Get O'er it

My Erotic Trail said:
your welcome...
like I said I think they mean well but they have a hard time being nice to others. It is just their 'personality'... there are two kinds of teachers... those who drill you with words of scorn and harshness believing this is the only way to learn then there are those that use positive tones to ensure their students do not become defensive, or withdrawn and make learning a pleasure.

Have a nice night (~_~)
you too and have a quality bird, and who are you to talk about defensive, teachers, positive tones, etc.? who do you think you are fooling and what in the hell are you doing in this thread? Every chance you get...and never apologise,
'personality' :rolleyes:
Gaia_Lorraine said:
I did as you said, I re-read the thread, and I see this...

It is not my intention to advertise my poetry here, on that I can only give you my word and trust that you believe. But by heck you are the closest thing to the subject I have ever seen :)
I think you have talent and are smart enough to make the right choices. Comments can be a door for improvement, sorry if we got off on the wrong foot, but you did meet alot of good poets. :rose: :rose: :rose:
thanks for taking the time to reply. For a person who does not like when people tell others the error in their ways, you sur' do a good job of it.


My Erotic Trail said:
Do you find it difficult to be nice while telling someone they misspelled a word? <grin

wait, was that the example? Oh my no, that seemed mean! Are you saying that my technique is to embarass? Hmm. Interesting. No, I do not find it difficult to do, just difficult to understand your logic.

ignore it or embarass the person... is that my only options?

okay I am really confused, not sarcastic or anything just honestly confused (not how to leave a constructive comment, just in what you are saying is rude and what is nice and what is effective.)

Are you saying that these are the nice variety or are they the ones that will be getting coal in their stocking? I thought that they were handled with humor and not intended to embarass.

or are you saying just the one where you simply ignored the mistake at the risk of embarassing the person? wow. That is really interesting. In police training, I surely hope your instructors were clear and to the point in their teaching, not just leaving subtle examples. So if you meet a friend with their fly down, do you pull yours down and then zip it up again emphatically :) you could get arrested for that dude (winkz)

A person who is corrected, or given a simple suggestion can be embarassed if they want to or they can graciously accept the suggestion or reject the suggestion and move on with their life.

I am a HORRIBLE speller. Just awful. Awful. Did I say awfull? My posts are filled with misspellings, surely. There is no spell check built in. But I think it is just out of respect that a poet run a poem through spell check before posting. Having said that, I have posted poems with spelling error and thank goodness people have been big enough and brave enough to risk making me blush by letting me know where the error was :cathappy: Having said that, I will often just totally ignore spelling mistakes in new poems too unless I think the person gives a damn about spelling. Hard to tell sometimes. I would want to know (and tell me if my slip is showing please, I may be on the way to a job interview, it will be better to be embarassed by you....:)

okay... since you asked so... NICELY (~_*)
first: here are a couple of examples of the situation

Originally Posted by Champagne1982
Art, like the humour of Carrol O'Connor of All in the Family fame, your malapropisms and spelling simply slays me at times. ...

Orgasm, coming at the finish of sexual indulgence, could, indeed be an end-ulgence.

Angeline: (New Poems Review)
That's good, but MET I'll smack you if you don't run spell check on my watch. :p There's some shifty pronouns and extraneous stuff in there too that could be corrected, but I like the imagery and wouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater as they say.


LeBroz: (New Poems Review)
My Erotic Trail has an interesting piece here in ... And just after Angeline warned you about using that spell check. You had all the right letters in labyrinth, just the wrong order and a couple too many in twilight.


I remember reading a poem that had a mispelled word in it and I used the word (I don't recall 'what' the word was now) but in my comment I used the word several times; spelled correctly and of course highlighting it while commenting how much I enjoyed their poem. I never thought of embarassing them... in order for them to learn!

peace (~_~)
I appear to have been invited into a thread of Literotica lentil soup, cloudy yet with a variety of ingredients. Please note that I did not create the recipe, I just added my own touch of seasoning :)
My Erotic Trail said:
Do you find it difficult to be nice while telling someone they misspelled a word? <grin

ignore it or embarass the person... is that my only options?

okay... since you asked so... NICELY (~_*)
first: here are a couple of examples of the situation

Originally Posted by Champagne1982
Art, like the humour of Carrol O'Connor of All in the Family fame, your malapropisms and spelling simply slays me at times. ...

Orgasm, coming at the finish of sexual indulgence, could, indeed be an end-ulgence.

Angeline: (New Poems Review)
That's good, but MET I'll smack you if you don't run spell check on my watch. :p There's some shifty pronouns and extraneous stuff in there too that could be corrected, but I like the imagery and wouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater as they say.


LeBroz: (New Poems Review)
My Erotic Trail has an interesting piece here in ... And just after Angeline warned you about using that spell check. You had all the right letters in labyrinth, just the wrong order and a couple too many in twilight.


I remember reading a poem that had a mispelled word in it and I used the word (I don't recall 'what' the word was now) but in my comment I used the word several times; spelled correctly and of course highlighting it while commenting how much I enjoyed their poem. I never thought of embarassing them... in order for them to learn!

peace (~_~)

All right, I've had a couple and am feeling willing to argue. I will regret this in the morning, I'm sure.

Let me paraphrase a comment I once got on this poem:
Elegy for Kenneth Koch, in the Form of a Pun

I am sorry, Dr. Koch,
That my skill and ken
To mimic your swell verse
With my dullard's pen
Is inadequate.

But, remember then,
Imitation is the sincerest form of battery.​
The comment, as best I can remember (I have since deleted the poem) was something like this:
I always comment when I finish a poem. I read your poem.

A pun is better when you don't say it is a pun.
The first part, as I recall, is fairly accurate. The latter part is completely different wording, but I think conveys the sense of the original comment. The commentator, of course, was MET.

Now, what did I take away from his comment? First of all, the part I remember better, I interpreted basically as a slam. "I always comment when I finish a poem. I read your poem" says, essentially, that this one was the first of my poems he had actually completed. The others, apparently, were not of interest, since no comments were left. This is a compliment, but a bit of a back-handed one, essentially saying "You've finally written something I read the whole way though."

That's OK, of course. I don't expect to appeal to everyone. But, I felt, expressed in a way that was a little snotty. My perception, of course. But perception is kind of the topic here.

The second part was helpful. I have thought quite a lot about whether announcing that the poem was based on a pun was good or bad. I still haven't decided, and muck around with it occasionally, trying to decide which is better. I am leaning toward my original expression, but MET's criticism brought up an angle worth considering.

So, anyway.

MET's point about how a criticism is phrased has validity. Witness the fact that I remember more accurately (or at least think I remember more accurately) the first part of his comment, which I interpreted as a slam. The second part—the useful part—I remember much more vaguely. I remember the essence (i.e., what I think he was trying to say) but not the wording.

So yeah, I think I agree with him. How you phrase your comment greatly affects how that comment is perceived. People respond first to the perceived emotional content of the comment—in other words, they hear your poem sucked before they hear because the rhyme scheme was forced. The emotional context overrides the intellectual context.

Don't surprise me, but I was trained in psychology. :)

Oh, and MET? In your last example, "mispelled" is misspelled. ;)
Tzara said:

All right, I've had a couple and am feeling willing to argue. I will regret this in the morning, I'm sure.<snip>;)
S'funny. ;) you could always just edit it away. :catroar:
Seriously, though. I agree. Presentation will always sell a dish before taste. It's all about lookin' good :p.
Sara Crewe said:
Wow. I had no idea you were into the threesome thing. This sheds a whole new light on T-Zed for me.
My entourage, dearie. Cristal for the house!

(The bar patrons begin to shout, rhythmically.)

T-zed! T-zed!
Tzara said:
My entourage, dearie. Cristal for the house!

(The bar patrons begin to shout, rhythmically.)

T-zed! T-zed!

Um, just for future reference the whole callin' me 'dearie' blows your T-zed image right outta the water. I think you are supposed to call me Beotch or somethin' like that. ;)
Sara Crewe said:
Um, just for future reference the whole callin' me 'dearie' blows your T-zed image right outta the water. I think you are supposed to call me Beotch or somethin' like that. ;)
I am the kinder, gentler face of Hip Hop. I don't wear a Yankees cap, rather a Pebble Beach one, and it is neatly tilted exactly 45 degrees from front.

Plus my bling is from Tiffany & Co. And I spell it "grills," though they're porcelain veneers instead of gold. :)
Tzara said:
I am the kinder, gentler face of Hip Hop. I don't wear a Yankees cap, rather a Pebble Beach one, and it is neatly tilted exactly 45 degrees from front.

Plus my bling is from Tiffany & Co. And I spell it "grills," though they're porcelain veneers instead of gold. :)

;) Only you would know the exact tilt of your hat in degrees.

I like your version I would have had to kick your ass if you actually did call me beotch. :cool: Can I borrow your Tiffany card for the weekend? I need new earrings. Okay, need might be the wrong word but can I anyway?
Sara Crewe said:
;) Only you would know the exact tilt of your hat in degrees.

I like your version I would have had to kick your ass if you actually did call me beotch. :cool: Can I borrow your Tiffany card for the weekend? I need new earrings. Okay, need might be the wrong word but can I anyway?
They have some pendants designed by Frank Gehry, the architect. I might buy you one of those if you model it (cough) appropriately. ;)
Tzara said:
They have some pendants designed by Frank Gehry, the architect. I might buy you one of those if you model it (cough) appropriately. ;)

Hm, so quickly he has found my kryptonite :cool: Is your name really Lex?

I don't need more than one guess as to what exactly appropriately would mean in this situation do I?

Time for East Coast Sara to go to bed before she compromises her jewelry honour and 'cause she has to work tomorrow. :cool:
Sara Crewe said:
Hm, so quickly he has found my kryptonite :cool: Is your name really Lex?

I don't need more than one guess as to what exactly appropriately would mean in this situation do I?
Fine jewelry appears to advantage with little competing adornment. ;)

Just, um, browse and let me know.
Tzara said:
Fine jewelry appears to advantage with little competing adornment. ;)

Just, um, browse and let me know.

Making me pick between silver and jade is like asking me to choose between <insert appropriately dramatic simile here>. Hold on while I go measure exactly where a 16 inch chain falls on me...there might be competing adornments.

Don't think I didn't I notice that you didn't offer the bracelet. :cool:

Okay,really going to bed now. I think. I really do hate sleeping.
Sara Crewe said:
Making me pick between silver and jade is like asking me to choose between <insert appropriately dramatic simile here>. Hold on while I go measure exactly where a 16 inch chain falls on me...there might be competing adornments.
I certainly hope so. :rolleyes:
Sara Crewe said:
Don't think I didn't I notice that you didn't offer the bracelet. :cool:
There is just, just something about pendants. Don't know what it is. Style thing, I suppose. I am confident they would look well on you. :cool:
annaswirls said:
thanks for taking the time to reply. For a person who does not like when people tell others the error in their ways, you sur' do a good job of it.


Why would you think it is bad to tell others the error of their ways? How else will children learn, I think we are all taught, continuously. It is the methods, words, tones and way... that is important. I think we have all agreed it is not constructive to tell some one their poem is 'Pathetic'

annaswirls said:
Are you saying that these are the nice variety or are they the ones that will be getting coal in their stocking? I thought that they were handled with humor and not intended to embarass.

yes, I thought they were good examples of being polite while expressing a mispelled word <grin

annaswirls said:
A person who is corrected, or given a simple suggestion can be embarassed if they want to or they can graciously accept the suggestion or reject the suggestion and move on with their life.

I agree (~_~)

as for the rest...
I am not sure what your fishing for anna
if your wanting to learn how to comment
you might converse with those that excercise
criticism, if your toying with my methods of
commenting then I refer back to the last quote
by annaswirls <bigrin
Tzara said:

Oh, and MET? In your last example, "mispelled" is misspelled. ;)

thank you 'T'
I recall a post where you corrected me on mispelling your name <bigrin

have a good day! (~_~)
Tzara said:

All right, I've had a couple and am feeling willing to argue. I will regret this in the morning, I'm sure.

Let me paraphrase a comment I once got on this poem:
Elegy for Kenneth Koch, in the Form of a Pun

I am sorry, Dr. Koch,
That my skill and ken
To mimic your swell verse
With my dullard's pen
Is inadequate.

But, remember then,
Imitation is the sincerest form of battery.​
The comment, as best I can remember (I have since deleted the poem) was something like this:
I always comment when I finish a poem. I read your poem.

A pun is better when you don't say it is a pun.
The first part, as I recall, is fairly accurate. The latter part is completely different wording, but I think conveys the sense of the original comment. The commentator, of course, was MET.

Now, what did I take away from his comment? First of all, the part I remember better, I interpreted basically as a slam. "I always comment when I finish a poem. I read your poem" says, essentially, that this one was the first of my poems he had actually completed. The others, apparently, were not of interest, since no comments were left. This is a compliment, but a bit of a back-handed one, essentially saying "You've finally written something I read the whole way though."

That's OK, of course. I don't expect to appeal to everyone. But, I felt, expressed in a way that was a little snotty. My perception, of course. But perception is kind of the topic here.

The second part was helpful. I have thought quite a lot about whether announcing that the poem was based on a pun was good or bad. I still haven't decided, and muck around with it occasionally, trying to decide which is better. I am leaning toward my original expression, but MET's criticism brought up an angle worth considering.

So, anyway.

MET's point about how a criticism is phrased has validity. Witness the fact that I remember more accurately (or at least think I remember more accurately) the first part of his comment, which I interpreted as a slam. The second part—the useful part—I remember much more vaguely. I remember the essence (i.e., what I think he was trying to say) but not the wording.

So yeah, I think I agree with him. How you phrase your comment greatly affects how that comment is perceived. People respond first to the perceived emotional content of the comment—in other words, they hear your poem sucked before they hear because the rhyme scheme was forced. The emotional context overrides the intellectual context.

Don't surprise me, but I was trained in psychology. :)

Oh, and MET? In your last example, "mispelled" is misspelled. ;)

I'm sure you will (regret it).
Surely you must realize the subtlety is lost.
Regardless, my best to you.
MyNecroticSnail said:
you too and have a quality bird, and who are you to talk about defensive, teachers, positive tones, etc.? who do you think you are fooling and what in the hell are you doing in this thread? Every chance you get...and never apologise,
'personality' :rolleyes:

a vacant bluff
firefly strobes

Below pale moons
coyotes howl
wannabe wolves

misplaced, to battle
where they cannot win
where the face of night
locks them in a prisondome


"Hey Look at Me"


I can see you licking butter off of noodles as you think of the next
senseless thing to type.

Someone once told me there is a real world out there
beyond the doorsteps of poetry and artistic creation.
Not sure if I believe them.
I tried to show them my world, yet they seemed uninterested.
They showed me their tears and I saw the pain of life and loving
I scuttled back to my nest
Protected by amniotic thoughts
And bled their words
I thought this thread was o'er weeks ago. What is it about these days?