get some conversation going on the HT.

Scalywag said:
I'm fucking psyched!

Apparently my self taught auto-body repair skills must be at least repectable because my explorer just passed its state inspection, plus, there is no evidence of the "redneck" look.

But theres evidence of the redneck look as soon as you get in the car.

Oooh, burn.

hehe, sorry, it was just too easy.

Anyways, congrats. :)
Scalywag said:
Now I've had it!

and to think I had started a post on Ed's wine thread, and then canceled it because it might sound mean.


Awww, scalywag, I :heart: you. You know I was just kidding, right?

I mean, I know your redneck humor must be different. Its probably confusing to understand my sophisticated jokes. :D
Scalywag said:
What is this supposed to mean?

Actually, my humor can get pretty dry and I am very good at keeping a straight face (yeah I know, you can't see it anyway).

man, I just love it when you start backpedaling though. :D

I was joking. Honestly, scalywag, you need to be able to tell by now.
bisexplicit said:
You used to date a cold fish?

haha. I'm on a roll. :D
That's not exactly the aspect of fish I was referring to, but now that you mention it...yeah.
Scalywag said:
I'm fucking psyched!

Apparently my self taught auto-body repair skills must be at least repectable because my explorer just passed its state inspection, plus, there is no evidence of the "redneck" look.
:confused: They give you a redneck inspection as well?
Scalywag said:
no, that was meant to be 2 separate reasons why my repair skills are somewhat respectable. Although, maybe I should propose your idea to the state legislature.

I already get enough looks when people hear country music coming from the car radio. And I don't even have a Confederate flag or a gun rack in the back window! (Oops, sorry--can you say stereotype? :rolleyes: )
Scalywag said:
no, that was meant to be 2 separate reasons why my repair skills are somewhat respectable. Although, maybe I should propose your idea to the state legislature.

Half of NH wouldn't pass the inspection.

And whats wrong with a hairy man driving around with no shirt on and his dog in the back of his pickup, anyway? :D
Scalywag said:
The part of the state I live in isn't too bad...but every one in a while I see a vehicle that makes me think: my truck wouldn't pass inspection that that thing will? come on...the rust is what's holding it together.

Yeah, where I live isn't too bad either. Although, the town nextdoor we like to make fun of. :eek: