Get real.

Hello there, forum. I've gotten a few "report post" emails from members about this thread. So, this is your friendly local Moderator reminding you to keep your fights clean. No hitting below the belt, or I'll drag out that damned firehose.

Best to all,
BDSM Forum Moderator


And you'll notice, my little Free Speech Watchpuppies, that the only person whose freedom to post whatever they like is hampered by such reminders is me--and only because I try to refrain from commenting when grown men and women behave like {censored}. Wouldn't want y'all to think I'm "taking sides" by, like, having an opinion or something. *poke* ;)

Human & Resident Cynic
I like that new AV RS...

not trying to make us guys horny are ya? LOL... just to keep our minds off other things... nahh.. you wouldn't do that.

