Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me

annaswirls said:
I do not think their head was up anyone's ass but I am not in the mood for an international policy/religious discussion.

I wouldn't give you one

Either way, the analogy, I feel, stands here, as does your nailing analogy, even though I do not agree with Carlin, as you do not agree with my reference.

my point was to the fact that they said 3 or more religions " get along"
they don't

Religion is a lot more to me than a way to get along through my daily life better. I used to think that about religion too. We stand together to help each other through a journey of spiritual growth. "What kind of person do you want to become before you die? What good can you do?" We stand for human rights, all human rights, not with a cost of "you will believe how we believe" and trust me, when your religion includes the belief that all humans should be treated with dignity, that people should have a right to have a say in what affects them, that the environment needs our protection, etc, etc, etc, standing up against certain powers that be is like accepting a nail into your own bare sole. And you do it because you have to do what is right.

where this came from I have no idea
i wasn't putting down religion
i was talking about the forum

relax will you?
not everything is a personal attack
isn't that the big message thats being spread around here?
"Don't take it to heart, it's just an opinion"
or does that apply to poetry only?

you know my work
you know how i feel about religion.
and all the rest

we've all taken nails Jen.
it's about having the choice whether to take it or not
that was my point

sorry if i was unclear
T- I did not take it as a personal attack at all, just like I hope you did not take my statement as one.

I was just stating that George C made a pretty broad generalization, and I used my chosen religious organization as an example. Perhaps that was not the right response. I know you are not George C (thank goodness) and I am very relaxed. This is not me unrelaxed. :)

I am trying to look at this thing from five steps back, like a sociologist or anthropologist, and no matter how many personal examples, how many times we say everyone is welcome here, no matter how kind everyone is, we are not above being human, no matter how high the road, no matter how enlightened or educated or righteous we are all human and our instincts go beyond what people do and say.

I did not post to inflame anyone, I wrote it because I think that everyone needs to be easier on themselves. So what if there is a circle and a trapezoid and a mobius strip, why can't there be groups of people? I do not think it is a bad thing. It is in our blood. Jeez. There is a reason resturaunts have tables of 2,4,6,12 etc seats. Although it is always kind of fun when you go to those places that have big old picnic tables and everyone sits down to have lobster together in Bar Harbor, or barb-que outside Austin....

people are allowed to make friends and are allowed to group themselves... I do not expect to be invited to my neighbor's wedding. It does not mean she is unwelcoming or I am unwelcoming, we are just not close. That is okay. We still say hello and help each other shovel walks and our dogs have become great friends. We both get to have our vote in the community meetings, in city and state elections on things that affect us. It is okay.

Of course the circle here is welcoming, as welcoming or more than any other group of folks here, but it is human nature. It is beyond "welcome" it is beyond, I like you even if I am not crazy about your writing or your political views etc etc etc. and I am not saying (I repeat) that this is a bad thing, it just is.

I should not have made that religious reference as it distracted from what I was trying to say, and I did not even describe it correctly.

No one is immune to group dynamics.

All we can do is be aware that they are there, that we are all human with flaws and faults and strengths.
I just want to make sure we are okay here T.

Tathagata said:
my point was to the fact that they said 3 or more religions " get along"
they don't

right babe, I understand and agree, and my point was that not all religions try to nail people's soles.

where this came from I have no idea

it was a response to Carlin's generalization

i wasn't putting down religion

I know you weren't

i was talking about the forum

so was I in my post, and you did not agree with the original context (religion) and I did not agree with your (Carlins) original context (religion) but we both agree with the context of the forum, so that is okay, right?

we are not any different T. You and I did the exact same thing.

relax will you?

okay after you :)

not everything is a personal attack

It did not occur to me that it might be until you said it wasn't, and now I can see you you thought I might think it was.
annaswirls said:
I just want to make sure we are okay here T.

what is said here, argued here, spat here, intimated, and innuendoed here, with very few exceptions,has never made me "un ok" with anyone.
Usually I was " un ok" with those people before hand.

Taking a little breather from here was good for me in many ways.
Some people have said that my " stuff" looks different, or better, or whatever.

Sometimes you need to get out of the fun house to remember whats funny.

we are fine
annaswirls said:
No one is immune to group dynamics.

I have no problem with groups or group dynamics
the problem is someone always feels left out
but if you feel you need to be " in" then you have a problem in the first place.

I talk to a wide variety of people here
i never thought of myself as being in a certain " circle" and i like it that way.

Tathagata said:
I have no problem with groups or group dynamics
the problem is someone always feels left out
but if you feel you need to be " in" then you have a problem in the first place.

I talk to a wide variety of people here
i never thought of myself as being in a certain " circle" and i like it that way.


<refrains from making circle jerk comment and leaves thread quietly>


Tathagata said:
I have no problem with groups or group dynamics
the problem is someone always feels left out
but if you feel you need to be " in" then you have a problem in the first place.

I talk to a wide variety of people here
i never thought of myself as being in a certain " circle" and i like it that way.


You are a circle unto yourself. I think we should call you Dot from now on. ;)
*Catbabe* said:
Ange must have learned her sense of restraint from you, Mister Fly. ;)

It'd be a great title for above the av, wouldn't it? Circle Jerk? Well, not for me...or you. :D

I'm off to unleash myself on unsuspecting students.

Angeline said:
It'd be a great title for above the av, wouldn't it? Circle Jerk? Well, not for me...or you. :D

I'm off to unleash myself on unsuspecting students.


It would.

Diagram a sentence or two for me, Chicky. :rose: Make 'em learn what a gerund is. :devil:
*Catbabe* said:
Ange must have learned her sense of restraint from you, Mister Fly. ;)
What happens in Ange's bedroom is none of my business.
flyguy69 said:
What happens in Ange's bedroom is none of my business.

Really? Then why did you ask about setting up cameras, last weekend?
*Catbabe* said:
Really? Then why did you ask about setting up cameras, last weekend?
All part of NSA surveillance. She had been talking to Canadians.
flyguy69 said:
All part of NSA surveillance. She had been talking to Canadians.

Um, yeah, right. We are the peacekeepers up here. Not a dangerous one in the lot.

*shouts out the backdoor*

Quick hide the weapons of mass destruction!!!
*Catbabe* said:
Um, yeah, right. We are the peacekeepers up here. Not a dangerous one in the lot.

*shouts out the backdoor*

Quick hide the weapons of mass destruction!!!
Hide them if you wish. I'll search every bra north of the border.
flyguy69 said:
Hide them if you wish. I'll search every bra north of the border.

I had no idea you were a UN inspector. Let me see your badge!
*Catbabe* said:
Um, yeah, right. We are the peacekeepers up here. Not a dangerous one in the lot.

*shouts out the backdoor*

Quick hide the weapons of mass destruction!!!

Is that darkmaas I see running away? :D

Ok. Gone. *Poof*
Angeline said:
Is that darkmaas I see running away? :D

Ok. Gone. *Poof*

Are you saying there are WMDs up here?

I must remind Darkmaas to close the silo door.
Tristesse said:
Are you saying there are WMDs up here?

I must remind Darkmaas to close the silo door.

They're in the silos? I thought we moved them all into beer trucks so nobody would be suspicious.
Tristesse said:
Are you saying there are WMDs up here?

I must remind Darkmaas to close the silo door.
From the looks of your av you've found a very comfortable hiding place.
*Catbabe* said:
They're in the silos? I thought we moved them all into beer trucks so nobody would be suspicious.
I was once at a party completely destroyed by Molson Blue.