prove it, huh? I can only speak for myself, but--keep dreamin', bub!

SSBC :cool:
Originally posted by SexySoBeChick
Inspired by my own reader feedback, I began wondering if there was a general difference in the tone and content of feedback received by female writers on Literotica as opposed to that received by male writers.
Well, the next time I'm a female writer, I'll compare the experiences and get back to you. :p

Originally posted by SexySoBeChick
Do you guys just receive impersonal critiques on your writing--or feedback from readers who are looking to get more intimate? Do you just receive slaps on back for writing hot, sexy stories--or propositions?
Personally, I haven't received either, and I think that's because of my writing style. My main set of stories is really more of a romance novel where sex happens, uh, really frequently. I haven't gotten any feedback re actual technique or wordplay or anything. Instead most people praise me on the tone and style of the story, which is very character-intensive. I haven't gotten any propositions, and considering my story style, I doubt I will.

When I SEND feedback, it's not to proposition people, it's to thank them for writing a good story. KM, I agree with your analysis of having sex with the stories, but we, as authors, are NOT our stories. ...Well, actually, no, we kind of are, but that STILL doesn't mean we want to have sex with all of our readers. :rolleyes: Maybe the better description is of the story as a sort of proxy, a blow-up doll in the shape and form of the writer. If I like the story, I'll thank the author for providing it, but I know the proxy isn't the real thing. But maybe I'm just weird like that.
perdita said:
Hi Op Cit (love the name). I can't tell if you're joshing or what.


Thanks on the moniker, I was trying to get a few points for cleverness.

As for joshing: the only reason men are the initiators is women aren't :)

From a guys perspective, it is a huge turn on to find a woman initiating conversation, etc. Guys are naturally lacking that subtlety gene that allows one to perceive whether a woman is interested or not. This makes us blind to understanding the blatantly obvious signals that women give off and result in us making stupid advances on the girls who want nothing to do with us and completely oblivious to the ones who would take us home in a heartbeat.

There are a few exceptions to the rule: guys who do not encounter these problems. These are the rare few who just get lucky.


Originally posted by SexySoBeChick

I suppose this is your ever-so-subtle way of trying to get us to prove it, huh? I can only speak for myself, but--keep dreamin', bub!

Ya see Perdita? Shot down again by even the most roundabout attempt... ;)

That's the great illusion of this medium that feeds the our masculine imaginations, SSBC, propping up our feeble egos and helping to smother our deep insecurities: that somewhere out there there are women reading and writing this stuff, and that some of them actually enjoy it. :)

Ah well, you can't take my dreams away...


PS. I think that would make a funny story: A writer of erotic fiction goes to a convention of erotic authors only to find that they are all men... Meanwhile, women's grand conspiracy of ruling the world and controlling the feeble minded men like puppets on a stick continues unnoticed... Nah, nobody likes reality stories.
gender AND role play confusion

What is even more amusing to me is finding out just how fantastical Lit. people are. I labeled my stories 'light bdsm' so as not to disappoint "real" BDSMers. My stories are all based on research, no experience whatsover in that area. When I read a good piece of same I also ask questions in my feedback notes, often enough about a particular area of BDSM. It's all very professional, i.e., I'm not looking for a Dom.

So far each of my fellow area authors has confessed to not actually having experience in BDSM and that their writing too is purely fiction. So I am thinking and laughing about how we perceive each other here.

Then add to this whether one knows an author's gender, we're all in the dark. Still, it's great fun.

Perdita the Gentle ;)
SexySoBeChick said:
Hey, you'll get no argument from me. Just making an observation. And for the record, I do know that people come to Literotica for sex. After all, if they wanted misinformation, they'd go to, wouldn't they?

SSBC :cool:

SSBC: Have you tried going to You get to a porn site.

The Earl
I haven't written much stuff for Lit yet, so I guess I'm a fairly anonymous writer so far.

My feedback has been about the story being good. Nothing else, apart from a guy who told me the navel sure is an erogenous zone! :)

I'll try to finish up more stories and see if I get any of the interesting feedback people keep mentioning on this board.
Do you guys just receive impersonal critiques on your writing--or feedback from readers who are looking to get more intimate? Do you just receive slaps on back for writing hot, sexy stories--or propositions?

I actually got feedback once that was a mild come on. Since this was from a bisexual wife who was married to a bisexual maybe they thought that doubled (quadrupled?) their chance for a positive response.

I'm sure it was the sexy picture I have posted, LOL.
perdita said:
Wow, another Brit. Welcome, 55; I'm 56 (for another 3 months).*1 You blokes are proliferating,*2 but I'm not complaining. I think most of my fave Lit. men are from your isle. And it's always a relief of sorts to meet another author over 30, haha.*3 Stick around, we're fun beneath all the carping and clawing. ;)

regards, Perdita*

(*You get a prize if you know from whence my Lit. name came.)*4

p.s. This often comes up: are you northern or southern U.K.?*5

*1 Strictly, I've a fornight of 54 left... <grin>

*2 Well, don't we all, when the real thing isn't available? <'nother grin>

*3 Insert "would be" instead of "another" before "author". Got 1 posted and working on another, but that don't mean it's more than self delusion. I hope you turn out to be right though.

*4 Bet it isn't Dornford Yates, more likely you and he were alluding to the same original. Apart from thinking that the latin means 'lost', I can't get there, so no coconut, I suppose...

*5 Mid UK = Northern England - Yorkshire is the most precise I intend to be in public ;^)

Oh yeah - and Hi to you too, Perdita. It's nice to be noticed nicely! <huge grin>
fifty5 said:
*4 Bet it isn't Dornford Yates, more likely you and he were alluding to the same original. Apart from thinking that the latin means 'lost', I can't get there, so no coconut, I suppose...
*5 Mid UK = Northern England - Yorkshire is the most precise I intend to be in public ;^)
Hi, Five. Perdita is the sweet young thing in "Winter's Tale". It does mean 'little lost girl' in Spanish but that's not me. Have a dancing 'nana instead of a coconut. :nana:

Wow, another Yorkshireman. I trust you'll meet Gauchecritic soon enough. Cahab is a Yorkshire femme.

Que te vaya bien, Perdita :rose:

p.s. Dornford Yates?

Edited to add:

Somewhat amusing, somewhat tiresome, somewhat enlightening (like most AH threads).
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And a high 5 to you too, Perdita...

If 'little lost girl' doesn't fit, how about another derivative from the same source: perdition? <grin>

"Have a dancing 'nana" - you looked!

"p.s. Dornford Yates?" - Tom Sharpe (his nephew) described DY's tales as "snobbery with violence". But I liked reading them because the prose was effortless to read.

Looking forward to meeting the other Tykes,

Ha ha, I've just received some come-on feedback, and I haven't got any stories up yet. :eek:

Some guys are just too eager.

Katie :rose: