Gift of Submission

Des said it wonderfully.

I would only add that to me, submission is a gift because it is something that has great value and is rarely offered. It's a piece of me that very few ever get a glimpse of and that i protect fiercely.

Do i expect something in return for my gift? Yes, i expect that it be respected and valued.
Desdemona said:

If I choose to become vulnerable and to truly submit, it costs me. It is not easy for me to let go of the control and yield. When I yield to a dominant, it feels like a risk both physically and emotionally. In the past, I have paid a high price emotionally as well as physically because of poor judgement when giving this gift.
These are my thoughts and opinions. I know some may disagree and that is ok with me.

~~~~~~~Don't you think too Des, that there is a headiness, an excitement to the risk involved? When I take that risk of yielding, I feel a heightened sense of excitement in the relationship. What do you think?

A Desert Rose said:

~~~~~~~Don't you think too Des, that there is a headiness, an excitement to the risk involved? When I take that risk of yielding, I feel a heightened sense of excitement in the relationship. What do you think?


ADR, I agree completely. The risk is a big part of the magic; at least initially.

MG, I understand the need to protect it fiercely. I feel that need myself.

Eb :rose:
morninggirl5 said:
Des said it wonderfully.

I would only add that to me, submission is a gift because it is something that has great value and is rarely offered. It's a piece of me that very few ever get a glimpse of and that i protect fiercely.

Do i expect something in return for my gift? Yes, i expect that it be respected and valued.

mg - you, and every other true submissive has every right to be respected and valued, in my opinion.

ADR - I understand what you are saying - but to me, it wasn't so much "a heightened sense of excitement in the relationship", as a feeling in being complete at last.

I hope that makes sense to some.
Michael42 said:
if a bdsm-d/s relationship is a graceful dance,
the dominant one earns submission by learning the steps and the rhythms.

I came across this post this morning, and I do believe it'll go into my quote book... may I?
Originally posted by Desdemona [/B]
There are also gifts that are both extremely valuable and costly. Giving this type of gift is not generally done lightly and can impact both the giver and the receiver over a much longer period of time. This gift potentially impacts the day to day life of both parties. This type of gift is reserved for someone special who is worthy.

As a Dominant, I always marvel when I speak to a submissive male. I think about how hard it is for men to ask for a date, and to express themselves to a woman they want a deep intimate relationship with. But for a submissve male, fighting societal expectations, it must be daunting.

For me, wholehearted submission falls into category #4. I am a strong woman in my day to day life and have a good sense of my own personal power. Over time, like most adults, I've suffered a few hard knocks and been hurt. In terms of my career, I'm a bit of a control freak. I don't have any trouble giving directions and I expect that my directions will be followed to the letter in a timely fashion. I'm quite capable of taking corrective action with someone who fails to live up to my expectations.

Absolutely. It is the same with men. Specifically my proud one is the same. He is a man of business. I know quite a bit about my slave proud past experiences (not all). Some are stil too painful to express. He is a dominant male in the business world.

If I choose to become vulnerable and to truly submit, it costs me. It is not easy for me to let go of the control and yield. When I yield to a dominant, it feels like a risk both physically and emotionally. In the past, I have paid a high price emotionally as well as physically because of poor judgement when giving this gift.

Ditto for males submissives. I am dealing with the backlash of his past.

Because this gift is so valuable and costs me so dearly, I must know that it will be treated as precious. I can't afford to treat it any other way. To do less, would be a betrayal of myself.

Absolutely. Another reason I am in awe of my submissives.

However, once I know that the Dominant is worthy and I do submit, the magic between us more than compensates me for any cost. The gift of my submission is repaid with its mirror image, Dominance. This magic between us completes me. It is a deep need which I ignored for many years. I will not ignore this need again.

As a Dominant, I totally agree with you. proud stallion reads everything I post here, and I felt strongly enough about what you wrote to reply in this fashion. I trust he will read it.

he has been gone for the last two weeks and in that time I have had lots of time to reflect on O/our situation. Your post has helped Me relay to him my thoughts on his offering of his submission to Me. I want him to now that his gift is not taken lightly, and I know he does not take My Dominance lightly either.

The growing magic between U/us is one I think will complete U/us both. And it can only grow with time.

Thank, Des. You said it all.

Ebonyfire, Mistress to proud stallion
Submission is a need, domination is a gift.

EB i read your dissection with interest and apply my own feelings to what you write. I see many similarities and can draw something for myself.

For me submission is a "need" and my partner dominates me to satisfy her "needs" which (by design) coincide with mine.

There is mutual exchange of "gifts" , to me domination is a gift.

We switch and so I understand how much domination is a gift. I do not mean to undervalue the "gift" of submission but I know the need that drives that.

Domination is a real talent , something really difficult to do well, even in the security of of a long term relationship, much harder that giving ones self up to ...

A second sense seems to have allowed "us" to feel where we are going and what we need. Quite deep scenes have evolved without a word spoken.

not bragging just contibuting
