What I Wrote and Why: the support thread

Yesterday I wrote a WIWAW on names in speculative fiction, and the ones that work and the ones that don't. It will be published tomorrow morning.

Looking forward to this one!
It has been published, looked at 23 times in its first hour and someone read enough to give a score (5⭐ 😁).
It will be interesting if I get contra opinions and I will not object if someone is inspired by the plot idea as I know nothing about the subject of gymnastics and weight lifting.
It has been published, looked at 23 times in its first hour and someone read enough to give a score (5⭐ 😁).
That was me.
It will be interesting if I get contra opinions and I will not object if someone is inspired by the plot idea as I know nothing about the subject of gymnastics and weight lifting.
I'll comment later, when I finish my work for the day and I've had more time to think.
Okay, I've written one more WIWAW that just went live: What I Wrote and Why: A Farcical Flop. It talks about humor in erotica using two of my attempts at being funny as examples.

This is in addition to WIWAW - If You Want It that went live a couple weeks ago (that I see I failed to mention here. Oops). That one dissects a popular Christmas story with an ending some readers hate.

BTW, there are WIWAW-esque musings on each my stories, delving into background, motivations, characters and, often, every single trope used, all on my blog under Behind the story.
I've kept mulling over in my mind if I should fwrite about the truth that drives the fiction. I decided to bite the bullet and do it. My WIWAW
My reworked WIWAW on writing orgasms should be up tomorrow. I wonder whether the titillating title (WIWAW: Orgasms, Bang or Whimper") will draw readers.
So I finally submitted one of these, all about the Angels And Demons Saga co-created and shared with Emily Miller.

It's an insight into how two very different authors came together to create a shared fantasy universe. Plus I break down many of the Easter eggs I sprinkled in throughout the series.

Hopefully up soon.
In case anyone's interested, the answer seems to be "no".

(It didn't help that it was the very last story listed on yesterday's New Stories list.)
Possiby (and I reserve the right to be (proved) wrong) is that the primay audience are the very people who might have read your original post, so haven't put this on the priority list.
If people want to see it and the following discussions, the thread it is here.

As a bit of a self plug, I asked about whether orgasms should be vocalised or just described. But nobody has expressed an opinion either way? 🤷‍♂️
Possiby (and I reserve the right to be (proved) wrong) is that the primay audience are the very people who might have read your original post, so haven't put this on the priority list.
Could be. I was hoping for a bit of interest from the reading public, though, beyond the AH denizens.
As a bit of a self plug, I asked about whether orgasms should be vocalised or just described. But nobody has expressed an opinion either way? 🤷‍♂️
Personally, I feel that vocalised orgasms are a bit awkward to read. I prefer a description, like in my WIWAW, particularly for the narrator's orgasm. For anyone else, I might use something like "with a wordless cry" or "a keening wail", or sometimes "ohfuckohfuckohfuckoh - oh - oh - fuck!"

But I could see how other readers might find these bland, and a vocalised orgasm does give more sense of immediacy.
The river has slowed to a trickle, but people are still adding a new WIWAW now and then. We're up to nearly fifty, by my count. Great going, people!

Mine just published this morning, as you're already well aware. Appreciate your comment.


Mine is slightly different in that it's about the shared universe stories Emily Miller and I created, and how we would up working together to write what became the Angels And Demons Saga.

I really wanted to call it "What WE Wrote And Why" but that would have thrown the acronym tag off 😆.

I'm hoping to be more supportive in reading others work as well. Life has kept me busy lately but I do want to get back into reading other author's work more soon.
Well, it's not like Em doesn't already have half a dozen WIWAWs to her own name. :)

Em has been away on an extended break so I didn't really get a chance to go over my WIWAW to make sure certain details were 100% correct or for her to add any clarity to the process and history of our collaborations.

So I'm sure when she gets back she'll probably add another WIWAW to her list telling her side of it 😆.
This challenge is running out of steam, it seems. I gave it a long run time, so that authors might be inspired by other WIWAWs. Still, I'm very pleased with the turnout.

Does anyone feel inspired to submit another one?
It was a fun challenge! Thank you, @StillStunned for taking the reigns on this!! I think seven is my limit. For now, at least.

Interestingly, I found that out of almost 50 published works on Literotica, my WIWAW submissions ranged from four of my top six highest-rated (1, 2, 5, and 6), two of them in my bottom five and only one somewhere in the middle. Mine seemed quite polarizing. Oh, well. It was fun!!!

Thanks, again!!!!!
I's second that! Thanks StillStunned.
Regarding the ratings, I didn't look at my essays that way, but my four are my top four. But as they are all 5's but with either 2 or 4 ratings I don't think they really compare with the next highest. They are also the lowest number or views, but the challenge was not about that, but sharing.