Going from online to in the flesh...

James G 5 said:
The day I stop learning is the day I die ;)

Exactly. The search for knowledge was a given in my mother's house. She taught Me the value of reading, and learning and to her credit, she showed by example until the day she died, at the age of 78 (too soon in my opinion).
InnerDarkness, this might be a bit too personal and if it is, just let me know. How is your husband dealing with the thought of another man meeting you and dominating you? It's a situation I know many are involved in, but I'm always curious as to how it works out.

Again, if too personal, just let me know.
SexyChele said:
InnerDarkness, this might be a bit too personal and if it is, just let me know. How is your husband dealing with the thought of another man meeting you and dominating you? It's a situation I know many are involved in, but I'm always curious as to how it works out.

Again, if too personal, just let me know.

Oh...I have no problem discussing it...

I have told my husband I am unhappy in our marriage. He knows that I want something he can not give me. He also knows about this man who I have met online. He also knows that I want to meet him.

Hubby just happens to be out of town for this whole week, so....I thought this would be the best time to take the plunge and find out if there is anything real to this online relationship I have been developing.

I did not tell hubby prior to his departure that my Sir was coming to visit, because I knew it would ruin his trip. So....as of right now....he does not know. But when he returns, I plan to tell him the details.

I assume it will mean the end of my marriage.

But then again....I knew that going into this and hubby did, too.

Hubby abhors anything BDSM...he doesnt understand how I can have a need/want/desire for this type of a relationship, but he does know that he cant give it to me.

I personally think he is denial even though I have been pretty blunt and open about what I am doing. Don't get me wrong...I havent been a bitch about it, but I havent down played the reality of the situation either.
ID - I really appreciate your candor and thank you for sharing. It is unfortunate that a marriage might end, but a good thing that you are able to be honest with both yourself and your husband in discovering your sexuality.

I truly wish you - all of you - the very best life has to give.

Oh, and I have been reading your journal. Very interesting so far, and I do hope you keep it up. Who knows? It may very well help another who finds her/himself in your very shoes!