Get real.

Rocket88 said:

1) Read
2) Comprehend
3) Post

If you are going to skip a step, make it the third one.

This was pretty funny. I think it should go in the Sticky.
Rubyfruit said:

This was pretty funny. I think it should go in the Sticky.

or at least in a "Put Down" thread... that's one to remember.

Not that I'd ever use anything like that... ;)

Rocket88 said:

I wasn't angry... I was laughing. Except for the people who take advantage of the emotionally weak and mutilate their bodies. If that's you, you're a sick fuck and I hope you get your balls caught in a meat grinder.

Perhaps the reason that your post was taken as angry is the fact that you use lines like "Nothing grates my fucking nerves more than." That doesn't sound like laughing to me. Although the next quote from the Carolina Directory explains your real intentions better, which was to make waves.

Rocket88 said:
I think I'm about to make some waves on the BDSM board with this thread. People who take things too seriously aggrivate the living shit outta me.

But of course, then there's your discussion on the legality of mutilation. Although, considering the following post you made on the Incest thread, doesn't the fact that that is illegal bother you as well. Or do they not cover that until the second year of law school?

Rocket88 said:
Are you female? That's important to know. Approaching him as a male would be risking 2 taboos. Bad, bad odds there.

If you are a girl, just start "confiding" in him. Tell him of your sexual exploits, even if you have to make them up. If he tells you of something he likes, the next time say "I tried what you told me about... I LOVE it!"

Let him "accidentally" see you nakeds and then wink at him. That's such an innocuous thing. If he smiles, you're on the right track. If not, that was your embarrassed way of blowing off the situation.

Also, long hugs help and I don't know if your family kisses, but start kissing him on the cheek a lot, with some pressure from your body against his. Occasionally "miss" and kiss his mouth or part of it.

Rocket88 said:

Personally, I think that anyone who engages in incest, or who gives tips on how to do it is pretty fucked up, but that's my opinion.

The point of all of this is that you posted a rather ascerbic condemnation of the people on this forum without bothering to read the threads here. You generalized everyone that posts here as being interested in those activities.

Where have you seen the type of mutilation that you described encouraged? Or participation in scat? I have been posting here for two months and the only time I have seen scat mentioned was as a hard limit.

So, you have an opinion about this! Wonderful! Great! Congratulations! So what? I'm glad you enjoy BDSM. Practice it however you want. As we all will do.

And your advice about:
1) read
2) comprehend
3) post

Perhaps setting an example yourself of this practice would be a good thing.
zipman7 said:

The point of all of this is that you posted a rather ascerbic condemnation of the people on this forum without bothering to read the threads here. You generalized everyone that posts here as being interested in those activities.

Where have you seen the type of mutilation that you described encouraged?

Why are people talking to this troll? His post was one of the most obvious "look and me and be PISSED OFF and ARGUE WITH ME!" troll for attention that I've ever seen.

FWIW he saw the nailed and bruised tit off one of my posts. It was one of myattached pictures. I know plenty of women who ENJOY that kind of torture and I will defend to the death the right to experience it if they wish. But I won't do this with an idiot who starts a thread screaming for attention like an itty bity witty baby boy.

(By the way, assuming anybody cares about the truth, the photo I attached didn't depict mutilation at all, nothing that wouldn't heal perfectly if cared for _correctly_ over a week or so. The little liar who started this thread was simply mischaracterizing the image in an extremely dishonest way just as he has done with so many other things about this forum in his post. I personally would like love to experience that kind and level of torture someday--that's why I posted the picture: it turned me on intensely and I wanted to share the heat, so to speak.)

Oh Rocket baby waby.... (plonk!) --that's the sound of someone hitting the hard bottom of my Ignore list. Happy you earned my total disgust with one message? GOOD BOY!!!!
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Re: Re: Get real.

Rubyfruit said:

I know that Rocket sounds like a flamer, but there are some things he brought up that I don't understand either. Genital mutilation for one. UCE...

(UNDA. The name is UNDA.)

...posted a picture in another thread of a breast that was severely damaged with nails through it and such. It was a huge turnoff for me. Turned my stomach actually.

For those who find that a turn on, can you explain why?

Always curious .....

See my message above this one. One woman's ceiling (or stomach-turning limit) is another's woman's floor (made for happily trodding down). It's kind of insulting to hear somebody calling a strong turn-on of mine stomach-turning, as it's hard enough to take that shit from vanilla people constantly, but I understand you probably wern't thinking about how the poster of the picture would feel when you wrote those words...right?

"Embracing diversity" is a phrase that actually means something important Ruby, Rocket, and others. Something to think about. KK? How about, next time instead of the colorful "stomach-turning" phraseology you simply say, diplomatically, that it isn't your thing?

(tempted to post a scat pic at this point but I don't collect them...they aren't my, er, "thing.")
UCE, I responded because I think it's important to encourage thought on a subject that affects us all -- no matter which side of the issue we endorse.

And zipman? Right on!
NemoAlia said:
UCE, I responded because I think it's important to encourage thought on a subject that affects us all -- no matter which side of the issue we endorse.

And zipman? Right on!

Thanks NemoAlia. :cool:


I responded to their post for a few reasons. First, the person wasn't a troll, but a registered Lit member. I didn't appreciate the hypocricy in the post nor some of the comments.

Given the choice of not responding or responding to something I disagree with, I will generally respond so that others who may read the thread can see both sides and judge for themselves.

I do try and do it in a reasonable way (i.e., not flaming them).
Re: Re: Re: Get real.

SexyChele said:
But the attraction? I would say that the person who finds severe mutilation a turn on (either viewing or pariticipating) is only further along on the scale than the person who finds less offensive body mutilations (nipple piercings, and such) a turn on.

I don't know if one thing (piercing) is related to the other. I see permanent piercings as a lot more extreme and difficult to deal with on a personal level than play-piercings (like the temporary ones in that picture). To me, the permanent nature of the metal in your body makes a big difference. While I like to look at piercings on others, I hope I never have to get one. A temporary piercing (or piercings) for torture, which is what the picture depicted, is a lot more acceptable to me, because the metal comes out and your wound heals and your skin closes and is whole once more. To me, it's the permanent piercings and the metal holding the holes in one's body open, even though the holes are very small, that represent genuine mutiliation.

Re: Re: Re: Get real.

UCE said:

"Embracing diversity" is a phrase that actually means something important Ruby, Rocket, and others. Something to think about. KK? How about, next time instead of the colorful "stomach-turning" phraseology you simply say, diplomatically, that it isn't your thing?

UCE, I don't know where you got from my posts in this thread that I'm being judgmental. My opinion that it would turn my stomach to watch somebody eat shit, is just that, my opinion.

Did you not see that I was honestly interested in hearing from people who like these things, so that I may understand them better?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Get real.

Interesting perspective. I had my eyebrow pierced and thought it normal.

Piercing and needle play strikes me as icky.

To each his own!

UCE said:

I don't know if one thing (piercing) is related to the other. I see permanent piercings as a lot more extreme and difficult to deal with on a personal level than play-piercings (like the temporary ones in that picture). To me, the permanent nature of the metal in your body makes a big difference. While I like to look at piercings on others, I hope I never have to get one. A temporary piercing (or piercings) for torture, which is what the picture depicted, is a lot more acceptable to me, because the metal comes out and your wound heals and your skin closes and is whole once more. To me, it's the permanent piercings and the metal holding the holes in one's body open, even though the holes are very small, that represent genuine mutiliation.

NemoAlia said:
UCE, I responded because I think it's important to encourage thought on a subject that affects us all -- no matter which side of the issue we endorse.

Which subject are you referring to? I saw a generalized attack on a lot of different aspects of the forum, many of which seemed imagined and not really part of anything done here, and the standard "you guys ain't real" troll, but not much else.

Here's a nice subject although YMMV (not to change the subject or anything!):
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Get real.

Lancecastor said:

Piercing and needle play strikes me as icky.

Don't ever watch the Blue Movie if you run across it online. This very masochistic woman gets about five skewers _slowly_ inserted in each breast. (She's a voluneteer, by the way. I've seen her in lots of other bdsm movies and photo shoots.)

An eyebrow piercing? Odd one! Have you ever posted a pic of it?

There's one really horrible situation I think about in regards to the play piercing. Imagine somebody who doesn't think to ask the right questions and so blithefully does a tit-skewering on a woman with silicone implants. Pop! goes the implant, out leaks the silicone, and she is suddenly in a big deal of trouble. Even with saline bags, that wouldn't be good to have happen. I don't know why that awful scenario goes through my head all the time, but it does.

I like the following picture a lot. The sadists seem so _surprised_!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Get real.

Rubyfruit said:

Did you not see that I was honestly interested in hearing from people who like these things, so that I may understand them better?

No. Not at the time I typed my querelous message. I hadn't read further down into the thread and seen where you did say that. My Bad!

Here's a picture for you (nothing too gross, I promise--it just caught my eye because of another thread going on here today):
zipman7 said:

I responded to their post for a few reasons. First, the person wasn't a troll, but a registered Lit member. I didn't appreciate the hypocricy in the post nor some of the comments.

Given the choice of not responding or responding to something I disagree with, I will generally respond so that others who may read the thread can see both sides and judge for themselves.

I do try and do it in a reasonable way (i.e., not flaming them).

Ok, I see what you're saying. I guess if nobody replied at all to him _someone_ might think everybody reading the post agreed wholeheartedly with the comments.

You define a troll differently than I do. To me a troll is someone who hasn't been in a forum (or hasn't been in for awhile) and bops in and does something eye-catching in an unpleasant sort of way to get people to respond to him or her. Usually it's a flame or some sort of outrageous statement that most people would disagree with or get confused by. It's odd, years ago, I used to see the word troll used to refer to people who only come into a place to pick up partners (anybody remember the phrase "trolling for subs?" I think that phrase probably started out as "trawling for subs," which actually makes some sense, but got mixed up with the troll terminology somehow, lol.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Get real.

UCE said:

Don't ever watch the Blue Movie if you run across it online. This very masochistic woman gets about five skewers _slowly_ inserted in each breast

skewers are boring. Now 5 fireplace pokers in each breast would really give me wood.
For Zipman:
It's a little.. no, VERY disturbing that you searched out all the things I have posted. Please check your OCD at the door. That's disconcerting actually... you give me the fucking creeps.

Also, you are innacurate.

I saw that my post here was causing ire and I mentioned in another thread that I was making waves. I think that it is rather fucking obvious that this thread was meant to inspire disourse. You're a real genious, buddy.

Also, someone pointed me to the incest thread. I found it interesting, having never been inviolved in it. So some chick wanted to fuck her cousin. Big deal. They are consenting adults and it doesn't physically hurt anyone. I think we all have said that many sex laws are arbitrary, while some are necessary. It wasn't that long ago cousin marriages were legal.

And may I restate, you give me the fucking creeps.

For UCE:
I have no idea who you are and never saw anything you've ever posted. I didn't mention your name. I saw the pictures on a website while I was researching.

I love the way people get so angry at words written on a computer screen. You know, there's this big yellow thing that comes up in the sky every day... maybe you should see more of it.

No... don't stare at it...... oh well... nevermind.
Rocket88 said:

Again? Do you have a helper monkey typing for you? I'm not quite certain that you are the most literate one on Literotica.

Here's the order:

1) Read
2) Comprehend
3) Post

If you are going to skip a step, make it the third one.

Rocket 88 define mutilation.

There my querry is spelled out in a nice complete sentence.
Rocket88 said:
It wasn't that long ago cousin marriages were legal.

Cousin marriages are legal in Canada.

Which might explain why I have so many cousins with huge melons like Timmay!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Get real.

WriterDom said:

skewers are boring. Now 5 fireplace pokers in each breast would really give me wood.

LOL! If you stuck five fireplace pokers into someone's breast, even into a very BIG breast, there would be very little breast left to gaze upon after you were all done.

But that reminds me of something: after the pain of the skewer insertion, I think it would be really cool to feel someone heating up the end of one with a torch or lighter. Probably feels a little like electroplay: fried on the inside.

Unrelated pic (I swear!) ;)
NemoAlia said:
Speaking of cousin marriages, I just figured out Rocket88's real identity!!!

Jerry Lee Lewis.
Sorry. not married.

However, I have discovered something about the aesthetic quality of avatars for people on Literotica. If it is not a picture of the forum member, the attractiveness of the avatar is inversely proportional to the attractiveness of the member.
Rocket88 said:

Sorry. not married.

However, I have discovered something about the aesthetic quality of avatars for people on Literotica.

you're cute . so why the attraction to scat? have you been walked?
Rocket88 said:
For Zipman:
It's a little.. no, VERY disturbing that you searched out all the things I have posted. Please check your OCD at the door. That's disconcerting actually... you give me the fucking creeps.

Also, you are innacurate.

I saw that my post here was causing ire and I mentioned in another thread that I was making waves. I think that it is rather fucking obvious that this thread was meant to inspire disourse. You're a real genious, buddy.

Also, someone pointed me to the incest thread. I found it interesting, having never been inviolved in it. So some chick wanted to fuck her cousin. Big deal. They are consenting adults and it doesn't physically hurt anyone. I think we all have said that many sex laws are arbitrary, while some are necessary. It wasn't that long ago cousin marriages were legal.

And may I restate, you give me the fucking creeps.

You know what, you're full of shit! My post was accurate, yours is not. Your posts on Carolina Directory occurred before anyone had responded to this thread. Your post there was at 11:41 and the first response to this thread was mine at 11:48. Try a different lie next time, one where you won't get caught. Oh yeah, that too, must be covered in the 2nd year at law school.

So, checking out your posts scares you? Why so? The feature is there for that reason. I wanted to see if you were someone that was merely trying to stir shit here, or if you did want "discourse." Now I know you're a bullshit little shit-stirrer looking for an argument.

And personally, the following comment you made is a hell of a lot more disturbing than looking to see what kind of a poster you are:
Rocket88 said:
If that's you, you're a sick fuck and I hope you get your balls caught in a meat grinder

Yeah, that's the voice of sanity :rolleyes:
Such phraseology such as

"Semsantics is raised by people who have no meritorious argument. You know mutilation when you see it and most of it has been proscribed by popular demand. "

seems to have been translated incompetently from the Chinese.
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Yep, rosco...

...but I'll admit I like the way he puts his words together!

"And now, proscribed by popular demand, the feature of tonight's performance...... give it up for AAAAAAAAANAL SEXXXXXXXX!"