Get real.

Re: Re: Re: Get real.

Rocket88 said:
No one with a normal mind can explain any type of physical mutilation. Not only is is bizare and sick, it's criminal.

So I take it Tatoos and earings are out to huh?

Want to expound on anymore no-goes there O'Domly one?
Re: Re: Re: Get real.

SexyChele said:
...I can think of it as being part of a scale....
That's called rationalizing. Pull the plug on a brain dead person because they have no real life. Well, grandma doesn't remember much... so we'll pull her feeding tube becasue she doesn't have much life left. Oh, and those damn incubator babies... what good can they be? You can put anything on a scale to rationilze it.

...unless these folks are having this done against their will, I would have to assume that they either a. like it, or b. can withstand it for the money paid out...
Actually, will is not a question. You can not legally mutilate someone's body. There is no such thing as consent for assault. We covered this in law school.

Add to that the concept that no rational person would want nerve damage or permanent disability to their primary organs. Scarification I can understand because that is adornment, even when extreme. But piercing a breast has deleterious effects including cancer. You don't fuck with glands that way.

So this is an irrational thing. The people who are "submitting" to it are mentally and emotionally weak and should be protected from the fucked up perverts who take advantage of them.

I bet your opinion would change if you saw pictures of your daughter "sumbitting" to having her vaginal lips sewn shut for a fetish shoot.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Get real.

Hot4Heels said:
So I take it Tatoos and earings are out to huh?

Want to expound on anymore no-goes there O'Domly one?
I have tatts and piercings, but they are not mutilations. When my tongue was pierced it was legal. My ears, legal. Don't ask someone to slice your nipples off because they know, or should, that it's not just sick but illegal.

But I covered this. You just wanted to see yourself post, I suppose.
Re: Re: Re: Get real.

Rocket88 said:
No one with a normal mind can explain any type of physical mutilation. Not only is is bizare and sick, it's criminal.

I wouldn't go that far, cowboy. Normal is subjective. I don't as yet understand severe genital mutilation, but I'm willing to listen, if not partake.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Get real.

Rubyfruit said:
I wouldn't go that far, cowboy. Normal is subjective. I don't as yet understand severe genital mutilation, but I'm willing to listen, if not partake.
I'm diggin' your style.

Actually, it is criminal. Please don't make me dig out my first year books, but I swear we studied this case. You must admit it's bizare by definition. And sick.. well.. come on. Genital mutilation? That sound healthy to you? I feel my position is defensible.
My feelings are:

1) Relationships are what people make of them, so Master/slave can be just that - or something else entirely

2) Uh, I gotta agree that scat and heavy duty piercings are NUTS!

3) UCE has a delicious looking "cooze"

Point # 3 is the most important to me.
I'm with you on the Bettie Page thing, R88.

As you may have noticed, Ruby is mucho Bettie-esque. Rrrrrreow.

As for your positions on mutilation and such, as was the case with the poo sandwiches and titular nomenclature, I share your views.....except for the part where you get all angsty about how people shouldn't do certain things because they are illegal.

I figure what consenting adults of requisite capacity do in their homes is their business.

If, for example, I like to fire up a big fatty with a willing femme then tie her up for a rousing game of Who's Your Daddy", that's our business.

If the neighbors are using their Marquis de Sade Home Piercing Kit then celebrate their special love with their pet sheep....well, I figure that's their thing.

If you're a lawyer, I think you should run for DA in your county....I'll be F. Lee Baily and run the Jolly Roger up my pole every time I spank you in court, kay?


Have fun, R88!


Rocket88 said:

That was really funy. I guess if I were a 14 year old on AOL I'd say "lol."

Bettie Page. Is there anything else?

Hey Roy!

Welcome to the forum!

I am glad to finally see you posting here.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

many hugs.

Hey all! This is my friend Roy! *warm smiles*

End hijack!
Lancecastor said:
If, for example, I like to fire up a big fatty with a willing femme then tie her up for a rousing game of Who's Your Daddy", that's our business.

Lay down.

I think I love you.
Guess i should have said at the poster and not everyone else.. sorry!
Lancecastor said:
...except for the part where you get all angsty about how people shouldn't do certain things because they are illegal.
Laws are in place as tools to protect the weak. No sane person wants their body destroyed, even partially. These people need protection... and they have it. And I'm not angsty. I would never listed to Linkin Park!

...I like to fire up a big fatty with a willing femme then tie her up for a rousing game of Who's Your Daddy", that's our business.
I will be willing to protect your right to do that.

If the neighbors are using their Marquis de Sade Home Piercing Kit then celebrate their special love with their pet sheep....well, I figure that's their thing.
Except that the sheep can not consent.

run the Jolly Roger up my pole every time I spank you in court, kay?...
Despite the fact that you are witty and urbane, you keep your pole to yourself, kinkmonster.
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Hot4Heels said:
Define mutilation.
Again? Do you have a helper monkey typing for you? I'm not quite certain that you are the most literate one on Literotica.

Here's the order:

1) Read
2) Comprehend
3) Post

If you are going to skip a step, make it the third one.
Pass the dutchie, hunny....oh and toss me those clamps, would you?

R88 is watching the neighborhood, protecting our interests and saving the sheep from certain back-door rogering by the poles down the lane.


Rubyfruit said:

Lay down.

I think I love you.
Rocket, if I accept your argument that laws are in place to protect the weak, then what am I to make of laws like anti-sodomy laws, anti-oral sex laws, anti-orgy laws, or anti-fisting laws? What about anti-tattooing laws in the state where I live? Measuring these laws against my own (and many people's) beliefs about sex, I would be forced to believe that lawmakers misjudge (accidentally? deliberately?) who 'the weak' are, at least in some cases. How, then, could I have faith in our laws, in general?

Perhaps your arguments against severe mutilation would be clearer (and better received) if you gave more convincing evidence than just: "It's against the law." I, for one, believe that healthy questioning is in order when it comes to law codes.

I also believe that healthy questioning is in order when it comes to morality, lifestyle, etc. I'm interested in reading more of your questions, so I will be following this thread conscientiously.

I think they have a point what you define as mutilation is not what someone else defines as mutilation. Everyone has there own definition as to what things are. This is a lifestyle of differences no 2 couples are going to see things the same. One submissive will see one thing and you ask another submissive and they will see something else. You can not hold everyone upto what you think is right and wrong. We are all concenting adults here and you have to accept that.

Yes in reguards to Master and myself i am always lower case to him it is my way of showing him respect in the typed or written word where you do not have the voice to show him respect. Everyone has there own froms of repsect and I accept that you cannot understand and do not like the words Sir or Master that is fine but myself and my Master do and that is what works for us and that is all that counts to us. What works for you and your g/f is what works for you and i can respect that.

Please respect me and the others to show there respect to there Dom/me's the way they wish and they see fit.

Ghost's amaris
Polish and pole-ish are two different things, Ms Librarian.

Look! There on the floor behind you! Quick turn around and bend over!

Lance "Kitchen Sink" Castor

NemoAlia said:

Hey watch it, buddy. Some of my best friends are Polish.
NemoAlia said:
...How, then, could I have faith in our laws, in general?
You can't. Everything is hopeless. We are all dommed.

Get it? Dommed?

I crack me up.

Perhaps your arguments against severe mutilation would be clearer (and better received) if you gave more convincing evidence than just: "It's against the law."
Ok... please see my response to Hot4Heels. If you think my only argument against destroying someone's body is the legality then you haven't read what I wrote.

...I, for one, believe that healthy questioning is in order when it comes to law codes...
I think that's why I went to law school... though I'm not quite sure yet. And, by the way, codified law is really unimportant compared to case law.
Rocket88 said:

I think that's why I went to law school... though I'm not quite sure yet. And, by the way, codified law is really unimportant compared to case law.

Careful where you go waving that law degree around there, Rumphole of the Domly.....there are likely a few here with bigger and better ones and nobody...I mean NOBODY....wants to see a bunch of pervy lawyers briefing each other on their credentials, thankssoverymuch.

So please....just step slowwwwly away from the bar and nobody gets sued....nice and easy...dont step in that pile of writ!

Re: Lit needs more lawyers

Rubyfruit said:
This is a good thing.

You're a good thing, Ruby.

Let's get this straight....You=Goodthang....Lawyers=Ungoodthang.

Hey, you see that? "Rumphole" Not bad, eh?
Yes, yes, Lance. Rumphole. You do have an appreciative audience, I promise. I'll expect your next av to have a white wig and a red nose, accordingly.

Whoops, Rocket! I must have mistaken frequency for priority in your argument against mutilation. You wrote:
Actually, will is not a question. You can not legally mutilate someone's body. There is no such thing as consent for assault. We covered this in law school.
I have tatts and piercings, but they are not mutilations. When my tongue was pierced it was legal. My ears, legal. Don't ask someone to slice your nipples off because they know, or should, that it's not just sick but illegal.
Actually, it is criminal. Please don't make me dig out my first year books, but I swear we studied this case.
Laws are in place as tools to protect the weak.
I suppose this is why I got the impression that your emphasis was more on the legal aspects of the issue, rather than on the personal ones.

In order to avoid my putting words in your mouth, I'll just sit back and let you speak for yourself. Your strong opinions on this issue will almost certainly continue to spark spirited conversations!
Lancecastor said:
Careful where you go waving that law degree around there... dont step in that pile of writ!
You're full of wit.

Also, I never claimed to have a degree. I said I went to law school. I'm not through.

NemoAlia said:
...Whoops, Rocket! I must have mistaken frequency for priority in your argument against mutilation. ...
You make your points more succinctly and intelligently than 98% of the people on the web. But you know what they say about arguments on the web...

To me the protection of people who are emotionally weak or easily taken advantage of is the issue. Mutilation is wrong. And semantics is not important. Semsantics is raised by people who have no meritorious argument. You know mutilation when you see it and most of it has been proscribed by popular demand. That's my legal point, however ineloquently I stated it.

I'd hate to see you on opposing counsel.